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Emanuele Mariani

Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: PHIL-01/A Theoretical Philosophy

Curriculum vitae

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Emanuele MARIANI

Date of birth: 30/10/1976

Place of birth: Avellino (Italy)

Professional address:

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Centro de Filosofia


Alameda da Universidade

1600-214 Lisboa


Personal addresses:

26, rua Cidade da Horta

1000-201 Lisboa (Portugal);

117 rue Saint Maur

75011 Paris (France);

Via Silvio Pellico 77

48018 Faenza (Italy)

Personal contact details:


tel.: +33625620018


Research Fields


Phenomenologies (German, French, Italian); German Contemporary Philosophy; History of Metaphysic and History of Ontology


Ancient Philosophy, Aristotelism and Neoplatonism; Philosophy of Mind; Kant and Neo-Kantianism; Philosophy of Psychology; Theories of knowledge; Philosophy of Religion; Philosophy of Art


Ancient Philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Plotinus, Porphyry, Proclus); Medieval Philosophy (Thomas and Thomism); Modern Philosophy (Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume); German Philosophy (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Trendelenburg, Lotze); English and Scottish Philosophy (J.S. Mill, Hamilton); Psychology (Herbart, Wundt, Ebbinghaus, Avenarius, Mach, Stumpf); Austrian Philosophy (Bolzano, Brentano, Meinong); German Phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger, Ingarden, Reinach, Stein, Scheler); Philosophie of Life and of Existence (Dilthey, Jaspers); French Phenomenology (Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Derrida, Ricoeur, Levinas, Henry, Marion); Italian Phenomenology (Paci, Melandri); Jewish Philosophy (Buber); Theology (Barth, Bultmann, Bonhoeffer)


Current and Previous Positions, Academic Titles, Education & Awards

Since 2017:

FCT Researcher (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal), Centro de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa (CFLUL) (“Investigador Auxiliar” [Research Fellow] equivalent to: “Professor Auxiliar” [“Assistant Professor”; “Lecturer B”; “Ricercatore RTDb”])

Since 2020 (fifth quarter):

Abilitazione per le funzioni di professore di seconda fascia” (National Scientific Qualification leading to the position of Associate Professor), ASN (Italy) (Academic Sector 11/C1: Theoretical Philosophy)

Since 2011 (renewed in 2017):

Qualification aux fonctions de maître de conférences” (Qualification leading to the position of Lecturer), French National University Council (17th Section: Philosophy)

2019-2020 (1st semester):

Invited Professor (“chargé de cours”) at Université de Lille


FCT Researcher post-doc

(Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal)

Hosting Institutions:

Centro de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa (CFLUL)

Instituto de Filosofia Prática, Universidade de Évora ((IFP)

Centro de Filosofia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Cefi)

Since 2015

Full Member of CFLUL (Centro de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa)

Since 2015:

Research fellow at the research group “Discipline Filosofiche” at Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna

Since 2014:

Researcher fellow at Multidisciplinary Research Lab “Savoir, Textes, Langages” (Laboratoire de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire, UMR 8163), Université de Lille


Lecturer (“docente a contratto”) at Università del Salento (Lecce)


PhD candidate at Università del Salento (Lecce) in partnership with Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)


PhD candidate at Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)




PhD under joint supervision between Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) and Università del Salento (Lecce). Supervisors: Jean-Luc Marion, Giovanni Invitto

PhD Dissertation: “Nothing but Being. Researches on the concept of analogy and the Aristotelian tradition of phenomenology” [Original title in Italian: “Nient’altro che l’essere. Ricerche sull’analogia e la tradizione aristotelica della fenomenologia”]

PhD Dissertation Defense on the 25th of October 2010 at Università del Salento (Lecce). Grade: with first-class honors, (“très honorable avec les félicitations du jury à l'unanimité”)

Committee: Jean-François Courtine (Université Paris-Sorbonne); Jean-Luc Marion (Université Paris-Sorbonne); Giovanni Invitto (Università del Salento), Francesco Fronterotta (Università del Salento)


Participation to “Scuola d’Alta Formazione Filosofica” (School of High Philosophical Training), 7th edition, Turin (23-27 November)


Participation to “Scuola d’Alta Formazione Filosofica” (School of High Philosophical Training), 1st edition, Turin (Italy). Invited professor: Jean-Luc Marion (13-17 November)

Oct. 2006:

Ranked first at the PhD Call for Application of Università del Salento (Lecce). PhD School: “Forms and History of Philosophical Knowledges in Modern and Contemporary Europe” (“Scuola dottorale in Forme e Storia dei Saperi Filosofici nell’Europa Moderna e Contemporanea”)


PhD enrolment at Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV). PhD School V: “Concepts and Languages” (Concepts et Langages). Hosting Group: 3552 “Metaphysics, Histories, Transformations, Actualities” (“Métaphysique, Histoires, Transformations, Actualités”)


D.E.A (equivalent to: Master) in Philosophy at Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV). Supervisor: Jean-Luc Marion

Master’s Dissertation: “The measure of consciousness: The Problem of Categorial Intuition in Husserl’s 6th Logical Investigation” [Original title in French: “La mesure de la conscience: le problème de l’intuition catégoriale dans la sixième recherche logique de Husserl”]. Grade: very good (très bien)


“Laurea” (equivalent to: Master) in Philosophy at Università di Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum. Supervisor: Stefano Besoli

Dissertation: “For a Hermeneutics of Experience. The Theme of Analogy in Enzo Melandri’s Thought” [Original title in Italian: “Per un’ermeneutica dell’esperienza. Il tema dell’analogia in Enzo Melandri”]. Grade: 110/110 summa cum laude

Jan.-March 2001:

Research fellowship at Trinity College of Dublin. Participation to the seminars of the Royal Irish Academy

Jan.-August 1999:

Erasmus student at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). Participation to the seminars of the “Philosophy and Cultural Analysis Master”

June 1996:

Classical Education at Grammar School “Liceo Evangelista Torricelli” (Faenza, Italy)




“Vittorio SainatiAward”. Under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic for best PhD Dissertation in Philosophy (6th edition, ETS Pisa, Italy)]]



Teaching Activities

Since 2017:

Research Fellow/Lecturer (“Investigador auxiliar” equivalent to “Professor auxiliar”) at Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras


Invited Professor (“Chargé de cours”) at Université de Lille and Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


Lecturer (post-doc) at Universidade de Évora; Invited Lecturer at Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale (2013) and Università di Cagliari (2014)


Lecturer (“Docente a contratto”) at Università del Salento (Lecce)

Research Activities

Full member of Centro de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

Research fellow at Laboratoire de recherche pluridisciplinaire: Savoirs, Textes, Langage UMR 8163, Université de Lille

Research fellow at Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Research Group « Discipline Filosofiche » (dir. S. Besoli)

Vice-director of the journal: Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy (dir. P. Alves), at Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

Member of the editorial team of the journal: Discipline Filosofiche (dir. S. Besoli), at Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (Italy)

Member of the editorial team of the journal: Alvearium (dir. J.-R. Armogathe, G. Belgioioso, C. Borghero), at Università del Salento (Lecce)

Member of the scientific board of the journal: Aisthema. International Journal (dir. P. Giustiniani), at Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale (Napoli, Italy)

Executive Secretary of João Paisana Lectures, in partnership with Institut français du Portugal and Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

