Full Professor (academic subject/sector:
SECS-P/02 Politica Economica - Economic Policy);
Web: www.unibo.it/faculty/enrico.santarelli
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8986-2755
Enrico Santarelli earned a Laurea in Political Sciences from the University of Macerata (Italy) before completing his graduate studies at the University of Sussex. Under the supervision of Professor G.N. von Tunzelmann, he obtained a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies with a thesis titled “Finance and Technological Change”. In 1987, Santarelli became an Assistant Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Teramo (Italy). He was appointed as a Full Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Bologna in 2000, having previously served as an Associate Professor since 1992. From 2003 to 2009, he held the position of Research Professor at the Max Planck Institute of Economics (Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group) in Jena (Germany). In 2010, he served as a Senior scientist (GH40) at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) of the European Commission in Seville. Throughout his career, he has been a Visiting Professor at various universities worldwide, including Berkeley, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Luxembourg, Maastricht, Saarland, Stanford, and Sussex. Additionally, he has provided consultancy services to the European Commission, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER), and numerous private organizations and companies.
For the period spanning 2021-22 to 2023-24, he held the position of Director of the Second Cycle Degree in Law and Economics (CLAMED-ED/CLAMED-LEIF) at the University of Bologna. He serves as Editor of Small Business Economics, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, and a member of the Editorial Boards of the Eurasian Business Review and of the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity. From 2012 to 2020, he was a member of the Board of Review of the Journal of Business Venturing. Additionally, he served in the Executive Committee of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) from 2004 to 2010.
His primary research focus lies in the economic analysis of entrepreneurship, firm growth, and innovation. He is also active in regional economics, labor economics, and law & economics. His work has been published in various journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, including Research Policy, Regional Studies, Small Business Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Journal of Technology Transfer, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Small Business Journal, Applied Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Economics of Transition, Industry and Innovation, Review of Industrial Organization, Scientometrics, History of Political Economy, Empirical Economics, Growth and Change, Annals of Regional Science, Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, and BMC Health Policy. Notably, he has co-authored papers with influential scholars such as David Audretsch, Martin Carree, Samuel Gosling, Martin Obschonka, Roy Thurik, and Marco Vivarelli in the fields of entrepreneurship and industry dynamics studies.
- Number of citations reported in Web of Science - Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)--1985-present (August 2024): 2386. H-Index = 26.
- Number of citations reported in Google Scholar --1990-present (November 2024): 8313. H-Index = 42.
- Number of citations reported in Scopus: (November 2024): 3058. H-Index = 28.
Research interests:
Entrepreneurship; New-firm entry, growth, and survival; industry dynamics in the developing countries; small business economics; patent analysis; innovation in the high-tech and the consumer goods industries; skill-biased technological change; skill-biased organizational change; regional economics; labor economics; applied econometrics.
Prizes and Awards:
- Best Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the Technology Transfer Society, held in Augsburg on 21-23 September 2011, for his paper (joint with Martin Carree and Antonio Della Malva of Maastricht University) titled “The Contribution of Universities to Growth: Empirical Evidence for Italy”. Dealing with Italian provinces between 2001 and 2006, the paper shows that the effects of academic outputs on provincial economic growth are appreciable when they are associated with sustained entrepreneurial activities.
- Small Business Economics Journal Editor of the year 2017 award for having “performed an exceptional service to Small Business economics Journal over the years as a reviewer, Editorial Board Member, Associate Editor, and Editor. His dedication to SBEJ has increased the quality of its scholarship over the years, helped scholars navigate the currents of research, and assisted the Editors-in-Chief in publishing the best research possible”.
Degrees and post-graduate studies:
1996: D.Phil. in Science and Technology Policy; Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex (UK); Supervisor: G. N. vonTunzelmann; Examiners: Robert Eastwood (Sussex), Andrew Tylecote (Newcastle).
1989: Fellow at the Summer School on Industrial Economics, Florence (Italy), European University Institute, June (Scientific Director: Stephen Martin).
1988: Fellow at the International School of Economic Research, University of Siena (Italy), July;
1987: Fellow at the Course on Organization Theory and the Theory of the Firm, held by Professor Bengt Hölmström at Bergamo University (Italy), June;
1981: Laurea in Political Sciences (cum laude), University of Macerata (Italy);
Previous/other positions:
January 2020 - January 2022: Senior extra mural Research Fellow - Department of Economics and Management, University of Luxembourg;
April 2016 – July 2016: Visiting Professor for Entrepreneurship, University of Saarland, Technology Transfer Office;
From A.Y. 2013-2014: Member of the Academic Board of the European Doctorate in Law & Economics (EDLE) offered by three of the leading European universities: the Universities of Bologna, Hamburg and Erasmus of Rotterdam;
1st March – 31st August 2010: Senior Scientist, European Commission, Directorate-General JRC – Joint Research Center, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Seville).
November 2003 – August 2009: Research Professor, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group, Jena (Germany).
From A.Y. 2000-2001 to A.Y. 2007-2008: Member of the Academic Board of the Ph.D. Program in Economics (“Dottorato di Ricerca in Economia”) offered by the Department of Economics at the University of Bologna;
1992-2000: Associate Professor of Applied Economics - University of Bologna, Faculty of Statistics;
2003-2004, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, and 2007-2008: Adjunct Professor of Industrial Economics - Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, School of Economics and Management, Master of Science in Global Management and Markets;
2000-2001: Adjunct Professor of Industrial Economics - University LUISS “Guido Carli” (Rome), Master of Business Administration;
1999-2001: Director of the European Master in Congress Management; University of Bologna - Faculty of Statistics (program sponsored by the European Commission);
1993-94 - 1996-97: Adjunct Professor of Economic Policy - University of Urbino (Italy), Faculty of Political Sciences;
1991-92: Adjunct Professor of Industrial Economics - University of Urbino (Italy), Faculty of Political Sciences;
From 1986-87 (starting June 1987) to 1991-92: Research Fellow in Economics - University “Gabriele d'Annunzio”, Chieti (at Teramo - Italy) - Faculty of Political Sciences, Dipartimento di Teoria dei Sistemi e delle Organizzazioni;
1986-87: Adjunct Professor of Economics of Innovation - University of Ancona (Italy), Faculty of Economics and Business;
1984-85: Adjunct Professor of Development Economics - University of Ancona (Italy), Faculty of Economics and Business;
1983-84: Adjunct Professor of History of Economic Thought - University of Ancona (Italy), Faculty of Economics and Business.
May 2017 - --: Fellow – Global Labor Organization (www.glabor.org );
2004-2010: Member of the Executive Committee of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE);
October 2007 - --: RCEA, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis, Rimini;
November 2003 - 2009: ENCORE, Economics Network for Competition and Regulation, Amsterdam;
March 2002: Visiting Professor - Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Sponsor: Roy Thurik)
1998-2004: Fellow - Research Centre “Luca D'Agliano” - Bocconi University;
1990-91: (October-March): Research Associate - University of California at Berkeley (USA), Center for Research in Management (Sponsors: Oliver Williamson and David Teece);
1987: (August-October: Visiting Scholar - University of Glasgow (UK), Department of Economics (Sponsor: David Vines);
1985-86: Visiting Research Fellow, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex (UK) (Sponsors: Luc Soete and †Keith Pavitt);
1984-85: Research Fellow, Stanford University (USA), Department of Economics (Sponsors: Nathan Rosenberg and †Moses Abramovitz) – partly supported by a grant from “Fondazione Luigi Einaudi”, Torino;
Scientific associations:
- Industrial Organization Society;
- European Association for Research in Industrial Economics;
- European Association of Law and Economics;
- Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale;
- Technology Transfer Society.
