Liquid Worlds: historical geographies and Cartographies of the Sea
Intent: The Journal of Historical Geography editors invite you to submit a proposal for a paper to be included in the virtual special issue addressing “Liquid Worlds: Historical Geographies and Cartographies of the Sea”. Seas, oceans ...
Il s’agit notamment d’affirmer, en corrigeant certaines vulgates courantes, que l’histoire des géographies dites « critiques », « radicales » ou plus en général politiquement engagées, ne se limite pas aux bornes linguistiques, culturelles et temporelles qui lui ont été assignées par l’historiographie ...
In the last few years, a growing interest in the histories and spatialities of critical and radical geographies has been shown by historians of geography and other scholars. While former efforts to rediscover ‘noble ancestors’ for radicals in the discipline have mostly addressed early anarchist geographers ...
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