Foto del docente

Elisabetta Poluzzi

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-11/A Pharmacology

Director of Single Cycle Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Curriculum vitae


Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - University of Bologna, Italy (since September 15, 2014).


Degree in Medical Chemistry, Specialization in Hospital Pharmacy, Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Bologna, Italy.


  • Pharmacoepidemiology.
    Drugs prolonging the QT interval of the electrocardiogram (participation in ARITMO project, funded by FP7 from the European Commission – 2010-2013).
    Drug-utilisation surveys to assess the appropriateness of drug use in general practice: ongoing funding from Italian Medicine Agency-Emilia Romagna Region on 1. "appropriateness of drug use in the elderly" (2010-11; 2017-18) and 2. shared-decision making in antipsychotic therapy (2017-18); Funds from Regional Health Agency of Tuscany on antidepressant pattern of use and relevant appropriateness (2018). Funds from Fondazione Famiglia Parmiani on appropriateness of drug use in the elderly (2019). Italian Member of the Management Committee of the Cost Action (CA19132) European Network to Advance Best practices & technoLogy on medication adherencE ENABLE, funded by EU Cost Action (2022-2024).
  • Pharmacovigilance.
    Data mining of local and international spontaneous reporting adverse drug event databases). 2013-14 Italian Ministry funding “ESPEA study - Prescribing patterns of antiepileptics in pregnancy and relevant pregnant and neonatal outcomes” ( RF 2010- 2315893). Funds from Fondazione Famiglia Parmiani on adverse vaccine events (2018).
  • Bioethics.
    Reuse of clinical data from trials on hematological malignances (within the HARMONY project - IMI2 - 2019-2021 and Harmony PLUS - IMI2 - 2021-2025). Artificial Intelligence supporting presonalised medicine in Ematological Diseases (within the Genomed4all project - IMI2 - 2021-2024).
  • Drugs and environment.
    Susteinability of drug use: combining appropriteness and environmental impact (Italian Ministry of Research and University - 2022-2024).
  • Medical teaching: PANACEA (“Special Needs by Placebo”: Programme to Advise, Normalise And Control its European Administration) within the ERASMUS + program (2023-2025).


BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, British Medical Journal, Cancer Medicine, Cephalalgia, Diabetologia, Diabetes Care, Drud Safety, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, European Journal of Internal Medicine, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Frontiers in Pediatrics, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Journal of American Pharmacy Association, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Thoracic Cancer, Value in Health.

Associate Editor of Frontiers in Pharmacology - Pharmacoepidemiology.

TEACHING APPOINTMENTS at the University of Bologna

Coordinator of Summer School in "Clinical research methodology".

Course of "Pharmacology" and of "Appropriateness of drug use in the elderly" at the School of Medicine;

Course of "Fundamental of Pharmacology" at the School of Medicine (in English).

Course of Pharmacology at the School of Midwifery, Dental Hygienist, Radiological Technicians, Dietician; 

Course of Pharmacology at the Postgraduate School of Gynecology, Orthopedia, Reabilitation Medicine;

Lectures on Pharmacoepidemiology at the Faculty of Science and at the PhD School in Pharmacology.


- European Drug Utilisation Research Group (EuroDURG, member of the Executive Committee since 2006).

- International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE).

- Società Italiana di Farmacologia (SIF).


- Institutional Review Board "Comitato Etico Interaziendale di Bologna e Imola" (Chairman: since June 2015-Dec 2017).

- Institutional Review Board "Comitato Etico Area Vasta Emilia Centro" (vice-Chairman: since Jan 2018). 

- Bioethics Committe of the UNivertisy of Bologna (2016-2021).

- Member of quality assurance boards of the Schools of Medicine, Midwifery, Dietician.

- Member of teaching board of the School of Medicine.

- Member of the board supporting European e-health research of the University of Bologna.

- Member of the executive board of the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences.


Author of more than 130 articles published in International Journals peer-reviewed and H-Index: 33 (Scopus).

Many contributions at International Conferences, among which the role of member of Scientific Committe at the EuroDURG Conferences. 

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