Secretary of the Portuguese Association for Phenomenological Studies (AFFEN)



Since 2020:

The North American Society for Early Phenomenology (NASEP)

Since 2019:

The Husserl Circle

Since 2014:

Spanish Phenomenological Society (SEFE)

Since 2014:

European Japanese Studies Associations (EAJS)

Since 2014:

Società Evangelista Torricelli di Scienze e Lettere (Italy)


Mediterranean Network for Hermeneutics and Phenomenology (REM)


Research Study Periods

July 2020 (to be re-scheduled):

Exploratory research stay at the Faculty of Arts, University of Kyoto

Avril 2020 (to be re-scheduled):

Exploratory research stay at The New School for Social Research, New York


Visiting research stay at Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Sept-Dec. 2018:

Visiting researcher at Archives Husserl de Paris, UMR 8547 Pays Germaniques (CNRS)

June-Sept. 2014:

Visiting researcher at Archives Husserl de Paris, UMR 8547 Pays Germaniques (CNRS)


Visiting research stay at Centro di Studi su Descartes e il Seicento, Università del Salento (Lecce)


International Symposia Organisation

18-20 November 2020. “V Jornadas Ibéricas de Fenomenologia / VI Congresso da AFFEN (Associação Portuguesa de Filosofia Fenomenológica)”: “Ser humano e Natureza / Ser humano y Naturaleza”, Universidade de Lisboa. Funding: FCT (Portugal) [postponed to November 2021 due to the covid 19 pandemic]

4-5 June 2020. “Brentano Open Questions” (as part of the exploratory project “Exploring the Self: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Subjectivity”), Universidade de Lisboa. Funding: FCT (Portugal) [postponed to a later date due to the covid 19 pandemic]

4-6 September 2019. “Jornadas Heideggerianas. Heidegger à conversa com Heidegger”. Universidade de Évora / Universidade de Lisboa (as part of the exploratory project “Exploring the Self: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Subjectivity”). Funding: FCT (Portugal)

21-22 October 2013.Ontology and Phenomenology in the Centenary of Edmund Husserl’s Ideen I”, co-organised with P. Alves, Centro de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa. Funding: FCT (Portugal)

31 May – 1 June 2013. “Jornadas Heideggerianas: O Caminho para Ser e Tempo”, co-organised with I. Borgues-Duarte, Universidade de Évora. Funding: FCT (Portugal)

20-21 February 2012. “Nomos e Polis” (organisation support under the supervision of P. Alves, A. Loureiro de Sousa), Universidade de Lisboa. Funding: FCT (Portugal)


Workshops and Seminar Organisation

14-16 April 2020. Heidegger International seminar, co-organised with I. Borges-Duarte, with the participation of R. Rodriguez. Universidade de Évora / Universidade de Lisboa / Universidad Complutense de Madrid (as part of the exploratory project “Exploring the Self: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Subjectivity”). Funding: FCT (Portugal) [postponed to a later date due to the covid 19 pandemic]

13-14 December 2019. International Bilateral Seminar (Lisbon/Lille) in Phenomenology: “From Logic and Ontology to First Philosophy and Transcendental Phenomenology. A Map of Husserliana XXIV” (Second Part). Université de Lille (as part of the exploratory project “Exploring the Self: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Subjectivity”). Funding: FCT (Portugal)

28-30 October 2019. International Bilateral Seminar (Lisbon/Lille) in Phenomenology: “From Logic and Ontology to First Philosophy and Transcendental Phenomenology. A Map of Husserliana XXIV” (Second Part). Universidade de Lisboa(as part of the exploratory project “Exploring the Self: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Subjectivity”). Funding: FCT (Portugal)

10 December 2018. Workshop: “Phenomenon: Open Questions / Le phénomène: questions ouvertes”, as part of the research bilateral project: “Phenomenon: Cartography of a Fundamental Concept / Le phénomène: cartographie d’un concept fondamental” (PHC-PESSOA, Lille-Lisbon), Université de Lille (France). Funding: Campus France / FCT (Portugal)

28-29 September 2018. Workshop: “Des Platonismes en phénoménologie. Interprétations, Appropriations, Distorsions”. With C. Majolino, Université de Lille. Funding: Centre de recherche pluridisciplinaire: “Savoirs, Textes, Langage”

11-12 December 2017. Workshop: “The Reach of Phenomena / La portée des phénomènes”, as part of the bilateral research project: “Phenomenon: Cartography of a Fundamental Concept / Le phénomène: cartographie d’un concept fondamental” (PHC-PESSOA, Lille-Lisbon), Université de Lille. Funding: Campus France / FCT (Portugal)

A.Y. 2017-2018. Seminar: “Des platonismes en phénoménologie”, as part of the standing seminar: Les usages de la phénoménologie (co-organised with C. Majolino, A. Lernould, E. Mehl), Université de Lille (France)

Academic Year 2016-2017. Seminar: “L’art: expérience, œuvre, création”, as part of the standing seminar: Les usages de la phénoménologie (co-organised with C. Majolino and A. Boissière), Université de Lille (France)

15-16 December 2016. Workshop: “Phenomenon: Cartography of a Fundamental Concept”. Universidade de Lisboa. Funding: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa (CFLUL)

C. Graduate and Undergraduate Workshops Organisation

8 November and 16 December. Co-organisation and joint supervision with C. Majolino of the Master Discussion Workshop in Phenomenology (Master 1 and Master 2), Université de Lille

Design, fundraising and organisation of the 1st and 2nd edition of the standing seminar of the PhD School “Forms and Histories of Philosophical Knowledges in Modern and Contemporary Europe”, Università del Salento (Lecce)

10-11 September 2008. “The Truth of Image” [La verità dell’immagine]. Funding: Università del Salento, Université Franco-Italienne / Università Italo-Francese

10-11 September 2007. “Logic of Experience” [La logica dell’esperienza]. Funding: Università del Salento, Université Franco-Italienne / Università Italo-Francese


Talks at conferences and symposia

18-20 November 2020. “O ser humano e a natureza no mundo das atitudes”. Conference: “Ser humano e Natureza. V Jornadas Ibéricas de Fenomenologia / VI Congresso da AFFEN. Universidade de Lisboa [postponed to November 2021 due to the covid 19 pandemic]

22-24 April 2020. “Method and Life: The Young Heidegger on the Idea of Phenomenology”. Conference: Phenomenology as Method. Meeting of the North American Society for Early Phenomenology (NASEP). St. John’s University (New York) [postponed to a later date due to the covid 19 pandemic]

6 December 2019. “Husserl on the Idea of Man and Philosophy”. Conference at the invitation of Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

4-6 September 2019. “Que é a filosofia? Ou seja: que é o homem? Heidegger, a partir de Husserl, em conversa consigo mesmo”. Symposium: Jornadas Heideggerianas. Heidegger à conversa com Heidegger. Universidade de Évora / Universidade de Lisboa

1-5 July 2019. “One is not born, but rather becomes a... man. Husserl on the idea of Europe, philosophy and humanity”. Conference at the invitation of the Phenomenology Summer School in Venice (7th edition: “Human, not enough Human”), Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

13-16 mai 2019. Husserl Circle Meeting. Commentator to L. Priolo, “From Consciousness of Unity to Unity of Consciousness. Reconstructing Husserl’s Concept of Individuation”. Universidade de Lisboa

