Foto del docente

Fabio Vitali

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae  
Current status: Full Professor in Computer Science at the University of Bologna (Italy)
Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Mura A. Zamboni, 7, I-40127 Bologna, Italy

Professional Preparation
• Undergraduate: Mathematics, University of Bologna, 1990
• PhD: Computer and Law, University of Bologna, 1994
• Postdoctoral: Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bologna, 1994-1996
• Other Visiting scholar (1996) at the New Jersey Institute of Technology
Scientific interests
• Documentation in the software process, and hypertext visualization thereof
• Semantic Web, in particular the design and development of models and applications for
facilitating deduction and insertion of new meta-information based on general and predefined
• Markup Languages, in particular XML for the publishing industry, EDI, complex document
display on a network. Also standards for the documentation and description of complex
business processes in these fields. 
• Human-Computer Interaction, particularly in the design of the user interaction with Web-
based systems, and Web sites design. 
• Hypertext Systems, particulary large-size hypertext systems, distribution on large scale
networks, and interactivity of these systems. 
• Versioning of hypertext documents, in particular HTML, XHTML and XML documents for
computer aided collaboration 
• Coordination languages, and their application to large scale distributed systems. 
Scientific activities 
2007-present  Joint Research Project UniBo and HPLabs (Bristol) on “Topological Abstract
Layout Languages”
2007-2008  Joint Research Project CINI (Consorzio Inter-universitario Nazionale per
l'Informatica) and Senato della Repubblica Italiana on “Automatic diffing on legislative
2007-present Member of the Steering Committee of the Chameleon Digital Publishing
Community sponsored by HP 
2006-2007 Member of the HP-sponsored Digital Publishing Initiative and holder of a
Philantropy grant for projects on multi-channel delivery of digital documents
2006-present Director of the University of Bologna A3 E-learning laboratory to produce high-
quality and standard compliant learning packages from commercial quality e-documents. 
2006-present Member of the XML Schema Working Group at W3C, with particular interest in
the deployment of XML Schema support for co-constraints. 
2005-present Consultant for UNDESA (UN Department of Economic and Social Affair),  for
project Akoma Ntoso for the creation of a XML-based reference model for legislative documents in
13 African parliaments plus the Pan-African Parliament. 
2005-present Consultant for the Italian Centro Nazionale per l'Informatica nella Pubblica
Amministrazione (CNIPA) on projects for the reformulation of normative tools in public
2005-2006 Member of the Semantic Web Best Practice and Deployment Working Group W3C
(, co-author of a Working Draft W3C on RDF and
Topic Maps interoperability.
2004-05 Consultant for United Nations OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs) and WFP (World Food Programme) on “Metadata and Document Systems”. 
2004-present Scientific manager of subsection 3 of the “Alma Two” project, financed by
Regione Emilia-Romagna 2004-2006. 
2002-2004 Scientific Consultant on markup languages and XML for the Italian Ministry of
2001-present: Main author of the standard formalization efforts for the XML-based
representation of Italian normative documents (e.g., national laws) in the NormeInRete project, as
recruired and supported by the Italian Ministry of Justice and the Authority for Informatics in the
Public Administration (formerly AIPA, now CNIPA). 
2002-present Scientific consultant for markup languages and XML for ENEA (National
Research Institute for New Technologies, Energy and Environment). 
2000-2002 Scientific consultant for markup languages and XML for  IAT-CNR, Pisa. 
2000-2001 "Hypermedia chunk clusterer", research project sponsored by Microsoft Research
1999-2000 Author of the new web site for the Science Faculty of the University of Bologna. 
1998 "Technologie Monitoring zum Theme: Hypertext Support for Software Process Document
Management Systems", joint research with Daimler-Chrysler
1996 "Electronic Enterprise Engineering Research Group", New Jersey Institute of Engineering
1996 Open LTR Project 20179, "PageSpace" 
Organizational activities
Program committee or scientific committee of the following events:
• International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH
2006), Dublin (Ireland), June 2006
• XV International World Wide Web Conference (, Edinburgh
(UK), May 2006 
• Digital Publishing Conference, IS&T/SPIE 18th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging
(, San Jose, January 2006 
• WWW/Internet IADIS International Conference (, Lisbona
(Portugal), October 2005
• V International Conference on Web Engineering (, Sidney
(Australia), July 2005
• XIV International World Wide Web Conference (, Chiba
(Japan), maggio 2005.