Editorial services:
Since 2016: Editor of Small Business Economics (publisher: Springer);
Since 2015: Member of the Editorial Board of the Eurasian Business Review (publisher: Springer);
Since 2009: Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity;
Since 2009: Associate Editor of Small Business Economics (publisher: Springer;
Since 2010: Member of the Board of Review of the Journal of Business Venturing (publisher: Elsevier);
Since 2010: Co-Editor of the IPTS Working Papers on Corporate R&D and Innovation, Knowledge for Growth Unit – Economics of Industrial Research and Innovation Action, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies- Directorate-General JRC – Joint Research Center, European Commission;
Since 2003: Member of the Editorial Board of Small Business Economics;
Since 1999: Member of the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board of L'industria (publisher: il Mulino).
Refereeing activities:
Applied Economics; Applied Financial Economics; Canadian Journal of Economics; Documenti di Lavoro – ISAE (Institute for Studies and Economic Analyses); Economia Politica; Economia e Politica Industriale; Electronic Markets; Economica; Economic Inquiry; Empirica; Economics of Innovation and New Technology; Economics of Transition; Entrepreneurship and Regional Development; Eurasian Business Review; Estudios Economicos; Industrial and Corporate Change; Growth and Change. A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy; Industry and Innovation; Information Economics and Policy; International Journal of the Economics of Business; International Journal of Industrial Organization; International Journal of Innovation Management; International Journal of Intellectual Property Management; International Journal of Manpower; International Journal of Urban and Regional Research; International Review of Applied Economics; International Review of Law and Economics; International Small Business Journal; Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft - Review of Regional Research; Journal of Applied Econometrics; Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics; Journal of Developing Areas; Journal of Economic Surveys; Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationaloekonomie); Journal of Economic Geography; Journal of Economic Psychology; Journal of Evolutionary Economics; Journal of Industrial Economics; Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade; Journal of Institutional Economics; Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking; Journal of Retailing; Journal of Small Business Management; Journal of Technology Transfer; L'industria; lavoce.info; Max Planck Institute of Economics – Discussion Paper Series; Metroeconomica; Papers in Regional Science; Politica Economica; Regional Studies; Research in Economics; Research Policy; Review of Industrial Organization; Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies; Rivista Italiana degli Economisti; Rivista di Politica Economica; Russian Management Journal; Small Business Economics; Southern Economic Journal; Statistica; Structural Change and Economic Dynamics; The Economics of Transition; World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development.
- Director of the Second Cycle Degree in Law and Economics (CLAMED-ED/CLAMED-LEIF) at the University of Bologna, November 2021- October 2024;
- Director of Organizational Unit (UOS) Rimini - Department of Economics, University of Bologna, June 2015 – May 2018;
- Member of the “Giunta” (Governing Board) - Department of Economics, University of Bologna, November 2015 – May 2018;
- Member of the “Giunta” (Governing Board) - Department of Economics, University of Bologna, October 2012 – October 2015;
- Member of the “Osservatorio della Ricerca” (Research Observatory) of University of Bologna, an institution responsible of the evaluation of ongoing research, April 2008 – April 2014;
- Member of the Committee for the Peer Review of the Research Departments of University of Bologna, May 2008 - September 2008;
- Member of the “Giunta” (Governing Board) - Department of Economics, University of Bologna, October 2005 – October 2008;
- 1999-2001: Director of the European Master in Congress Management; University of Bologna - Faculty of Statistics (program sponsored by the European Commission).
Other and external:
- Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the 47th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE). Bologna, August 28-30, 2020;
- Consultant to UNU_WIDER for a project on Economic Transition in Vietnam, June – December 2017;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 7th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting (InnoPat), Mannheim, ZEW, 15-16 May 2017.
- Member of the Local Organizing Committe of the 33rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE), Bologna, 15-17 September 2016.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 6th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting (InnoPat), Mannheim, ZEW, 2-3 July 2015.
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report, TUM School of Management, Munich, 2014 - ;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd ZEW Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDEII), Mannheim, ZEW, 22-23 May 2014.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting, Mannheim, ZEW, 3-4 June 2013.
- Member of the Program Committee of the 37th Annual E.A.R.I.E. (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) Conference, Istanbul, 2-10 September 2010;
- Member of the Program Committee of the 36th Annual E.A.R.I.E. (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) Conference, Ljubljana, 3-6 September 2009;
- Member of the Program Committee of the 35th Annual E.A.R.I.E. (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) Conference, Toulouse, 4-6 September 2008;
- Consultant to WIFO – Österreichesches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Vienna) for an EU project on entrepreneurship and regional development, March 2008;
- Organization of the Annual Workshop of SIEPI (Italian Society of Industrial Economics and Policy), University of Bologna, Department of Economics - 26 and 27 January 2006;
- Organization of the International Workshop on “Innovation, Employment, and Economic Growth”, University of Bologna, Faculty of Statistics and Department of Economics - 28 and 29 November 2003;
- “Collaboratore”, lavoce.info, 2003 - --;
- Organization of the International Workshop on “The Post-entry Performance of Firms: Technology, Growth, and Survival”, University of Bologna, Department of Economics - 22 and 23 November 2002;
- External consultant to the International Labor Office (Geneva) for a research project on “Openness and Poverty in the Less Developed Countries”, May-October 2002;
- Consultant to Unioncamere (Roma) for the project “Observatory on firm demography”, since 2001;
- Consultant to Prometeia for a research project sponsored by the Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Ripartizione Industria/Autonomen Provinz Bozen – Abteilung Industrie on “I finanziamenti provinciali alle imprese. Elementi di valutazione/Landesförderung für Unternehmen. Elemente der Evaluierung”, 2001-2002;
- Responsible of the research project “The succession problems in the firms located in the Province of Rimini” (sponsored by Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori - ASSINDUSTRIA Rimini, 2000);
- Consultant to Prometeia for the project “Analisi dei Microsettori”, 1999 - 2001;
- Organization of the XXIII Convegno Nazionale di Economia e Politica Industriale, University of Udine, 24-25 September 1999;
- Member of the Program Committee of the 26th Annual E.A.R.I.E. (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) Conference, Torino, 4-7 September 1999;
- Consultant to Confindustria and co-author of the Final Report for the project coordinated by the Italian Ministry of University and Research “Road map for Italy. An investigation on the technological needs of SMEs”, February - December 1998.
Direction of research projects:
1) PRIN MIUR (2006-2008), Principal Investigator “Innovation, entrepreneurship and competitiveness of Italian firms in the high-tech industries” (€50,000);
2) RFO (ex 60%) (2005-2006): “Fragmentation vs. agglomeration: the restructuring of the Italian production system”
3) RFO (ex 60%) (2003-2004): “Market structure and innovation: an analysis of patent citations”;
4) PRIN MIUR (2001-2003), Responsible of the Bologna Unit “Patterns and determinants of skill-biased technical change in a medium-technology country” as a part of the national project “The impact of technological change and globalization on the performance of the Italian and European economies” (National project leader: Prof. Antonello Zanfei, University of Urbino);
5) RFO (ex 60%) (2001-2002): “The size distribution of Italian firms: the impact of technological factors”;
6) PRIN MIUR (2000-2002), Principal Investigator “The post-entry performance of Italian firms: technology, growth and survival” (€30,000):
7) MURST 60% (1999-2000): “Industrial dynamics: theories and empirical evidence”;
8) MURST 60% (1997-1998): “Technological opportunities and R&D spillovers: A comparison among European countries”;
9) MURST 40% (1996-1997): Responsible of the Bologna Unit “Financing and effects of public R&D”, as a part of the national project “Human capital, technology, growth” (National project leader: Prof. Luigi A. Filippini, Catholic University of Milan);
10) MURST 60% (1995-1996): “Growth and survival of firms in Italy”;
11) C.N.R. – National Research Council of Italy (1995): “Start-up, growth and survival of firms in Italy: sectorial and geographical patterns”; Grant number 95.01969.CT10;
12) MURST 40% (1993-1995): Responsible of the Bologna Unit “Financing and effects of public R&D”, as a part of the national project “Human capital, technology, growth” (National project leader: Prof. Luigi A. Filippini, Catholic University of Milan).
