Foto del docente

Federica Belluti

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: CHEM-07/A Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Curriculum vitae


Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology University of Bologna

Professional Experience:

2003: Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry University of Bologna

2013: National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry

2020: Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Bologna

Research Interests:

Design and synthesis of small molecules as potential therapeutic agents or tools for the study and characterization of biological processes. Using an appropriate functionalization of scaffolds related to natural products, as privileged structures, several bioactive chemical entities have been developed. These compounds proved to effectively interact with some biological targets involved in the onset and development of cancer, neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer's and Parkinson), parasitic (malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis), and infective diseases. In this context, several multi-target agents have were identified as therapeutic candidates to treat multifactorial maladies.

These activities have resulted in the publication of 82 original papers and review articles in international journals indexed by Scopus .

Professional Experiences:

1995-2003:     Grant Indena S.p.A, University of Bologna. Title of the project: “New natural antitumor and cancer chemopreventive agents: synthesis of chalcones and flavones”.

2001:              Grant for abroad training period (Indena S.p.A), University of Stony Brook, N.Y.

2003:-             Assistant Professor, Medicinal Chemistry, University of Bologna

2006-2007:     Scientific collaboration in projects with Indena S.p.A , entitled “Bioactive natural products“


Professional Society Memberships:

Società Chimica Italiana, SCI - Division of Medicinal Chemistry


Teaching Activities (2004-Present):

A.A. 2005-/06:                     Natural Compounds Extraction

A.A. 2006/07:                     Natural Compounds Analysis I

A.A. 2006/0:                    Medicinal and Toxicological Chemistry II, School of Specialization in Hospital Pharmacy (6 hours course)

A.A. 2007/08:                     Natural Compounds Extraction

A.A. 2008/09:                     Natural Compounds Analysis I

A.A. 2009/10-2016/18:       Analysis of Phytoderivatives II

AA 2018/19-to date:      Experimental Methodologies for Drug Preparation


To date, he is author or co-author of 96 scientific articles published in international peer-reviewed journals, 51 of which have been published in the last 10 years.




National and International Collaborations:

Prof. Vincenza Andrisano Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche – Università di Bologna; Prof. Enrica Bosisio Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche – Università di Milano; Dr Maria Carrara Dipartimento di Farmacologia ed Anestesiologia, Università di Padova; Dr. Andrea Cavalli Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche– Università di Bologna; Prof. Rolf W. Hartmann Saarland University – Saarbrücken (D); Indena –Holding S.p.A, Milano; Prof. Remo Perozzo School of Pharmaceutical Sciences – University of Geneva (CH); Prof. Paul Michels Christian De Duve Institute – Brussels (B); Dott. Franco Zunino Fondazione IRCCS – Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milano;  Dr Reto Brun Swiss Tropical & Health Institute, Basel (CH); Andrea Tarozzi Dipartimento di Farmacologia – Università di Bologna