• WWW/Internet IADIS International Conference (, Madrid,
October 2004. 
• Co-chair, Hypertext versioning workshop at the XV ACM Conference on Hypertext
(, Santa Cruz (USA), August 2004.
• Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (, Santa
Cruz (USA), August 2004, 
• 4th Workshop on NLP and XML (,
Barcellona, Spagna, July 2005. 
• XIII International World Wide Web Conference (, New York,
May 2004.
• WWW/Internet IADIS International Conference (, Algarve
(Portogallo), November 2003. 
• Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (,
Nottingham (UK), August 2003
• Tutorial Chair, XII International World Wide Web Conference
(, Budapest, May 2003.
• Twelfth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (, Aarhus
(Danimarca), August 2001
• Vice-chair, track on Hypermedia - X International World Wide Web Conference
(, Hong Kong, May 2001. 
• Primo Workshop Italiano su XML e Conoscenza, Crema (CR), June 2001
• XML Italia 2000 (, Pisa, May 2000 
• Co-chair, VII Workshop su Hypertext Functionality (,
at the VIII Int. WWW Conference, Toronto, CA, 1999). 
• General Chair, XML Italia 1999 (, Bologna, May 1999.
• Co-chair, IV Workshop su Hypertext Functionality (,
presso la VII Int. WWW Conference, Brisbane, AU, 1998) 
• Co-chair of the Versioning Workshop series: "The Role of Versioning in CSCW
Applications" ECSCW95 Conference, Stoccolma (S), 1995, e "Versioning Systems and
Hypertext Systems" (ACM Echt94 Conference), Edinburgo (UK), 1994. 
• Invited speaker at the panel "Things change: deal with it! Versioning, cooperative editing
and hypertext", VII ACM Conference on Hypertext, Washington DC, June 1996. 
• Member  of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Web Engineering and
Technology, Inderscience
• Member of the IFIP working group 6.4, "Internet Applications Engineering", 
• Co-editor of the special section on "Web Information Systems", Communications of the
ACM, 41(7), July 1998
Teaching Appointments
Lecturer for the undergraduate (CdL) and master courses at the University of Bologna:
• Web Technologies, CdL Computer Science: 2003, 2002, 2001. 
• Web Technologies, CdL Internet Sciences:  2003.
• Human-Computer Interaction, CdL Computer Science:  2003, 2002, 2000, 1999
• Non-numerical Data Management, CdL Information Sciences,  2000
• Operating Systems (Assistant), CdL Computer Science,  1998
• Introductory Computer Science (Assistant), CdL Communication Sciences,  1998, 1997
• Human-Computer Interaction, CdL Computer Science:  1997 
• Programming Languages (Assistant), CdL Computer Science:  1997, 1996.
• Web Technologies I, Master in Web Technologies for the Enterprise, Almaweb,  2003
• Markup Languages, Master in Web Accessibility Expert.  2003
• Markup Languages, Master in Technologies and Applications for Multimedia,  2003, 2002,
• User Interfaces Design and Development, Master in Communication and Information
Technology, Almaweb,  2002, 2001
• Computer Sciences for the Publishing Industry, Master in Paper and Multimedia Publishing, 

Peer-reviewed international journals
1 Marinelli P., Vitali F., Zacchiroli S. "Towards the unification of overlapping markup formats".
Journal of New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Taylor & Francis, 2008. Accepted for
2 Di Iorio A., Feliziani A.A., Mirri S., Salomoni P., Vitali F. "Automatically Generating
Accessible Learning Objects", in the Journal on Educational Technology & Society, Volume 9,
Issue 4, 2006.
3 A. Di Iorio, F. Vitali, Writing the Web, Journal on Digital Information, Volume 5 Issue 1,
Article No. 251, 2004-05-27.
4 P. Ciancarini, F. Folli, D. Rossi, F. Vitali, ,”XLinkProxy: External Databases with XLink
(Technical Note)”, The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 8 (2002), pp. 27-37.
