Foto del docente

Eugenia Baroncelli

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-02/A Scienza politica


World Bank Group Bruxelles -Jan-Apr 2025- curricular internship opportunity DEADLINE 31 OCTOBER 2024

World Bank Group Bruxelles - curricular internship in the external and corporate relations team (ECRBX)

Internship offer ID 548887 on Online Internship Service [] []

Deadline: 31/10/2024

Period: from 13/01/2025 to 11/04/2025

The internship should be in presence at the World Bank office (Bruxelles)

Expected learning outcomes

The intern will have the opportunity to improve analytical, policy and relationship management skills in a fast paced, international environment. Expected learning outcomes will include i) a sound knowledge and practical experience of World bank policies and activities ii) a solid understanding of the WB-EU partnership agenda. The placement will also enhance professional skills such as time management, problem solving, team building; as well as soft skills, including writing, communication and listening skills; multi-cultural awareness and conflict and stress management.


  • Monitor and brief ECRBX on the developments in EU policies and the EU political context – particularly regarding their implications for the WBG-EU partnership and for WBG client countries;
  • provide support to ECRBX team in specific tasks, such as preparation of briefings, organization of events and contributions to the EU weekly internal communication update;
  • Note taking;
  • Research and Briefing Support;
  • Participation in meetings;
  • Assist with ad-hoc tasks.

applications: from 24/09/2024 to 31/10/2024 on Online Internship Service [;jsessionid=D8165FE11333F3AE76E0AC04048E76C8.mic-joss4]

more info - internship Offer ID 548887

Pubblicato il: 23 ottobre 2024