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Erika Scavetta

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-01/A Chimica analitica

Coordinatrice del Corso di Laurea in Chimica e tecnologie per l'ambiente e per i materiali

Curriculum vitae

Scarica Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 914KB )

Erika Scavetta is Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry since November 2020. The main research activity is the development of electrochemical sensors based on inorganic functional materials or conducting polymers. She’s currently focusing her research in the development of wearable and textile devices to be employed for the analysis of saliva, sweat and wound exudate.

She is author of more than 100 papers on international Journal (h index=30), 3 international patents and more than 50 contributions presented at national and international conferences (three invited contributions).

She is currently scientific responsible of two research contracts with national (Plastood SpA) and international (DSM Nutritional products) companies aimed at the development of smart medical devices for wounds monitoring and at the detection of lipophilic vitamins in food.

She is currently coordinator of two national research projects, the first financed by the Italian ministry of economic development (POC MISE: MIRAGE) and the second by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (PRIN: Glucomfort).

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