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Eugenia Baroncelli

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-02/A Scienza politica


Curricular Internship Offer World Bank Brussels Nov 2023-Feb 2024

Dear LM Students,

Please find below this very interesting internship opportunity (Bruxelles, World Bank Group).

Details available in the Online Internship Unibo System – reference nr below.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.



World Bank Group Bruxelles - curricular internship in the external and corporate relations team (ECRBX)

Internship offer ID 513802 on Online Internship Service []

Period: from 01/11/2023 to 29/02/2024

The internship should be in presence at the World Bank office.

Expected learning outcomes

a sound knowledge and practical experience of World bank policies and activities

a solid understanding of the WB-EU partnership agenda


  • Monitor and brief ECRBX on the developments in EU policies and the EU political context – particularly regarding their implications for the WBG-EU partnership and for WBG client countries;
  • provide support to ECRBX team in specific tasks, such as preparation of briefings, organization of events and contributions to the EU weekly internal communication update;
  • Note taking;
  • Research and Briefing Support;
  • Participation in meetings;
  • Assist with ad-hoc tasks.

Deadline: 20/10/2023

Applications and more info Online Internship Service;jsessionid=D8165FE11333F3AE76E0AC04048E76C8.mic-joss4

 internship Offer ID 513802

Pubblicato il: 05 ottobre 2023