5 A. Marchetti, F. Megale, E. Seta, F. Vitali, "Using XML as a means to access legislative
documents: Italian and foreign experiences", ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 10, n.
1, pp. 54-62 (2002)
6 L. Bompani, P. Ciancarini, F. Vitali. XML-based Hypertext Functionalities for Software
Engineering. Annals of Software Engineering, 13, pp. 231-248, 2002.
7 P. Ciancarini, D. Rossi, F. Vitali, 'Designing a document-centric coordination application over
the Internet', Interacting with Computers, 13, Elsevier, pp. 677-693, (2002). 
8 F. Vitali, L. Bompani, P. Ciancarini, 'Hypertext functionalities with XML', Markup Languages:
Theory and Practice, 2, n. 4, MIT Press, pp. 389-410, 2001. 
9 F. Vitali, 'Versioning Hypermedia', ACM Computing Survey 31 (4es), 1999. 
10 F. Vitali, M. Bieber, 'Hypermedia on the Web: What Will It Take?', ACM Computing Survey 31
(4es), 1999. 
11 P. Ciancarini, F. Vitali, C. Mascolo, 'Managing complex documents over the WWW: a case
study for XML', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 11 (4), 1999, p. 629-
12 P. Ciancarini, R. Tolksdorf, F. Vitali, D. Rossi, A. Knoche, 'Coordinating Multiagent
Applications on the WWW: a Reference Architecture', IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering 24 (5), 1998, p. 362-375. 
13 T. Isakowitz, M. Bieber, F. Vitali, 'Web Information Systems. Introduction to the Special Issue',
Communications of the ACM 41 (7), 1998, p. 78-80. 
14 P. Ciancarini, A. Rizzi, F. Vitali, 'An extensible rendering engine for XML and HTML',
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 30 (1-7), Elsevier, 1998, p. 225-238. 
15 M. Bieber, F. Vitali, H. Ashman, V. Balasubramanian, H. Oinas-Kukkonen, 'Fourth Generation
Hypertext: Some Missing Links for the World Wide Web', International Journal of Human-
Computer Studies 47, Academic Press, 1997, p. 31-65. Also as Research Report CIS-97-02,
New Jersey Institute of Technology.
16 F. Vitali, C. Chiu, M. Bieber, 'Extending HTML in a principled way with displets', Computer
Networks and ISDN Systems 29 (8-13), Elsevier, 1997, p. 1115-1128. 
17 J. Slein, F. Vitali, E. Whitehead, Jr., D. Durand, 'Requirements for Distributed Authoring and
Versioning on the World Wide Web', ACM StandardView 1 (5), 1997, p. 17-24. Also as IETF
RFC 2291.
18 M. Bieber, F. Vitali, 'Toward Support for Hypermedia on the World Wide Web', IEEE
Computer 30 (1), 1997, p. 62-70. 
19 P. Ciancarini, A. Knoche, R. Tolksdorf, F. Vitali, 'PageSpace: An Architecture to Coordinate
Distributed Applications on the Web', Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28 (7-11),
Elsevier, 1996, p. 941-952. 
20 F. Vitali, D. Durand, 'Using versioning to support collaboration on the WWW', World Wide
Web Journal 1 (1), O'Reilly, 1994, p. 37-50. 
21 C. Maioli, S. Sola, F. Vitali, 'External Anchoring for Wide-Area Network Support: the
RHYTHM project', International Journal of Modern Physics C - Physics and Computers 5 (5),
World Scientific, 1994, p. 769-783. 
Peer-reviewed book chapters
22 W. Balzano, P. Ciancarini, A. Dattolo, F. Vitali. Agent Based Hypermedia Models. In R.
Howlett, N. Ichalkaranje, and L. Jain (eds.), Intelligent Internet-Based Information Processing
Systems, Advanced Information Processing. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003. 
23 F. Vitali, On the duration of rich documents, in G. Blasi, editor, The Future of Memory,
Semiotic and Cognitive Studies, pages 91-114. Brepols, Turnhout, 2002
24 L. Bendix, A. Dattolo, F. Vitali, 'Software Configuration Management in Software and
Hypermedia Engineering: a survey', Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering (S. K. Chang eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Co., 2002. 