28-29 September 2018. “Brentano était-il un platonicien?”. Symposium: Des Platonismes en phénoménologie. Interprétations, Appropriations, Distortions. Université de Lille

27-29 September 2018. “A Brentanian Look at History: The Four Phases of Philosophy Theoretically Reconsidered”. Conference: Brentano – Comte – Mill. The Idea of Philosophy and Psychology as a Science, Alexandru Dragomir Institute for Philosophy (Bucarest)

6 January 2018. “Basic Concepts of Phenomenology”. Conference at the invitation of: Institut français du Myanmar and Yangon University, Philosophy Department (dir. Lele Wynn). Yangon (Myanmar)

5-8 July 2017. “Doubting is seeing: the Husserlian concept of phenomenon in the light of the recent debate”. Husserl Circle Meeting, (Crete) [absent at the conference]

23-26 March 2017. “No Time, No Bridge: A Phenomenological Counter-Critique of the Recent Return to Subjectivity in the Light of the Explanatory Gap”. Conference: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)

12-14 December 2016. “Brentano: De la métaphysique à la psychologie et retour”. Conference: Aristotle and Phenomenology: Departures and Returns, Institute of Philosophy KY Leuven

17-19 October 2016. “Zurück zu Aristoteles: Trendelenburg and the Aristoteles-Renaissance in 19th century Germany”. Conference: The Legacy of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality. Invited by the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

18-20 April 2016. “Breve história da intencionalidade: continuidades, rupturas e perspetivas”.Conference: V Congresso Luso-Brasileiro. Braga (Portugal)

4 September 2015. “Je ne suis pas ma vie: plaidoyer pour une phénoménologie de la narration”. Conference: Life Stories: International Congress on Narrative Social Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa [absent at the conference]

19 November 2015. “Histoire d’une réception: la phénoménologie au Japon au début du 20e siècle”. Conference at the invitation of Department ofEast Asia Culture in Perspective(Vakgroep Talen en Culturen – afdeling Zuild – en Oost-Azie), Gent Universität

27 October 2014. “The Who-Question: Prophecy and Predestination of the Self”. Conference: Gnothi Seaton. No Paper Conference, Prague

30 August 2014. “Phenomenology displaced:Kaizo, Husserl and a non-European Idea of Europe”. Conference: European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 14th International Conference (Ljubljana)

9-12 June 2014. Commentator at Husserl Circle Meeting, Helsinki [absent at the conference]

6 June 2015. “O Fenomeno na Fenomenologia: Husserl entre Brentano e Natorp”. Conference at the invitation of Instituto de Filosofia Prática (IFP), Universidade de Évora

29 May 2014. “Il problema dell’accesso alla coscienza: Husserl, Natorp, Heidegger”. At the invitation of the PhD School “Philosophy, Epistemology and History of Culture”, Università di Cagliari

28 May 2014. “L’analogia nella fenomenologia”. Conference at the invitation of the PhD School “Philosophy, Epistemology and History of Culture”, Università di Cagliari

23 April 2014. “Le principe husserlien de la Gegebenheit à l’épreuve du néo-kantisme”.Conference at the invitation of “Philo’s Doctes”, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

19 March 2014. “La fine della Metafisica”. At the invitation of Università di Trento on the occasion of the “Antonio Rosmini Chair” award to J.-L. Marion. Rovereto (Italy)

5 November 2013. “Analogia e Sacramento”. Conference at the invitation of Centro Studi Campostrini (Verona)

27 November 2013. “La idea sin Límites: Algunas Observaciones sobre el Principio Fenomenológico de laGegebenheit”. X Congresso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenologia (Barcelona)

22 October 2013. “L’idée sans limites: Quelques remarques sur le principe phénoménologique de la Gegebenheit”. Symposium: Ontology and Phenomenology: Edmund Husserl and the Centenary of Ideen I. Universidade de Lisboa

26 June 2013. “Nient’altro che l’essere”. Conference at the invitation of Fondazione Giovanni dalla Fabbriche (Faenza, Italy)

31 May 2013. “L’accès à soi: Heidegger lecteur de Natorp”. Symposium: Jornadas Heideggerianas: O Caminho para Ser e Tempo / On the way to Being and Time, Universidade de Évora

11 May 2013. Commentator to J.J. da Silva (Universidade Estadual de Campinas), “Husserl’s Philosophy of Geometry”. Invited by the PhD School of the Università Roma II (dir. G. Gigliotti)

6 May 2013. “Chi non parla... è simile à una pianta”. Conference at the invitation of the PhD School “Forms and Histories of Philosophical Knowledges in Modern and Contemporary Europe”, Università del Salento (Lecce)

30 April 2013. Presentation of Nient’altro che l’essere. Ricerche sull’analogia e la tradizione aristotelica della fenomenologia. At Instituto per la Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico Moderno (ISPF), together with R. Diana, R. De Biase, P.P. Ciccarelli (CNR Napoli)

23 April 2013. Analogia entis: storia di un controsenso? Conference at the invitation of the Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale (Napoli) (dir. P. Giustiniani)

11 April 2013. Presentation of Nient’altro che l’essere. Ricerche sull’analogia e la tradizione aristotelica della fenomenologia. Invited by Università La Sapienza, Roma – together with P. Vinci and P.P. Ciccarelli

25 November 2012. “Les parallèles convergentes. L’analogie entre logique et éthique dans lesVorlesungen über Ethik und Wertlehre de E. Husserl”. Symposium: Norms and Value. Universidade de Lisboa

21 November 2012. “L’éthique à l’épreuve de la Raison”. Symposium: Husserl-Arbeitstage. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

8 September 2012. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of French Philosophy (by invitation). Tokyo University

16 June 2012. “De la vérité: la phénoménologie et l’idéal de l’adéquation”. Symposium: IV Journadas Internacionais de Investigadores de Filosofia. Universidade de Evora

13 April 2012. “De l’être à l’âme, et retour”. Conference at the invitation of the Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada (IIFA). Universidade de Évora

10-14 October 2011. “Pour une critique phénoménologique de la raison”. III Congreso Luso-Brasileiro de Fenomenologia: Fenomenologia e Cîencia. Universidade de Évora

26 mars 2011. Presentation of Nient’altro che l’essere. Ricerche sull’analogia e la tradizione aristotelica della fenomenologia, on the occasion of the award ceremony “Vittorio Sainati” under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic. Edizioni ETS (Pisa)

10 November 2006. “I labirinti dell’analogia. Il problema della razionalità tra essere e divenire”. Study day in homage to Enzo Melandri. Invited by the Mayor of Lugo and Faenza (Italy)

1 September 2005. “L’hypothèse de l’Altérité. L’intersubjectivité dans la Cinquième Méditation Cartésienne d’Edmund Husserl”. Krisis II. Forum de Filosofia Contemporânea, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

E. Participation in Workshops and Seminars

2 December 2020. “La noèse de la noèse”. Workshop: La phénoménologie et l’École de Kyoto. Kyoto University [postponed to a later date]

13 February 2020. “De Aristoteles até Brentano: um outro olhar sobre as origines da intencionalidade”. Seminário permanente HPhil (História da Filosofia). Centro de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa

