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PhD in Cultural Heritage
Research project: Ideology and Culture in Byzantine Epigraphy from the Heraclides to the dynasty of Amorius (ca 610-867)
Tutor: Prof. Salvatore Cosentino
Co-tutor: Prof.ssa Isabella Baldini
I graduated in Classics and Classical Philology. During the University training, I developed interests in Christian and Byzantine epigraphy and archaeology, with a particular focus on Greece. With a two-year scholarship, I completed a postgraduate degree in Archaeology of the Late Antique and Byzantine Mediterranean at the Italian Archaeological School in Athens, a research institution focusing on archaeology of the Greek and Roman Mediterranean . In my research, I have dealt with Late Antique and Byzantine epigraphic material from Greece, particularly from Crete and Lemnos. I am currently working on a project on historical Byzantine epigraphy of the so-called 'Dark Ages' (7th-9th century).
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