Foto del docente

Federica Costantini

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-05/A Ecology

Useful contents

MAF-WORLD ​COST Action Marine Animal Forest World

The aims of the MAF COST ACTION are:

  1. Develop a common theoretical and practical framework for the MAF by an ecosystem approach through a transdisciplinary perspective
  2. Delineate the gaps of knowledge that need study efforts and more coordination
  3. Create and develop uniform protocols for the different subjects covered during the Action (e.g., for trophic ecology, reproduction, growth, physiology, biophysics, bottom mapping, etc.)
  4. Define and list MAF ecosystem components, ecosystem functions and social, economic, and spiritual/cultural services offered by the MAFs
  5. Create a map of threats by identifying and quantifying the degree of damage inflicted by the different impacts on the MAFs.
  6. Develop large-scale protection/restoration plan toolboxes (e.g. reintroduction of filter feeders in eutrophicated areas, restore coral reefs with transplantation, create appropriate citizen science program with specific restoration and education plans, etc.)
  7. Publish standard recommendations for the conservation of MAFs, creating a synergic know-how sharing, from regional to transnational academic and decision-making targets

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