12 December 2017. “L’histoire de la philosophie et ses phénomènes: l’aristotélisme platonisant de Franz Brentano”. Des platonismes en phénoménologie. Standing seminar: Les usages de la phénoménologie, Laboratoire de recherche pluridisciplinaire “Savoirs, Textes, Langage”, Université de Lille

15-16 December 2016. “Husserl et les mésaventures du phénomène face à la critique contemporaine”. International Workshop. Phenomenon: Cartography of a Fundamental Concept. Universidade de Lisboa

7 May 2015. “Couvrez ce phénomène que je ne saurais voir. Sur le droit de tout voir (ou pas) en phénoménologie: Husserl, Natorp, Heidegger”. Standing seminar (dir. C. Majolino): Les usages de la phénoménologie], Laboratoire de recherche “Savoirs, Textes, Langage”, Université de Lille

27 October 2008. “Husserl et la métaphysique. L’apparition du monde sur la scène phénoménologique”. Study Day of the PhD School: “Forme e Saperi Filosofici nell’Europa Moderna e Contemporanea”,Università del Salento (Lecce)

10-11 September 2008. “Brentano lettore d’Aristotele”. Workshop: La verità dell’immagine. PhD School: “Forme e Saperi Filosofici nell’Europa Moderna e Contemporanea”,Università del Salento (Lecce)

20 March 2007. “Analogie dell’esperienza o esperienza dell’analogia? La via analogica in Kant”. Workshop: Espressione e Rappresentazione. Under the direction of D. Garber, Università del Salento (Lecce)

18-21 October 2006. “Eigenliebe ovvero l’egoismo metafisico del soggetto”. Standing seminar of the PhD School: “Forme e Saperi Filosofici nell’Europa Moderna e Contemporanea”,Università del Salento (Lecce)

12 juin 2006. “Les analogies de l’intuition chez Brentano et Husserl”. Undergraduate workshop: Y-a-t-il une rationalité dans l’intuition? PhD School: “Metaphysics, Histories, Transformations, Actuality”, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

9 March 2005. “Le problème de l’analogie chez Husserl”. D.E.A. seminar under the direction of J.-L. Marion. PhD School: Métaphysique, histoires, transformations, actualité, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

Invited presentations at

The New School for Social Research, Kyoto University, University of Tokyo (Japanese Society of French Philosophy), Universidade de São Paulo, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), Yangon University, Russian Academy of Sciences, Gent Universität, Instituto de Filosofia Prática (Évora), Università di Cagliari, Università di Trento, Centro Studi Campostrini (Verona), Fondazione “Giovanni dalle Fabbriche” (Faenza), Università Roma II, Università del Salento (Lecce), Instituto per la Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico Moderno (ISPF, Napoli), Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale (Napoli), Università La Sapienza (Roma)


Dissemination Research Activities

Co-creation and organisation of the “João Paisana Lectures” (dir. P. Alves) in partnership with Institut français du Portugal and Universidade de Lisboa [Funding: Institut français du Portugal]

Invited speakers in Lisbon:

Oct. 2017

Nicolas de Warrens (Penn State University / KU Leuven)

May 2018

Jean-François Courtine (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

Oct. 2018

Edouard Mehl (Université Lille)

May 2019

Soraya Nour Sckell (Collège International de Philosophie, Paris)

Oct. 2019

Jean-Luc Marion (Académie française)

June 2020

Denis Fisette (Université du Québec à Montréal)


Other Dissemination Activities

Since 2016: Frequent speaker at the Festival “Nuovi Confronti d’Autunno” (Faenza, Italy) for the section “Philosophy and Cinema” (introduction, commentary and debate on essay and new films)

2010-2012: Editorial collaboration with the publishing house Rue de l’échiquier (Paris). Editorial Series: Philo Ado (Teen Philosophy)

H. Development, Management and Participation in Research Projects


Development and management of the research exploratory project: “Performing the Self: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Subjectivity” (P.I. Exploratory Project, Starting Grant). Funding: FCT (Portugal) [Highly competitive selection]. Hosting Institution: Universidade de Lisboa


Invited member of the international research project: “Verdad versus Post-Verdad. Investigación Fenomenologico-Hermenéutica”. Research Leader: Carmen López Sáens, UNED (Madrid). Submitted to: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain) [not selected]


Development and management of the bilateral research project: “Phenomenon: Cartography of a Fundamental Concept” between Université de Lille and the Universidade de Lisboa, within the Partnership “Hubert Curien” (PHC) together with P. Alves and C. Majolino (research leaders) (Portugal/France)


Postdoctoral research project: “The Reasons of Phenomenology: The Problem of Being and the Emergence of Subjectivity. Historical and Philosophical Inquiry into the Aristotelian Heritage and the Cartesian Tradition: From Brentano to Husserl and Heidegger” (Originally submitted under the title: “Being and Other. Phenomenology to the Limits”). Funding: FCT (Portugal). Hosting Institution: Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade de Évora, Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Lisboa


Joint supervision of the research project: “The perceptual world and the object of physics”. Research leader: P. Alves, Universidade de Lisboa, in partnership with Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Submitted to: FCT [not selected]


Scientific contributor to the research project: “Norma e Valor”. Lead researcher: P. Alves, Universidade de Lisboa


Member of the research project “Phenomenology, Ethical, Aesthetically and Political Reflections from the 20th Century. Texts and Philosophical Themes from the Mediterranean Countries”. Lead researcher: G. Invitto, Università del Salento (Lecce), in joint partnership with the Universities of Roma 3, Sassari and Bari

Ongoing project application


Member of the FCT Project: “Poética da Empatia: Sofrimento-com-Sentido / Poethics of Empathy: Suffering-with-Meaning”. P.I.: P. Jesus, Universidade de Lisboa. FCTCall: “Projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico – 2021” (ID&DT)

Grants and Fellowships


FCT Exploratory Project: “Performing the Self: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Subjectivity”, Universidade de Lisboa (Starting Grant) (Research budget: 50,000€)


Post-doc FCT research scholarship [First three years: 2012-2015 and, after renewal, 2015-2018 (interrupted in December 2016)], Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade de Évora, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Total amount: 61,460€)


Research allowance at Università del Salento (Lecce). PhD under joint supervision with the Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) (Total amount: 36,000€)

Sept.2003-Juin 2004:

Research allowance from the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna for a Research Stay Abroad: D.E.A. (equivalent to: Master) at Université Paris-Sorbonne (10,000€)


Research allowance from “Banca di Credito Cooperativo” (Faenza, Italy) for a project on Enzo Melandri’s philosophy (5,000€)


Erasmus grant at the Universiteit van Amsterdam


J. PhD & Master Dissertation Supervision

PhD Supervision

(at Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 50% co-supervised with L. Guidetti)


Sara Dameno, “Il ruolo delle emozioni nella fenomenologia di Husserl”

Master Supervision

(at Universidade de Lisboa)


Pedro Natário: “Para além da psicologia: a subjectividade em fenomenologia e o problema do psicologismo”


Lilian Alencar: “A perceção originaria em Merleau-Ponty”

Master Supervision

(at Université de Lille, 50% co-supervised with C. Majolino)


Sara Brunet: “Les personnes d’ordre supérieur”



Laurélenn Mikurda: “Catégories de langue, catégories de l’être: Aristote, Trendelenburg, Benveniste”

