Foto del docente

Elena Ferioli

Associate Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-11/B Comparative Public Law

Curriculum vitae

Current position

Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law, Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna.

Coordinator of the Double Degree with the University of Paris Nanterre (Single Cycle Law Degree and Licence en droit, mention droit français-droit italien/ Master en droit, spécialité droit français-droit italien (since 2014).

Erasmus Coordinator of the Law School (2008-2018) and of the Department of Legal Studies (since 2018), University of Bologna.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Intercollegiate Center of Comparative Law (University of Insubria, University of Milano, University of Bologna, University of Trieste, since 2016).

Member of theBoard of the Interdepartmental Centre for Research in the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Law and in Computer Science and Law [], CIRSFID (University of Bologna, since 2015).


University qualifications

Law Degree magna cum laude, University of Bologna (1993).

Granted by the Italian Association for Parliamentary Studies for a Master in Parliamentary Law (University of Florence, 1994).

PhD in Constitutional Law (University of Bologna, 1995-1998).

Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law (University of Bologna, 2001-2014).

Assistant professor of Comparative Public Law (University of Bologna, 2014-2018).

Main teaching experiences

Constitutional Law, Public Comparative Law, Advanced Constitutional Law, Institutional governance, Minority Rights Legal Regimes, (University of Bologna, University of Padua, University of Rimini).

Member of the Law Clinic Teaching Staff (University of Bologna, since 2017).


Research interests

Constitution-Making Processes, Constitutional Amending Processes, Constitutional Justice, Rule of Law, Referendums, Anti-discrimination Law.


Main research experiences

Visiting researcher at the Institut suisse de droit comparé (1999).

Member of the Unibo Editorial Board of the Public Comparative and European Law Review (since 1999).

Coordinator of a Research group about Healthcare and Immigration, Master in Health Law and Management (University of Bologna, 2001-2002).

Member of a Research group about Comparazione giuridica e circolazione del diritto pubblico straniero tra giudici e legislatore” (Ministerial grant-PRIN 2007).

Member of the Editorial Board of the Centre for Research Development, CISR (since 2010).

Member of the International Centre for Research in European Law (University of Bologna, 2012-2016).

Member of the International Association of Constitutional Justice (since 2017).

Member of a Research group about “LAILA: Legal Analytics for Italian Law (Coordinatore prof. Giovanni Sartor, Ministerial grant-PRIN 2017).