Emanuele Grupponi was born in Bologna on August 6, 1975. In 1994 he received the diploma of Electronic Technician at the Aldini-Valeriani Industrial Technical Institute (Bologna). In 2006 he graduated in Electronic Engineering with Biomedical Specialization at the University of Bologna. During his university studies he works as a computer technician and system administrator. At the end of his studies he obtained a research grant in the field of organization and innovation in business management. Since 2006 he has worked in the Research and Training Area of the Centro Protesi INAIL in the development and management of research projects. In 2014 he graduated in Orthopedic Techniques at the University of Bologna and since 2015 he has been a contract professor in the Degree Course in Orthopedic Techniques of the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences - DIBINEM. He is currently Technical Director of the Research and Training Area of the Centro Protesi INAIL and in this role he coordinates numerous research projects in collaboration with important research institutes such as the IIT (Italian Institute of Technology of Genoa), the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, the CNR (National Research Council) and the Politecnico di Milano. Its main activities concern the conception and development of research projects, the study, design and development of prosthetic systems and devices for rehabilitation, planning and conducting clinical studies.