From November 2023 Enrico Malaguti is a Full Professor of Operations Research at the School of Engineering of
the University of Bologna.
2007 - 2010: Post Doctoral Fellow (Assegnista di Ricerca) at
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica (DEIS),
University of Bologna;
2006, August - December and 2007, October - December:
Visiting Scholar at Graduate School of Business, Columbia
University, New York, USA;
2007, May - Ph.D. in Control System Engineering and
Operational Research from DEIS, University of Bologna, thesis: The
Vertex Coloring Problem and its Generalizations, advisor: Paolo Toth;
His research activity is mainly devoted to the study, design and
experimental evaluation of algorithms for Combinatorial
Optimization problems, with a special interest on Graph
problems; and on reformulation approaches to integer programs in the deterministic and uncertain settings.
He considered the classical version and some generalizations of
the Vertex Coloring Problem, for which he proposed heuristic,
metaheuristic and exact approaches. He considered the Bin Packing
Problem with Conflicts (incompatibilities among items), for which
he proposed lower bounds, heuristic algorithms and exact approaches
based on Branch-and-Bound and Branch-and-Price techniques.
He studied fair routing problems, where the cost of the solution
must be balanced with its fairness with regards to the system
users, and service design and routing problems in railway freight
His current research activity is focused on reformulation
techniques for Mixed Integer Programming and Stochastic Programming, including chance-constrained, robust and multistage programs; in addition he is
still working on packing problems and optimization problems on graphs.
He autored/co-authored more than 50 papers on international journals,
including Mathematical Programming, Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Management Science and Transportation Science.
He was speaker speaker at more than 30 international conferences.
He organized several invited sessions at international conferences, and he was in the organizing
committee of the CPAIOR2010 conference.
Co-Chair of the organizing committee of the EURO-ALIO2018 conference.
He served as referee for several international journals on
Operations Research and Discrete Optimization.
Teacher of the courses of Fondamenti di Ricerca Operativa, Algorithms for Decision Making, Laboratorio di Strumenti di Ottimizzazione e Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems at the School of Engineering of the University of Bologna.
Supervisor of bachelor and master thesis in Industrial and Computer Engineering;
Research Projects
2005 - 2007 UE REORIENT: Implementing change in the European railway system.
2007 - 2008 PRIN 2005: Routing a packing nell'ottimizzazione dei sistemi di trasporto.
2006 - 2009 UE ARRIVAL: Algorithms for robust and online railway optimization: improving the validity and reliability of large scale systems.
2012 - 2014 UE EPTA: European model for public transport authority as a key factor leading to transport sustainability.
2014 - 2017 UE E4-SHARE: Models for ecological, economical, efficient, electric car-sharing.
2017 - 2018 PRIN 2015: Nonlinear and combinatorial aspects of complex networks.
2018 - 2021 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network MINOA: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimisation Applications. Principal Investigator (Scientist-in-Charge) for the University of Bologna.
2020 - 2023 AFOSR: Network protection, interdiction and design under uncertainty. Principal Investigator.
Italian: mother tongue;
English: fluent;
French: fluent.