Foto del docente

Elena Fabbri

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-06/A Physiology

Head of Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Elena Fabbri (EF) is Full Professor in Physiology at the University of Bologna. She is currently the University Delegate for Guidance of incoming and ongoing students. From 2016-2022 EF acted as President of the Board of the Ravenna Campus of the University of Bologna. From 2017-2022 EF was the Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree WACOMA (Water and Coastal Management)

Formerly: Coordinator for the University of Bologna of the Erasmus Mundus Action 1: Joint PhD in Marine and Coastal Management (MACOMA; 2010-1017) and Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management (WACOMA, 2011-2016). 2013-2016 Responsible for the Ravenna Unit of the Department Bigea. 2012-2015 Department delegate for Internationalization, 2012-2015 Resident Member of the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA). 2010-2013 President of the Theaching Programmes in Environmental Sciences (Bc Degree) and Analysis and Management of the Environment (Master degree), University of Bologna.

EDUCATION and CAREER: Elena Fabbri graduated in Biological Sciences (110/100 cum Laude) at the University of Ferrara (Italy). Research assistant at the same University, she became Associate Professor at the University of Bologna in 1998, and Full Professor in 2011.

EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES AND MEMBERSHIPS  Nominated as Member of the Academy of Science of the University of Bologna since 2019.  President of the European Society of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (ESCPB). 2014-17 Secretary and Treasurer of the Italian Physiological Society (SIF). Associate Editor of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (Elsevier). Guest Editor for Comp Biochem Physiol (Elsevier, 2016) and for Dose Response Journal (2015) Issues.

TEACHING ACTIVITY EF teaches at the Courses of Environmental Sciences; Water and Coastal Management; Natural Sciences; Biology of Human and environmental health.  She translated (English to Italian) the university textbook "Environmental Physiology of Animals" ed. Blackwell pages.1 - 644 (Italian Editor Zanichelli). 2012 Co-author of the university textbook "Fisiologia degli animali marini" A. Poli, E. Fabbri ed. Edises (Napoli) pp 1-502. 2014 Co-author of the university textbook "Fisiologia Animale" A. Poli, E. Fabbri, C. Agnisola, G. Calamita, G. Santovito, T. Verri Ed. Edises (Napoli) pp 1-655.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY Is documented by about 150 full peer reviewed papers. H INDEX 39 (Scopus). Research are addressed to marine vertebrate and invertebrates:  signal transduction of neuromodulators and hormones correlated to the stress response; the alteration of cellular functions by contaminants of emerging concern (e.g. endocrine disruptors, pharmaceutical residues, etc); effects by endocrine disruptors on cell signaling, gene and protein expression. Applied investigations are carried out on the assessment of environmental quality through biomarkers. Abroad experiences (addressed to the study of fish endocrinology, stress factors and endocrine disruptors): University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (Nato Grants 1989 and 1990). University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, (Award Canada Research Council, 1993). University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, sept-dec 2005. EF coordinated the EU-MEDA Project AMIS (2006-2008)  participated to several national and international programmes and has been recently involved in the JPI Ocean Project PLASTOX (2016-18) and AQUACOSM (EU H2020-INFRAIA nr 731065) Scheme Burnimpact. Ongoing: Programma Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide, n. 1314 PNRA18_00133 -Antarctica as a global pollution sensor: aquatic and terrestrial organisms as bio-indicators and meta-analysis of pollutant trends.

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