25 L. Bompani, P. Ciancarini, F. Vitali, 'Software Engineering and the Internet: a Roadmap',
Software Engineering over the Internet (A. Finkelstein eds.), ACM Press. 
26 P. Ciancarini, R. Tolksdorf, F. Vitali, 'The World Wide Web as a Place for Agents', Artificial
Intelligence Today (M. Veloso, M. Woolridge eds.), in LNAI 1600, Springer-Verlag, 2000. 
Peer-reviewed conference papers
27 Di Iorio A., Furini L., Lumley J., Vitali F., Wiley A., "Higher-level Layout through Topological
Abstraction", accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on
Document Engineering.
28 Di Iorio A., Vitali, F., Zacchiroli S., "Wiki Content Templating" in the Proceedings of the
World Wide Web Conference 2008, Beijing, China, 2008.
29 Di Iorio A., Feliziani A.A., Mirri S., Salomoni P., Vitali F. "Fighting technical complexity in
authoring e-learning material", accepted at ICALT 2008: IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Learning Technologies, 2008.
30 Dattolo A., Di Iorio A., Duca S., Feliziani A.A., Vitali F. "Converting into pattern-based
schemas: a formal approach". In the Proceedings of the Extreme Markup Conference 2007,
Montreal, Canada, 2007.
31 Marinelli P., Vitali F., Zacchiroli S. "Streaming Validation of Schemata: the Lazy Typing
Discipline". In the Proceedings of the Extreme Markup Conference 2007, Montreal, Canada,
32 Dattolo A., Di Iorio A., Duca S., Feliziani A.A., Vitali F. "Structural patterns for descriptive
documents". In the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Web Engineering
2007, Como, Italy, 2007.
33 Di Iorio A., Duca S., Presutti V., Solmi R., and Vitali F. "RDF and TopicMaps interoperability:
a model-driven approach". In the Proceedings of ITA 07, Wrexham, North Wales (UK), 2007.
34 Di Iorio A., Fabbri M., Presutti V., Vitali F. "Automatic Deployment of Semantic Wikis: a
Prototype". In the Proceedings of Workshop on Semantic Wikis at the European Semantic Web
Conference 2006, Sure, York and Domingue, John (eds.), Volume 4011 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 664-678.
35 Di Iorio A., Presutti V., Vitali F. "WikiFactory: an ontology-based application to deploy
domain-oriented wikis", in the Proceedings of the European Semantic Web Conference 2006,
June, 2006, Budva, Montenegro.
36 Di Iorio A., Vitali F., Zonta G. "Dynamic conversion between XML-based languages for vector
graphics", in the Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Annual Symposyum on Electronic Imaging,
Simone Santini, Raimondo Schettini, Theo Gevers (Eds), 60610N, San Jose, California, USA,
37 Di Iorio A., Furini L., Vitali F. "A Total-Fit Page-Breaking Algorithm with User-Defined
Adjustment Strategies". In the Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Annual Symposyum on Electronic
Imaging, Jan P. Allebach, Hui Chao (Eds), 60760K, San Jose, California, USA, 2006.
38 A. Di Iorio, G. Montemari, F. Vitali, Beyond Proxies: XLink Support In The Browser,
Proceedings of ITA05, the International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications,
Wrexham (UK), 7-9 September 2005.
39 A. Di Iorio, F. Vitali, From the writable web to global editability, Proceedings of HT 2005 -
Sixteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Salzburg (AU), 6-9 September 2005.
40 F. Vitali, A. Di Iorio, D. Gubellini, Design patterns for document substructures, Proceedings of
the Extreme Markup Languages 2005 Conference, Montreal (Canada) August 2005.
41 P. De Sabbata, N. Gessa, G. Cucchiara, T. Imolesi, F. Vitali, “Supporting eBusiness with a
dictionary designed in a vertical standardisation perspective”, Proceedings of the 7th
International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology 2005, München (D), July 19-22
42 S. Pepper, F. Vitali, L.M. Garshol, N. Gessa, V. Presutti, Survey of RDF/Topic Maps
Interoperability Proposals, W3C Working Draft 29 March 2005,
43 A. Di Iorio, F. Vitali. "Web Authoring: A Closed Case?," Proceedings of the 38th Annual
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'05),  vol. 4, no. 4, Waikoloa,
January 2005, p. 95b
44 F. Vitali, A. Di Iorio, E. Ventura Campori, “Rule-based structural analysis of web pages”,
Proceedings of the IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, Florence (I),
September 8-10, 2004, Accepted for publication.