- Round Table on Innovation and Industrial Dynamics:Conference on ‘Economics of Innovation: Where we are, how did we get there, and where are we heading?’, Milano, Catholic University od the Sacred Heart, 13 September 2023;
- Workshop – The use of patents in economic research: Discussant of the keynote lecture by Bronwyn Hall : “Is there a role for patents in the financing of new innovative firms?”, University of Bologna, Department of Law, 23 May 2023;
- 22nd Uddevalla Symposium (L’Aquila) 27-29 June 2019 (joint with R. Patuelli and A. Tibadji: “Entrepreneurial Intention among High-School Students: The Importance of Parents, Peers, and Neighbours”;
- Collegio Carlo Alberto (Torino), 28 March 2019 (joint with E. Carbonara, G. Gianfreda, and G. Vallanti): "Intellectual Property Right Protection and Productivity: Constitutions Vs. Ordinary Law?";
- 14th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics (SIDE-ISLE), 13-15 December 2018 (joint with E. Carbonara, G. Gianfreda, and G. Vallanti): “Intellectual Property Right Protection and Productivity: Constitutional Vs. Ordinary Laws?”;
- “6th HEC Paris Workshop on Entrepreneurship”, HEC (Paris) (15-16 December 2017) (joint with Emanuela carbonara, Martin Obschonka, Hien Thu Tran, Jeff Potter, and Sam Gosling): “Agency Culture, Constitutional Provisions and Entrepreneurship: A Cross-Country Analysis”;
- Workshop on “The Future of Small Business Economics”, Utrecht University School of Economics (10 February 2017) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara and Hien Thu Tran): “Psychological Agency, Constitutional Provisions, and Entrepreneurship”;
- ECFED – 5th International Workshop “Entrepreneurship, Culture, Finance and Economic Development”, University of Lyon (23-24 June 2016) (joint with Roberto Patuelli and Annie Tubadji): “Multi-level Transmission of Cultural Attitudes and Entrepreneurial Intentions”;
- Lunch seminar at CREA – Centre for Research in Economics and Management, University if Luxemburg (17 June 2016): “Institutional Determinants of Entrepreneurship: A Cross-Country Analysis”;
- 3rd Greater Region PhD Workshop on “Entrepreneurship & Innovation”, Saarland University (9 May 2016): “Playing the Publication Game: Editorial Leadership and Accountability of the Peer Review Process”;
- Business School Research Seminar Series at Hedge Hill University (16 February 2016) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara and Hien Thu Tran): “De Jure Determinants of New Firm Formation: How the Pillars of Constitutions Influence Entrepreneurship”;
- 8th Annual Conference for the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Toronto, Ryerson University (August 2015) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara and Hien Thu Tran): “Determinants of Portfolio and Serial Entrepreneurship: Theory and an Application to Vietnam”;
- “EMLE MTM 2015 – Law and Economics Workshop”, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 13 February 2015 (joint with Emanuela Carbonara): “De Jure Determinants of New Firm Formation: How the Pillars of Constitutions Influence Entrepreneurship”;
- “Conference on National Systems of Entrepreneurship”, ZEW, Mannheim, 20-21 November 2014: (joint with Hien Thu Tran) “Young Innovative Companies: Are They High Performers in Transition Economies? Evidence for Vietnam”;
- Stevens Institute of Technology – Howe School of Technology Management, Hoboken (NJ, USA, 6 May 2014) (joint with Hien Thu Tran): “Capital Constraints and the Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms in Vietnam”;
- 9th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Law and Economics, Lugano 12-13 December 2013 (joint with Antonio Della Malva): “Intellectual Property Rights, Distance to the Frontier and Innovation”;
- First European Workshop on Entrepreneurial Economics, jointly organized by CEPR and Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, 15-16 November 2013: discussant of the paper by G. Cerqueiro et al.: “Debtor Rights, Credit Supply, and Innovation”;
- 2013 BCERC - Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, EMLYON Business School, Lyon, 5-8 June 2013 (joint with Hien Thu Tran): “Capital Constraints and the Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms in Vietnam”;
- 5th ZEW/MaCCI International Conference on “The Economics of Innovation and Patenting”, Mannheim 3-4 June 2013 (joint with A. Della Malva): “Intellectual Property Rights, Distance from the Frontier and Innovation”;
- ZEW International Conference on “The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship”, Mannheim 4-5 October 2012 (joint with M. Carree, R. Piergiovanni and I. Verheul) “Credit Use and IPR Activity: A Comparison of Patent and Trademark Registrations”;
- IPTS Steering Workshop on “Industrial Research and Innovation”, Seville, 14-15 June 2012, “Inputs and Outputs of Innovative Activities: The Importance of firm- and sector-specific factors”;
- Technology Transfer Conference 2011 (“Technology Transfer in a Global Economy”), Augsburg, 21-23 September 2011 (joint with A. Della Malva and M. Carree) “The Contribution of Universities to Growth: Empirical Evidence for Italy”;
- VI Annual Conference of the EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) Association: Fine Tuning IPR Databases, Brussels, 8-9 September 2011 (joint with A. Della Malva and M. Carree) “The Contribution of Universities to Growth: Empirical Evidence for Italy”;
- XXXVII Annual E.A.R.I.E. (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) Conference, Istanbul, 2-4 September 2010, (joint with R. Piergiovanni) “The More You Spend the More You Get? The Effects of R&D and Capital Expenditures on the Patenting Activities of Biotechnology Firms”;
- CONCORD 2010: Conference on Corporate R&D, Seville, JRC-IPTS, 3-4 March 2010, (joint with R. Piergiovanni) “The More You Spend the More You Get? The Effects of R&D and Capital Expenditures on the Patenting Activities of Biotechnology Firms”;
- XXXVI Annual E.A.R.I.E. (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) Conference, Ljubljana, 3-5 September 2009, (joint with M. Carree and R. Piergiovanni)) “Creative Industries, New Business Formation, and Regional Economic Growth”;
- International Workshop on Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness, Max Planck Institute e Basque Institute of Competitiveness, University of Deusto, San Sebastian, Spain, 18-19 June 2009 (joint with M. Carree and R. Piergiovanni): “Creative Industries, New Business Formation and Regional Economic Growth”; http://www.orkestra.deusto.es/ms/p/37 ;
- XXXVI Annual E.A.R.I.E. (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) Conference, Toulouse, 4-6 September 2008, (joint with M. Carree and I. Verheul) “Regional Opportunities and Policy Initiatives for New Venture Creation”;
- Friedrich Schiller University, Jena Graduate School on “Human Behavior in Social and Economic Change”: Brown Bag Seminar on “Creative industries”, 6 May 2009;
- International Workshop “Imprenditorialità, Creatività e Innovazione”, University of Cassino, 2-3 April 2009: “Creative Industries, New Business Formation and Regional Economic Growth” (joint with R. Piergiovanni and M. Carree);
- “Round Table Discussion: Future Avenues of Policymaking and Research – Lessons for Policy”, Drivers and impacts of corporate R&D in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, JRC-IPTS, Knowledge for Growth Unit, Seville, 19 September 2008;
- Kauffman-Max Planck Annual Summit on “Entrepreneurship Research and Policy: Rethinking the Role of the University and Public Research for the Entrepreneurial Age”, Tegernsee (Munich), Germany, June 8-11, 2008;
- VI Annual International Industrial Organization Conference”, Marymount University (VA, USA), 17 May 2008, (joint with M. Carree and I. Verheul) “Regional Opportunities and Policy Initiatives for New Venture Creation”;
- Workshop on “The Dynamics of Science-based Entrepreneurship”, Sestri Levante (Italy) – 31 March - 2 April, 2008: discussant of the paper “Bridging the gap: Government Programs to Fund University Spin-offs” by E. Rasmussen , R. Sørheim R., and O.J. Borch;
- “Unemployment and Firm Entry and Exit: An Update on a Controversial Relationship”, University of Trento, CIFREM Seminars Series, 27 March 2008;
- “Unemployment and Firm Entry and Exit: An Update on a Controversial Relationship”, WIFO – Österreichesches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Vienna), 10 March 2008;
- II Annual Max Planck – Indian Institute of Science International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth, Bangalore, 24-26 October 2007: “Unemployment, Entrepreneurship, and the Region”;
