Foto del docente

Elisa Magosso

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IBIO-01/A Bioengineering

Curriculum vitae


Full Professor at Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (DEI), University of Bologna, Scientific-Disciplinary Sector ING-INF/06 (Electronic and Informatics Bioengineering)


  • Master Degree cum laude in Electronic Engineering (Biomedical path), University of Bologna, 1998
  • PhD in Bioengineering, University of Bologna, 2002


  • September 2001-October 2002: Research Fellow, University of Bologna
  • August 2002-October 2002: Research Scholar at the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Florida College of Medicine (Gainesville, Florida, USA), with the Marco Polo Project
  • November 2002 - December 2011: Assistant Professor, University of Bologna, ING-INF/06
  • December 2011 - October 2023: Associate Professor, University of Bologna, ING-INF/06
  • March 2017: Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for Full Professor, SC 09/G2 Bioengineering
  • November 2023-Today: Full Professor, University of Bologna, ING-INF/06


  • National Award "Rosanna Degani" (1998/1999 Edition) for the Master’s Thesis
  • National Award PhD "Patron" (2002/2003 Edition) for the PhD Thesis
  • First place award in the international scientific challenge competition of the 5th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2019 (EEG decoding problem solved with deep learning), team composition (Borra, Fantozzi, Magosso).


Second level Master's degree in Clinical Engineering, University of Bologna

  • A.A. 2004/2005, 2006/2007, 2007/2008: Medical Statistics and Biomedical Signals and Data Processing

Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering, University of Bologna:

  • A.Y. 2003/2004, 2004/2005, 2005/2006: Laboratory of Bioengineering
  • A.Y. 2011/2012, 2012/2013: Biomedical Instrumentation

Master in Biomedical Engineering, University of Bologna:

  • Since A.Y. 2006/2007: Biomedical Instrumentation
  • Since A. Y. 2010/2011-to A.Y. 2020/2021: Neural Systems
  • Since A. Y. 2021/2022: Advanced Techniques for EEG Processing


  • 2009: Member of the Academic Board of the International PhD Program in Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Bologna
  • 2012: Member of the Academic Board of the PhD Program in Bioengineering, University of Bologna
  • 2013-2016: Coordinator of the PhD Program in Bioengineering, University of Bologna
  • 2014-2016: Member of the Academic Board of the PhD Program in Biomedical, Electrical and Systems Engineering, and Coordinator of the Bioengineering curriculum, University of Bologna
  • 2020: Member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Biomedical, Electrical and Systems Engineering
  • Invited Member of  the  Doctorate commission in Biomedical Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium


  • Since 2013: Scientific Responsible of the Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering, University of Bologna-Cesena Campus
  • Since 2014 to 2017: Member of the Scientific Committee of the University Library ‘Dore’, Universiy of Bologna
  • Since 2018: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Central Library “Leon Battista Alberti”, University of Bologna.
  • Since 2014: Scientific Responsible of an Erasmus + Study exchange programme, University of Bologna - University of Coimbra (Portugal) in the 'Medical Technology' area
  • Since 2018: Member of the Study Plan Committee and of the Didactic Regulations Committee of the Master and Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering, University of Bologna


  • Young Researchers Project – UniBO 1999 (PI): "Development and Validation of a Simulator of the Cardiovascular Response to Exercise”
  • MIUR-PRIN (Participan): 2002 “Modeling respiratory mechanics and its regulation in artificial ventilation”; 2005 “Estimation of brain functional connectivity with advanced methodological procedures; “Advanced methods for the study of neural learning during simple visuo-motor tasks”; 2015 “Visual awareness lost and found: neural and cognitive mechanisms”; 2017 “Performing actions in a changing environment”.
  • Ministry of Environment 2011 (CO-PI of a unit): “Excessive daytime sleepiness and road accidents: specific risk in the transport of waste and hazardous toxic materials of significant environmental impact”.
  • FARB – UniBO 2012 (Participant): “Visual awareness lost and found: neural and cognitive mechanisms”.
  • EMPUS IV – EU Programme 2013 (Participant): “Biomedical Engineering Education Tempus Initiative in Eastern Neighbouring Area”, 36 months
  • H2020 (JTI-CS2-2015) 2016: “CASTLE CAbin Systems design Toward passenger welLbEing”, 72 months


