Foto del docente

Fabrizio Caselli

Full Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-02/A Algebra

Curriculum vitae

Born in Terni, on 10/03/1975
Citizenship: Italian
Languages: Italian (native), French (fluent), English (fluent)


2002 PhD in Mathematics, Università di Roma ``La Sapienza''
Thesis: Combinatorial and non-negativity results in Kazhdan-Lusztig theory
1998 Degree in Mathematics, Università di Roma ``La Sapienza'', final note 110/110 cum laude
1994 High school graduation, final note 60/60


since 2017 Professor in Algebra at Università di Bologna
2014-2017 Associate professor in Algebra at Università di Bologna

2006-2014 Researcher in Algebra at Università di Bologna
2005-2006 Post-doc fellow, INDAM, Roma
2003-2004 Post-doc fellow, Université Lyon 1, within the European project "Algebraic Combinatorics in Europe''
2001 Visiting student, MIT, Cambridge, USA
2000 Visiting student, Université Paris-Sud, France
1998-2002 PhD student in mathematics, Univ. di Roma ``La Sapienza''


-Ph.D advisor for Roberta Fulci, Univ. Bologna, 2011, and for Francesca Camagni, Univ. Bologna, 2015.
-Referee for many scientific journals including Adv. Math., J. Algebra, Algebra Coll., J. Alg. Combin., J. COmbin. Theory A, Manuscr. Math., Elect. J. Combin., J. Int. Sequences
-Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society.


-Proof of two Conjectures of Brenti and Simion on Kazhdan-Lustig polynomials, 48th SLC, Ottrott, France, 03/2002
-Explicit formulae for some Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for S_n, FPSAC 2002, University of Melbourne, Australia, 07/2002
-Invariant algebras and major indices for classical Weyl groups, IX IICA, Università di Messina, 09/2002
-Non-negativity properties of Kazhdan-Lusztig R-polynomials, 50th SLC, Ottrott, France, 03/2003
-Une base monomiale pour l'algèbre coinvariante de type D, Université Lyon 1, France, 09/2003
-Algebre (co)-invarianti per i gruppi di Weyl classici, Young algebra seminar, Roma, 04/2004
-Sur le nombre de configurations de FPL ayants un couplage associé fixé, Université Bordeaux 1, Francia, 05/2004
-Special matchings and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, SIAM conference on Discrete Mathematics, Nashville (USA), 06/2004
-Negative-descent representations of Weyl groups of type D, FPSAC 2004, Vancouver (Canada), 07/2004
-Diamonds and Hecke algebra representations, Univ. Genova, June 2005
-Sull'invarianza combinatoria dei polinomi di Kazhdan-Lusztig, Univ. Bologna, 11/2006
-On the multivariate Robinson-Schensted correspondence, Convegno UMI, Bari, 09/2007
-Diagonal invariants and the refined multimahonian distribution, 60th SLC, Strobl, Austria, February 2008
-Invarianti diagonali e la distribuzione multimahoniana raffinata,Univ. Firenze, 06/2008
-Quasi-reflection groups, 61st SLC, Curia, Portugal, 09/2008
-Gruppi di riflessioni proiettivi,Univ. Bologna, 11/2008
-Projective reflection groups, Formal Power series and algebraic combinatorics, Hagemberg, Austria, 07/2009
-Involutory reflection groups, XV Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica, Bertinoro, 09/2009
-Invariant theory of projective reflection groups, and their Kronecker coefficients, Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Information, Sevilla, Spain, 11/2009
-Gruppi di riflessioni proiettivi: invarianti, combinatoria e modelli di Gelfand
Incontro Nazionale di Algebra Moderna, Rome, 05/2010
-Models and refined models for involutory reflection groups and classical Weyl groups, Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, San Francisco (USA), 08/2010
-Une généralisation des groupes engendrés par des reflexions, Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres et Combinatoire, Lyon, France, 11/2010
-Enumerating projective reflection groups, FPSAC 2011, Reykjavik (Islanda), 06/2011
-Mahonians and parabolic quotients, IICA 2011, Bertinoro, 09/2011
-Gruppi generati da riflessioni e loro rappresentazioni, Topics in Mathematics 2012, Bologna, 04/2012
-Isomorphisms and automorphisms for projective reflection groups, Combinatorial Methods in Topology and Algebra, Cortona, 09/2013
-Dual Bayer Billera relations and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 2013, Bertinoro, 09/2013
-Peak algebras, paths in the Bruhat graph and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, Chicago, USA, 06/2014
Slaloms and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, Journ\'ees de Combinatoire Algebrique, Reims, Francia, 07/2014
-Hook length formulas for partially colored labeled forests, Seminario di algebra, Univ, Padova, 09/2015


-Gelfand models and Robinson-Schensted correspondence (with R. Fulci), J. Alg. Combin., in press.
-Mahonians and parabolic quotients, preprint, arXiv 1103.4807

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