Foto del docente

Elisa Ciaramelli

Full Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/B Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience


Ciaramelli E.; Spaniol J., Ventromedial prefrontal damage and memory for context: perceptual versus semantic features., «NEUROPSYCHOLOGY», 2009, 23, pp. 649 - 657 [Scientific article]

Davidson PS.; Anaki D.; Ciaramelli E.; Cohn M.; Kim A.S.; Murphy KJ.; Troyer A.K.; Moscovitch M.; Levine B., Does lateral parietal cortex support episodic memory? Evidence from focal lesion patients., «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2008, 46, pp. 1743 - 1755 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E., Review of: Mechanisms of reality and confabulation., «THE LANCET NEUROLOGY», 2008, 7, pp. 680 - 680 [Review]

Cabeza R.; Ciaramelli E.; Olson I.R.; Moscovitch M., The parietal cortex and episodic memory: an attentional account., «NATURE REVIEWS. NEUROSCIENCE», 2008, 9, pp. 613 - 625 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E., The role of ventromedial prefrontal cortex in navigation: a case of impaired wayfinding and rehabilitation., «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2008, 46, pp. 2099 - 2105 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E.; Grady C.L.; Moscovitch M., Top-down and bottom-up attention to memory: a hypothesis (AtoM) on the role of the posterior parietal cortex in memory retrieval., «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2008, 46, pp. 1828 - 1851 [Scientific article]

Serino A; Ciaramelli E; Di Santantonio A; Malagù S; Servadei F; Ladavas E., A pilot study for rehabilitation of central executive deficits after traumatic brain injury., «BRAIN INJURY», 2007, 21 (1), pp. 11 - 19 [Scientific article]

Lauro-Grotto R.; Ciaramelli E.; Piccini C.; Treves A., Differential impact of brain damage on the access mode to memory representations: an information theoretic approach., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 2007, 26, pp. 2702 - 2712 [Scientific article]

G. di Pellegrino; E. Ciaramelli; M. Muccioli; E. Ladavas, SOPHIE’S CHOICE: NOT A PERSONAL DILEMMA FOR PATIENTS WITH VENTROMEDIAL LESIONS, in: , «JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE», 2007, (Supplement), C135, pp. 120 - 120 (atti di: Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, New York City, May 5-8, 2007) [Abstract]

E. Ciaramelli; M. Muccioli; E. Làdavas; G. di Pellegrino, Selective deficit in personal moral judgment following damage to ventromedial prefrontal cortex, «SOCIAL COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE», 2007, 2, pp. 84 - 92 [Scientific article]Open Access

G. di Pellegrino; E. Ciaramelli; E. Ladavas, The Regulation of Cognitive Control following Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex Lesion in Humans, «JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE», 2007, 19, pp. 275 - 286 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E; Leo F; Del Viva MM; Burr DC; Ladavas E., The contribution of prefrontal cortex to global perception., «EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2007, 181, pp. 427 - 434 [Scientific article]

E. CIARAMELLI; J. SPANIOL, Ventromedial Prefrontal Damage Impairs Source but Not Associative Memory, in: Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, s.l, s.n, 2007, 12, pp. 41 - 42 (atti di: 48th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, California, November 15–18, 2007) [Abstract]

Ciaramelli E.; Ghetti S., What are confabulators' memories made of? A study of subjective and objective measures of recollection in confabulation., «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2007, 45, pp. 1489 - 1500 [Scientific article]

A. Serino; E. Ciaramelli; A. Di Santantonio; E. Ladavas, A rehabilitative program for central executive deficits after traumatic brain injury., «BRAIN AND COGNITION», 2006, 60, pp. 213 - 214 [Scientific article]