Full Professor of Geography, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
- Secretary/Treasurer/Webmaster for the Commission History of Geography of the International Geographical Union and of the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
- Article Forum Editor for Dialogues in Human Geography
- Associate Editor for the Journal of Historical Geography
2007- 2011: Joint PhD in Geography, Universities of Bologna and Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne. Supervisors: Professors Marie-Claire Robic and Franco Farinelli. Dissertation: L’Occident d’Elisée Reclus, l’invention de l’Europe dans la Nouvelle Géographie universelle (1876-1894). Passed with distinction (très honorable avec les félicitations du jury).
2005 - 2007: MA Degree in Geography University of Bologna, with distinction (110 e lode). Dissertation: Il mondo senza la mappa. Élisée Reclus e i geografi anarchici (Supervisors: Professors Franco Farinelli and Béatrice Collignon).
2002 - 2005: BA Degree in Geography, University of Bologna, with distinction (110 e lode). Dissertation: Dalla geografia universale al sistema mondo. Fernand Braudel e la geografia (Supervisors: Professors Ivo Mattozzi and Stefano Torresani).
2021 –
Full Professor of Geography, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione “G.M. Bertin”
2015 - 2021: Associate Professor at University College Dublin (UCD) – School of Geography (full-time, permanent position), tenured in 2016, promoted in 2018 [Teaching, Scholarship and Administration]. Modules taught: Ideas in Geography; Development Geographies; Globalisation, Regional and World Economy; Social and Population Geography; Overseas Fieldtrip; Geography of Innovation; Postcolonial Geographies; Latin America; Critical Geographies; Dissertation [plus undergraduate mentoring; Masters and PhDs supervision].
2014 – 2015: Research Fellow (Collaborateur Scientifique) at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education (FPSE), project Geography, public education and libertarian pedagogy in Switzerland and in Europe (XIX-XXI centuries) (FNS, Interdisciplinary Division, grant number 150119).
2014 – 2015: Research Fellow (Collaborateur Scientifique) at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), Department of Geography and Environment, project Dispositifs spatiaux du spectacle du Monde, Genève 1894-1914 (FNS, Interdisciplinary Division, grant number 152808).
2014 Lecturer at the Federal University of Latin-American University Integration (Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana - UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, for the BA Majors in Geography and International Relations. Modules taught: Political Geography and Geography of Population.
2012 – 2014: Research Fellow and Contractual Lecturer(Collaborateur Scientifique et chargé de cours) at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), Department of Geography and Environment, Écrire le monde autrement: géographes, ethnographes et orientalistes en Suisse Romande (1864-1920), des discours heterodoxes. (FNS, div. 1, 2012-2015, grant n. 140274). Pl Modules taught: Cultural Geography with Postcolonial Studies seminar.
2011 - 2012: Research and Teaching Fellow (Ingénieur en analyse de sources) in the Paris École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – EHESS (France).
2005-2008 - Professional collaborations with the University of Bologna:
- December 2005. Project “Bibliographic and cartographic research”, consisting in the redaction of bio-bibliographical files for the DISCI (Historical Dictionary of the Italian Cartographers). Scientific Supervisor: Professor Stefano Torresani.
- September-October 2006. Collaboration for the Historical Map Exposition “Il mondo in scala. Le rappresentazioni del territorio nelle carte Dal Pane”. Scientific Supervisors: professors Carla Giovannini and Stefano Torresani.
- January-February 2007. “Realisation of the Learning Object for the Module of Geographical Information Systems”: redaction of materials in e-learning modality for the Bachelor course. Scientific Supervisor: Professor Stefano Torresani.
- June-July 2008. Iconographic research for the Department project “Historical landscapes of Emilia Romagna”. Scientific Supervisor: Professor Carla Giovannini.
2005 – 2011: Public servant at the Province of Reggio Emilia (Italy) – Service of Employment plus Departmental Archives (on leave for doctorate in 2008, 2009 and 2010).
2002 – 2005: Educator (‘Marconi’ Apartment Group – Social Support for Minors) at the Social Cooperative CSAPSA (Centro Studi e Analisi di Psicologia e Sociologia Applicate), Bologna (Italy)
- 2 May – 5 June 2023. Visiting Professor for the Programme Directeurs d’Etudes Associés (DEA) 2023, Fondation Maison Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH), Paris. Hosting institution : UMR Géographie-cités équipe EHGO (Epistémologie et Histoire de la Géographie),
- 2 May - 1 June 2022. Visiting Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, to deliver graduate seminars on the following themes: 1. Les archives dans l’histoire de la géographie: problèmes méthodologiques et perspectives pour la recherche; 2. L’exil créatif: quand la persécution politique devient une opportunité pour les chercheur(e)s; 3. Réseauter et dialoguer pour changer la géographie: Anne Buttimer (1938-2017), l’Union Géographique Internationale et l’International Dialogue Project; 4. Géohistoire et géopoétique dans le Nordeste du Brésil (1945-2002): des leçons depuis le Sud Global. Inviting Professors: Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier and Nicolas Verdier.
- 28-30 November 2018. Short module Geografía y Anarquía for the Graduate Programme of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Inviting Professor: Perla Zusman.
- 28 November – 5 December 2017. Short module Geografía y Anarquía for the Geography Graduate Programme of the UNAM, Mexico, plus undergraduate workshop and guest lecture. Inviting Professor: Verónica Ibarra.
- 20-24 November 2017. PhD course, History of Geographical Thought and Philosophy, One-week seminar, PhD School of Geography, University of Oslo, Norway (with Gunnar Olsson). Inviting Professor: Dr. Christian Abrahamsson.
- 19-23 November 2013: Guest lecturer for the short course Elisée Reclus y los orígines de la geografia social, UNAM, Mexico, for graduate programmes – Inviting Professor: Verónica Ibarra.
- 20 May – 4 June 2013: Visiting Professor for the short course Construção epistemológica da geografia europeia e trocas culturais entre os seculos 19 e 20 for the Master of Geography at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Inviting Professor: Fábio Betioli Contel. With public conference: “The New Universal Geography and West’s criticism in the Elisée Reclus’ networks”, 27 May, Department of Geography.
- 2021-2025. Member of the Project Conflictos fronterizos en España y América latina (1840-2020), aproximaciones geo-históricas y actuales (GEOCONFRONT), PID2020-114088GB-I00, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Instituto de Historiografía Julio Caro Baroja). Principal Investigator: Professor Jacobo García-Álvarez (Universidad Carlos III).
- From 2021. Member of the AGEI (Associazione dei Geografi Italiani)
- 2018-2021: Member of the Geosciences and Geographical Sciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA)
- From 2018: Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG).
- From 2018: Associate Member of the American Association of Geographers (AAG).
- From 2018: Member of the LAGUK Group (Latin American Geographies in the UK)
- From 2017: External member of the Research Cluster Historia de la Geografía y Geografía Histórica - Institute of History Julio Caro Baroja - University Carlos III – Madrid, and associated member of the Project Trazar la línea: teoría y práctica de las delimitaciones fronterizas luso-franco-españolas (1750-1936), Ministry of Economy Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund Research ProjectCSO2015-65301-P, 2016-2019.
- 2017-18: Member of the Latin American Studies Association
- From 2017: Member of the “Biblioteca Libertaria Armando Borghi”, Castelbolognese, Italy
- 2016: Member of the GEV (Extern Assessment Group) of the Italian Ministry of Education for the assessment of research produced in the period 2011-2014 in Geography.
