Full Professor in Educational Research at the Department of Education Studies - University of Bologna.
2001 Degree in Education Sciences at the University of Bologna (with honors).
2005: Ph.D. in Education in the Department of Education Studies- University of Bologna – Ph.D. thesis: “Learning in the third age: towards an educational approach to elderly”
From 2005 to 2007 post-PhD grant holder at the Department of Education Studies.
From 2008 to 2010 Research Fellow at the Department of Education Studies.
From 2010 to 2019 Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Studies.
From 2010 to 2021 Associate Professor at the Department of Education Studies.
Her research activities are focused on the following three topics.
- She has been conducting since 2002 some specific research concerning an educational approach to third age by investigating this subject from the theoretical point of view, carrying out empirical research and participating to educational projects aimed at promoting intergenerational dialogue and solidarity. This research path started in 2002 with a research aimed at defining the main characteristics of an educational approach to the elderly. The second research concerning this topic was dedicated to the assessment of active citizenship among fragile Elderly people monitored by a support care project. She conducted Educational Evaluation researches for the assessment and improvement of quality in care in long term care organizations.
She has been member of the Erasmus+ SALTO project, dedicated to innovating the training of Elderly care professionals, in order to increase their competences in "non-pharmacological approaches to Dementia and Alzheimer". She is currently conducting research in this field.
She is member of the Erasmus+ QAVAD Project, aimed at implementing innovative training models for Elderly home care.
- She conducts Educational Evaluation Researches and Training-action researches in secondary schools, vocational training, and lifelong learning environments. She has been Rector's Delegate for Innovation in Teaching and Learning at the University of Bologna from 2015 to 2018.
She has been member of the following projects:
EPIDORGE COMENUS 2 project (2002-2008). An international project focused on the promotion of students' empowerment.
Erasmus + SOCCESS project: Social Competences, Entrepreneurship and Sense of Initiative - Development and Assessment Framework. The final aim of the project is to serve as a first step for the creation of a general EU level assessment method for entrepreneurial competences.
EU project “Entrepreneurship Competence Framework Self-Assessment Tool for young Europeans (EntreSAT4Youth), funded by the European Commission Joint Research Centre and focused on the creation of assessment tools related to the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp).
- She conducts empirical researches and training activities concerning the Gender and Education.
She is member and former scientific responsible of the Center for Gender Studies in Education of the Department of Education Sciences of Bologna. This center involves an interdisciplinary group of researchers (especially from educational and social sciences) and is dedicated to the research on gender and education.
She is the Italian representative for the University of Bologna in WiTEC - the European Association for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology.
She has been Rector's Delegate for Gender Equality at Unibo from 2015 to 2018.
She carried out empirical research on gender and leadership, investigating student's opinions and attitudes towards this topic.
She has been a member of the following projects:
Leonardo European Project Empowering Women (2011-2012) whose aim consisted in developing a model for business innovation courses for women in science, engineering and technology.
H2020 Plotina Project, led by the University of Bologna, for the promotion of Gender Equality in Research Performing Organisations.
She is currently involved in a project for the innovation of training programs for the prevention of sexism and homophobia at University.
She is/has been lecturer in:
- "Design and evaluation of educational interventions" for the First Cycle Degree in Social and Cultural Education of the School of Psychology and Education of the University of Bologna since 2010;
- "Theories and methods of design and evaluation of educational processes" for the Master course in Design and management of educational intervention in social distress at the School of Psychology and Education of the University of Bologna since 2014;
- Research methodology in Education at the School of Medicine and Surgery for the Professional Educators and for the Master's Degree in Sciences of prevention from 2010 to 2019;