- XXXIV Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Valencia, 6-9 September 2007 (joint with F. Lotti): “ The Relationship among Innovative Output, Productivity, and Profitability. A Test Comparing USPTO and EPO Data”;
- XXXIV Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Valencia, 6-9 September 2007 (joint with M. Carree and I. Verheul): “ Firm Entry and Exit in Italian provinces and the Relationship with Unemployment”;
- INNO-Views Policy Workshop on “Metrics to Better Understand Innovation Performance: New Approaches to Measuring Innovation”, Ispra, JRC-European Commission, 5-6 July 2007: “Patent Counts as Reliable Measures of Innovation: A Test Comparing USPTO and EPO Data”;
- Workshop on “La valutazione degli aiuti alle imprese”, Roma, Banca d'Italia, 28 June 2007: “La valutazione degli aiuti per la nascita di nuove imprese”;
- KEINS-DIME Conference, CESPRI-Bocconi, 5 June 2007: “Patent Strategy and Firm Performance: NTBFs in Italian Biotechnology”;
- Globelics Academy 2007, “Ph.D. School on Innovation and Economic Development”, Lisbon – Instituto Superior Tecnico, 2 May: “Determinants of the Skill-bias: Theory and Empirical Evidence”;
- 1st EUR/Panteia Lecture on Entrepreneurship, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 21 February 2007: “Entrepreneurship and the Process of Firm Entry, Survival and Growth. A Survey and an Application to Family Firms”;
- Seminar on “Entrepreneurship and the Process of Firm Entry, Survival and Growth”, Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, 15 February 2007;
- Workshop on “Implications from Recent Advances in the Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics”, Open University London Conference Centre, 15-16 December 2006 (joint with M. Vivarelli): “Entrepreneurship and the Process of Firm's Entry, Survival and Growth”;
- XXXIII Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Amsterdam, 25-27 August 2006 (joint with M. Carree and I. Verheul): “ Unemployment and Firm Entry and Exit: An Update on a Controversial Relationship”;
- 3rd Hellenic Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Measurement (He.W.E.P.), Patras, 16-18 June 2006: “Unemployment and Firm Entry and Exit: An Update on a Controversial Relationship”;
- Workshop on “Innovation & Growth”, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano – School of Economics and Management, 25-27 May 2006: “The Skill-Bias Effect of Technological and Organizational Change”;
- Workshop on “The Evaluation of Labor Market, Welfare and Firms Incentives Programmes”, Venezia – Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 11-13 May 2006; Discussant of the paper (by S. Destefanis and G. Storti) “Evaluating Business Incentives Through DEA. An Analysis on Capitalia Firm Data”;
- Presentation of the 66th Report Banca Intesa – Prometeia “Analisi dei Settori Industriali – L'industria italiana nel 2010”, Milan, Banca Intesa, 11 May 2006;
- Seminar on “Cambiamento tecnologico e organizzativo come determinanti dello skill-bias. Evidenza empirica e implicazioni di politica dell'innovazione”, University of Bologna – Department of Statistics, 4 May 2006;
- Seminar on “Unemployment and Firm Entry and Exit: An Update on a Controversial Relationship”, Max Planck Institute of Economics (Jena) - Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group, 25 April 2006;
- Audition on “Research and Innovation”, Italian Ministry of the Economy, Department for Development and Cohesion Policies; Rome, 11 April 2006;
- XXXII Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Porto, 4-7 September 2005 (joint with M. Piva and M. Vivarelli): “Technological and Organizational Changes as Determinants of the Skill-bias: Evidence from the Italian Machinery Industry”;
- Residence week on “Researching the Field of Entrepreneurship”, Max Planck Institute of Economics, 4 July – 8 July 2005;
- Focus group on “Industrial districts” and “Medium-sized firms”, as part of a survey on the Italian industrial system sponsored by the Italian IPI (Istituto per la Promozione Industriale); Milan, 17 June 2005;
- Workshop on “The Economics of Services and Intangible Goods Revisited: Models and Empirical Evidence”, Università di Roma La Sapienza, 3-4 June 2005: Discussant in Session II “Patterns of technical change and innovation diffusion in service and immaterial goods activities”;
- Focus group on “Research and innovation” as part of a survey on the Italian industrial system sponsored by the Italian IPI (Istituto per la Promozione Industriale); Rome, 13 July 2005;
- XX Jornadas de Economia Industrial, Universidad de Granada (15-16 September 2004): “Technological and Organizational Changes as Determinants of the Skill Bias: Evidence from a Panel of Italian Firms”;
- Seminar on “Technological and Organizational Changes as Determinants of the Skill Bias: Evidence from a Panel of Italian Firms”, Max Planck Institute (Jena) - Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group, 8 September 2004;
- Seminar on “Patents and the Technological Performance of District Firms Evidence for the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy”, Max Planck Institute (Jena) - Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group, 7 September 2004;
- Summer School on Entrepreneurship Research and Policy, Max Planck Institute (Jena) - Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group, Discussion Group Leader “Firm Births and Job Creation”, 21-25 June 2004;
- II Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), Chicago, 4-5 April 2004 (joint with M. Piva and M. Vivarelli): “The Skill Bias Effect of Technological and Organizational Change: Evidence and Policy Implications”;
- International Workshop on “Innovation, Employment, and Economic Growth”, University of Bologna, Faculty of Statistics and Department of Economics - 28 and 29 November 2003 (joint with M. Piva and M. Vivarelli): “The Skill Bias Effect of Technological and Organizational Change: Evidence and Policy Implications”;
- XXX Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Helsinki, 24-26 August 2003 (joint with F. Lotti and M. Vivarelli): “Gibrat's Law and Market Selection: Some Evidence from Italian Micro-level Data”;
- 18th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), Stockholm, 20-24 August 2003 (joint with Paolo Figini): “Does Globalization Reduce Poverty? Some Empirical Evidence for the Developing Countries”;
- WIDER Conference on “Inequality, Poverty, and Human Well-being”, United Nations University, Helsinki, 30-31 May 2003: “Does Globalization Reduce Poverty? Some Empirical Evidence for the Developing Countries”;
- Athens University of Economics and Business, 17 April 2003: “Does Gibrat's Law Hold Among Young, Small Firms?”;
- I Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), Boston, 4-5 April 2003 (joint with R. Piergiovanni, L. Klomp, and A.R. Thurik): “Gibrat's Law and the Firm Size/Firm Growth Relationship in Italian Services”;
- IDE-JETRO International Workshop on “Economic Development Through Industrial Agglomerations: How Do We Attract Firms?”, Makuhari (Chiba), Japan, 9-12 December 2002: “Industrial Districts in Emilia-Romagna”;
- Transatlantic Symposium on The Future of Manufacturing in a Global Economy, Bloomington (Indiana), 3-5 November 2002: Invited speaker;
- ICS-UNIDO Seminar on "Assistance in Technology Transfer and Adaptation for SMEs Clusters”, Belgrade, 8 - 9 October 2002: "Embodied technological change as a source of innovation for SMEs: what can we learn from the Italian experience?";
- ILO Workshop on “Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction”, Divonne-les-Bains (France), 3-4 October 2002 (joint with Paolo Figini): “Globalization and Poverty: Some Empirical Evidence”;
- XXIX Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Madrid, 5-8 September 2002 (joint with Francesca Lotti): “Estimating a Survival Function for Family Firms: The Importance of Control and Family Ties”;
- “Entrepreneurship, New-firm Survival and Employment Growth: The Role of Subsidies”, EIM - Business and Policy Research, Zoetermeer, 6 March 2002;
- Labour, Region and Environment seminar at the Tinbergen Institute Rotterdam, 4 March 2002: “Industry Dynamics and the Distribution of Firm Sizes in Italian Manufacturing”;
- 5th Annual EUNIP Conference, Vienna, 29 November - 1st December 2001: “Industry Dynamics and the Distribution of Firm Sizes: A Non-parametric Approach”;
- Workshop on “Demography of Firms and Industries”, Universitat de Barcelona, 16-17 November 2001: “Is it Really Wise to Design Policies in Support of New Firm Formation?”;
