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Dorena Caroli

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-01/B History of Pedagogy and Education


Dorena Caroli, Bambine, bambini e animali parlanti nei racconti di Eduard Uspenskij per l’ultima generazione sovietica, «GENESIS», 2014, XIII, pp. 85 - 108 [Scientific article]

Dorena Caroli, Review of: Francis W. Wcislo, Tales of Imperial Russia. The life and Times of Sergei Witte, 1849-1915, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 314, «RICERCHE DI STORIA POLITICA», 2014, 3, pp. 383 - 385 [Review]

Caroli Dorena (Faenza 1966), Review of: Galina M. Ivanova, Na poroge « gosodarstva vseobščego blagosostojanija ». Social’naja politika v SSSR (seredina 1950-ch – načalo 1970-ch godov) [La politique sociale del 'URSS (du milieu des années 1950 au début des années 1970)], Moskva, Institut Rossijskoj istorii RAN, 2011, 283 p. / Lukas Mücke, Die allgemeine Altersrentenversorgung in der UdSSR, 1956-1972, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 81), 2013, 565 p, «CAHIERS DU MONDE RUSSE», 2014, 55, pp. 463 - 464 [Review]

Dorena Caroli, Review of: Gary McCulloch, The Struggle for the History of Education, London and New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2011, pp. 139, «HISTORY OF EDUCATION & CHILDREN'S LITERATURE», 2014, IX, pp. 826 - 829 [Review]

D. CAROLI; R. SANI, International Bibliography of History of Education and Children's Literature (2010-2012), ITA, EUM - Edizioni dell'Università di Macerata, 2014, pp. 391 . [Bibliography]

Dorena Caroli; Luigiaurelio Pomante, International Bibliography of the History of Education and Children's Literature (2013), «HISTORY OF EDUCATION & CHILDREN'S LITERATURE», 2014, IX, pp. 853 - 1105 [Scientific article]

CAROLI, DORENA, Review of: Jeff Sahadeo, Russel Zanca (Eds.), Everyday life in Central Asia. Past and Present, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 2007, pp. 401, «AB IMPERIO», 2014, 2, pp. 464 - 468 [Review]

G.B. Kornetov (Ed.),, Dorena Caroli, Koncepcija S.S. Molozhavogo: mezhdu istoricheskim monizmom i repressijami pedologii (1924-1937) (S.S. Molozhavyj's conception: between the historical monism and the repressions of the pedology, 1924-1937), in: Istoriko-pedagogicheskoe znanie v nachale III tysjaceletija: istorija pedagogiki kak pedagogicheskaja i istoricheskaja nauka. Materialy Desjatoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, Moskva, 13 nojabrja 2014 g. (Historical and pedagogical knowledge at the beginning of the third millennium: history of pedagogy as pedagogical and historical science. Materials of the Ninth international scientific conference, Moscow, 13 november 2014), RUS, ASOU, 2014, pp. 82 - 103 [Chapter or essay]

Dorena Caroli, La ricezione di Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Russia tra Settecento e Ottocento, in: Il "pedagogista" Rousseau tra metafisica, etica e politica, ITA, La Scuola, 2014, pp. 249 - 276 (atti di: Il "pedagogista" Rousseau tra metafisica, etica e politica, Bergamo- Padova, 1-3 ottobre 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Axelle Brodiez-Dolino, Bruno Dumons, Dorena Caroli, Le modèle soviétique de protection sociale et sa circulation dans les pays de l’Est (1917-1989), in: La protection sociale en Europe au XXe siècle, FRA, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014, pp. 33 - 56 [Chapter or essay]

Dorena Caroli, Le scuole per la formazione dell'uomo nuovo fra Rivoluzione bolscevica e Seconda guerra mondiale in Unione Sovietica, in: H. Cavallera (a cura di), La ricerca storico-educativa oggi. Un confronto di Metodi, Modelli e Programmi di ricerca, ITA, PensaMultimedia, 2014, I tomo, pp. 219 - 241 (atti di: La ricerca storico-educativa oggi. Un confronto di metodi, modelli e programmi di ricerca, Lecce, 8-9 novembre 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

CAROLI, DORENA, Review of: Lukas Muecke, Die allgemeine Altersrentenversorgung in der UdSSR, 1956-1972, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013, 565p, «CAHIERS DU MONDE RUSSE», 2014, 55 (3-4), pp. 458 - 462 [Review]

Dorena Caroli, Review of: Magnin Charles, Muller Christian Alain (Eds.), Enseignement secondaire, formation humaniste et société - XVIe-XXIe siècle. Actes du colloque international et pluridisciplinaire tenu à l’occasion du 450e anniversaire de la fondation du Collège de Genève par Calvin, Genève, 23-26 mars 2009, Avec la collaboration de Blaise Extermann, Genève, Éditions Slatkine, 2012, 438p + CD, «HISTORY OF EDUCATION & CHILDREN'S LITERATURE», 2014, IX, pp. 823 - 826 [Review]

Dorena Caroli, New trends in the history of childhood, education and school institutions in post-communist Russia (1986-2012), «ESPACIO, TIEMPO Y EDUCACIÓN», 2014, 1, pp. 133 - 169 [Scientific article]Open Access

Dorena Caroli, Review of: Olga Jur'evna Nikonova, Vospitanie patriotov: Osoaviachim i voennaja podgotovka naselenija v ural'skoj provincii (1927-1941gg.) [The education of patriots. Osoaviachim and the military training of the population in the Province of Ural (1927-1941)], Moskva, Novyj Chronograf, 2010, pp. 471, «AB IMPERIO», 2014, 3, pp. 463 - 465 [Review]