(Master 2)


Inês Pereira: “Le problème de la communication dans la phénoménologie husserlienne”



Aline Merlin: “La constitution du corps propre chez Husserl”



Valentine Faraci: “La constitution de l’unité de la communauté de personnes dans la phénoménologie de Husserl”



Matthieu Feignez: “La synthèse passive chez Husserl”




Tutoring at IIFA, Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada, Universidade de Évora


Tutoring at PhD School “Forma e Storia dei Saperi Filosofici nell’Europa Moderna e Contemporanea”, Università del Salento (Lecce)


PhD and Master Committees

PhD Dissertation

PhD Dissertation committee as main arguer (“arguente principal”): André Toso, “A angústia como possibilidade de rearticulação de sentido na psicoterapia fenomenológico-hermenêutica”. Universidade de Évora, 19th of June 2020. Committee members: I. Borges-Duarte (supervisor), V. Amorim Rodrigues, C. Vaz Velho, C. Monteiro Mattar

PhD Dissertation committee as committee member: Vincenzo Nuzzo, “L’idealismo realista di Edith Stein e i suoi presupposti platonici” [in Italian], Universidade de Lisboa. 20th September 2018. Committee members: P. Alves (supervisor), J. Branquinho, A. Ales Bello, C. Morujão, M. Blanc

PhD Dissertation reviewer of: Marina Pisano, “Cosa resta dell’uomo. La fenomenologia immanentistica di M. Henry”, Università di Cagliari. (Supervisor: Pierpaolo Ciccarelli) [thesis defence scheduled for: Avril 2021]

Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation committee as committee member: Guilherme Riscali: “The place of description: a methodological concept in the philosophy of Franz Brentano”, Universidade de Lisboa. 29th of March 2021. (Supervisor: P. Alves)

Master Dissertation committee (M1) as committee member: Valentine Faraci, “La constitution de l’unité de la communauté de personnes dans la phénoménologie de Husserl”. 14th of September 2020. (Supervisor: C. Majolino)

Master Dissertation committee (M1) as committee member: Aline Merlin, “La constitution du corps propre chez Husserl”. 26th of June 2020 (Supervisor: C. Majolino)

Master Dissertation committee (M1) as committee member: Sara Brunet, “Le concept de personne chez Husserl”. 25th June 2019. (Supervisor: C. Majolino)


Academic Service

From 2020-2021:

Head and Education Secretary (“Responsável pelo duplo diploma e secretário pedagógico”) of the International Anglophone Master in Philosophy in joint partnership between Universidade de Lisboa and Université de Lille and with the support of the French Embassy of Portugal

From 2020:

Follow up and support to the PhD agreement between Universidade de Lisboa e Università di Cagliari (“Corso di Dottorato in Filosofia, Epistemologia, Scienze Umane”)


Impetus for the establishment of and support to the International Anglophone Master in Philosophy, in joint partnership between Universidade de Lisboa and Université de Lille; contact and negotiation with Ambassade française du Portugal and Institut français du Portugal


Follow up of the exchange program “Erasmus” between Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa and Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (monitoring and coaching of students coming to Universidade de Lisboa)


Follow up of the bilateral exchange program “Erasmus+” between Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa and Université de Lille

Analytical Presentation of Research

historical and critical assessment of phenomenology’s relationship to the history of metaphysics: transformations and topicality

General Framework

The coordinates defining the overall orientation of my research are situated at the intersection of the tradition of phenomenology, especially in the German language, and of the history of metaphysics. Through an approach that takes both an historical and a critical standpoint, I intend to shed new light on the constitution of the phenomenological discourse along two parallel and complementary lines of investigation: the analysis of the relationships of continuity and ruptures entertained by the tradition of phenomenology towards a certain tradition of metaphysics; the study of contexts and conditions that give topicality to the phenomenological discourse so as to identify presuppositions and systematic issues at stake in the current philosophical debate involving phenomenology.

By following a methodology that might be called a “philosophical archaeology” in the broader sense, I pay particular attention to key concepts of Western metaphysics, such as “subject”, “act”, “intention”, “being”, “existence”, “category”, “analogy”, in order to inspect their traces –their translation as well as their transformations and distortions– in the phenomenological lexicon. On the other hand, I am interested in the analysis of the conceptual stratifications into which fundamental notions of the current philosophical debate are rooted, such as “life”, “consciousness”, “subjectivity”, “nature”, “naturalisation”; notions that occupy a prominent place even in the phenomenological grammar of thought, where an archaeological work of clarification is required because of the composite results of the dialogue that phenomenology itself conducts with other line of thought and disciplines such as cognitive sciences, philosophy of mind and psychology.

Synopsis of PhD research

The thematic core of my PhD dissertation is built around the concept of “analogy” as the historically stratified response to the aporia of the several senses of being. In the light of the Aristotelian legacy permeating the roots of the phenomenological movement as early as the first half of the 19th century, I intended to demonstrate that a certain use of the analogy is still in force in the thought of Edmund Husserl –which would prove the problematic nature of both its belonging and strangeness to the tradition of metaphysics that could be described, with Martin Heidegger, as “ontotheology”.

Main themes of current research


Currently and since my postdoctoral research, I intend to deepen and broaden the initially established framework, with a view to embedding the constitution of the phenomenological discourse into a larger historical framework based on the longue durée. The study of the Aristotelian legacy has thus been coupled with the interest in the Cartesian motives that are involved in Brentano’s theses on empirical psychology; that are explicitly claimed by the Husserlian transcendental stage and then openly criticised by Heidegger’s recast conception of phenomenology. The attention paid to the “categories problem” considered as ontological in nature allows room for complementary research lines more specifically focused on the problematisation of subjectivity, in relation to phenomenology and other forms of thought with which phenomenology has historically been confronted.

In this respect, I seek to identify the major figures of subjectivity that emerge in the corpus of the tradition of phenomenology, German and French, its functions as well as the related issues conveyed by the “complexes of questions and answers” traceable on the basis of the cross-criticism of different authors in dialogue. In particular, this includes: the passage leading Brentano from Aristotle to the institution of a new form of psychology defined as “act psychology”, that differs from the experimental approach practiced by Wundt and his school; the relationship of Husserl’s phenomenology to neo-Kantianism, especially Natorp’s; the different positions assumed by Husserl, from Logical investigations to the transcendental turn of his own phenomenology, through transformations imposed on the concept of intentionality; and finally the first Freiburg lectures of the young Heidegger in dialogue with the so-called “philosophy of life” and authors such as Dilthey and Jaspers, where a new form of phenomenology appears, leading to an existential recast of subjectivity described, in 1927, under the name of Dasein.


The different forms of psychology at the turn of the nineteenth century in German-speaking Countries, the critical proximity of Brentano’s philosophy to French and British positivism, the current dialogue of phenomenology with cognitive sciences and philosophy of mind constitute a parallel line of investigation that allows me to combine the historical approach with observations of a critical nature. Observations that are mainly devoted to the problem of determining the scientific boundary between psychology and phenomenology; to the issue concerning the naturalisation of consciousness elaborated in the vast field of cognitive sciences as well as to alternative or complementary proposals about the consciousness problem put forward in the phenomenological field. Finally, I have an additional interest in other forms of phenomenological thought that have been realised elsewhere than in Germany or France, as for example in Italy and, using an approach guided by cultural transfers, in Japan.

