Foto del docente

Elena Toth

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-01/B Hydrology and Hydraulic and Maritime Structures

Curriculum vitae

Full professor c/o the Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna.


2014-2023: Associate professor c/o the Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna

2002-2014: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna

2001-2002: Research grant, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept, University of Bologna.

2000-2001: Post-doc scholarship, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna.

25/01/00: Ph.D. Degree in Hydraulic Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan. Title of dissertation: “Time-series analysis techniques for improving real-time flood forecasting”.

Sept. 1998 – Mar. 1999: Visiting Scholar, University of Arizona, Tucson (USA,) in the Research Group on Surface Hydrology (Prof. S. Sorooshian) of the Dept. Hydrology and Water Resources.

1997-1999: Scholarship for PhD Course in Hydraulic Engineering, Polytechnic of Milan.

20/03/96: Degree in Environmental Engineering (summa cum laude) at the University of Bologna.

1995-1996: Erasmus scholarship c/o Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland

1990: High School Diploma (Liceo Scientifico “A. Righi”, Bologna), grade 60/60.

1990: Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE, C2)

MATERNITY LEAVES: 2004 (birth of Marco), 2006 (birth of Stefano), 2012 (birth of Giovanni).


Teacher (as Instructor of record) of courses (hydrology and urban drainage systems, hydraulic infrastructures, water supply systems, water resources management, flood and drought risk management), in Italian or in English, in Bachelor or Master programmes at the School of Engineering and Architecture (Bologna and Ravenna campuses), University of Bologna, in all the academic years since 2003/04 to the current year.


2013-2017: " Sharing Water-related Information to Tackle Changes in the Hydrosphere - for Operational Needs” (SWITCH-ON), financed within the EU 7th Framework Programme.

2018-2022: "OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks" (OPERANDUM) to mitigate the impact of hydro-meteorological phenomena in risk-prone areas,  EU Horizon 2020 project, coordination of the OpenAir Lab Panaro (mitigation of flood risk).

2019-2022: "Simulating Tourism Water Consumption with Stakeholders" (SIMTWIST), financed within the EU Water JPI programme, national coordinator.


2015-2019: President of the Hydrological Sciences Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).

As Programme Committee Chair, she has coordinated the entire scientific programme of the Hydrological Sciences Division (more than 100 sessions) of the yearly EGU General Assembly.

Former chair of the scientific committee of the "Hydrological Forecasting" EGU sub-division.

Convener (or co-convener) of 39 sessions at the European Geosciences Union General Assemblies on the following topics:prediction of extreme precipitation events (2000), statistical solutions in surface hydrology (2000), impacts of climate change on hydrological response and on water resources (2003, 2005 and 2005), Hydroinformatics (from 2006 to 2016), catchment classification (2007 and 2009), medium and long-term hydrological forecasting (2008 and 2009), drought and water scarcity hydrological forecasting (from 2010 to 2016), Hydrological risk under a gender and age perspective (2017 and 2018), UPH IAHS-initiative (2020 and 2021), Water science and policy (2019, 2020, 2021, two events in 2022, 2023, 2024).

Editor of the international journal ‘Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)’ (the EGU Hydrological Sciences journal): 2007-present.

Ass. Editor of the international journal ‘Hydrological Sciences Journal’ (the International Association of Hydrological Sciences journal) 2013-2015.

Chair of the Working Group “Data-driven hydrology” of the International Research Initiative “Panta Rhei - Change in Hydrology and Society” of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS).

Member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Informatics: Science and Engineering (WISE) funded by the UK EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) and by the Universities of Exeter, Bath, Bristol and Cardiff.

Member of the International Advisory Board of the research network FloodNet, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Vice-president of the Italian Hydrological Society (Societa' Idrologica italiana) 2017-2022.

Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Bologna May 2018-May 2021.

Chair of the Henry Darcy Medal Committee of the European Geosciences Union 2019-2023.

Chair of the Teaching Committee of the Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering Department (University of Bologna), 2021-2024.

Chair of the Committee for the Professional Engineering State Examinations (Civil and Environmental Enginneers), 1st and 2nd sessions 2024.

Member of the Self-Steering Committee for Sustainabilty of the UNA-FUTURA (UNA-EUROPA) alliance of European universities since 2023.

President of the Italian Hydrological Society (Societa' Idrologica italiana) since 2023.