Foto del docente

Enrico Dinelli

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-01/C Geochemistry and Volcanology


main research interests regards the geochemistry of the environmental surface, in particular:

environmental geochemistry: of abandoned mine area and contaminated sites, focusing on dispersion of chemical elements of environmental relevance in various matrices, the bioavailability and the transfer to the biosphere, either in animal and vegetation.

marine geochemistry: geochemistry is used as a tracer for sediment provenance, as palaeoenvironmental indicator, as indicator of diagenetic processes, as indicator of sediment contamination.

sedimentary geochemistry: sedimentary rocks and sediments are used as a tracer for sediment provenance, as palaeoenvironmental indicator, as indicator of diagenetic processes.

hydrogeochemistry: study of the chemical composition of groundwater, surface water and drinking water

isotope geochemistry: application of stable isotopes (H, O, C, S) to the study of rocks and water.

tephrochronology: compositional characterization of tephra layer in marine, lacustrine and continental successions.

biogeochemistry: bioaccumulation of metals in organisms.

environmental geochemistry studies in abandoned mine sites and contaminated sites aimed at the evaluation of dispersion and impacts of selected elements of environmental relevance using different matrices, evaluating bioavailability and transfer to the biosphere either animal and vegetal. The abandoned mines of  Libiola (GE) and Vigonzano (PC) were studied in detail. For both sites mineralogy and chemisty of the waste material was necessary to characterize the source and waters, soils, sediemnts and vegetation  were studied to trace dipersion and impacts. Methods to treat acid waters were tested in lab and field studies inthe Libiola mine area (project LIFE-Environment UK 2003-2006 BIOMAN).

marine geochemistry: geochemistry used to trace sediment provenance, as a palaeoenvironmental proxy, as indicator of diagenetic processes and sediment quality. Integrated chemistratigraphic studies were carried out on recent marine sediment of the Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Sicily Channel, Gulf of Cadiz. The description of the geochemical features of sapropels S1 and S5 in several locations of the Mediterranean Sea, the description of the evolution of sedimento composition in the Adriatic Sea and of the Gulf of Manfredonia,the characterization of the composition of coastal sediments along the Emilia-Romagna coastline and of the Port of Ravenna are examples of research themes developed. Collaboration with many researcher was widespread: University of Milano-Bicocca, Politechnic University of  Marche, University of Pisa, CNR-ISMAR sections of Bologna and Ancona, ARPA-ER, University of Bremen, Utrecht University)

geochimica del sedimentario: geochemistry of sedimentary succession used to trace sediment provenance, as a palaeoenvironmental proxy and as indicator of diagenetic processes. These themes were developed particulalrly in the easter sector of the Po Plain identifying the major features of sediment provenance, defining the independece of provenance-describing index from texture, and extending resarch also to inland areas. Also other coastal areas are under study (Arno River coastal plain, and Lesinaand Varano lagoon deposits). These researches are developed in collaboration with other colleagues of the Earth Science Department (prof. Amorosi, dott. Vaiani), of the Engineering Faculty (Prof. Curzi), of the University of Pisa, of the CNR-ISMAR section of Ancona, of CNR-IGG section of Padova. Mesozoic-tertiary successions of the Southern Apennines were studied in collaboration with colleagues of the Basilicata University (Prof. Mongelli).

Hydrogeochemistry: research projects to study the hydrogeochemistry of shallow groundwater in coastal areas affected by saline intrusion with focus on the mobility of potentially harmful elements (As). Hydrogeochemical studies in areas affected by mining operation in Romania and in Liguria in collaboration with colleagues from the Earth Science dept. of the University of Genoa. Collaboration with the Geochemistry Expert Group of the EuroGeoSurvey which recently launched research projects on drinking water.

isotope geochemistry: application of geochemical tracers (H, O, C, S) to the study of rocks and waters with interests focused on the application of isotope geochemistry as source tracer or process indicatos in fluvial catchment impacted by human activities or mine operations. Isotope geochemical studies were also carried out to characterize the rain in Bologna. These researche were conducted in collaboration with CNR-IGG section of Pisa (Prof. Cortecci), University of Parma.

tefrocronologia: compositional characterization of tephra layer in marine, lacustrine and continental successions as a correlationand dating tool. Researches were conducted in sediments from the Adriatic Sea, in extension to the Ionian Sea. Research in collaboration with CNR-ISMAR sections of Bologna amd Ancona.

biogeochemistry: bioaccumulation of metals in sediments. The bioaccumualtion o fmetals in vegetation has been evaluated in several mine areas and peculiar soils, in collaboration with colleagues of the Biology department and researchers of the Universidad Autonomaof Barcellona. Bioaccumulation of Cu and CrVI in the earthworm Eisenia andrei under controlled conditions has been developed in team with CIRSA colleagues (Prof. E. Fabbri, Dott. Pasteris, Dott. Buscaroli) integrated the biological and ecological responses. The bioaccumulation of several metals in Mytilus galloprovinicialis exposed to altered environmental conditions helped to define the impact on the organism and the quality of the environment.

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