Research areas and planning

The content of my research can be systematically divided into two main areas:

I. “Phenomenology and History of Metaphysics”.

II. “Constitution of the Phenomenological Discourse”

The first research area (“Phenomenology and History of Metaphysics”) is organised into two sub-themes, on the basis of an historical assessment of the issues playing a structuring role at the origins of the phenomenological movement: the phenomenological revival of the Platonic and, especially, the Aristotelian tradition; the problem of categories in the wake of both the Aristotelian legacy and Kantian criticism in the nineteenth century German philosophical debate.

The second research area (“Constitution of the Phenomenological Discourse”) is devoted, through a systematic approach, to the conditions of emergence and applicability of the phenomenological discourse based on a comparison with other traditions of thought and forms of knowledge. Here, the sub-themes can be divided as follows: the internal dynamics of the phenomenological movement; the problem of subjectivity; phenomenology and Neo-Kantianism; phenomenology and philosophies of life and existence; phenomenology and philosophy of history; phenomenology, cognitive sciences and philosophy of mind; phenomenology and psychology; phenomenology and ethics; other phenomenologies.

I. Phenomenology and History of Metaphysics

The study of the Aristotelian tradition of phenomenology covers two series of works: the PhD dissertation, which firstly resulted in a publication of the original manuscript on the University Paris-Sorbonne website –following an internal selection procedure– and then, under the same title, also resulted in a monograph; a series of publications and works in progress, where I develop some of the hypothesis initially formulated in my PhD dissertation and lead a broader assessment of the whole tradition of phenomenology, its stakes and limits.

PhD Dissertation

This section covers the PhD dissertation and the resulting monograph:

Nient’altro che l’essere. Ricerche sull’analogia e la tradizione aristotelica della fenomenologia (PhD dissertation from Université Paris-Sorbonne under joint supervision with Università del Salento, October 2010)

E. Mariani, Nient’altro che l’essere. Ricerche sull’analogia e la tradizione aristotelica della fenomenologia, ETS, Pisa 2012, p. 372 [Laureate of the 6th edition of the “Vittorio Sainati” prize under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic]


Starting hypothesis: Neither the “constitution” nor the “destruction” of metaphysics would be conceivable without a proper understanding of the scope historically ascribed to the philosophical concept of “analogy”. This is the assumption that lays at the basis of my PhD research in order to determine the extent of an interlace that passes throughout the history of Western philosophical thought: analogy makes possible the project of metaphysics as initially sketched out by Aristotle under the anonymity of a nameless science; and conversely, the constitution of metaphysics transforms analogy into analogia entis, that is to say, into the analogy of being, or, better, of entity, supposed to solve the aporia of the several senses of being. For Aristotle being is said “in several ways”, and the difficulty, ever since the first commentators, is to find a middle way between “identity” and “difference” so as to both comply with, and regulate, the equivocity of being’s meaning. In the form of the analogia entis, analogy has thus represented the lasting as much as problematic solution to the polysemy affecting the very possibility of an ontological order; the solution that historically allowed metaphysics to be constituted into a “science”, to wit, into the science of being.

Guiding questions: The guiding questions of my PhD research derive from this initial assessment and can be formulated as follows: What is analogy? What is the historical significance of its metaphysical recast? What philosophical principle does the usage of analogy establish once it serves to solve the problem of being’s polysemy? And how far does the figure of metaphysics, that Heidegger would describe under the term of ontotheology, and whose constitution depends on the analogia entis, extend in the history of philosophy?

Issues: It is undoubtedly in Brentano and, more broadly, in the nineteenth-century Aristotelianism that the revival of the analogy of being took place, in the wake of the philosophical debate marked by a focus, particularly in Germany, on the problem of categories. But what about the analogy of being once the transition is made from Brentano’s empirical psychology to phenomenology? Can we speak of a contemporary history of the metaphysical usage of analogy? I thus extended my starting hypothesis, by scrutinising Husserl’s position on the basis of his Brentanian training. And the reason for this was to verify whether Brentano’s usage of analogy explicitly borrowed from the Aristotelian commentary is still in effect, and, if so, to what extent, in phenomenology. A need for a twofold mediation was therefore established: between Brentano and Husserl and, even before, between Brentano’s Aristotelianism and Brentano’s psychology so as to attest the continuity of the analogy usage in metaphysics and psychology and then in phenomenology.

Methodological plan: Accordingly, the methodological plan is set as follows. The first step is to establish the condition under which analogy turns into analogia entis, from Aristotle to Aristotelianism, throughout the history of Greek commentary, especially neo-Platonic (Chapter I). I focused on the debate about Aristotelian categories by considering the nineteenth century zurück zu Aristoteles as the anchoring point of the phenomenological tradition, against the background of ongoing confrontations with Kantian criticism – confrontations of which Trendelenburg is one of the main protagonists (Chapter II). I analysed the results of Brentano’s 1862 dissertation on the several senses of being in Aristotle in the light of the categories problem so as to identify the systematic usage of analogy (Chapter III). In Brentano’s 1867 treatise, Psychology of Aristotle, I set the crossing point between Aristotelianism and the institution of a new psychology that, in 1874, led, although in a non-linear way, to Psychology from an empirical standpoint (Chapter IV). Husserl’s position is considered on the basis of his Brentanian training which establishes the condition for his own philosophical emancipation. That allowed me to recover the lineage of the categories problem through the Husserlian concept of “categorial intuition” introduced in the Sixth Logical Investigation, where analogy acquires special significance (Chapter V). Finally, I studied the reconfiguration of Husserlian phenomenology into transcendental idealism that, under the terms of a renewed critique of reason, keeps ascribing to analogy a methodological –and, to a certain extent, a metaphysical– significance. And all this by deliberately departing from the well-known occurrences of the analogy usage, in the form of what Husserl would call “analogization” within the intersubjectivity problematic (Chapter VI). I systematically utilised Kant’s and Heidegger’s thought as a litmus paper for delimiting the overall framework of my investigation, and the path thus traced also served to test the limits of phenomenology that, through its appropriation of analogy, makes its relationship to metaphysics all the more problematic.

Other Works and Publication

This section covers ten works, including six papers, one presentation and three translations, and is organised in two sub-sections:

A) Aristotelism and Platonism

1. “L’entrelacs des traditions: Brentano, l’analogia entis et le platonisme”, Studia Phaenomenologica, special issue entitled: Phenomenology and the History of Platonism, vol. 20, 2020, p. 51-75

2. “De l’être à l’âme, et retour. Brentano, Aristote et le projet d’une philosophie scientifique”, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 2020/2, n. 106, p. 247-269

3. “Zurück zu Aristoteles: Trendelenburg and the Aristoteles-Renaissance in 19th century Germany”, in V. Petroff (ed.), The Legacies of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality, Aquilo Press, Moscow, 2017, p. 418-429

4. “L’indifferenza dell’essere. Ontologia e Semantica tra Aristotele, Brentano e il Sofista della fenomenologia husserliana”, Giornale di Metafisica, n. 2, 2014, p. 471-490

5. “Franz Brentano: Lettera aperta al Professor Zeller” (Presentazione), Alvearium n. 10, 2017, p. 59-65