- International Conference in Economics V (ERC/METU), Ankara (Turkey), 10-13 September 2001: “The Diffusion of E-commerce Among SMEs: Some Empirical Evidence”;
- XXVIII Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Dublin, 31 August - 2 September 2001 (joint with Francesca Lotti):“Industry Dynamics and the Distribution of Firm Sizes: A Non-parametric Approach”;
- XVI Jornadas de Economia Industrial, Colegio Mayor Fundacion Empresa Publica, Madrid, 20-22 September 2000, (joint with Marco Vivarelli): “Is Subsidizing Entry an Optimal Policy?”;
- XXVII Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Lausanne, 7-10 September 2000 (joint with Luca Lambertini and Francesca Lotti): “Innovative Output, Infra-industry Spillovers, and R&D Cooperation: Theory, and Evidence”;
- XXVII Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Lausanne, 7-10 September 2000 (joint with Francesca Lotti and Marco Vivarelli): “Does Gibrat's Law Hold in the Case of Young, Small Firms?”;
- Seminar on “The Role of Subsidies in Promoting Italian Joint Ventures in Least Developed and Transition Economies”, Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento S. Anna - Pisa, Classe di Scienze Sociali, 6 June 2000;
- Seminario Internacional "La Relación Banca – Empresa en Italia y Argentina: Instrumentos Financieros para el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de a las PYMES", Buenos Aires, 13-14 December 1999: “El financiamiento de las actividades innovativas en las PyMES de los sectores tradicionales en Italia: resultados de una investigacion empirica”;
- “The Ferrara Conference”, Rethinking Management for Innovation: Harnessing European Diversity, Ferrara, 25-27 November 1999;
- XL Annual Conference of the Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE), Ancona, 29-30 October 1999, (joint with Marco Vivarelli): “Does Gibrat's Law Hold in the Case of Young, Small Firms?”;
- XXVI Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Torino, 4-7 September 1999 (joint with Francesca Lotti): “R&D, Embodied Technological Change, Producers - users Interaction, and Productivity at the Firm Level: a Germany-Italy Comparison”;
- 14th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), Santiago de Compostela, 2-4 September 1999 (joint with Francesca Lotti): “R&D, Embodied Technological Change, Producers-users Interaction, and Productivity at the Firm Level: a Germany-Italy Comparison”;
- TSER (Targeted Socio-Economic Research) workshop on Innovation and Economic Change, Delft, 12-13 February 1999: (joint with Francesca Lotti), “R&D, Embodied Technological Change, Producers-users Interaction, and Productivity at the Firm Level: A Germany-Italy Comparison”;
- 13th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), Berlin, 2-5 September 1998: “Patterns of New Firm Survival and Growth in the Italian Financial Intermediation Industry”;
- XXV Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Copenhagen, 26 – 30 August 1998: “Patterns of New Firm Survival and Growth in the Italian Financial Intermediation Industry”;
- Asset Workshop on Banking, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, 19-20 December 1997: “Patterns of New Firms Survival and Growth in the Italian Financial Intermediation Industry”;
- XXIV Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Leuven, 31 August - 3 September 1997: (joint with David Audretsch and Marco Vivarelli), “Start-up Size and Industrial Dynamics: Some Evidence from Italian Manufacturing”;
- Conference on “The Impact of Technological Change on Firm and Industry Performance”, Rotterdam, Erasmus University, 29-30 August 1997: (joint with David Audretsch and Marco Vivarelli), “Start-up Size and Industrial Dynamics: Some Evidence from Italian Manufacturing”;
- XXXVI Annual Conference of the Società Italiana degli Economisti, Firenze, 20-21 October 1995: (joint with A. Sterlacchini) “Statistiche e banche dati sull'innovazione tecnologica a livello di impresa: la situazione italiana”;
- V International Conference on The Economics and Policy of Innovation, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, 23-24 June 1995: (joint with R. Piergiovanni and M. Vivarelli) “R&D Spillovers and the Innovative Output of Small and Large Firms in Italian Industry”;
- Workshop on Literature-based Innovation Output Indicators, Seville (IPTS - Institute for Prospective Technology Studies), January 1995: “A Literature-based Innovation Output Indicator for Italy”;
- XXI Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Crete, 4-6 September 1994: (joint with R. Piergiovanni) “Analyzing Literature-based Innovation Output Indicators: the Italian Experience”;
- XX Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Tel Aviv, 4-7 September 1993: (joint with R. Piergiovanni) “New Firm Formation in the Business Services: the Case of Italy”;
- International Conference “Innovation in the Traditional Sectors and the Survival of Old Technologies”, Venezia, Università Ca' Foscari, 28-29 May 1993: (joint with A. Sterlacchini) “Embodied Technological Change in Supplier Dominated Firms”;
- III International Conference on The Economics and Policy of Innovation, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, 10-11 June 1993: “Market Structure and Innovation in Italian Industry”;
Selected publications:
1) Enrico Santarelli (Ed.) (2006). Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: the Dynamics of Firms and Industries, Springer, New York; Volume 12 in the Series “International Studies in Entrepreneurship” directed by Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch;
2) Enrico Santarelli (1995) Finance and Technological Change. Theory and Evidence, Macmillan & St. Martin's Press, London & New York.
Journal articles and chapters in books:
3) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara and Umberto Michele Carbonara) (2023). Economic analysis of law and the protection of animal rights: Judge Posner and the path to successful lawmaking. History of Economic Ideas, (31)3, pp. 253-267;
4) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara) (2023). Artificial Intelligence and robots: A threat or an opportunity for SMEs and entrepreneurship?. In: E Carbonara and M.R. Tagliaventi (Eds.). SMEs in the Digital Era, Chelthenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 104 – 121;
(5) (joint with Jacopo Staccioli and Marco Vivarelli) (2023). Automation and related technologies: A mapping of the new knowledge base. Journal of Technology Transfer, 48(2), pp. 779 – 813;
(6) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara and Chiara N. Focacci) (2023). Mitigating the labor displacing effects of automation through a robot tax: Evidence from a survey experiment. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, online first, pp. 1 – 14;
(7) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara) (2023). The impact of constitutional protection of economic rights on entrepreneurship: A taxonomic survey. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 19(2), pp. 126 – 223;
(8) (joint with Wismans, Annelot; van der Zwan, Peter; Wennberg, Karl; Franken, Ingmar; Mukerjee, Jinia; Baptista, Rui; Marín, Jorge Barrientos; Burke, Andrew; Dejardin, Marcus; Janssen, Frank; Letina, Srebrenka; Millán, José María; Torrès, Olivier; Thurik, Roy) (2022). Face mask use during the COVID-19 pandemic: how risk perception, experience with COVID-19, and attitude towards government interact with country-wide policy stringency. BMC Public Health, 22, Article number: 1622 , pp. 1 – 14;
(9) (joint with Hien Thu Tran and Wiliam X. Wei) (2022). Open innovation knowledge management in transition to market economy: integrating dynamic capability and institutional theory. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 31(7), pp. 575 – 603;
(10) (joint with Hien Thu Tran) (2021). Successful transition to a market economy: An interpretation from organizational ecology theory and institutional theory. Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(3), pp. 652 – 677;
(11) (joint with Wismans, Annelot; Letina, Srebrenka; Wennberg, Karl; Thurik, Roy; Baptista, Rui; Burke, Andrew; Dejardin, Marcus; Janssen, Frank; Torres, Olivier; Franken, Ingmar) (2021). The role of impulsivity and delay discounting in student compliance with COVID-19 protective measures, Personality and Individual Differences. 179, Article number: 110925, pp. 1 – 11;
(12) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara and Hien Thu Tran) (2020). Determinants of novice, portfolio, and serial entrepreneurship: An occupational choice approach Small Business Economics, 55(1), pp. 123 – 151.
