Foto del docente

Enrico Paolini

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-03/A Telecommunications


Keywords: localization iterative decoding information theory error correcting codes tracking algorithms

The main research themes of Dr. Paolini include error correcting coding techniques and passive localization systems. In the field of channel coding, the research activity includes: 

  • Design of efficiently encodabe LDPC codes;

  • Asymptotic analysis of doubly-generalized LDPC codes (performance, stability, weight distribution);

  • Construction and performance evaluation of finite-length doubly-generalized LDPC codes;

  • Design and analysis of capacity approaching LDPC code degree distributions;

  • Design of burst erasure correcting LDPC codes;

  • Efficient algorithms for maximum likelihood decoding of LDPC codes.

In the field of passive localization, the research activity includes:

  • Analysis of system aspects for radar sensor networks based on the UWB technology (geometry, power, coverage, localization accuracy);

  • Development of tracking algorithm (based on a Bayesian approach) for radar sensor networks based on the UWB technology.

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