6. F. Brentano, Lettera aperta al Professor Eduard Zeller, in occasione del suo scritto sulla dottrina aristotelica dell’eternità dello spirito, traduzione con testo originale a fronte, Alvearium, n. 10, 2017, p. 67-97. Original title: Offener Brief an Zeller aus Anlass seiner Schrift über die Lehre des Aristoteles von der Ewigkeit des Geistes, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1883

7. F. Brentano, Lettre ouverte à Zeller, in D. Fisette, G. Fréchette (dir.), Franz Brentano: Essais et conférences, Paris, Vrin, 2018, p. 395-415. Original title: Offener Brief an Zeller aus Anlass seiner Schrift über die Lehre des Aristoteles von der Ewigkeit des Geistes, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1883

B) The Problem of Categories: Aristotle, Kant and Phenomenology

8. “Le fil des catégories: Trendelenburg, Kant et la réception de l’Aristoteles Kategorienlehre (1846)” Les Études Philosophiques, 2018/3, n. 183, p. 447-462

9. “A twist of history: analogy, being and Husserl’s unexpected proximity to Aristotle”, The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, XV, 2017, p. 124-141

10. F. A. Trendelenburg, Geschichte der Kategorienlehre, sous la resp. de P. Cerutti, E. Mariani, L. Villevieille, Vrin, p., 200 [approved for publication (forthcoming: 2021)]


(A) I devoted, in particular, five papers to the deepening of the Aristotelian legacy of phenomenology in the context of its initial reception (1, 2 and 3) and through both its impact on Brentano’s empirical psychology (2) and, indirectly, on Husserl’s phenomenology (4 and 9). I traced the genesis of the phenomenological movement within an historical perspective that has so far been little considered: the nineteenth century Germany Aristoteles-Renaissance (1 and 8) so as to fill a gap in the phenomenological studies that have mostly focused on the Aristotelian training of the young Brentano or on Heidegger’s reading of Aristotle. By reconstructing the weave of historical connections, I intended to reveal the establishment of a tradition of thought that from Trendelenburg goes to Brentano and, through transmission and transformation, up to Husserl (1, 2, 3, 8, 9). The Brentanian recasting of Aristotelianism served as a critical benchmark to appreciate the moments of rupture marked by the advances of Husserl’s phenomenology, in particular at the time of Logical Investigations. In addition, I devoted three papers to the specificity of Brentanian Aristotelianism: one paper is especially about the influences of the Neoplatonic commentary on Brentano’s Aristotelianism, against the background of Brentano’s conception of the history of philosophy (1); the translation into French and Italian of Brentano’s open letter to Eduard Zeller (6 and 7) is accompanied by an introduction (5) explaining the stakes of the debate between Zeller and Brentano about the interpretation of the “agent intellect” and the problem of the immortality of the individual soul in Aristotle.

(B) I devoted three papers to the analysis of the categories problem and explanation of its systematic stake in the context of German philosophy from Kant to Husserl, via Trendelenburg and Brentano (1, 8 and 9). In parallel with the translation into French of Trendelenburg’s Aristoteles Kategorienlehre (10), I intended to analyse the phenomenological approach to the categories within a more comprehensive historical framework, going back, through German Aristotelianism, to Kant’s transcendental philosophy. I thereby highlighted the impact of the Aristotelian legacy on the modern formulation of the categories problem, putting into perspective two antagonistic views relating to the categories’ modality of “deduction”: “transcendental” as for Kant and “genetic” as for Trendelenburg (8). I eventually aimed at defining the originality of the Husserlian approach, while considering antagonist conceptions of the categories issue through Kant’s posterity –from Trendelenburg up to Heidegger (8 and 9).

II. Constitution of the Phenomenological Discourse

A series of publications and works in progress aroused from the study of conditions enabling the constitution and development of the phenomenological discourse –be it in accordance with its internal development or in contrast to other grammars of thought. This part of my research is more generally focused on the Cartesian inspiration of phenomenology, whose thematic core is the concept of subjectivity reconsidered in the light of the criticisms formulated by different authors in dialogue with phenomenology. While assuming an historical perspective, I paid particular attention to the current philosophical debate on subjectivity, in which phenomenology is involved.

Works, Works in progress and Forthcoming Publications

This section covers nine papers, six chapters of collective works, the direction of four collective works, a translation, and is organised in seven complementary sub-sections:

(A) Internal Dynamics of Phenomenological Thinking

1. In the wake of Edmund Husserl’s Ideen I. A Century After: Internal Mutations and External Impacts of the Transcendental Stage of Phenomenology, P. Alves, E. Mariani (eds), Zeta Books, 309 p. [forthcoming: 2021]

2. “Existence” in B. Hopkins, C. Majolino (eds), Handbook of Phenomenological Philosophy, Routledge, London and New-York, 2020, p. 198-206

3. Phenomenon: Cartography of a Fundamental Concept, E. Mariani (ed.), special issue of Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, n. 26, 2017

4. “Breve História da Intencionalidade, continuidade e rupturas a partir de Husserl”, in I. Borges-Duarte, M. Casanova, B. Sylla (eds), Fenomenologia Hoje VI. Intencionalidade e Cuidado, Editora Via Verita, Rio de Janeiro 2017, p. 340-360

5. “Eigenliebe ovvero l’egoismo metafisico del soggetto”, Segni e Comprensione, XXIII, n. 68, 2009, p. 21-51

(B) Subjectivity and Existence

6. Heidegger à conversa com Heidegger, E. Mariani, I. Borges-Duarte (eds). Special issue of Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, n. 31, 2020 [forthcoming: 2021].

7. “Que é a filosofia? Ou seja: que é o homem? Heidegger, leitor de Jaspers a partir de Husserl, em conversa consigo mesmo”, Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, 31, 2020, special issue entitled: Heidegger à conversa com Heidegger [forthcoming: 2021]

8. Starting from Husserl. Figures, Functions and Critics of Subjectivity, E. Mariani (ed.), special issue of Discipline Filosofiche, XXV, 1, 2016, 248 p.

9. “Être là sans exister. Heidegger lecteur de Natorp”, Phainomenon. Phenomenological Journal, n. 23, 2015, p. 171-198

10. “Di Dio che viene… L’idea e i limiti dell’analogia di fronte al mistero del sacramento”, in F.V. Tommasi, Del Sacramento che viene all’idea, Fogli Campostrini, Verona 2015, p. 209-226

C) Phenomenology and Neo-Kantianism

11. “L’idée sans limites. Le principe husserlien de la Gegebenheit à l’épreuve du néo-kantisme”, in P. Alves, E. Mariani (eds), In the wake of Edmund Husserl’s Ideen I. A Century After: Internal Mutations and External Impacts of the Transcendental Stage of Phenomenology, Zeta Books [forthcoming: 2021]

12. “Couvrez ce phénomène que je ne saurais voir. Sur le droit de tout voir (ou pas) en phénoménologie: Husserl entre Brentano et Natorp”, Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy, n. 26 (2017), p. 69-93

C) Phenomenology, Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind

13. “I fenomeni con o senza la fenomenologia. Un confronto a più voci”, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, vol. 10, n. 2, 2019, p. 137-151

D) Phenomenology, Psychology and Philosophy of History

14. “The Analogies of the Soul. Aristotle, Brentano and the Project of a Scientific Psychology”, in D. Fisette, G. Fréchette, H. Janoušek, Franz Brentano’s Philosophy after One Hundred Years - From History of Philosophy to Reism, Springer, 2020, p. 205-219.

