Digitalization of Engineering Methodologies and Data Course Content A.A. 2023/2024
Main textbooks:
- L. Floridi, "Information: a Very Short Introduction", Oxford University Press (2010)
- D. Allemang, J. Hendler, "Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist", 2nd Edition Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (2011)
Lecture 20/09/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
- Introduction to the course content and scope
Lecture 21/09/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
- The Information Revolution (Floridi, Chapter 1)
Lecture 27/09/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
- The Language of Information (Floridi, Chapter 2)
Lecture 28/09/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
- Mathematical and Semantic Information (Floridi, Chapters 3-4)
- Semantic modelling (Allemang, Chapter 2)
Lecture 05/09/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
- RDF Basis (Allemang, Chapter 3)
Lecture 11/10/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
- Semantic Web Application Architecture (Allemang, Chapter 4)
- Introduction to Ontotext GraphDB triplestore: repository setup and RDF import.
Lecture 12/10/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
- Querying the SemanticWeb—SPARQL (Allemang, Chapter 5)
Lecture 18/10/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
- RDF Inferencing (Allemang, Chapter 6)
- RDF Schema (Allemang, Chapter 7)
Lecture 25/10/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
- RDFS-Plus (Allemang, Chapter 8)
Lecture 26/10/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
- Introduction to OWL and Protege (Protege OWL Tutorial)
Lecture 02/11/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
- Introduction to OWL and Protege (Protege OWL Tutorial)
Lecture 08/11/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
- Introduction to OWL and Protege (Protege OWL Tutorial)
Lecture 15/11/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
- RDF Vocabularies: DCTERMS
- RDFS-OWL Vocabulary: DCAT
Lecture 22/11/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
- Ontologies: PROV-O
- Science Ontology: CHEBI
Lecture 23/11/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
Lecture 29/11/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
Lecture 30/11/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
Lecture 06/12/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
Lecture 07/12/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
Lecture 13/12/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)
Lecture 14/12/2023 (3 hours, aula 5.1)
Lecture 20/12/2023 (2 hours, room 7.4)