- 2014: Member of the Brazilian Network of History of Geography and Historical Geography (Rede Brasilis)
- From 2014: Expert Member of the French Institute of Social History (IFHS).
- 2013: Associate member of the research team Laboratório de Política, Epistemologia e História da Geografia (LAPEHGE), UFFRJ, Rio de Janeiro
- 2007-2024: Member of the UMR 8504 Géographie-Cités, Équipe EHGO – Épistémologie et Histoire de la Géographie, CNRS, Paris: Since 2025 : Associate Member of the new Equipe TERMS (Temps Espace Région Monde Savoirs), UMR 8504 Géographie-Cités.
- 2023-24: Journal of Historical Geography Guest Editor for the Virtual Special Issue ‘Liquid Worlds: ‘Historical Geographies and Cartographies of Seas and Oceans’
- 2020: Member of the Political Geography editorial board.
- 2020-2022: Member of the Dialogues in Human Geography editorial board.
- 2020: Member of the GEOGRAFIAS (UFMG) editorial board
- 2020: Member of the Acronia. Studi di storia dell'anarchismo e dei movimenti radicali editorial board
- 2019: Member of the Terra Brasilis editorial board (Conselho Consultivo)
- 2019: Member of the Investigaciones Geográficas (UNAM) Editorial Council
- 2018: Member of the Geografiska Annaler Series B – Human Geography editorial board.
- 2018: Member of the Anarchist Studies editorial board.
- 2017: Member of the Geography Compass editorial board for Historical Geography.
- 2017-2020: Member of the AAG Review of Books editorial board.
- 2016: Member of the Scientific Board of Revista Cerrados, Montes Claros,
- 2016: Member of the International Advisory Board for ACME – An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies,
- 2016: Member of the Editorial Board for Germinal, Revista de Estudios Libertarios (Madrid).
- 2013: Member of the Scientific Board of CONTINENTES: Revista de Geografia da UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro,
- 2013: Member of the Editorial Board of Boletím Goiano de Geografia, Goiânia, UFG, and of the journal Élisée, Revista de Geografia da UEG, Goiânia, UEG,
- 2012: Member of the Scientific Board of Espaço e Economia, Revista Brasileira de Geografia Econômica – Rio de Janeiro, UFRRJ,
- Transactions of the Royal Historical Society since 2025
- The Geographical Journal since 2024
- Critical Policy Studies since 2024
- GeoHumanities since 2023
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research since 2023
- Planning Perspectives since 2023
- Avances del CESOR since 2023
- Cogent Arts & Humanities since 2023
- Children's Geographies since 2023
- cultural geographies since 2022
- Environment & Planning F since 2022
- Brésil(s) since 2022
- History of the Human Sciences since 2022
- Terra Brasilis since 2022
- International Journal for the Sociology of Language since 2022
- Punto Sur - Revista de Geografía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires since 2022
- Liverpool University Press since 2021
- Human Geography since 2021
- Dialogues in Human Geography since 2021
- Globalizations since 2021
- Geoforum since 2021
- Social and Cultural Geographies since 2020
- Anarchist Studies since 2020
- Routledge, for the series Decolonizing the Classics since 2020
- European Journal of Political Theory since 2020
- Forum Italicum since 2020
- Cahiers de Géographie du Québec since 2020
- Environment and Planning D – Society and Space since 2020
- Journal of Geography in Higher Education since 2020
- Gender Place and Culture, a Journal of Feminist Geography since 2020
- University of Minnesota Press since 2020
- Sage Open since 2020
- Annals of the American Association of Geographers since 2020
- Education Sciences since 2019
- Progress in Human Geography since 2019
- Editions de la Sorbonne since 2019.
- Transactions in GIS since 2019.
- The Professional Geographer since 2019.
- Political Research Exchange since 2019.
- Area since 2019.
- Geographica Helvetica since 2018.
- Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana since 2018.
- Geotema since 2018.
- Geography Compass, since 2018.
- External reviewer for: P. Cloke, P. Crang and M Goodwin (eds.), Introducing Human Geographies, Routledge 2018 [2018].
- International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, since 2017.
- Journal of Historical Geography, since 2017.
- Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, since 2017.
- Journal of Geography since 2017.
- Antipode, since 2015.
- Geografiska Annaler series B, since 2015.
- Political Geography, since 2014.
- ACME, An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, since 2013.
- Anthropology of Food since 2015.
- GEOgraphia (Rio de Janeiro) since 2015.
- Cybergeo, since 2015.
- Annales de Géographie since 2015.
- Società e Storia, since 2015.
- Espaço e Economia, since 2015.
- Rivista Geografica Italiana, since 2015.
- Géoregards since 2016.
- Dictionnaire critique de la Méditerranée, Réseau RAMSES, in 2013.
- Irish Research Council’s Starting and Consolidator Laureate Awards Programme to perform the project Critical Development and geopolitics of hunger: voices from the ‘Global South’, 2019.
- ‘Highly Commended’ Mention in the Journal of Historical Geography Best Paper Prize 2017, for “Publishing anarchism: Pyotr Kropotkin and British print cultures, 1876-1917”.
- Rising Star Award for the best paper published in Geografiska Annaler Series B – Human Geography in 2017, for “Imperial ambivalences. Histories of lady travellers and the French explorer Octavie Renard-Coudreau (1867-1938)”.
- Prize for the best paper published in the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography in 2017, for “Tropicality, the unruly Atlantic and social utopias: the French explorer Henri Coudreau (1859-1899)”.
- Imago Mundi Prize 2017 - (qualifying for the John Brian Harley Travel Grant) for the best paper published in Imago Mundi, the International Journal for the History of Cartography, in 2015 and 2016, with presentation at the International Conference on the History of Cartography (prize + travel grant).
- Royal Irish Academy Charlemont Travel Grant for 2017. Project Historical Geographies of Critical Development. Targeting a research stay at the IEB (instituto de Estudos Brasileiros) in São Paulo – May and July 2017 and qualifying for the title of ‘RIA Charlemont Scholar 2017’.
- UCD COSSL Research Funding Scheme to develop the project ‘Voices from the Global South’ as Reserve Applicant for the Irish Research Council Laureate Awards scheme 2017/18 (plus IRC travel grant)
January 2024 – External Assessor for the ERC Advanced Grant 2023
April-May 2023 – Member of the Social Sciences and Humanities assessment panel for the Restart Programme, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
January 2022 – External Assessor for the QS World University Survey
January 2022 – External Assessor for the Irish Research Council Laureate Awards 2021
2019-2021 Director of Graduate Studies (Master and PhD Programmes) for UCD School of Geography
2019: Academic Host for Professor Marcus Power (University of Durham), visiting UCD School of Geography for a series of research seminars and guest lectures on Geopolitics and Development.
2019: External assessor for research fellowships applications, Fondation Maison Sciences de l’Homme, Paris.
2019: UCD Lead for the Graduate Students Exchange Agreement between UCD and UFRRJ -Rio de Janeiro Federal Rural University, 2019-2024.
2018: Internal Assessor for the CoSSL Research Funding Scheme, UCD.
2018: Founding Member of the UCD Group of Interest on Latin America and the Caribbean
2018: Co-responsible of the Anne Buttimer Archives at UCD (with A. Crampsie)
2016 – 2018 Director of Global Engagement for UCD School of Geography and member of the College Internationalisation Committee.