15. “Per una psicologia della storia: Brentano lettore di Comte e la teoria delle quattro fasi della filosofia”, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, CXI (2019), 4, p. 911-924

16. Translation to Italian of F. Brentano, Le quattro fasi della filosofia e il suo stato attuale (1894), Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, CXI (2019), 4, p. 925-942. Original title: Die vier Phasen der Philosophie und ihr augenblicklicher Stand, Johan F. Cotta Verlag, Stuttgart, 1895

F) Phenomenology and Ethics

17. “L’éthique à l’épreuve de la raison. Critique, système et méthode dans les Vorlesungen über Ethik und Wertlhere (1908-1914) de E. Husserl”, in M. Ubiali - M. Wehrle, Feeling and values. Willing and action. Essays in the Context of a Phenomenological Psychology. Phaenomenologica 216, Springer 2015, p. 13-30

18. “Les parallèles convergentes. Objets et valeurs dans l’éthique phénoménologique d’Edmund Husserl”, Phainomenon. Phenomenological Journal, n. 21-22, 2014, p. 423-440

G) Other Phenomenologies

19. “Phenomenology displaced: Kaizo, Husserl and a non-European Idea of Europe” (in preparation – to be submitted to: Global Intellectual History)

20. “Enzo Melandri e il labirinto delle analogie”, Segni e Comprensione, a. XXIV, n 70, 2010, p. 97-106


(A) I devoted eleven works to the analysis of German phenomenology from both an internal and an external perspective: by focusing on the dynamics that define the development of Husserlian (1, 3, 4, 5 and also 8, 17, 18) and post-Husserlian thought (1 and also 6, 7, 8, 9) and by comparing phenomenology with other grammars of thought (11, 12, 13). Thus, I followed a two-tracks strategy: on the one hand, I concentrated on changes and effects of discontinuity in Husserlian production, in order to better identify methodological presuppositions and theoretical variants characterising its progression; on the other hand, I followed the process of transformation and resemantization of some of the fundamental concepts constituting the lexicon of phenomenology such as, in particular, the notions of “phenomenon” (3 and also 12 and 13), “intention” and “intentionality” (4), and “existence” (2), in order to analyse their systematic function once transplanted into the phenomenological field.

(B and C) With the purpose of broadening the initially established framework, I intended to emphasize the specificity of the phenomenological brand of philosophy by focusing attention on the dialogue with some of its detractors (13) and interested interlocutors (9 and 12). The problem of subjectivity has been the main vehicle for restoring the positions, tensions and relationships of the different parties historically involved. In particular, I devoted three studies to the triangulation between Husserl, Natorp and the young Heidegger (9, 11, 12) through an analysis of the following key elements: Husserl’s rejection of the egological principle at the time of Logical Investigations and defence of the descriptive nature of the phenomenological method claiming direct access to the lived experiences of consciousness; Natorp’s criticisms against the philosophical scope of Husserlian phenomenology both in its initial version and following its transcendental stage; Husserl’s retraction leading to the introduction of the “pure I” into the conceptual framework of transcendental phenomenology; and finally the young Heidegger’s approach to the problem of subjectivity tackling the main theses of Natorp’s psychology as presented in Heidegger’s first lectures at the University of Fribourg, while engaging in a critical confrontation with Husserl.

As a result, I emphasized the three major figures of subjectivity arising from the comparison of phenomenology and neo-Kantianism –“transcendental”, “dialectical” and “factical”– and three corresponding methods of analysis –“reduction”, “reconstruction”, “destruction” (9, 11, 12). My aim, from a systematic point of view, is to grasp the theoretical motives underlying the Husserlian reconfiguration of subjectivity that, contrary to the theses of neo-Kantianism, is placed under the principle of “givenness” (Gegebenheit). By situating the young Heidegger in the broader context of the dialogue started by Husserl and Dilthey, I also intend to deepen the study of the notion of “act” following its transformations within the philosophy of the phenomenological brand (6 and 7). I pay particular attention to Heidegger’s hermeneutical understanding of the notion of “act” formed in terms of “comportment” (Verhalten) through interpretation of some conceptual elements presented in the Husserlian notion of “attitude” (Einstellung). The common ground between these two fundamental, and complementary, concepts –“comportment” and “attitude”– is the “performance” or, in equivalent terms, the “accomplishment” (Vollzug) of a teleologically oriented set of experiences, described as such in both Husserlian and Heideggerian phenomenology. It is an “accomplishment” that eventually allows to shed light on the concept of subjectivity (as developed through my ongoing research project “Perfoming the Self: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Subjectivity”). I thus analyse the dynamics of “accomplishment” (Vollzug) that finds in the young Heidegger a first formulation in his 1919 review of Jaspers’ Psychology of Worldviews (7). This latter line of research provided also a further enlargement: I applied the Vollzug description to the individuation problem of subjectivity by means of an analysis of the theological notion of “sacrament”, at the intersection of phenomenology, theology and history of metaphysics (10).

(D and E) I employed some of the issues at play in the debate between phenomenology and neo-Kantianism in order to situate in a broader philosophical context another more recent debate involving phenomenology, cognitive sciences and philosophy of mind. Here, I intended to show how some of the key elements for a better understanding of the most controversial issues in cognitive sciences and philosophy of mind, such as the naturalization of consciousness, the consciousness alleged transparency and the purely qualitative dimension of lived experience, can be detected in the philosophical dispute between Husserl and Natorp (13).

In addition to my interest in the more contemporary aspects of the philosophical debate, I furthered the historical study of the relationship of phenomenology to psychology, at the turn of the nineteenth century, through the figure of Brentano. I devoted two studies and a translation to the following themes: the establishment project of a scientific psychology on the basis of the systematic inspiration that Brentano derives from Aristotle (14); the contextualization of the scientific psychology project throughout Brentanian philosophy, by paying particular attention to Brentano’s vision on the history of philosophy (15 and 16). I translated into Italian Brentano’s theory of The four phases of Philosophy and its Current State (16) and devoted a paper to the Brentanian philosophy of history of philosophy (15), trying to show the originality of Brentano’s enterprise in the attempt to redefine the very idea of philosophy.

(F) With the intention of extending the analysis of the constitution of the phenomenological discourse in all its dimensions, I devoted another part of my research to the study of the establishment of a phenomenological ethics. Two papers therefore deal with the Husserlian elaboration of a phenomenology of values as part of a systematic vision that aims at widening, from a phenomenological point of view, the Kantian project of a critique of reason (17 and 18).

(G) Eventually, I place particular attention on dynamics of cultural transfers enabling phenomenology to be implemented elsewhere than in Germany or France. I studied the figure of Enzo Melandri, who belongs to the first generation of Italian phenomenologists of the Husserlian brand and whose philosophical project aimed at embedding the phenomenological method within the framework of an archaeology of knowledge (20). I also studied the Japanese reception of phenomenology in the first half of the twentieth century on the basis of a series of papers that Husserl was invited to write for a Japanese journal, Kaizô. I thus tried to show the implications of the method of eidetic variation for the possibility of cross-cultural dialogue (19).