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Edoardo Ida

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-02/A Meccanica applicata alle macchine


Angelini M.; Ida E.; Bertin D.; Mantovani E.; Bazzi D.; Orassi V.; Carricato M., An Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robot for Marine Automated Launch and Recovery Operations, «JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS», 2025, 17, Article number: 010906, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access

Zaccaria F.; Ida E.; Briot S., A Boundary Computation Algorithm for the Workspace Evaluation of Continuum Parallel Robots, «JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS», 2024, 16, Article number: 041010, pp. 1 - 15 [articolo]Open Access

Zoffoli F.; Coccia V.; Ida E.; Carricato M., A Rapid Initial-Pose Self-calibration Method for Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, in: Advances in Italian Mechanism Science, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of IFToMM Italy - Volume 1, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024, pp. 366 - 374 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]

Zaccaria F.; Ida E.; Briot S., Directional Critical Load Index: A Distance-to-Instability Metric for Continuum Robots, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS», 2024, 40, Article number: 10598379, pp. 3620 - 3637 [articolo]Open Access

Andrea Lucarini, Michele Angelini, Edoardo Ida, Marco Carricato, Eliminating vibrations in nonlinear systems with input shaping: a novel approach, in: Book of Abstracts of the Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium, Celebrating 60 years since the journal’s foundation, 2024, pp. 215 - 216 (atti di: Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium, Celebrating 60 years since the journal’s foundation, Guimarães, Portugal, June 26-28, 2024) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Ida E.; Zoffoli F.; Carricato M., Hybrid-Control-Based Workspace Analysis of Overconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, in: Advances in Robot Kinematics 2024, Cham, Springer, 2024, pp. 324 - 331 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN ADVANCED ROBOTICS) [capitolo di libro]

Lucarini A.; Ida E.; Carricato M., Optimal Design of a Deployable and Reconfigurable Cable-Driven Parallel Robot, in: Proceedings of the 2024 20th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), Piscataway, IEEE, 2024, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2024 20th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), Genova, Italy, 02-04 September 2024) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Gabaldo S.; Ida E.; Carricato M., Pose-estimation methods for underactuated cable-driven parallel robots, «MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY», 2024, 199, Article number: 105690, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Ida E.; Carricato M., Static workspace computation for underactuated cable-driven parallel robots, «MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY», 2024, 193, Article number: 105551, pp. 1 - 19 [articolo]Open Access

Mattioni V.; Ida E.; Gouttefarde M.; Carricato M., A Practical Approach for the Hybrid Joint-Space Control of Overconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, in: Cable-Driven Parallel Robots - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 149 - 160 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]

Angelini M.; Ida E.; Bertin D.; Carricato M.; Mantovani E.; Bazzi D.; Orassi V., An Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robot for Marine Automated Launch and Recovery Operations, in: Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference : IDETC-CIE 2023, New York, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), «INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ENGINEERING TECHNICAL CONFERENCES & COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION IN ENGINEERING CONFERENCE», 2023, 8, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC-CIE 2023, Boston, USA, 20-23 August 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Zaccaria F.; Ida E.; Briot S., Design and experimental equilibrium stability assessment of a RFRFR continuum parallel robot, «MECHATRONICS», 2023, 95, Article number: 103064, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access

Fusaro G.; Barbaresi L.; Cingolani M.; Garai M.; Ida E.; Prato A.; Schiavi A., INFLUENCE OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING ON ACOUSTIC METAMATERIALS PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY, in: Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino, European Acoustics Association, EAA, 2023, pp. 4371 - 4376 (atti di: 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, EAA 2023, Politecnico di Torino, Via Paolo Borsellino, 53/N, ita, September 11-15, 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Fusaro G.; Barbaresi L.; Cingolani M.; Garai M.; Ida E.; Prato A.; Schiavi A., Investigation of the impact of additive manufacturing techniques on the acoustic performance of a coiled-up resonator, «THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA», 2023, 153, pp. 2921 - 2931 [articolo]Open Access

Gabaldo S.; Ida E.; Carricato M., Pose-Estimation Methods for Planar Underactuated Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, in: Cable-Driven Parallel Robots - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 3 - 15 (MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]

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