Home > Useful contents > MAF-WORLD COST Action Marine Animal Forest World
MAF-WORLD COST Action Marine Animal Forest World
The aims of the MAF COST ACTION are:
- Develop a common theoretical and practical framework for the MAF by an ecosystem approach through a transdisciplinary perspective
- Delineate the gaps of knowledge that need study efforts and more coordination
- Create and develop uniform protocols for the different subjects covered during the Action (e.g., for trophic ecology, reproduction, growth, physiology, biophysics, bottom mapping, etc.)
- Define and list MAF ecosystem components, ecosystem functions and social, economic, and spiritual/cultural services offered by the MAFs
- Create a map of threats by identifying and quantifying the degree of damage inflicted by the different impacts on the MAFs.
- Develop large-scale protection/restoration plan toolboxes (e.g. reintroduction of filter feeders in eutrophicated areas, restore coral reefs with transplantation, create appropriate citizen science program with specific restoration and education plans, etc.)
- Publish standard recommendations for the conservation of MAFs, creating a synergic know-how sharing, from regional to transnational academic and decision-making targets