2016 – Organiser of the public event for the launch of the MSc Programme “Geographies of the Global South” – 29 February, 1 and 2 March 2016, UCD Campus, Belfield, with Philippe Rekacewicz, Marcelo Lopes de Souza, Javier Revilla Diez, Colin Scott, Alun Jones, Sinah Kloss, Clemens Greiner,
In English
- [Session] ‘Worlding Histories of Geography’, 18th International Conference of Historical Geographers 2025 (ICHG 2025), Fudan University, Shanghai (14-18 July 2025). Presentation: ‘Different histories of critical geographies: translations and losts in translation’
- Invited Keynote Speech: ‘Worlding decolonisation: towards critical and inclusive historical geographies’,18th International Conference of Historical Geographers 2025 (ICHG 2025), Fudan University, Shanghai (14-18 July 2025).
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of the18th International Conference of Historical Geographers 2025 (ICHG 2025), Fudan University, Shanghai (14-18 July 2025).
- Invited intervention ‘Early anarchist geographies and anthropologies between the nineteenth and the twentieth century’. Conference Histories of Environmental Anthropologies, Yale University, New Haven, 31 March-1 April 2025.
- Invited intervention: ‘Kropotkin, Anarchy & Geography’ for the workshop: Cooperation in a Transdisciplinary Context. With Pyotr Kropotkin and Other Interlocutors. Berlin, Wissenschaftskolleg, 5-7 March 2025.
- Round Table ‘Geographic thought: Quo vadis?’, with Tim Cresswell, Chris Philo, Keith Lilley, Iris Moeller, Brenda Yeoh, Rob Kitchin, Federico Ferretti. 35th International Geographical Congress (Dublin 25-30 August 2024) [convenor: Mark Boyle]
- Paper ‘Geographies of decolonisation, geopolitics from below and the trouble with institutions: the case of Reggio-Africa anticolonial fight (1970-1975)’. Session “Institutions in the Histories of Geography”, for the 35th International Geographical Congress (Dublin 25-30 August 2024).
- [Session] “Institutions in the Histories of Geography”, for the 35th International Geographical Congress (Dublin 25-30 August 2024) [convenors Mariana Lamego, Liz Baigent, Federico Ferretti, Heike Jöns, André Reyes Novaes, Marcella Schmidt di Friedberg].
- [Session] “Decolonial histories of geography” for the IGU regional conference 'Connecting Geographies from the Global South (Quito 15-17 May 2024) [convenors Federico Ferretti and André Reyes Novaes]. Paper presentation: ‘Geographical histories otherwise: anarchism and indigeneity’
- [Session] ‘Liquid Worlds, Historical Geographies and Cartographies of the Sea’, IGU Thematic Conference, The Ocean and Seas in Geographical Thought, Milan (Italy), University of Milano-Bicocca, 6-8 June 2023.
- [Session] Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, 29 August – 1 September 2023. Session: “Other critical geographies”. Convenors: Federico Ferretti, Archie Davies.
- Travelling and conferencing: the ‘origins’ of Latin American critical geographies in the Southern Cone (1960s-1970s). For the session: ‘Other critical geographies’, RGS-IBG 2023.
- ‘Non-academic mobilities: thinking other forms of making scholarship transnationally ‘. For the session: Transnational academic mobility and knowledge networks, RGS-IBG 2023. Convenors: M. Lamego and F. Driver.
- Member of Scientific Committee for: IGU Thematic Conference, The Ocean and Seas in Geographical Thought, Milan (Italy), University of Milano-Bicocca, 6-8 June 2023,
- [Invited Presentation], ‘The relativity of cultures between geography and anthropology: Early anarchist geographers in humane and empathetic sciences, and Franz Boas’. Online Conference Geographical Relativities, RGS-IBG History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group, 14 April 2023
- [Session] Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, 30 August - 2 September 2022, Newcastle University. Session: “Geographies of Parrhesia: Resistance, Critique, and the Formation of Self and Other”. Convenors: Federico Ferretti, Stephen Legg.
- ‘Prickliness, outspokenness and anti-fascism: the parrhesiastic geographies of Lucio Gambi’ for the Session “Geographies of Parrhesia: Resistance, Critique, and the Formation of Self and Other”, RGS-IBG, Newcastle 2022.
- ‘Decolonial openings of Ron Johnston’s legacy: how to avoid new amnesias’, for the Session “Geography and a Geographer”, RGS-IBG, Newcastle 2022.
- Geographers under surveillance: biographies and life trajectories of radical scholars according to police sources, International Geographical Union, The Centennial Congress, Paris 18-22 July 2022. For the Session: ‘Life writing and geographical trajectories’ (convenors E. Baigent and A. Reyes Novaes).
- “Early anarchist geographers, indigeneity and the “pluriverse”: the Amazonian case”. In 3ra Conferencia Internacional de Geografías y Geógrafxs Anarquistas, 15 – 19 de diciembre del 2021, Ciudad de Oaxaca, México [and online]
- Co-organization of the International Conference: ‘Peter Kropotkin 1921-2021 - Activism and scholarship’, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Department of Geography, 19-23 July 2021 [online]
- Co-organization (with P. Puente-Lozano and J. Garcia-Alvarez), of the Session: “Drawing the line. Theories and Practices of Boundary Delimitation in European and Colonial Territories (Eighteenth-Twentieth Century)” for the RGS-IBG International Conference on Borders, Borderlands and Bordering, 2 September 2021 (online format). Paper: ‘Geography beyond borders: Elisée Reclus and the Hexagon’.
- ‘Why the philosophy and history of geography matter’, for the Special Session: ’40 Years of HPGRG – Looking Back and Looking Forward’, a one-day symposium of the History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group (HPGRG/RGS-IBG), 7 September 2021.
- 2021: Panel presentation of the book Anti-Fascism in a Global Perspective: Transnational Networks, Exile Communities, and Radical Internationalism. At the ENIUGH, European Network in Universal and Global History, Sixth European Congress on World and Global History, 15 - 19 June 2021: Online
- Invited speaker for the ‘Author meets critics’ session RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 4th September 2020, on Andrew Davies’s Geographies of Anticolonialism: Political Networks Across and Beyond South India, c. 1900-1930 [online].
- 28 May 2021 Co-organization (with M. Schmidt di Friedberg) of the session ‘Southern thinking. Heritage, migration and Mediterranean cultures’ on behalf of the IGU Commission History of Geography, for the International Geographical Union Thematic Conference 'Heritage Geographies, politics, uses and governance of the past ' LINK: Paper presentation: ‘Anarchism, geography and the Mediterranean metaphor’.
- 2021: [with J.A. Gutierrez Danton] ‘The Republic, the Nation and the Empire: new perspectives on transnational anarchism’, European Social Science History Conference, Leiden, 24 March 2021 [in virtual format].
- [Invited Seminar] ‘Other Radical Traditions: Brazilian geographers between exile and military dictatorship’, University of Cambridge, Department of Geography, Friday 8th November 2019.
