Foto del docente

Eleonora Rivalta

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: GEOS-04/A Solid Earth Geophysics


Keywords: Volcano Physics Stress and deformation Magma propagation and storage Analog experiments Volcano-tectonics

Magma propagation in the Earth's crust and in the volcanic edifice

- Analytical, numerical and analog modelling of magma trajectories in the crust and volcanic edifice

- Analytical, numerical and analog modelling of the observables induced during the propagation (seismicity, deformation, gravity changes)


Magma reservoirs

- Analytical, numerical and analog modelling of accumulation of magma batches to form magma reservoirs

- Analytical and numerical modelling of the effects of magma chamber shape e physical properties of the magma on the properties of the whole system


Interaction between tectonics and volcanism

- Why are volcanoes there where they are? What mechanisms control the migration in time of eruptive vents and of entire volcanic areas?

- How can we determine with increasing accuracy the stress field within and around volcanic edifices?

- What mechanisms lead some earthquakes to trigger volcanic unrest or even eruption?