Laura Rigotti;Eugenio Bertozzi, Identifying and Understanding Historical Scientific Instruments: The Case of the Physics Cabinet of the University of Bologna, «PHYSICS IN PERSPECTIVE», 2024, 25, pp. 199 - 226 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bertozzi, Eugenio, Review of: BOOK REVIEW Historical Scientific Instruments in Contemporary Education. Leiden: Brill, 2021. xx, 304 pp., incl. 110 ill. isbn:
9789004499669., «NUNCIUS», 2023, 38, pp. 741 - 743 [Review]
Eugenio Bertozzi, Dal cielo delle regolarità al cielo dell’eccezionalità: i mostri celesti di Ulisse Aldrovandi, «ALDROVANDIANA», 2023, 2, pp. 35 - 60 [Scientific article]Open Access
Eugenio Bertozzi, Review of: Recensione del volume "Scienza e tecnica. Dalla rivoluzione scientifica alla rivoluzione digitale di Giulio Peruzzi e Valentina Roberti" (Roma, Donzelli – Padova, Padova University Press, 2022, VIII, 311 pp.), «ANNALI DI STORIA DELLE UNIVERSITÀ ITALIANE», 2023, Annata: XXVI, pp. 279 - 285 [Review]
Eugenio Bertozzi, “And nothing else exists to constitute the Universe'': Augusto Righi and the ultimate physical reality at the dawn of the 20th Century, «IL NUOVO CIMENTO C», 2021, 44, Article number: 157 , pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]Open Access
Eugenio Bertozzi, ‘Seeing with one's own eyes’ and speaking to the mind: a history of the Wilson cloud chamber in the teaching of physics', «BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE», 2021, 54, pp. 177 - 193 [Scientific article]Open Access
Eugenio Bertozzi, Augusto Righi and the intuition of the experiment, «IL NUOVO SAGGIATORE», 2020, 36, pp. 51 - 60 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bertozzi E., Establishing and consolidating a research field: The biography of the Wilson cloud chamber in the history of particle physics, «HISTORICAL STUDIES IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES», 2019, 49, pp. 117 - 150 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bertozzi E., Toward a history of explanation in science communication: The case of Madame Wu experiment on parity violation, «JCOM: JOURNAL OF SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS», 2017, 16, Article number: A10 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access
Venturi, M.; Bertozzi, E.; Pecori, B., How can RRI become a permanent aspect of science teaching?, in: Science education research: Engaging learners for a sustainable future, 2016, pp. 1182 - 1190 (atti di: ESERA 2015 International Conference, Helsinki (Finland), 31/08/2015 - 04/09/2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bertozzi Eugenio, Technology-embedding Instruments and Performative Goals: the case of the fully-automatized cloud chamber by the Officine Galileo in Florence, «BULLETIN OF THE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT SOCIETY», 2016, 129, pp. 34 - 42 [Scientific article]
Bertozzi Eugenio; Levrini Olivia, Recasting Particle Physics by Entangling Physics, History and Philosophy, in: Teaching/Learning Physics: Integrating Research into Practice, Palermo, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2015, pp. 973 - 978 (atti di: GIREP-MPTL 2014 International Conference, Palermo, Italy, July 7-12, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bertozzi, E.; Levrini, O., Recasting particle physics by entangling physics, history and philosophy, «IL NUOVO CIMENTO C», 2015, 38, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]
Eugenio Bertozzi; Claudio Fazio; Michele Antonio Floriano; Olivia Levrini; Roberta Maniaci; Barbara Pecori; Margherita Venturi; Jan Apotheker, Responsible Research and Innovation in Science Education: the
IRRESISTIBLE Project, in: Teaching/Learning Physics: Integrating Research into Practice, Palermo, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2015, pp. 175 - 181 (atti di: GIREP-MPTL 2014 International Conference, Palermo, July 7 - 12, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bertozzi E.; Levrini O., AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH TO CANONICAL QUANTIZATION FOR INTRODUCING QUANTUM FIELD THEORY: THE DOUBLE-SLIT EXPERIMENT RE-EXAMINED, in: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics and Physics Education Research, n.d., Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 445 - 452 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN PHYSICS) [Chapter or essay]