- ‘Disrupting the nature-culture divide: Reclus, philosophy of nature and environmental justice’, for the session Environmental and Ecological Justice: Anarchist Contributions and Perspectives (convenors Richard White, Simon Springer, Ophélie Veron and Marcelo Lopes de Souza), RGS-IBG 2019 Conference, London
- ‘Non-European Americas and socio-territorial-temporal movements: Black, indigenous and peasants’ insurgency seen by North-eastern critical geographers’, for the session Socioterritorial movements beyond Latin America: conceptual and empirical dialogues (convenors Sam Halvorsen and Bernardo Mançano Fernandes) RGS-IBG 2019 Conference, London.
- [With Arlene Crampsie], ‘Tribute to Anne Buttimer’, for the International Symposium of the Commission History of Geography, Geographies of identities and imaginations, UCD, Dublin, 10 July 2019.
- [with A. Ince, F. Eva and J. Ellison] Round Table ‘Anarchism, democracy and sovereignism’, for the Second International Conference of Anarchist Geographers (CIGAL 2019), Rabastens, France, 13-16 June 2019.
- ‘In defence of an international vehicular language: insights from anarchist geographies’, for the session Non-dominant Geographies, at the IGU Regional Conference, Quebec City 6-10 August 2018.
- ‘A plea for humane theory in geography: on Anne Buttimer’s intellectual legacy’, for the session Theoretical geographies, at the IGU Regional Conference, Quebec City 6-10 August 2018.
- [session organisation] ‘Crossing the boundaries of knowledge: historical geographies of mobility and trans-culturalism’, for the 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Warsaw 15-20 July 2018 (in collaboration with H. Jöns).
- ‘Voices from the Northeast: radical development and geographies of global engagement in Brazil and in exile (1960s-1980s)’, for the session Global Histories of Geography 1930-1990 17th ICHG, Warsaw 15-20 July 2018.
- ‘The creative exile: transnational and multilingual histories of radical geographies’, for the session Crossing the boundaries of knowledge: historical geographies of mobility and trans-culturalism 17th ICHG, Warsaw 15-20 July 2018.
- ‘Blackening Reclus: anarchist abolitionism, geography and non-white Americas’, for the session Geographies of Anarchist Praxes, AAG 2018, New Orleans.
- ‘Anarchism and Republicanism, Elisée Reclus, James Guillaume and the true République’, European Social Sciences History Conference 2018, Belfast.
- [With Arlene Crampsie], ‘The Anne Buttimer’s Archives’, for the 50th Conference of Irish Geographers, Maynooth, 10-12 May 2018.
- Invited panellist for the session Author meets critics: Reappraising David Livingstone's The Geographical Tradition after a quarter of a century, HGRG and RACE session convened by Mark Boyle, Tim Hall and James Sidaway, RGS-IBG 2017.
- Co-organisation of the session Problematizing colonial modernity: geographies of universalism and pluriversalism, for the RGS-IBG 2017 Conference – Decolonizing Geographical Knowledge. With G. Barrera de la Torre and A. Ince. With presentation: ‘Decolonising the Encyclopédie: early anarchist geographers and Radical Enlightenment’.
- ‘Negotiating print cultures: Élisée Reclus and the publisher Hachette’, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2017- Decolonising geographical knowledges, Session: Networks of Knowledge: Communicating Geographical Knowledge in the Long Nineteenth Century – Convenors: Benjamin Newman and Innes M. Keighren
- Co-organisation of the session Critical, radical and postcolonial geographies and cartographies from early approaches to present-day debates for the ICHST 2017, Rio de Janeiro 23-29 June 2017 (with P. Zusman, A. Reyes Novaes, M. Schmidt di Friedberg). With presentation: ‘Geography, Anarchism and Republicanism: Elisée Reclus studying the Brazilian state (1862-1905)’.
- Co-organisation of the International Conference of Anarchist Geographies and Geographies (ICAGG 2017), Reggio Emilia (Italy) 21-23 September 2017.
- ‘Mapping Amazonia: the cartographic work of explorers Henri and Octavie Coudreau and their collaboration with Elisée Reclus, for the 27th International Conference on the History of Cartography 2017, Belo Horizonte, 9-14 July 2017.
- Geographers and Geographies of Revolutions: Session co-organised with M. Proto and M. Schmidt di Friedberg for the Italian Geographical Congress, Rome, 7-10 June 2017. Presentation: ‘Anarchy and Geography in the Spanish Revolution (1936-1939)’.
- Invited speaker for the workshop: Seminários Gpel: O Orfanato de Cempuis e as Espacialidades da Pedagogia Libertária, São Paulo, USP, 8 May 2017.
- ‘Elisée Reclus, Courbet, and Social Art’ for the international workshop Gustave Courbet im Kontext der Naturwissenschaften des 19. Jahrhunderts, University of Munich, 30-31 March 2017 [invited workshop lecture].
- Co-organisation of the session Peace in history and philosophy of geography: which possible approaches?For the IGU Regional Conference Geographies For Peace / Geografías Para La Paz 23-25 April 2017 La Paz (Bolivia).
- Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Conference EUGEO, Brussels, 4-5-6 September 2017.
- ‘Evolution and Revolution: The Evolutionary Science by Anarchist Geographers Reclus, Mečnikov and Kropotkin (1880-1921)’, for the International Workshop Anarchism in Culture. Re-assessing the Influence of a Manifold Libertarian Concept on European Modernity (1820s−1930s), Rome, 7-9 September 2016.
- Co-organisation of the session Geographies of Anti-colonialism (three timeslots) for the RGS-IBG AIC 2016, London 30 August – 2 September 2016, with A. Davies and D. Featherstone. Session sponsored by the HGRG and the PolGRG. Presentation: ‘The murderous civilization. The anarchist geographers and the ‘indigenous question”’.
- ‘Geographies of peace and war: Elisée Reclus and the American Civil War (1861-1865)’, for the session: Historical Geographies of Peace and Non-Violence (organised by N. Megoran and M. Scott) at the RGS-IBG AIC 2016, London 30 August – 2 September 2016.
- ‘Geographies of another future: an anarchist critique of utopias’, for the Session: Where next? Historical Geographies of the Future (organised by J. Hodder and M. Heffernan) for the RGS-IBG AIC 2016, London 30 August – 2 September 2016.
- ‘Divulgating anarchist geographies: Pyotr Kropotkin and British publishing cultures (1877-1917)’, for the conference Radical histories/Histories of radicalism, London, 1-3 July 2016.
- ‘Biography, geography and unfaithful translations: Ireland in Élisée Reclus’s life and work’, Conference of Irish Geographers, 5-7 May 2016.
- ‘Anarchism, Geography and Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Empire’, for the ESSHC European Social Science History Conference, Valencia 30 March- 2 April 2016.
- ‘Putting anarchist education in its place: open-air geography and the Lausanne Ferrer School (1909-1919)’, Chicago, AAG 2015, 21-25 April 2015.
- Co-organization and Introduction of the Day Conference Penser d'autres espaces d'éducation/Considering spaces of alternative learning, Geneva, FPSE, 3 June 2015, with M. Monnard, P. Kraftl, P. Clerc, E Squarcina
- ‘Historical geographies and history of geography in the 1871 Paris Commune’, for the session Space, agency and contestation: towards a conversation between labour history and labour geography, ICHG 2015, London 5-10 July 2015 (convenors D. Featherstone, P. Griffin).
- ‘Anarchy (and Geography) in the UK: the British networks of Elisée Reclus and Pëtr Kropotkin (1852-1917)’, ICHG 2015, London 5-10 July 2015.
