Foto del docente

Enrico Testi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-03/A Telecommunications

Curriculum vitae



at the University of Bologna.


  • June 2022: PhD in Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technologies Engineering (ETIT) at the University of Bologna; topic: Wireless Network Analytics for Next Generation Spectrum Awareness.
    Supervisor Prof. Ing. Andrea Giorgetti. Co-supervisor Prof. Ing. Marco Chiani.
  • February 2018: M.S degree in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering for Energy, 110/110 magna cum laude, University of Bologna. Thesis title: “Machine Learning for User Traffic Classification in Wireless Systems”.
    Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Andrea Giorgetti. Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Marco Chiani.

Other activities

  • February 2022 - January 2023
    Research Fellow at the Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research (CIRI) Aerospace of the University of Bologna; research topic entitled: Satellite Internet-of-Things System Based on LEO Satellites.
    Tutor: Prof. Ing. Enrico Paolini.

 Research activity
Some of the main research activities are listed below:

  • Wireless Network Analytics for Next Generation Spectrum Awareness
    Study of procedures for the extraction of blind analytics of new generation wireless networks through spectrum sensing.
  • Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Internet of Things
    Development of models for analyzing the performance of the most common IoT technologies (i.e., LoRa, LR-FHSS, NB-IoT) for satellite-IoT scenarios.
  • Deep Learning for Massive Multiple Access (MMA) in Next Generation Networks
    Study and development of deep learning (DL) techniques to increase the performance of MMA schemes in next generation networks.


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