Foto del docente

Elisabetta Carfagna

Full Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: STAT-01/A Statistics


Formal collaboration with:
Ministero delle Risorse Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali (MIPAAF)
2004 to date: Consultant of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture in projects for agricultural and agri-environmental statistics. 1995-2004: Member of the Technical-Scientific Commission for Satellite Remote Sensing, Italian Ministry of Agriculture.
Formal collaboration with:
Istituto Italiano di Statistica (Istat)
July 2006 to date: member, elected by the President of the Italian Statistical Institute, “Statistiche ambientali e sviluppo sostenibile” (Environmental statistics and sustainable development).
Collaboration with:
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, USA) – National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
United States of America
2005 : Review of the methodologies of research projects of the United States Department of Agriculture, invited by the Director of the Research and Development Division of the USDA. 1988 head of the project for adapting to Italian reality the methods adopted by the USDA for producing agricultural statistics, in the frame work of an agreement between Aquater and USDA
Formal collaboration with:
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
November 2008 to date Member of the group of experts which has the aim of writing the guidelines for the use of GPS for crop area measurement in agricultural surveys September 2007 to date: delineation of the guidelines for improving the Ethiopian system of agricultural statistics for the FAO project “Support to Food Security information System in Ethiopia”, financed by the European Commission. 2003 to date : responsible for the statistical methodology in the project of accuracy assessment of LCCS based Land Cover Map of AFRICOVER project. July 2001 , Seminar on Food balance sheets: basic data requirements, methods and uses in assessing the food situation, Rome, FAO Headquarter. November 2000 , Bangkok, Invited Professor in the Workshop on Agricultural Surveys based on multiple (area/list) frame sampling methods, organized by FAO and SIAP (Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific of the United Nations) for the heads of agricultural statistics in the countries of the Pacific area. 1998-1999 : Review of the Land Cover Classification adopted in the FAO Production Yearbook. 1994-1998 : Preparation of some sections and review of the book Multiple Frame Agricultural Surveys, vol. I Current surveys based on area and list sampling methods ("FAO statistical development series", n. 7, 119 pp., FAO, Rome, 1996) and vol. II Agricultural survey programs based on area frame or dual frame sample designs ("FAO statistical development series", n. 10, 242 pp., FAO, Rome, 1998) . 1994 : Invited expert. Expert Consultation on Multiple Frame Agricultural Surveys. FAO Statistics Division, Rome, 17-19 October, 1994.
Formal collaboration with:
JRC - Joint Research Centre (Commissione Europea)
1997-1999: responsible in the Department of Statistics, University of Bologna, of “Forest Monitoring in Europe with Remote Sensing” of the Centre for Earth Observation. Other partners: VTT Automation, Centre d'Etude Spatiales de la Biosphere, European Forest Institute, Scot Conseil e Swedish Space Corporation. 1993-1998 : Execution of the project: «Analysis of Point Sampling to Compute Yield and Production Estimates Using an Area Frame». 1997: Participation to the expert consultation “Assessing the information quality of maps versus sampling for quantifying forest at regional scales” . 1993-1995 : Participation to the project: «Study on the Optimum Size of Sample Segments for Estimates Based on Photo-interpretation of High Resolution Satellite Images».
Formal collaboration with:
Ufficio Statistico delle Comunità Europee (Eurostat)
1999 to date: Informal collaboration with the European Commission: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) 1997-1999 : member and responsible for the statistical component, on behalf of EUROSTAT, of the commission of Italian National Statistical Institute (ISTAT) for the execution of a land use and land cover database and for the construction of an area frame. 1998 Collaboration to the research "Geographic Sampling Strategies and Remote Sensing", sponsored by Eurostat. 1996-1998: Invited expert to the working group “Land Use Statistics” . March-April 1993 : Lecturer in the course «Remote Sensing Applied to Agricultural Statistics: Regional Inventories», organized by the IRSA (Joint Research Centre), Directorate General Agriculture (DG VI), and Eurostat; Athens, 29 March - 2 April 1993.