- ‘Did all communards have beards? Links and intersections between feminist militants and anarchist geographers in 19th century France’, for the session Under Its Own Name? Feminist Historical Geography I: Rethinking the Making of Geography, ICHG 2015, London 5-10 July 2015 (convenors M. Domosh, K. Moren, T. Rothenberg).
- [with P. Minder] ‘“Anarchy: the highest expression of order”: the coming anarchist society according to Kropotkin and the Anarchist Geographers’, for the session Kropotkin - Coming Anarchy (convenors A. Ince and S. Springer), IGU Political Geography Commission, IGU2015, Moscow 17-21 August 2015.
- ‘Vanguards of the Empire? Colonialism and ‘heterodox discourses’ in the experience of a French explorer, Henri Coudreau (1859-1899)’, IGU Commission on the History of Geography, IGU2015, Moscow 17-21 August 2015.
- Co-organisation of the session Historical Geographies of Anarchism: situating struggles, studying environments, for the RGS-IBG AIC 2015, Geographies of Anthropocene (with G. Barrera, G. Colombo and F. Toro), session sponsored by the HGRG.
- ‘Revolutions, and their places: The Anarchist Geographers and the problem of nationalities in the Age of Empire’, for the session: Historical Geographies of Anarchism: situating struggles, studying environments, for the international conference RGS-IBG 2015, Geographies of Anthropocene.
- ‘Building antimilitarism: Elisée Reclus, Social Geography, and War’, for the unified session of the Commissions History of Geography and Political Geography of the IGU, What (political) geography ought to be? Theoretical approaches to and historical perspectives on geography and geopolitics as instruments of peace, Krakow, 18-22 August 2014.
- Annual Meeting of the Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers, RGS-IBG 2014, London 26-29 August 2014, ‘Anarchist geographies between antifascism and revolution: workers’ and peasants’ collectivization in 1936-39 Spain’, for the session: Geographies of Anti-/fascism in Eras of Austerity: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives
- ‘Anarchy and Geography: the same origins? The experience of Élisée Reclus and the anarchist geographers’ network in Switzerland (1872-1889)’, for the Anarchist Studies Network, 3rd International Conference, University of Loughborough, 3-5 September 2014.
- ‘When Geographers worked with Painters: Élisée Reclus and the Social Art’, for the session Art and Geography of the 45th Conference of Irish Geographers, Galway 16-18 May 2013.
- ‘Geography and its readers: imagination, popular education and political concern in the correspondence between Élisée Reclus and Pierre-Jules Hetzel (1867-1881)’, in the Symposium of the Commission on the History of Geography of the IGU, Geography and its public, Manchester, 21-28 July 2013.
- Co-organisation (with S. Springer, R. White, C. Williams, M. Lopes de Souza, Ph. Pelletier and A. Gillet) of the Session Transgressing the frontiers of Geography for the Annual International Conference of the la Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers, RGS-IBG 2013, London 28-30 August 2013, « New geographical frontiers », and paper ‘Unlearning the power: geography and libertarian education beyond the borders according to Élisée Reclus, James Guillaume and Francisco Ferrer’.
- RGS-IBG 2013, London 28-30 August 2013, communication ‘Universalism or Empire? The internationalist geographies of Élisée Reclus and Peter Kropotkin’ for the Session Historical Geographies of Internationalism (Convenors, M. Heffernan, S. Legg and J. Hodder).
- ‘French Geography and German Naturphilosophie in the 19th century: which relations?’ For the 32 International UGI Congress, Commission History of the Geographical Thought, Cologne 2012, 26-30 August 2012.
- ‘“They have the right to throw us out”: Europe and its Others in the Universal Geography by Élisée Reclus’, for the VI International Conference of Critical Geography, Frankfurt, 16-20 August 2011 (Convenors: L. Bialasiewicz, V. Bachmann).
- ‘Anarchy, Geography and Geopolitics: some common roots? The experience of Élisée Reclus and Pëtr Kropotkin’, for the conference Geopolitics, Ireland and the New World Order, National University of Ireland NUI Maynooth, 25-26 November 2011.
In French
- [with P. Minder and Ph. Pelletier] Atelier « Géographie et anarchie » du RGL aux RIA (Rencontres Internationales Anti-autoritaires), Saint-Imier 21 juillet 2023
- [invited presentation] « Paul Dupuy, la tradition pédagogique et la géographie de la paix ». Colloque sur les origines de l'éducation internationale et la naissance de l'Ecole Internationale de Genève/ Symposium on the origins of international education and on the birth of the International School of Geneva. Ecole Internationale de Genève [Ecolint], 1-2 April 2023.
- P. Clerc, F. Ferretti, P. Minder, Ph. Pelletier, Forum de géographies critiques – Géographies coloniales et anticoloniales du désert, Festival International de la Géographie, Saint-Dié des-Vosges, 30 Septembre 2022, 17h30-19h00 Salle INSIC.
- « Une géographie pour l’histoire »: redécouvrir la leçon de Lucio Gambi (1920-2006) aujourd’hui, International Geographical Union, The Centennial Congress, Paris 18-22 July 2022. For the Session: ‘Quelle place pour le temps en géographie?’ (convenors D. Chevalier and A. Sierra ).
- 14 June 2019: invited presentation : ‘Geddes et la connexion britannique des géographes anarchistes’ for the international conference: Patrick Geddes (1854-1932) à Montpellier, pionnier de l'écologie urbaine, Montpellier, ENSAM.
- 7 June 2019: invited speech at the Equipe EHGO (CNRS) monthly seminar (Paris): ‘La dictature militaire au Brésil, l'exil et la naissance des géographies critiques: leçons du Nordeste’.
- ‘James Guillaume géographe’ - International Conference James Guillaume. L’émancipation par l’instruction, University of Geneva, FPSE, 23-24 November 2016.
- ‘Dispositifs spatiaux et émancipation sociale: du Grand Globe de Paris à l’Outlook Tower d’Édimbourg (1895-1906)’, for the International Conference Les dispositifs de simulation du monde du début du XIXème siècle à aujourd'hui. Inventer, expérimenter et transformer le réel, Geneva 3-5 September 2016. Member of the scientific and organization committees of the Conference.
- ‘L’esprit de la vallée’, for the Festival/Conference Les Reclusiennes, Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, 5-10 July 2016.
- ‘Ferdinand Buisson, James Guillaume et Paul Robin: l’éducation laïque entre libéraux et libertaires’, Journée d’étude, L’éducation laïque et ses temporalités : usages et mésusages d’un concept, Université de Genève, Pavillon-Mail, salle PM01, 26 February 2016.
- Presentation : ‘Le projet Géographie, éducation publique et pédagogie libertaire en Suisse et en Europe (19e-21e siècle)’, Paris, UMR Géographie-cités équipe EHGO, 27 March 2015,
- ‘Les missions universitaires françaises au Brésil (1934-1938): circulation des savoirs et réseaux scientifiques’, I Colóquio Internacional Franco-Brasileiro, Estudos comparados de epistemologia e História da Geografia - Etudes comparées d'épistémologie et histoire de la géographie, Université de Pau, 30 March - 2 April 2015.
- Co-organization of the Forum de géographies critiques 2015, Questionner les utopies géographiques, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 3 October 2015.
- ‘Géographie et imaginaires anticoloniaux entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: des savoirs hétérodoxes de l’espace’, FIG, Saint-Dié des-Vosges, 2-4 October 2015.