(13) (joint with Wismans, Annelot; Srebrenka, Letina; Thurik, Roy; Wennberg, Karl; Franken, Ingmar; Baptista, Rui; Marin, Jorge; Block, Joern; Burke, Andrew; Dejardin, Marcus; Janssen, Frank; Mukerjee, Jinia; Millan, Jose Maria; Torres, Olivier) (2020). Hygiene and Social Distancing as Distinct Public Health Related Behaviours Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychologia Spoieczna, 15(4), pp. 1 – 26;
(14) Enrico Santarelli (2019). David Audretsch: A source of inspiration, a co-author, and a friend. In: From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship. A Tribute do David B. Audretsch. Heidelberg, Springer, 2019, pp. 121 – 124;
(15) (joint with Hien Thu Tran) (2020). The interaction of institutional quality and human capital in shaping the dynamics of capital structure. In: J. Rand & F. Tarp (Eds.). Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 63 – 87;
16) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara, Giuseppina Gianfreda and Giovanna Vallanti) (2021). The impact of intellectual property rights on labor productivity: Do constitutions matter?. Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(4), pp. 884 – 904;
17) (joint with Roberto Patuelli and Annie Tubadji) (2020). Entrepreneurial intention among high-school students: The importance of parents, peers and neighbors. Eurasian Business Review, 10(2), pp. 225-251; doi: 10-1007/s40821-020-00160-y;
18) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara, Hien Thu Tran, Martin Obschonka, Jeff Potter & Samuel Gosling) (2018). Agency culture, constitutional provisions and entrepreneurship: A cross-ountry analysis. Industrial and Corporate Change, 27(3), pp. 507-524;
19) (joint with Hien Thu Tran) (2017). Spatial heterogeneity, industry heterogeneity, and entrepreneurship. Annals of Regional Science, 59(1), pp. 69-100; doi: 10.1007/s00168-017-0819-4;
20) (joint with Hien Thu Tran) (2017). Young innovative companies: Are they high performers in transition economies? Evidence for Vietnam. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(5), pp. 1052-1076; doi: 10.1007/s10961-016-9475-6;
21) (joint with Emanuela Carbonara and Hien Thu Tran) (2016). De Jure determinants of new firm formation: How the pillars of Constitutions influence entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 47(1), pp. 139-162; doi: 10.1007/s11187-016-9715-z;.
22) (joint with Hien Thu Tran) (2016). Diversification strategies and firm performance in Vietnam: Evidence from parametric and pemi-parametric Approaches. Economics of Transition, 24(1), pp. 31-68; doi: 10.1111/ecot.12082;
23) (joint with Antonio Della Malva) (2016). Intellectual property rights, distance to the frontier and R&D. Eurasian Business Review, 6(1), pp. 1-24; DOI: 10.1007/s40821-015-0022-4;
24) (joint with Hien Thu Tran and Enrico Zaninotto) (2015). Efficiency or bounded rationality? Drivers of firm diversification strategies in Vietnam. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 25(5), pp. 983-1010; doi: 10.1007/s00191-015-0408-6;
25) (joint with Martin Carree, Roberta Piergiovanni, and Ingrid Verheul) (2015). Factors favoring innovation from a regional perspective: A comparison of patents and trademarks. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11(4), pp. 793-810; doi: 10.1007/s11365-014-0313-8;
26) (joint with Hien Thu Tran) (2014). Capital constraints and the performance of entrepreneurial firms in Vietnam. Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(3), pp. 827-864; doi:10.1093/icc/dtt030;
27) (joint with Martin Carree and Antonio Della Malva) (2014). The contribution of universities to growth: Empirical evidence for Italy. Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(3), pp. 393-414. doi: 10.1007/s10961-012-9282-7;
28) (joint with Hien Thu Tran) (2013). The interplay of human and social capital in shaping entrepreneurial performance: The case of Vietnam. Small Business Economics, 40(2), pp. 435-458; doi: 10.1007/s11187-012-9427-y;
29) (joint with Roberta Piergiovanni) (2013). The more you spend, the more you get ? The effects of R&D and capital expenditures on the patenting activities of biotechnology firms, Scientometrics, 94(2), pp. 497-521; oi: 10.1007/s11192-012-0711-z;
30) (joint with Roberta Piergiovanni and Martin Carree) (2012). Creative industries, new business formation and regional economic growth. Small Business Economics, 39(3), pp. 539-560; doi: 10.1007/s11187-011-9329-4;
31) (joint with Hien Thu Tran) (2012). Growth of incumbent firms and entrepreneurship in Vietnam. Growth and Change, 43(4), pp. 638-666; doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2257.2012.00601.x;
32) (joint with Martin Carree and Ingrid Verheul) (2011). Sectoral patterns of firm exit in Italian provinces. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 21(3), pp. 499-517; doi: 10.1007/s00191-010-0191-3;
33) (joint with Martin Carree, Roberta Piergiovanni, and Ingrid Verheul) (2009). Policies fostering new firm formation and self-employment in Italy: An Empirical Exercise. In: R. Baptista and J. Leitao (Eds.), Public Policies for Fostering Entrepreneurship, Springer, New York; Series “International Studies in Entrepreneurship” directed by Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch, pp. 15-34;
34) (joint with Martin Carree and Ingrid Verheul) (2009). Regional opportunities and policy initiatives for new venture creation. International Small Business Journal, 27(5), pp. 1-16; doi: 10.1177/0266242609338757;
35) (joint with Martin Carree and Ingrid Verheul) (2009). Unemployment and firm entry and exit: An update on a controversial relationship. Regional Studies, 43(8), pp. 1061-1073; doi: 10.1080/00343400801968361;
36) (joint with Francesca Lotti and Marco Vivarelli) (2009). Defending Gibrat's Law as a long-run regularity. Small Business Economics, 32(1), pp. 31-44; doi: 10.1007/s11187-007-9071-0;
37) (joint with Francesca Lotti) (2008). Innovative output, productivity, and profitability. A test comparing USPTO and EPO data. Industry and Innovation, 15(4), pp. 393-409; doi: 10.1080/13662710802273280;
38) (joint with Martin Carree and Ingrid Verheul) (2008). Firm entry and exit in Italian provinces and the relationship with unemployment. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 4(2), pp. 171-186; doi: 10.1007/s11365-007-0060-1;
39) (joint with Marco Vivarelli) (2007). Entrepreneurship and the process of firm's entry, survival and growth. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(3), pp. 455-488; doi: 10.1093/icc/dtm010;
40) Enrico Santarelli (2007). The comparative advantage of a region: Industrial districts in Emilia-Romagna. In: M. Tsuji, M. Kagami and E. Giovannetti (Eds.). Industrial Agglomeration and New Technologies. A Global Perspective, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 247-267;
41) (joint with Francesca Lotti and Marco Vivarelli) (2008). Gibrat's Law as a long-run regularity. In: J.M. Arauzo-Carod and M.C. Manión-Antolín (Eds.). Entrepreneurship, Industrial Location and Economic Growth, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2008, pp. 129-140;
42) (joint with Luuk Klomp and A. Roy Thurik) (2006). Gibrat's Law: An overview of the empirical literature. In: E. Santarelli (Ed.). Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: The Dynamics of Firms and Industries, Springer, New York, pp. 41-73;
43) (joint with Francesca Lotti and Marco Vivarelli) (2006). Gibrat's Law in a medium-technology industry: Empirical evidence for Italy. In: E. Santarelli (Ed.). Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: The Dynamics of Firms and Industries, Springer, New York, pp. 149-164;
