vai alle Pubblicazioni
Publications prior to 2004
Tamburini F. (2003). Automatic Prosodic Prominence Detection in
Speech using Acoustic Features: an Unsupervised System. In Proc.
8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology -
Eurospeech 2003, Geneva, 129-132.
Tamburini F. (2003). Prosodic prominence detection in speech. In
Proc. 7th International Symposium on Signal Processing and its
Applications - ISSPA2003, Paris, 385-388.
Tamburini F., Paci S. (2002). Web-based language learning:
authoring and assessment technologies.
In Proc. International Conference on Information and
Communication Technologies in Education - ICTE2002, Badajoz,
Tamburini F. (2002). Automatic detection of prosodic prominence
in continuous speech. In Proc. Third International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC2002, Las Palmas,
Canary Islands, Spain, 301-306.
Tamburini F. (2002). A dynamic model for reference corpora
structure definition. In Proc. Third International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC2002, Las Palmas,
Canary Islands, Spain, 1847-1850.
Tamburini F., Paci S. (2002). On-line templates for the
production of web-based multimedia language learning material. In
Proc. International Conference on New Educational Environments -
ICNEE2002, Lugano.
Tamburini F., De Santis C., Zamuner E. (2002). Identifying
phrasal connectives in Italian using quantitative methods. In
Phrases and Phraseology - Data and Descriptions, Nuccorini,
S. (ed.), Berlin: Peter Lang.
Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini
F., De Santis C. (2002). CORIS/CODIS: A corpus of written Italian
based on a defined and a dynamic model. In A Rainbow of Corpora:
Corpus Linguistics and the Languages of the World, Wilson, A.,
Rayson, P. and McEnery, T. (eds.), Lincom-Europa, Munich. (2002),
Rossini Favretti R., Tamburini F., Martelli E (2001). Words from
Bononia Legal Corpus, International Journal of Corpus
Linguistics, Vol. 6, 13-34.
Rossini Favretti R., Gianninoni
R., Paci S., Tamburini F. (2000). Interfacce utente per la
didattica delle lingue straniere: analisi di un'applicazione
multimediale monitorata, Didamatica 2000. Informatica per la
didattica, Andronico A., Casadei G., Sacerdoti G. (a cura di),
2, 215-221.
Tamburini F. (2000). Annotazione grammaticale e lemmatizzazione
di corpora in italiano, Linguistica e informatica:
multimedialita', corpora e percorsi di apprendimento, Rossini
Favretti R. (a cura di), Bulzoni, Roma, 57-73.
Rossini Favretti R., Bromwich
W,. Greenwood A., Poppi F,. Tamburini F., Thursfield A. (1999).
Laboratorio DIAPASON for science, CLUEB, Bologna.
Paci S., Tamburini F. (1999). A multimedia application for
self-access learning: the MISSILE software package, Percorsi
assistiti nell'auto-apprendimento, Poppi F. (a cura di), CLUEB,
Bologna, 141-149.
Tamburini F. (1999). A multimedia framework for second language
teaching in self-access environments. Computers &
Education, 32(2), Pergamon, 137-149.
Francis R., Tamburini F. (1994). Identifying salient prosodic
parameters in connected speech.
The Self Access Facility in a Language Centre, Rossini
Favretti R. et al. (Eds), C.I.L.T.A., Bologna, 31-40.
Rossini Favretti R., Silver M., Gasser R., Tamburini F. (Eds)
(1994). The Self Access Facility in a Language Centre,
C.I.L.T.A., Bologna.