45 N. Gessa, C. Novelli, M. Busuoli, F. Vitali, "Use and extension of ebXML business profiles for
Textile/Clothing firms", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electronic
Commerce and Web Technologies, EC-Web 2004, August 30 - September 3, 2004, Zaragoza
(SP), Accepted for publication.
46 D. Fiorello, N. Gessa, P. Marinelli, F. Vitali, “DTD++ 2.0: Adding support for co-constraints”,
Proceedings of the Extreme Markup Languages 2004 Conference, Montreal (Canada), August 2-
6, 2004. Accepted for publication.
47 N. Gessa, P. De Sabbata, M. Marzocchi, F. Vitali , "Moda-ML: Building a collaborative sectoral
framework based on ebXML", Proceedings of the CAISE '04 Workshops (Janis Grundspenkis,
Marite Kirikova, eds.), Riga (Latvia), June 7-11 2004, pp. 297-300.
48 P. Marinelli, C. Sacerdoti Coen, F. Vitali, “Minimal Extension to XML Schema for Conditional
Constraints”, XIII International World Wide Web Conference, New York, may 2004
49 N. Gessa, P. De Sabbata, M. Fraulini, T. Imolesi, L. Mainetti, M. Marzocchi, F. Vitali,"MODA-
ML, an interoperability framework for the textile-clothing sector",, WWW/Internet IADIS
International Conference, Algarve (Portogallo), november 2003. 
50 N. Gessa, P. De Sabbata, M. Fraulini, T. Imolesi, L. Mainetti, M. Marzocchi, F. Vitali,
"MODA-ML, an experience of promotion of a sectorial interoperability framework", e2003
eChallenges conference, Bologna, October 2003. In Building the Knowledge Economy:
Applications, Case Studies, P. Cunningham et al. (Eds), IOS Press, October 2003
51 P. Ciancarini, R. Gentilucci, M. Pirruccio, V. Presutti,  F. Vitali, “Metadata on the web: On the
integration of RDF and Topic Maps”, Extreme Markup Languages Conference, Montreal
(Canada), August 2003
52 F. Vitali, N. Amorosi,  N. Gessa, “Datatype- and namespace-aware DTDs: A minimal 
extension”, Extreme Markup Languages Conference, Montreal (Canada), August 2003 
53 Di Iorio, F. Vitali, A Xanalogical Collaborative Editing Environment, II  International
Workshop on Web Document Analysis, (WDA2003), Edinburgh, UK, August 2003
54 F. Vitali, “Creating sophisticated web sites using well-known interfaces” HCI International
2003 Conference, Crete (Greece), June 2003.
55 P. Ciancarini, F. Folli, D. Rossi, F. Vitali, "XLinkProxy: External linkbases with XLink", Proc.
2nd ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (McLean, VA (USA)), pp. 57-65, ACM Press,
New York, November 2002 
56 P. Censoni, P. De Sabbata, G. Cucchiara, F. Vitali, L. Mainetti, T. Imolesi, "MODA-ML, a
vertical  framework  for the Textile-Clothing sector based on XML and SOAP", E-Business and
e-Work conference (Praga (Cz), November 2002), pp. 150-160, EBEW, 2002
57 F. Vitali, F. Folli, C. Tasso, "Two implementations of XPointer", Proceedings of the Hypertext
2002 Conference, College Park (MD), June 2002, ACM Press, 2002. 
58 L. Bompani, P. Ciancarini, and F. Vitali. Sophisticated Hypertext Functionalities for Software
Engineering, in F.Maurer et al., (eds.), Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Software Engineering over
the Internet, pages 67-79, Limerick, Ireland, 2000
59 F. Vitali, 'Hypertext Functionalities with XML', Extreme Markup Language 2000, Montreal
(CA), Aug 2000. 
