Emanuele Mandanici has a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering (2007) and a PhD in Geomatics and Transportation Engineering (2011) from the University of Bologna.
Research activity
From 2011 to 2013 he participated to the European project “EnergyCity – Reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in cities across Central Europe”, funded by Central Europe, as a research fellow (research programme entitled “Analysis, processing and integration of aerial and satellite thermal imagery on urban areas”) at the Dept. of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM) of the University of Bologna.
From 2013 to 2015, still as research fellow, he carried out research activities in a programme entitled “Applications of satellite remote sensing for environmental monitoring and archaeology”, carried out at DICAM.
From 2015 to 2018, he was the Principal Investigator of the ChoT project (“The challenge of remote sensing thermography as indicator of energy efficiency of buildings”), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) in the framework of the SIR (Scientific Independence of young Researchers) programme.
In 2020, he was supervisor of the project "Characterisation of bauxite residuals in abandoned sites for contamination monitoring and raw material recovery using Copernicus data", funded by EIT Raw Materials in the programme "Raw Material Copernicus Programme 2018-2020", and concerning the study of stock piles of abandoned mining sites using remote sensing techniques.
From 2019 to 2021 he participated to the Interreg Italia-Croatia project, entitled "SUSHI-DROP", concerning the development of autonomous underwater vehicles for biodiversity monitoring, with a special focus on the positioning problems.
Currently, he participates to the Life project "Sand-Boil" (Natural-based solution to mitigate flood risk due to SAND BOILS reactivations along the Po River), dedicated to the study and mitigation of erosion and piping phenomena of river banks, and to the Horizon project “MINEYE” (Earth observation techniques for mine life cycle monitoring using ML-based data fusion approach), dealing with the characterization and monitoring of mining sites using remote sensing techniques.
He is also referee for some international journals in the field of Remote Sensing.
Teaching activity
In 2010 he was Teaching tutor for the “Fundamentals of Topography” course of the Building Engineering programme and in 2014 for the “Topography” course of the Civil Engineering programme.
Currently, he teaches Geomatics for GIS for the Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering programmes, and Laboratory of GIS and BIM for the Techniques for Construction and Land programme, and he is lecturer for the Module 2 of Remote sensing for Civil Engineering.
He is also co-supervisor of more than twenty BSc and MSc theses.
Public engagement
Emanuele has actively participated in various science outreach initiatives, aimed at both the general public and schools. These include several editions of the Researchers' Night, also as part of the European project Society.
Institutional service
Since 2021 is member of the Research Committee of the DICAM department.
Since 2021 is member of the Teaching Committee for Environmental Engineering graduation programme.
Since 2017 is member of the committee for students’ admission to the Master programme in Civil Engineering.