External Relations of the EU - modulo 2 - classes, readings and distribution list
External Relations of the EU - modulo 2
Academic Year 2014/15
Elena Baracani
Class meetings:
Monday and Tuesday, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
(Aula Ruffilli and Aula B - S. Cristina)
Distribution list:
Office hours:
From March 24 until May 5 (included) every Tuesday, 2:00-4:00 p.m., with the exceptions of March 31st and April 7th
Strada maggiore 45, room 16, telephone +39 051 2092731
Topic 1 (4 hours): March 23-24
The EU as an international actor: historical overview, key institutions and policy-making
Keukeleire, S, and Delreux, T. (2014), The Foreign Policy of the EU, Palgrave, chapters 2, 3, 4.
March 30: NO CLASS
March 31, 3:00 p.m., Aula Poeti: Seminar by General Mirco Zuliani (The Deputy Commander of NATO’s Allied Command Transformation) on NATO-EU Relations and International Security
Topic 2 (2 hours): April 13
Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and Defense Policy
Keukeleire, S, and Delreux, T. (2014), The Foreign Policy of the EU, Palgrave, chapters 7 and 8.
Topic 3 (2 hours): April 14
Theorizing the EU’s international presence
Duchêne, D. (1972), ‘Europe’s Role in World Peace’, in R. Mayne (ed.) Europe Tomorrow: Sixteen Europeans Look Ahead, Collins, 32-47.
Whitman, R.G. (2013), ‘The neo-normative turn in theorizing the EU's international presence’, Cooperation and Conflict, 48(2): 171-193.
Topic 4 (4 hours): April 20 - 21
EU relations with Turkey and the Cyprus problem
Grabbe, H. (2014), ‘Six Lessons of Enlargement Ten Years On: The EU's Transformative Power in Retrospect and Prospect’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 52: 40–56.
Karakas, C. (2013), ‘EU–Turkey: Integration without Full Membership or Membership without Full Integration? A Conceptual Framework for Accession Alternatives’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 51: 1057–1073.
Morgan, P. and E. Baracani (2014) ‘The Cyprus Conflict and the Failure of its Europeanization’, in E. Castelli (ed.) Solutions and Failures, FBK Press.
Kyris, G. (2013), ‘Europeanization beyond Contested Statehood: The European Union and Turkish-Cypriot Civil Society’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 51: 866–883.
Topic 5 (4 hours): April 27-28
EU relations with the Western Balkan countries and the Kosovo issue
Vachudova, M. A. (2014), ‘EU Leverage and National Interests in the Balkans: The Puzzles of Enlargement Ten Years On’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 52: 122–138.
Freyburg, T. and Richter, S (2010) ‘National identity matters: the limited impact of EU political conditionality in the Western Balkans’, Journal of European Public Policy, 17(2): 263-281.
Keukeleire, S., Kalja, A. and Collaku, A. (2011) ‘The European Union’s policy on Kosovo’, in Koutrakos, P. (ed.) European Foreign policy. Legal and Political Perspectives, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 172-203.
Papadimitriou, D. and Petrov, P. (2012), ‘Whose Rule, Whose Law? Contested Statehood, External Leverage and the European Union's Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 50: 746–763.
Topic 6 (4 hours): May 4-5
EU relations with Southern and Eastern neighbours
Whitman, R. G. and Juncos, A. E. (2014), ‘Challenging Events, Diminishing Influence? Relations with the Wider Europe’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 52: 157–169.
Casier, T. (2012), ‘European Neighborhood Policy: Living Up to Regional Ambitions?’, in F. Bindi and I. Angelescu (eds) The Foreign Policy of the EU. Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, second edition, Brookings Institution Press, 99-117.
Baracani, E. (2010) ‘European Union Democratic Anchoring’, in E. Baracani (ed.) Democratization and Hybrid Regimes. International Anchoring and Domestic Dynamics in European Post-Soviet States, EPAP, 111-134.
Tovias, A. (2012), ‘The European Union and the Mediterranean non-member states, in F. Bindi and I. Angelescu (eds) The Foreign Policy of the EU. Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, second edition, Brookings Institution Press, 186-202.