  • 2016-2018 Action Editor of Neural Networks
  • 2020-2021 Guest Editor of the Special Issue “The sensory-cognitive Interplay: Insights into the neural mechanisms and circuits” on Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
  • 2020-2021 Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Neural Networks and Connectivity among Brain Regions” on Brain Sciences


  • Journal of Applied Physiology
  • American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology
  • IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
  • Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
  • Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
  • Computers in Biology and Medicine
  • Medical Engineering and Physics
  • Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
  • Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling
  • Journal of Neuroscience Methods
  • Frontiers in Psychology
  • PLoS One
  • Vision Research
  • Cognitive Computation
  • Cognitive Neurodynamics


  • Invited Speaker in the IEEE EMBS Pre-Conference Workshop "Cardiorespiratory Variability: Models and Mechanisms"; oral presentation "Mathematical modeling of cardiovascular variability and short-term pressure regulation", 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2004
  • Invited Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee Biomedicine 2005 (Sixth International Conference on Modelling in Medicine and Biology) and Editor of the book “Modeling and Medicine in Biology VI” (proceedings of the conference), WIT Press, 2005
  • Referee for the International Conferences IEEE-EMBC 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 (Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society)
  • Referee for the International Conference IEEE-RTSI 2016 (IEEE-International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry)
  • Invited Member of the Scientific Committee AMAC 2017 (Conference on Applied Modeling in Acute Care)
  • Co-organizer of SymposiumPlasticity mechanisms of multisensory integration: neurophysiological data, neurocomputational modeling and clinical perspectives” in the international conference IMRF 2017 (International Multisensory Research Forum 2017).


  • IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna, Bellaria Hospital, Bologna, IT (Dr. Provini, Dr. Pizza)
  • Centre for Studies and Research in Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Bologna, IT (Prof. Di Pellegrino, Prof. Romei, Prof. Bertini)
  • Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, IT (Prof. Fattori, Dr. Filippini)
  • Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Prof. Astolfi)
  • Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (Dr. Serino)
  • Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA (Prof. Stein, Dr. Rowland)
  • Departments of Pediatrics and Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA (Prof. Molholm)
  • Department of BioEngineering, Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Prof. Ladan)


a) Modeling and simulation of human physiological systems to acquire knowledge on physiological and pathological mechanisms and predict the effects of treatments, with focus on

  • mathematical models of cardiovascular and respiratory regulation mechanisms, and of blood solutes kinetics;
  •  models of biologically-inspired neural networks, simulating the interconnection among different brain areas, to investigate EEG brain rhythms and connectivity, and to simulate and interpret (in terms of neural activity and connections), sensory functions and cognitive processes such as visual perception, multisensory integration memory, language, learning and rehabilitation, brain rhythms and connectivity.

The models are suitable for studying cardiorespiratory stresses (e.g. haemorrhage, hypoxia), renal failure, neurological alterations (e.g. Autism, Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, attentional deficit etc.) and the outcomes of therapeutic / rehabilitative practices.

b) Acquisition of electrophysiological signals (EEG, ECG, EOG) and application of advanced signal processing techniques (eg wavelets, statistical classifiers, artificial intelligence techniques) for the detection/classification of signal characteristics in relation to states of alertness/sleepiness, rest/task, healthy/pathological states.

c) Application of deep learning approaches for the decoding and analysis of neural signals (both EEG on human subjects and spiking rate signals acquired on non-human primates), in order to highlight how external quantities linked to stimuli and behaviors are encoded in the signals neural in cognitive and motor tasks, and how biomechanical, kinematic and muscle activity information are represented in the different brain regions.

The research activity is performed in cooperation with several research and clinical centres, both national and international.