- ‘Où et comment se constitue le savoir? Le cas d’Élisée Reclus et des éditeurs Hetzel et Hachette’ For the Day Conference of the École Doctorale 400 « Savoirs scientifiques: épistémologie, histoire des sciences, didactique des disciplines », L'étude des pratiques: diversité et enjeux, Université Paris 7, 5 March 2014.
- ‘Neiges, glaces et géographie sociale: froid et théorie de l'entraide dans les écrits d'Élisée Reclus sur la montagne’, for the Congress of the Société Française d’Histoire des sciences et des Techniques, session Neiges et glaces: faire l'expérience du froid (XVIIe – XIXe siècles), Lyon, 28-30 April 2014.
- ‘Science et anarchisme: l’approche de l’évolutionnisme et du positivisme chez les géographes anarchistes’, for the conference Progrès, Géographies et pensées critiques, UMR 5600 Environnement, Villes, Sociétés, Lyon 23-24 May 2014 [in video conference]
- ‘Les collectivités espagnoles (1936-1939) comme réalisations d’une géographie anarchiste’, for Les Reclusiennes, Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, 7-12 July 2014 [in video conference].
- ‘Géographie et imaginaires nationaux entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: l’invention de l’Italie et la circulation des cultures géographiques’, for the conference: Le tourment culturel : tribulations, doxa et subversion, Centre Culturel de Cerisy, 22-27 septembre 2014.
- ‘Insularité, question sociale et condition coloniale: les Iles Britanniques dans la géographie d’Élisée Reclus’, for the Festival International de la Géographie, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 2-5 Octobre 2014.
- ‘Élisée Reclus: de la géographie en plein air au géographe de plein vent. Une vision de l’épistémologie des sciences à partir de la relation humanité – nature’, International conference Cultures du plein air: retours à la nature à l’heure de la métropolisation des territoires, Rouen, 6-7 November 2014.
- Conference: ‘Entre géographie et engagement social: les réseaux d'exil d’Élisée Reclus en Suisse romande (1872-1889)’, Société de Géographie de Genève (Salle du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle), 14 October 2013.
- Co-organisation (with P. Minder, Ph. Pelletier and G. Spoerri) of the Conference Géographie, éducation et tendances libertaires », 2-4 May 2013, Centre d'enseignement et de recherche francophone pour l'enseignement au secondaire 1 et 2 (CERF), Fribourg (CH), and paper: ‘Géographes, exilés et pédagogie libertaire : quand la Suisse internationale enseignait au monde (1868-1919)’[tt_news]=2648&cHash=c34c297f616835a8c4c80def647e4ba6 []
- ‘Concevoir la nature dans un contexte urbain entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: Patrick Geddes, Pierre Kropotkine, Élisée Reclus’, for the Conference Nature(s): concevoir, vivre, représenter (18e-21e siècles), University of Nantes, 6-8 June 2013.
- ‘Voter? Les frères Élie et Élisée Reclus face à la question électorale (fin 19e – début 20e siècle)’, for the Festival Reclusiennes, Sante-Foy-la-Grande, 8-14 July 2013,
- Conference: ‘De l’empathie en géographie: la Chine vue par Élisée Reclus, Léon Metchnikoff et François Turrettini, for the Festival International de la Géographie, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 3-6 Octobre 2013, La Chine, une puissance mondiale?
- Organisation (with ph. Rekacewicz) of the forum/debate « Critical Geographies », for the Festival International de la Géographie, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 3-6 Octobre 2013.
- ‘Le droit de nous mettre à la porte : Élisée Reclus et l’empire’, for the conference Élisée Reclus, l’Orient et l’Occident à l’âge des empires, EHESS, Paris, 30 May 2012 [paper and conference organisation]
- ‘Cartography and popular education at the beginning of the 20th century: what relations? The cartographic museum of Élisée Reclus and Charles Perron in Geneva (1907-1920)’, for the 32th Congress of the IGU, Pre-Congress Session of the Commission History of the Geographical Thought, Cartography and Geographical Knowledge(s) in the public sphere, Leipzig 21-22 August 2012.
- ‘Libertés citoyennes, ville globale et fédéralisme: compositions urbaines dans la Nouvelle Géographie Universelle d’Élisée Reclus (1876-1894)’ for the 137e Congrès des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Tours 23-28 April 2012, « Composition(s) urbaine(s) »
- ‘Aux origines de la géographie critique. Spatialités et rapports de domination dans l'œuvre des géographes anarchistes Reclus, Kropotkine et Metchnikoff’, for the international conference Espace et Rapports Sociaux de domination, Marne-la-Vallée, 20-21 September 2012 (with Ph. Pelletier).
- At the Saint-Dié des Vosges Festival International de Géographie, Les facettes du paysage: nature, culture, économie, invited conference on 14 October 2012: ‘Elisée Reclus et la question paysagère’, with I. Lefort and Ph. Pelletier.
- Presentation of the project Writing the World Differently, at the Meeting on the Historical Geography and History of Geography, Rio de Janeiro, 5-10 November 2012,
- ‘L’Amérique: une nouvelle Europe? Républicanisme, migrations et mélanges en Amérique du Sud dans la géographie d’Élisée Reclus (1865-1905)’ for the International Congress Mobilités, imaginaires et territoires en Amérique des indépendances aux années 1930, Pau 20-22 January 2011,
- ‘À l’origine de l’idée de « frontières mobiles »: limites politiques et migrations dans les géographies de Friedrich Ratzel et d’Élisée Reclus’, for the International Conference BRIT 2011 – Mobile Borders, Grenoble-Geneva, 6-9 September 2011.
- Keynote speech ‘La géographie d’Élisée Reclus face à l’extermination des Amérindiens : enjeux scientifiques et politiques’, and membership in the Scientific Committee for the International ConferenceÉlisée Reclus e a Geografia do Novo Mondo, Universidade de São Paulo, 6-10 December 2011 .
- ‘Aux origines du regard géostratégique: les Empires ottoman et russe dans la géographie d’Élisée Reclus (1875-1905)’, for the International Conference «La Russie et la Turquie en Eurasie-postsoviétique et au Proche-Orient: les intérêts croisés de deux puissances ré-émergentes, Paris, INALCO, 21-23 May 2011.
- ‘Paysage, identité et nation: l’Italie vue par trois Géographies Universelles (1876-1990)’, for the 135th Congress of the Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, Neuchâtel, 6-11 Avril 2010.
- ‘La « section de la vallée »: la géographie aux origines de l’idée d’aménagement’, for the Conference « Estuaires, fleuves et cours d’eau. Représentations et pratiques » - Rouen, 5-6 May 2010.
- ‘Le principe de l’articulation littorale et la civilisation européenne dans la géographie française entre 19e et 20e siècle’, for the session of the Commission History of Geographical Thought of the International Geographic Union, IGU Regional Conference, Tel Aviv, 12-16 July 2010.
- ‘La vérité du regard: l’idée de paysage chez Elisée Reclus’, for the International Symposium of History of the Geographical Thought of the International Geographic Union Lenguajes y visiones del paisaje y del territorio, Miraflores della Sierra (Madrid) 5-8 February 2009.
- ‘L’épaisseur du monde: mer et montagne dans la nouvelle Géographie Universelle (1876-1894) d’Élisée Reclus’, for the International Conference Mer et Montagne dans la culture européenne (XVIe-XIXe siècle), 24-25 September 2009.
