1) Academic Education
Elisa Bianchi took her master degree with onor in Classics at the University of Sacred Heart in Milan in 2011 (with a thesis in Byzantine Philology) and her PhD in Greek and Latin Palaeography at the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2015 (Cycle XXVII).
2) Didactic Activities
- since A.A. 2019-2020 she has been adjunct professor of the teaching "Cataloging of Book Manuscript" at the University of Bologna - Campus of Ravenna.
- in A.A. 2021-2022 she taught "Cataloguing of Manuscript Books" within the "Master in Folia. Cataloguing of Ancient Library Holdings" at University of Bologna - Campus of Ravenna.
3) Academic activities and scientific collaborations
- 09/01/2023-currently: Post-doctoral researcher at the Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study of the University of London for the AHRC project "Greek manuscripts in Renaissance Venice: the library of Guillaume Pellicier and its contribution to Europe's intellectual heritage". Here a link to a interview about the project: [https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/blog/greek-manuscripts-renaissance-venice-library-guillaume-pellicier-and-its-contribution-europes]
- 2023-currently: technical-scientific supervisor for transcription and bibliographic checks of the DigiLet Class project (Digitizing Letters of Classense Library), at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna: [https://centri.unibo.it/ludi/it/ricerca/collaborazioni].
- 17/11/2022-31/03/2023: Cataloguer for analytical cataloguing of 70 medieval and humanistic Greek manuscripts belonging to the Biblioteca Estense in Modena;
- 11/10/2022-31/03/2023: Cataloguer for the activity of analytical cataloguing of 290 medieval and humanistic manuscripts, in Latin, Greek and vernacular, belonging to the Aldini Fund of the University Library of Pavia;
- 01/06/2022-30/09/2022: Guest researcher within the research project on the Moscopulean manuscripts of the Palaeologan age coordinated by Prof. Andrea Massimo Cuomo at the Universiteit Gent (Belgium), Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte, Vakgroep Taalkunde (Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Department of Linguistics) [https://www.mela.ugent.be/affiliated-researchers/];
- 01/01/2022-30/04/2022: Cataloguer for inventorying and analytical cataloguing of 67 medieval and modern manuscripts in Latin and vernacular languages belonging to the Caramuel Fund and the Manuscripts Fund of the Diocesan Archive Library of Vigevano.
- 01/11/2021-31/05/2022: Post-graduate research fellow within the research project entitled "The Greek manuscripts of the library of the monastery of SS. Salvatore in Bologna and the study of Greek in Bologna in the 15th and 16th centuries", tutor Prof. P. Degni, at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage (Ravenna Campus);
- 01/09/2021-31/03/2022: Cataloguer for the activity of analytical cataloguing of 290 medieval and humanistic manuscripts, in Latin, Greek and vernacular, belonging to the Aldini Fund of the University Library of Pavia;
- 01/03/2021-31/05/2021: Cataloguer for the activity of analytical cataloguing of the 63 medieval and modern manuscripts of the Manuscripts Fund and of the Music Section kept at the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo of Milan;
- 15/02/2020-16/02/2021: Post-doctoral fellow named in memory of Prof. Agostino Pertusi to commemorate the centenary of his birth (1918-2018), and funded by the Italian Historical Institute for the Middle Ages University, the Alma Mater of Bologna- Ravenna Campus, the Foundation for Religious Sciences of Bologna, and the Catholic University of the Sacred of Milan;
- 01/06/2019-30/11/2019: Cataloguer for the activities of study, research, inventorying and analytical cataloguing of 141 medieval and modern manuscripts, mainly in Latin and vernacular languages, belonging to the Trivulzio Foundation of Milan, to the private collection of the Brivio-Sforza family, and to the Centro Nazionale di Studi Manzoniani, notified by the Superintendency of Library of Lombardia;
- 16/04/2018-15/07/2018: "Collaboration in the editing and preparation for printing of a miscellaneous volume 'Ancient commentaries on Greek texts. Methods and trends of ancient and Byzantine scholarship. Ancient commentaries on Greek texts. Methods and trends of ancient scholarship up to Byzantium', under the supervision of Prof. Ettore Cingano.
- 01/11/2014-31/10/2015: Research fellow within the PRIN project "Nuova Biblioteca Manuscripta. Describe, valorise, document medieval manuscripts in Italy" (Prin 2010-2011, responsible professor S. Zamponi), under the scientific supervision of Prof. P. Degni.
Her research interests relate to the production of books of the first Greek Paleologan period and Greek and Latin cataloguing.
4) Attendance at conferences
15-17 September 2023, Nicosia (Cyprus)
International Conference "Greek Books in the 16th Century between Venice and the Eastern Mediterranean", organised by the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Cyprus (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου), in collaboration with the Humanities Department of the University of Turin. Title of the paper: "Demetrio Zeno, Bernardino Donato and the Nicolini da Sabbio Printers: a productive partnership"
29 June 2023, London (UK)
Workshop "Book & Print Initiative" at the School of Advanced Study (SAS) of the University of London. Title of the paper: "Observations and remarks about the monastery of San Salvatore in Bologna and its Greek manuscripts"
4 November 2021, Vicenza (IT)
Conference: “Il Tesoro greco della Biblioteca Bertoliana: (ri)scoperte e prospettive”. Title of the paper: “Osservazioni paleografiche sui manoscritti Bertoliani 209, 508 e 598bis”.
27 January 2020, Milano (IT)
Conference organized by the University of Milano and Regione Lombardia “I fondi manoscritti lombardi: valore e significato”. Title of the paper: “Alcune considerazioni sui due panegirici in onore di Gian Giacomo Trivulzio il Magno (1441-1518): i Trivulziani 2097 e 2099”.
28 November 2019, Parma (IT)
Conference organized by the University of Parma “Parma. I manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Palatina: codice, testo e immagine”. Title of the paper: “I fondi Palatino e Parmense e il progetto PRIN Bibliotheca Italica Manuscripta. Alcune considerazioni”.
3-4 October 2019, Gaeta (IT)
First International Contest FuMast - The Future of Manuscript Studies (Italy, Gaeta). Title of the paper: “Un contributo allo studio della Fettaugen-Mode: significato, origine e diffusione”.
10-15 September 2018, Paris (FR)
IXe Colloque International de Paléographie Grecque - Le livre manuscrit grec: écritures, matériaux, histoire (Paris, 10-15 Septembre 2018). Title of the paper: Osservazioni codicologiche, paleografiche e testuali sull’Ambrosianus C 308 inf. (gr. 917), importante testimone delle opere etico-religiose dell’imperatore Teodoro II Lascaris. Travel grant from the École Normale Superieure du Paris.
5) Participation in scientific committees, associations and research centres
- since 2019 member of the Associazione Italiana Paleografi e Diplomatisti (AIPD): [https://www.paleografidiplomatisti.org/elisa-bianchi/]
- since 2021 member of the "Editorial Staff" of the journal "SCRIPTA. An International Journal of Codicology and Palaeography", Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa - Roma, ANVUR: A.
6)Academic Personal Sites
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8536-8362
- Academia.Edu: https://unibo.academia.edu/ElisaBianchi
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=boGPh6gAAAAJ&hl=it