44) Enrico Santarelli (2006). Entrepreneurship, innovation, and the evolution of industrial districts. In: E. Santarelli (Ed.). Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: The Dynamics of Firms and Industries, Springer, New York, pp. 165-182;
45) (joint with Roberta Piergiovanni) (2006). What is the best policy for innovative entrepreneurship?. In: E. Santarelli (Ed.). Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: The Dynamics of Firms and Industries, Springer, New York, pp. 261-274;
46) (joint with Paolo Figini) (2006). Openness, economic reforms, and poverty: Globalization in the developing countries. Journal of Developing Areas, 39(2), pp. 129-151; doi: 10.1353/jda.2006.0003;
47) (joint with Mariacristina Piva and Marco Vivarelli) (2006). Technological and organizational changes as determinants of the skill bias: Evidence from a panel of Italian firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 27(1), pp. 63-73; doi: 10.1002/mde.1246;
48) (joint with Mariacristina Piva and Marco Vivarelli) (2005). The skill bias effect of technological and organizational change: Evidence and policy implications. Research Policy, 34(2), pp. 141-157; doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2004.11.005;
49) (joint with Francesca Lotti) (2005). The survival of family firms: The importance of control and family ties. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 12(2), pp. 183-192; doi: 10.1080/13571510500127246;
50) (joint with D.B. Audretsch, L. Klomp and A.R. Thurik) (2004). Gibrat's Law: Are the services different?. Review of Industrial Organization, 24(3), pp. 301-324;
51) Enrico Santarelli (2004). The Nature of E-business: Do transaction costs matter?. Russian Management Journal. 2(3), pp. 35-46 (in Russian with abstract in English);
52) (joint with Luca Lambertini and Francesca Lotti) (2004). Infra-industry spillovers and R&D cooperation: Theory and evidence. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 13(4), pp. 311-328; doi: 10.1080=10438590410001629016;
53) (joint with F. Lotti) (2004). Industry dynamics and the distribution of firm sizes: A non-parametric approach. Southern Economic Journal, 70(3), pp. 443-466;
54) (joint with Roberta Piergiovanni, Luuk Klomp and A. Roy Thurik) (2002). Gibrat's Law and the firm size/firm growth relationship in Italian small scale services. Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 2002-080/3; Revue d'Economie Industrielle, No. 102, pp. 69-82;
55) (joint with Samuele D'Altri), (2003). The diffusion of E-commerce among SMEs: Theoretical implications and empirical evidence. Small Business Economics, 21(3), pp. 273-283;
56) (joint with Paolo Figini) (2004). Does globalization reduce poverty? Some empirical evidence for the developing countries. In: Lee, Eddy and Marco Vivarelli (eds.), Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 247-303;
57) (joint with F. Lotti and Marco Vivarelli) (2003). Does Gibrat's Law hold in the case of young, small firms?. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13(3), pp. 213-235; doi: 10.1007/s00191-003-0153-0;
58) (joint with Francesca Lotti and Marco Vivarelli) (2003). Is it really wise to design policies in support of new firm formation?. In: M. Baldassarri and L. Lambertini (Eds.). Antitrust, Regulation and Competition, Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 135-152;
59) (joint with Marco Vivarelli) (2002). Is subsidizing entry an optimal policy?. Industrial and Corporate Change, 2002, 11(1), pp. 39-52; DOI: 10.1093/icc/11.1.39;
60) (joint with Giorgio Barba Navaretti and Marco Vivarelli) (2002). The role of subsidies in promoting Italian joint ventures in least developed and transition economies. Applied Economics, 34(12), pp. 1563-1569; doi: 10.1080/00036840110105029;
61) (joint with Francesca Lotti and Marco Vivarelli) (2001). The relationship between size and growth: The case of Italian newborn firms. Applied Economics Letters, 8(7), pp. 451-454; doi: 10.1080 /1350485001000329 9;
62) (joint with Roberta Piergiovanni) (2001). Patents and the Geographic Localization of R&D Spillovers in French Manufacturing, Regional Studies, 35(8), pp. 697-702; doi: 10.1080/00343400120101434;
63) (joint with Francesca Lotti) (2001). Linking knowledge to productivity: A Germany-Italy comparison using the CIS database. Empirica, 28(3), pp. 293-317;
64) (joint with Francesca Lotti) (2001). Is Firm Growth Proportional? An Appraisal of Firm Size Distribution. Economics Bulletin, 12(6), pp. 1-7;
65) Enrico Santarelli (2000). The duration of new firms in banking: An application of Cox regression analysis. Empirical Economics, 25(2), pp. 315-326;
66) (joint with David Audretsch and Marco Vivarelli) (1999). Start-up size and industrial dynamics: Some evidence from Italian manufacturing, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 17(7), pp. 965-983; doi: 10.1016/S0167-7187(98)00002-2;
67) (joint with David Audretsch and Marco Vivarelli) (1999). Does start-up size influence the likelihood of survival?, in D. Audretsch and R. Thurik (eds.), Innovation, Industry Evolution and Employment, Cambridge University Press, pp. 280-296;
68) Enrico Santarelli (1998). Start-up size and post-entry performance: The case of tourism services in Italy. Applied Economics, 30(2), pp. 157-163; doi: 10.1080/000368498325967;
69) (joint with Roberta Piergiovanni and Marco Vivarelli) (1997). From which source do small firms derive their innovative inputs? Some evidence from Italian industry. Review of Industrial Organization, 12(2), pp. 243-258;
70) (joint with Roberta Piergiovanni) (1996). Analyzing literature-based innovation output indicators: The Italian experience. Research Policy, 25(5), pp.689-712; doi: 10.1016/0048-7333(95)00849-7;
71) Enrico Santarelli (1995). Directed graph theory and the economic analysis of innovation. Metroeconomica, 46(2), pp. 111-126; doi: 10.1111/j.1467-999X.1995.tb00373.x;
72) (joint with Roberta Piergiovanni) (1995). The determinants of firm start-up and entry in Italian producer services. Small Business Economics, 7(3), pp. 221-230;
73) (joint with Alessandro Sterlacchini) (1994). Embodied technological change in supplier dominated firms. The case of Italian traditional industries. Empirica, 20(2), pp. 313-327;
74) (joint with Alessandro Sterlacchini) (1994). New firm formation in Italian industry: 1985-89. Small Business Economics, 6(2), pp. 95-106;
75) Enrico Santarelli (1993). Market structure and innovation in Italian industry: Preliminary results from literature-based innovation output indicators. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 101(3), pp. 307-319;
76) Enrico Santarelli (1991). Asset specificity, R&D financing, and the signaling properties of the firm's financial structure. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1(4), pp. 279-294; doi: 10.1080/10438599100000008;
77) (joint with A. Sterlacchini) (1990). Innovation, formal vs. informal R&D, and firm size. Some evidence from Italian manufacturing firms. Small Business Economics, 2(3), pp. 223-228;
78) (joint with Enzo Pesciarelli) (1990). The emergence of a vision: The development of Schumpeter's theory of entrepreneurship. History of Political Economy, 22(4), pp. 677-696; doi: 10.1215/00182702-22-4-677;
79) Enrico Santarelli (1989). Financial and technological innovations during the phases of capitalist development. In: R.M. Goodwin - M. Di Matteo - A. Vercelli (Eds.). Technological and Social Factors in Long Term Fluctuations, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 384-402;
80) Enrico Santarelli (1987). The financial determinants of technological change. An expository survey. Economic Notes, 3, pp. 37-58;
81) Enrico Santarelli (1987). Generation and diffusion of new technologies. International Review of Economics and Business, 34(9), pp. 829-852.