- ‘Paysages transalpins: la vallée du Pô et les enjeux de l’écriture paysagère dans les Géographies Universelles’ for the 2nd Doctorial Days on Landscape, at the Blois École Nationale Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage, 3-4 December 2009.
In Portuguese
- [invited conference] 26-29 September 2023: roundtable ‘Pierre Monbeig e Manuel Correia de Andrade: da França para o Brasil’. Conference: Seminário “O Brasil de Manuel Correia de Andrade: Interpretações, Diálogos e Acervos”, São Paulo, Auditório Milton Santos FFLCH/USP, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros IEB/USP,
- 8-11 November 2022: ‘Estátuas que não vão cair: o anarquismo e o marmo em Carrara (Itália)’, III Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa sobre Anarquismo, 08 a 11 de Novembro de 2022, CJE-ECA (Universidade de São Paulo),
- 20 October 2020: invited speech ‘Geografia, ciência e anarquismo’, NEPES - Núcleo de Pesquisas sobre Espaço, Política e Emancipação Social, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Santarem,
- 2 April 2019: invited panellist for the Round Table: ‘Geografias libertarias em conjunturas autoritárias: o papel do ensino, pesquisa e militancia geográficas’. Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros – USP, Universidade de São Paulo.
- 26 March 2019: invited conference: ‘Geografia e anarquismo: novos rumos de pesquisa’. Federal University of Latin-American University Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu
- Keynote speech (opening lecture) for the V Encontro Nacional de História do Pensamento Geográfico e III Encontro Nacional de Geografia Histórica, Viçosa (MG), 10-14 December 2018. Title: ‘Por uma redescoberta das geografias humanistas: redes transnacionais, experiencias de vida, e os acervos do Dialogue Project em Dublin’.
- Member of the Scientific Committee for the V Encontro Nacional de História do Pensamento Geográfico e III Encontro Nacional de Geografia Histórica, Viçosa (MG), 10-14 December 2018, and Assessor for the evaluation of presented works.
- Member of the Scientific Committee for the IV Encontro Nacional de História do Pensamento Geográfico e II Encontro Nacional de Geografia Histórica, Belo Horizonte, December 5-9, 2016, and Assessor for the evaluation of presented works.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the UGI Conference Circulação das ideias e história dos saberes geográficos: hierarquias, interações e redes, Rio de Janeiro, 16-20 December 2014, and Assessor for the evaluation of presented works.
- ‘Troca cultural, geografia social e circulação dos saberes geográficos na América Latina: Luce Fabbri leitora e intérprete de Elisée Reclus’, UGI Conference Circulação das ideias e história dos saberes geográficos: hierarquias, interações e redes, Rio de Janeiro, 16-20 December 2014.
- ‘A Nova Geografia Universal: globalização e crítica do Ocidente nas redes de Elisée Reclus’, Invited Public Conference, University of São Paulo, Department of Geography, 27 November 2013,
- ‘Geografia, educação libertária e escola pública na Europa entre os séculos XIX e XX: um programa de emancipação através do saber’, for the conference Segundo Colóquio Território Autônomo, Porto Alegre 25, 26 e 27 octobre 2013.
- ‘Evolução e Revolução: os geógrafos anarquistas entre ciência e militância’, for the conference Ciência e anarquismo, São Paulo, FFLCH-USP, 11-14 November 2013.
- ‘A influência do socialismo e dos geografos anarquistas sobre Lucien Febvre’, in the Forum Lucien Febvre, história, geografia e socialismo, FFLCH-USP, 13 November 2013 (with F. Contel, M. Deaecto and L. Secco).
In Spanish
- Los futuros de las geografías críticas. Mesa “8.1 Geografías críticas, ¿herramientas para el futuro?” 9 International Conference of Critical Geographies, Ciudad de México, UNAM, 23-29 octubre 2023.
- Pasado y futuro de las geografías anarquistas. Conferencia de cierre, 4° Conferencias Internacionales de Geógrafes y Geografías Anarquistas, Córdoba, Argentina, 26-30 Septiembre 2023.
- Member of the Scientific Committee for: 4° Conferencias Internacionales de Geógrafes y Geografías Anarquistas, Córdoba, Argentina, 26-30 Septiembre 2023.
- [F. Ferretti, V. Berdoulay] Élisée Reclus (1830-1905) y la geografía de la libertad, 23 marzo 2023, Fundación Ramón Areces – Madrid
- [with André Reyes Novaes] Discursos y representaciones geográficas en la Guerra del Paraguay (1864-1870). Workshop internacional: Fronteras del mundo hispánico: ideas, conflictos, identidades - 14-16 de diciembre de 2022, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Campus de Getafe
- Panelist in: MESA DE DIÁLOGOS Trayectorias de Otras Geografías Críticas del Sur, 1 de diciembre 2021, EGAL, XVIII Encuentro de Geografías de América Latina, "Construyendo saberes emancipatorios desde y para los territorios". Organiza: Equipo de trabajo sobre Historia de la Geografía y Geografía Histórica
- “Otras geografías críticas: ejemplos más allá de la esfera anglófona”, Mesa: 12 - Otras trayectorias geográficas. historias y aportes conceptuales de las geografías silenciadas, Conference EGAL, 2 December 2021, Córdoba (Argentina) [online]
- La Comuna de París y los geógrafos anarquistas, International Conference Ecos y destellos a 150 años de la Comuna de París, México, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Historia, 18 March 2021.
- ‘La línea performativa. Como la geografía anticipó el territorio en la “Cuestión de Palmas” o de “Las Misiones” (1893 – 1895)’. Second international workshop for the project Trazar la Línea: teoría y práctica de las delimitaciones fronterizas luso-franco-españolas (1750-1936), 9-11 October 2019, University Carlos III of Madrid (Getafe Campus).
- Guest lecture: ‘Elisée Reclus en América Latina: lecturas transnacionales’, 28 de noviembre 2018, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Buenos Aires
- ‘Geografías sin fronteras: la visión de los trazados fronterizos ibéricos e iberoamericanos en la obra de Elisée Reclus’. First international workshop for the project “Trazar la Línea: teoría y práctica de las delimitaciones fronterizas luso-franco-españolas (1750-1936)”, 27-28 September 2017, University Carlos III of Madrid (Getafe Campus).
- Invited public conference: ‘Elisée Reclus y los Geógrafos anarquistas: critica del mapa e pensamiento anti-colonial’, for the conference 1ª Semana Interdisciplinaria de la Geografía, Xº Coloquio de Doctorado en Geografía, Instituto de Geografía, UNAM, Mexico, 15 November 2013.
In Italian
- Round table: ‘Geografie per la pace nella storia del pensiero geografico’ (Federico Ferretti, Luca Muscarà, Marcella Schmidt, Roberta Gemmiti). Giornate della Geografia AGEI, Trento 12-13 September 2024.
- [Invited speech] 'Antifascismo, gente “scomoda” e viaggi transnazionali della geografia critica’. In: Giornata di Studi Geografia Democratica (1976-1981): Politiche e prassi di geografia critica in Italia, Rome, Società Geografica Italiana, 13 November 2023.
- [Invited speech] ‘Le origini risorgimentali del federalismo libertario’. Conference ‘Il federalismo libertario tra passato e presente’. Biblioteca Libertaria Armando Borghi, Castelbolognese (RA), 2 December 2023.
