Foto del docente

Fabiana Mattioli

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies


Exams of Roman law, Roman foundation of European law, and Principles of European legal orders

Dear students, exams sessions of “Roman law”, “Roman foundation of European law”, and “Principles of European legal orders courses” have been set on the following dates: May 27, 2024 June 17, 2024 July 16, 2024 September 13, 2024

Published on: March 12 2024

Date appelli “Fondamenti romanistici del diritto europeo”, “Roman Law”, “Roman Foundation of european law”, “Principles of european legal orders”

Gentilissime studentesse, gentilissimi studenti, i prossimi appelli d’esame per i corsi di “Fondamenti romanistici del diritto europeo”, “Roman Law”, “Roman Foundation of european law” e “Principles of european legal orders” sono stati fissati nelle seguenti date: 27 maggio 2024 17 giugno ...

Published on: March 12 2024

Exams of Roman law, Roman foundation of European law, and Principles of European legal orders

Dear students, exams sessions of Roman law, Roman foundation of European law, and Principles of European legal orders courses have been set on the following dates: 20 December 2023 (exclusively for students who attended the courses in the previous academic year) January 9, 2024 January ...

Published on: October 23 2023

Date appelli Fondamenti romanistici del diritto europeo

Gentilissime studentesse, gentilissimi studenti, gli appelli d’esame per il corso di Fondamenti romanistici del diritto europeo sono stati fissati nelle seguenti date: 20 dicembre 2023 (esclusivamente per gli studenti in debito d’esame) 9 gennaio 2024 23 gennaio 2024 16 febbraio ...

Published on: October 23 2023