60 L. Bompani, F. Vitali, 'Providing hypertextual functionalities with XML', Short Paper,
Hypertext 2000 Conference, San Antonio (TX), May 2000.  
61 L. Bendix, F. Vitali, 'VTML for fine-grained change tracking in editing structured documents',
9th International Symposium on System Configuration Management (SCM-9), Toulouse, Sep
1999, in LNCS 1675, Springer Verlag, p. 139-156. 
62 D. Rossi, F. Vitali, 'Internet-based Coordination Environments and Document-Based
Applications: a Case Study', Proc. Int. Conf. on Coordination Models and Languages,
Amsterdam, Apr 1999, in LNCS 1594, Springer-Verlag, p. 259-274. 
63 P. Ciancarini, D. Rossi, F. Vitali, 'A case study in designing a document-centric coordination
application over the Internet', Proc. Workshop on the Active Web, Stafford, UK, Jan 1999, p. 41-
64 P. Ciancarini, C. Mascolo, F. Vitali, 'Visualizing Z Notation in HTML Documents', Proc. 11th
Int. Conf. on the Z Formal Method (ZUM), Berlin, Sep 1998, in LNCS 1493, Springer-Verlag, p.
65 P. Ciancarini, D. Rossi, F. Vitali, 'The World Wide Web as a Place to Work in', Proc. 7th IEEE
Workshops on Enablings Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE),
Stanford, CA, Jun 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press, p. 118-125. 
66 R. Scherl, M. Bieber, F. Vitali, 'A Situation Calculus Model of Hypertext', Proc. 31st HICSS
Conf., Wailea (HA), Jan 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press. 
67 P. Ciancarini, A. Knoche, D. Rossi, R. Tolksdorf, F. Vitali, 'Redesigning the Web: From
Passive Pages to Coordinated Agents in PageSpaces', Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Symp. on Autonomous
Decentralized Systems (ISADS), Berlin, Apr 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press, p. 377-384. 
68 P. Ciancarini, A. Knoche, D. Rossi, R. Tolksdorf, F. Vitali, 'Coordinating Java Agents for
Financial Applications on the WWW', Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Practical Applications of
Intelligent Agents and MultiAgent Technology (PAAM), London, UK, Apr 1997, p. 179-193. 
69 M. Bieber, M. Bartolacci, J. Fjermestad, F. Kurfess, Q. Liu, . Nakayama, A. Rana, R. Scherl, M.
Tanik, F. Vitali, J. Wang, R. Yeh, P. Ng, R. Sweeney, 'Electronic Enterprise Engineering - An
Outline of an Architecture', Proc. ECBS '97, Monterey, CA, Mar 1997. 
70 M. Bieber, F. Vitali, H. Ashman, V. Balasubramanian, H. Oinas-Kukkonen, 'Some Hypermedia
Ideas for the WWW', Proc. 30th HICSS Conf., Wailea (HA), Jan 1997, IEEE Computer Society
Press, p. 309-319. 
71 P. Ciancarini, D. Rossi, F. Vitali, A. Knoche, R. Tolksdorf, 'Coordination Technology for the
WWW', Proc. 5th IEEE Workshop on Enabling Technology: Infrastructure for Collaborative
Enterprises (WETICE), Stanford, Ca, Jun 1996, IEEE Computer Society Press, p. 321-326. 
72 P. Ciancarini, R. Tolksdorf, F. Vitali, 'Weaving the Web using Coordination', Proc. 1st Int.
Conf. on Coordination Models and Languages, Mar 1996, in LNCS 1061, Springer-Verlag, p.
73 C. Maioli, S. Sola, F. Vitali, 'Versioning for Distributed Hypertext Systems', Proc. Hypermedia
'94, Pretoria (South Africa), Mar 1994. 
74 C. Maioli, W. Penzo, S. Sola, F. Vitali, 'Using a Reference Model for Information System
Compatibility: an Experience', Proc. 27th HICSS Conf., Wailea (HA), Jan 1994. 
75 C. Maioli, S. Sola, F. Vitali, 'Wide-Area Distribution Issues In Hypertext Systems', Proc. ACM
SIGDOC '93 Conference, Kitchener (Canada), Oct 1993, ACM Press. 

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