Foto del docente

Elisa Ciaramelli

Full Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/B Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience


Cabeza R.; Ciaramelli E.; Moscovitch M., Response to Nelson et al.: ventral parietal subdivisions are not incompatible with an overarching function., «TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES», 2012, 16, pp. 400 - 401 [Comment or similar]

Burianová H.; Ciaramelli E.; Grady C.L.; Moscovitch M., Top-down and bottom-up attention-to-memory: Mapping functional connectivity in two distinct networks that underlie cued and uncued recognition memory., «NEUROIMAGE», 2012, 63, pp. 1343 - 1352 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E., Attention to Memory (AtoM): Evidence from cueing and payoff experiments, in: Symposium: Parietal Cortex and Episodic Memory: The Debate Continues, 2011, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: ICOM-5 Conference, York, UK, 1/10/2011.) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Ghetti S.; Mirandola C.; Angelini L.; Cornoldi C.; Ciaramelli E., Development of subjective recollection: understanding of and introspection on memory states, «CHILD DEVELOPMENT», 2011, 82, pp. 1954 - 1969 [Scientific article]

Cabeza R.; Mazuz Y.S.; Stokes J.; Kragel J.E.; Woldorff M.G.; Ciaramelli E.; Olson I.R.; Moscovitch M., Overlapping parietal activity in memory and perception: evidence for the attention to memory model, «JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE», 2011, 23, pp. 3209 - 3217 [Scientific article]

Sellitto M.; Ciaramelli E.; di Pellegrino G., The neurobiology of intertemporal choice: insight from imaging and lesion studies, «REVIEWS IN THE NEUROSCIENCES», 2011, 22, pp. 565 - 574 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E.; di Pellegrino G., Ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the future of morality, «EMOTION REVIEW», 2011, 3, pp. 308 - 309 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E.; Sellitto M.; di Pellegrino G., Why do mOFC patients discount the future steeply?, «THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 2011, 20, pp. 5889 - 5890 [Comment or similar]

Ciaramelli E.; Rosenbaum R.S.; Solcz S.; Levine B.; Moscovitch M., Mental space travel: damage to posterior parietal cortex prevents egocentric navigation and reexperiencing of remote spatial memories., «JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION», 2010, 36, pp. 619 - 634 [Scientific article]

Sellitto M.; Ciaramelli E.; di Pellegrino G., Myopic discounting of future rewards after medial orbitofrontal damage in humans., «THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 2010, 30, pp. 16429 - 16436 [Scientific article]

H. Burianova; E. Ciaramelli; C. Grady; M. Moscovitch, TOP-DOWN AND BOTTOM-UP ATTENTION-TO-MEMORY: DELINEATION OF TWO FUNCTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK, in: , «JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE», 2010, (Supplement), I46, pp. 176 - 176 (atti di: Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Montreal, April 17-20, 2010) [Abstract]

Sperotto R.; Ciaramelli E.; di Pellegrino G., The Scope of Disgust after Ventromedial Prefrontal Damage, «FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE», 2010, 28 Jun 2010, pp. 1 - 1 [Abstract]

Ciaramelli E.; Grady C.; Levine B.; Ween J.; Moscovitch M., Top-down and bottom-up attention to memory are dissociated in posterior parietal cortex: neuroimagingand and neuropsychological evidence., «THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 2010, 30, pp. 4943 - 4956 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E.; Ghetti S.; Borsotti M., Divided attention during retrieval suppresses false recognition in confabulation., «CORTEX», 2009, 45, pp. 141 - 153 [Scientific article]

Ciaramelli E.; Lin O.; Moscovitch M., Episodic memory for spatial context biases spatial attention., «EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2009, 192, pp. 511 - 520 [Scientific article]