Selected Publications in Italian:
Journal articles and chapters in books:
82) (joint with R. Piergiovanni) (2010). Una verifica della Legge di Gibrat. In: P. Feltrin and G. Tattara (Eds.). Crescere per competere. Le piccole e medie imprese in un mondo globale. Bruno Mondadori, Milano, pp. 125-152;
83) (joint with E. Barbieri) (2010). La valutazione delle politiche industriali. In P. Bianchi and C. Pozzi (eds.), Le politiche industriali alla prova del futuro, il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 125-154;
84) (joint with R. Piergiovanni and M. Vivarelli) (2008). Le politiche per la formazione di nuove imprese. In: G. de Blasio and F. Lotti (Eds.). La valutazione degli aiuti alle imprese, il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 121-147;
85) (joint with R. Piergiovanni, M. Carree, and I. Verheul) (2007). Politiche per l'imprenditorialità e self-employment: un'analisi territoriale. L'industria, 28(2), pp. 199-219;
86) (joint with G. Bono) (2005). Il disegno delle politiche di incentivo all'innovazione tra copyright e copyleft. L'industria, 26(4), pp. 613-627;
87) Enrico Santarelli (2001). Ricambio generazionale e continuità dell'impresa: un'applicazione dello stimatore di Kaplan-Meier. L'industria, 22(1), pp. 141-172;
88) Enrico Santarelli (1999). Le imprese italiane nell'età dell'Euro: problemi e opportunità. L'industria, 20(4), pp. 657-678;
89) (joint with B. Pantiglioni) (1998). R&S e competitività internazionale nell'industria manifatturiera europea: un'analisi settoriale. Economia Internazionale, 51(1), pp.47-62;
90) Enrico Santarelli (1997). La relazione tra dimensione iniziale, sopravvivenza e crescita delle imprese nel settore turistico in Italia. Statistica, 57(1), pp. 125-138;
91) (joint with A. Sterlacchini) (1996). Statistiche e banche dati sull'innovazione tecnologica a livello di impresa: la situazione italiana, Rivista italiana degli economisti, 1(2), pp. 285-316;
92) (joint with R. Piergiovanni) (1993). Determinanti della formazione di imprese nei servizi alla produzione in Italia. Moneta e Credito, 46(182), pp. 259-280;
93) (joint with A. Sterlacchini) (1993). Profili e determinanti settoriali della formazione di nuove imprese nell'industria italiana. Rivista di Politica Economica, 83(5), pp. 33-68;
94) (joint with A. Sterlacchini and F. Quaglia) (1991). Investimenti in macchine e innovazione nelle piccole e medie imprese. Una valutazione del progresso tecnico incorporato. L'industria, 12(2), pp. 289-318;
95) (joint with F. Quaglia and A. Sterlacchini) (1990). Capacità innovative e sostegno pubblico all'innovazione: le tendenze regionali italiane. Economia Marche, 9(2), pp. 239-259;
96) (joint with D. Archibugi) (1989). Tecnologia e struttura del commercio internazionale: la posizione dell'Italia. Ricerche Economiche, 43(4), p. 427-455;
97) (joint with A. Sterlacchini) (1989). Patterns regionali di innovazione tecnologica in Italia: R&S, brevetti sull'estero, imprese innovative, L'industria, 10(1), pp. 25-56;
98) Enrico Santarelli (1988). Distretti multi-localizzati e innovazione nell'industria italiana. Economia Marche, 7(2), pp. 161-208;
99) (joint with M. Pugno) (1986). La controversia 'technology push/demand pull'. Una riconsiderazione. Economia e Politica Industriale, 13(50), pp. 205-225.
Ph.D. Committees (1995 – 2017; in alphabetical order):
Bazzucchi Lucia (University of Ferrara), “INDUSTRIAL POLICY 2.0:la frontiera del digitale, gli Stati Uniti e il dibattito sull’intervento di governo”;
Beccarello Massimo (University of Bologna), “Regolazione ed efficienza nella distribuzione del gas naturale”;
Buiten Miriam C. (Universities of Hamburg and Erasmus – Rotterdam), “Harmonisation and the EU Internal Market: A Law and Economics Approach”;
Castelli Annalisa (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), “Essays on Corporate Finance and Intermediation”;
Clementi Massimo (University of Rome “La Sapienza”), “Scaling Distributions in Economics: The Size Distributions of Incomes”;
Della Malva Antonio (University of Maastricht), “Essays on the Economic and Strategic Implications of Science”;
Gospodinov Penev Penio (Universities of Bologna, Hamburg, and Erasmus - Rotterdam), “The Application of European Competition Law in Arbitration Proceedings”;
Grazzi Marco (St. Anna School of Advanced Studies – Pisa), “Four Essays on Productivity and Cost Structure in Business Firms”;
Guerra Alice (Universities of Bologna, Hamburg, and Erasmus - Rotterdam), “Essays on The Economic Analysis of Tort Law”;
Lotti Francesca (St. Anna School of Advanced Studies – Pisa), “Three Essays on Industry Dynamics”;
Palumbo Giuliana (University of Naples “Federico II”), “Regolamentazione, produzione di informazioni ed ottima organizzazione dello Stato”;
Pazienza Maria Grazia (University of Siena), “Determinanti finanziarie e fiscali delle decisioni di investimento: teorie, analisi empiriche e una verifica con il modello probit”;
Rizzo Leonzio (University of Naples “Federico II”), “Competizione fiscale, mobilità e perequazione”;
Rubino Franco Ernesto (University of Naples “Federico II”), “Intervento pubblico e discriminazione dei prezzi nei mercati monopolistici: aspetti teorici ed applicazioni al settore delle telecomunicazioni”;
Ruiu Gabriele (University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale), “The Role of Culture and Institutions in Entrepreneurial Selection”;
Scarlato Margherita (University of Rome “La Sapienza”), “Commercio internazionale e crescita economica”.
Schettino Francesco (University of Rome “La Sapienza”), “Evaluating the Black Box of Innovation”.
Tran Hien Thu (University of Trento), “Three Essays on Determinants, Strategic Behaviors and Formation of Entrepreneurship in Vietnam”.
Vici Laura (Politechnic University of the Marche), “Software Open Source: dinamica, esternalità e istituzioni”.
Prof. David B. Audretsch, Head, Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, SPEA, suite 201, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA, tel.: 001 812 5566766, E-Mail: daudrets@indiana.edu [mailto:daudrets@indiana.edu]
Prof. Martin Carree, Head, Department of Organization and Strategy, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, the Netherlands, tel. 0031 43 3884981, E-Mail: m.carree@os.unimaas.nl [mailto:m.carree@os.unimaas.nl]
Prof. A. Roy Thurik, Head, Centre for Advanced Small Business Economics, Rotterdam School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, the Netherlands, tel. 0031 10 4081398, E-Mail: thurik@eur.few.nl [mailto:thurik@eur.few.nl]