Foto del docente

Eugenia Baroncelli

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Short Bio

Eugenia Baroncelli is Associate Professor of Political Science (DSPS Unibo), where she teaches Politics of the World Economy, Relazioni Internazionali, Politics and Development in the Global World. Former trade and tariff consultant at the World Bank (2001-2006), she has published extensively in international and domestic outlets. She currently investigates the roots of neo-protectionism (AlmaIdea 2017; PRIN 2019 SH1), as well as the regional-global interplays on the HDP Nexus in the context of the SDGs (ECRP-ESF; HDP Lab Synex4 Future). She has taught, among others, at SAIS-The Johns Hopkins University, HSE Moscow, SNS Pisa. She has coordinated projects-workpackages awarded competitive funding at the EU and national levels. She is external independent evaluator (Horizon, VQR, SIR), and referee for IR, IPE and Development Journals and publications (Italian Political Science Review; Industrial and Corporate Change; Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Global Affairs among others). She is member to the Editorial Board of Italian Political Science Review, as well as member of the Editorial Committees ‘Political Science’ and ‘Security’ at Il Mulino Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0543 374 107

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours


Prof.Baroncelli is available to meet students in presence (Forlì Room L3, Palazzo Morgagni 3 floor) or via Teams, by appointment (please write email).

Prof. Baroncelli is always available for information - questions during breaks or at the end of classes during the teaching period of each semester.

Please check this website regularly for updates.

For urgent matters please use email



Forlì Campus at Palazzo Morgagni-  Via Giacomo della Torre, 1 - Forlì-   Room L3.  Ph. 0543 374107

Ravenna Campus at Palazzo Verdi, Via Pasolini 23, Ravenna.