- “L’arrosto degli schiavi”, Convegno Internazionale Cucine Resistenti, 14 Ottobre 2023, Circolo ARCI Cucine del Popolo, Massenzatico (RE).
- “Dal Risorgimento federalista all’Internazionale”. Giornata di studi Da Rimini a Saint-Imier. La nascita dell’anarchismo in Italia (1872-2022), Massenzatico (RE), Circolo Cucine del Popolo, 18 giugno 2022
- “Kropotkin: geopolitiche della rivoluzione sociale” for the Conference: Solidarietà e rivoluzione, i cento anni di Kropotkin, Centro Studi Cucine del Popolo, Massenzatico, Reggio Emilia, 30-31 ottobre 2021,
- [Guest Conference] Discussant for the Book Presentation: Maurizio Coccia, ‘Due geografi nell’Italia che cambia: Henri Desplanques ed Emilio Sereni, corrispondenze’. In Campagne umbre. Le immagini di una civiltà. Il patrimonio iconografico e l'eredità di H. Desplanques, a cura di David Pieroni. Conduce Gabriella Bonini, Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni - Istituto A. Cervi. Venerdì 14 maggio 2021 ore 18,30,
- [Guest Conference] Federico Ferretti, Selva Varengo, Geografia e Anarchia: Reclus e Kropotkin tra Evoluzione e Rivoluzione Lunedì 17 maggio 2021, ore 17.30 On line su youtube ANPPIA in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Torino e l'Associazione del Libero Pensiero Giordano Bruno,
- [Poster] ‘The invention of agricultural landscape in the archives of Emilio Sereni’, for the International Conference Il paesaggio italiano nel ventesimo secolo, realtà e rappresentazioni, Reggio Emilia, 10-12 Novembre 2011, organised by the Cervi Institute.
- ‘L’Occidente di Elisée Reclus, l’invenzione dell’Europa nella Nouvelle Géographie Universelle’, for the 5th National Conference of the PhD candidates of the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History, Forlì 22-23 February 2010.
- ‘Feminist GIS and Queer GIS: conflitti epistemologici nella rappresentazione dello spazio’, International Conference Spaces of Difference, University of Milan-Bicocca, 27-28 Octobre 2010
- ‘Patrick Geddes e la sezione di valle: una geostoria dei bacini fluviali’, for the International Conference Di monti e di acque. Le rughe e i flussi della Terra, Paesaggi, cartografie e modi del discorso geostorico, Trento, 1-4 December 2010.
- ‘Scritture dell’Impero, dalla critica della carta al Critical Gis’, for the Geography Days in Memoir of Stefano Torresani, 24-25 November 2009, University of Bologna.
- ‘Il racconto della Terra di Elisée Reclus: pensiero globale, reti anarchiche e invenzione dell’Europa nella Nouvelle Géographie Universelle (1876-1894)’, for the Forum of the Young Geographers, at the 30th Italian Geographical Congress, Florence 10-12 September 2008.
- Élisée Reclus ou la passion du monde, documentary film by Nicolas Eprendre, Paris, Antoine Martin Production, 2012, 52 min. Italian edition by Editore Bruno Alpini, Imola, 2013. Portuguese Edition by Biblioteca Terra Livre, São Paulo, 2013.
- 3 October 2023: Conference Pedagogías Libertarias y Geografías Anarquistas, Jornadas de historiografías y pedagogías geográficas críticas: viajes, traducciones y contextos, Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
- 2 October 2023 [With Perla Zusman] Workshop Historias críticas del pensamiento geográfico Jornadas de historiografías y pedagogías geográficas críticas: viajes, traducciones y contextos, Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
- 20 April 2023. Tamara Bellone, Federico Ferretti, Geografie della guerra, geografie della pace. Seminario “Conversazioni in biblioteca”, Politecnico di Torino. Organizzatore: Alvise Mattozzi,
- 5 September 2022. Teacher at the Scuola di Alta Formazione AGEI (Associaton of the Italian Geographers), Santa Cesarea (LE), for the Seminar on the History of Geography. Lesson: ‘Geopoetiche e geonarrative di Elisée Reclus’.
- 8 April 2022. Alessandra Campo, Federico Ferretti, Kant geografo. Seminar “Conversazioni in biblioteca”, Politecnico di Torino. Convenor: Tamara Bellone
- 21 February 2022 - Guest Lecture: Migrazioni: Geografie della decolonizzazione e nuovi imperialismi. Libera Università Popolare di Reggio Emilia: XXII Corso LUP – Dal colonialismo razzista alla convivenza interculturale. Laboratorio storico-antropologico per una società multietnica e pluriculturale. Data di inizio: 24 gennaio 2022
- 10 November 2021 - Guest Lecture: Géographies critiques latino-américaines et décolonisation des sciences, for the Seminar Vers des sciences sociales non-hégémoniques. Convenors: Marie Salaün and Stéphane Dufoix. Paris, FMSH, GRIP, ,
- 10 June 2021. Guest Lecture “História ambiental, determinismo e tropicalidade”, module História, Geografia e Território [Programa de Pós-Graduação em História], Universidade Federal do Pará. Inviting Professor: dr. David Ramirez Palacios [in virtual format].
- 23 February 2021 Guest lecture “Brazilian Critical Geographies” for the third-level module Latin American Sociology SOC30580. Inviting Professor: dr. Pablo Lucas, UCD School of Sociology [in virtual format].
- 1 February 2021 Guest lecture “Questioning the humankind/nature divide: the anarchist geographers and the city”. Planning Theory Lecture Series 2021 - Another city is possible: Anarchist thinking in the alternative production of urbanity, Technische Universität Berlin - Berlin University of Technology. Inviting Professor: Enrico Gualini [in virtual format].
- 10 October 2020, Guest Lecture: ‘Ciência e Anarquismo’ com Federico Ferretti, Universidade de Dublin, e Amir El Hakim, Unesp, 10 de outubro, 16 horas (hora de Brasília). Curso de extensão Cultura Libertária em Movimento, coordenado por Carlo Romani e José Damiro de Moraes, Rio de Janeiro, UNIRIO.
- 31 October 2013: opening lesson for the course of Political Geography, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) – Inviting Professor: Guilherme Ribeiro.
- 28 March 2013, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Histoire et géographie: croisements et fertilisations dans l’œuvre d’Élisée Reclus (1830-1905), for the EHESS Seminar « Histoire et géographie, temps et espace », coordinated by Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier and Nicolas Verdier.
- 24 May 2012, Doctoral School of the Lyon 2 University, project ANR-MEDIAGEO, La circulation historique du discours des géographes anarchistes.
- 4 December 2012, for the Course of Epistemology and History of Geography – University of Geneva. Seminar Lesson: Élisée Reclus, une autre géographie. Inviting Professor: Dr Bertrand Lévy.
- Le monde avec et sans la carte chez Élisée Reclus (with Philippe Pelletier), Les Cafés Cartographiques, Festival International de Géographie de Saint-Dié des Vosges, 7 octobre 2010 ; Maison d’Arrêt d’Épinal, 8 octobre 2010 (with Jasmine Salachas).
- Géohistoire de nos quartiers et du monde, Les Cafés Cartographiques, Paris, 2 April 2011 (with Ph. Pelletier and C. Grataloup),
- Élisée Reclus et la Turquie, Festival International de Géographie de Saint-Dié des Vosges 2012 (with Ph. Pelletier and P. Raffard)