Foto del docente

Dina Guglielmi

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PSIC-03/B Work and Organizational Psychology

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Science Of Lifelong Educational Processes

Curriculum vitae

Position at University:
Full Professor in Work and Organizational Psychology, at the Department of Education Studies (University of Bologna).

Licence and Education:
From 2014 to 2017: Associate Professor (M-PSI/06) at the Department of Education Studies “G.M. Bertin” - University of Bologna;
From 2004 to 2014: Researcher (M-PSI/06) at the Faculty of Psychology – University of Bologna;
In 2002: PhD in Psychology at University of Bologna (Dissertation title: Become a professional: facilitating factors and obstacles for the development of professional competences);
In 1998: enrolment in the Professional Eegister of Psycholosists of Emilia Romagna (N. 2266)
Degree with honors in Psychology at the University of Bologna, 1996. 

Teaching experiences in Work and Organizational Psychology:
Has been teaching, at the School of Psychology and Education Studies of the University of Bologna:
From 2016, Work and Organizational Psychology, (8 CFU, M-PSI/06), at the Second cycle degree programmes in Pedagogy and at the Second cycle degree programmes in Planning and Managing of Educational Intervention in Social Distress (Education), University of Bologna;
From 2016, Work Psychology (3 CFU, M-PSI/06), at the Second cycle degree programmes in Health Professions of Prevention Sciences (Medicine), University of Bologna.;
From 2014, Psychology in Orientation and Transitions in Adulthood, (8 CFU, M-PSI/06), at the Second cycle degree programmes in Science of Lifelong Educational Processes (Education), University of Bologna;
From 2006 to 2016, Psychology and quality of working life (4CFU) and Work Psychology (8 CFU), at the Second cycle degree programmes in Psychology of organization and services - Master Erasmus Mundus –WOP (Work, Organization and Personnel psychology);
From 2005 to 2010, Work and Organizational Psychology, (20 h, 3 CFU, M-PSI/06), at the First cycle degree in Teacher Trainer (Education), University of Bologna. 

Research Interests:
Organisational processes in schools; professional development and motivation of teachers; Assessment and development of professional competences; Quality of working life, organizational antecedents of mobbing and burnout; Vocational and career guidance.

Institutional responsibilities:

Since 2018: Member of the Observatory for Teaching Evaluation of the University of Bologna;
Since 2018. Member of the interdisciplinary working group at the head of the Learning Innovation Center and Transversak Skills at the University of Bologna;
Since 2015: Degree Programme Director of the Master’s degree in Educational Models and Techniques for Intervention in Social Disease (University of Bologna).
Since 2015: Member of the Quality Assurance Commission of the Master’s degree in Educational Models and Techniques for Intervention in Social Unease (School of Psychology and Education Studies − University of Bologna) and the Master’s degree in Health Professions of Prevention Sciences (School of Medicine and Surgery − University of Bologna).
Since 2008 to 2012: Member of the Doctoral School Committee of the PhD in Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Work and Organizational Psychology, Department of Education Studies − University of Bologna.
Since 2015: member of the Panel of experts (Area 11B) for the University Research Evaluation Committee − University of Bologna.
Since 2015: Member of the Doctoral School Committee of the PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Education Studies− University of Bologna.
Since 2018: Member of the Educational Observatory of University of Bologna

PHD Thesis supervised:
PhD Nicoletta Bova, Dissertation thesis (2012) : “Work and Family, a complex interplay: an Italian application of the DISC model in Health Care Workers” (in collaboration with Jan de Jonge, University of Eindhoven, Netherland)
PHD Greta Mazzetti, Dissertation thesis (2014) “Obsessed With Work: A multi-causal and multi-rater approach to workaholism” (in collaboration with Wilmar Schaufeli, University of Utrecht, Netherland);
PHD Ilaria Bruni, Dissertation thesis (2016) “Succesful aging at work” (in collaboration with Mo Wang, University of Florida).

Memberships of scientific societies:
EAWOP (European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology);
IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology);
AIP (Associazione Italiana Psicologia).

Referee for the following journals:

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology; Journal of Happiness Studies; Journal of Workplace Learning; Anxiety, Stress and Coping; European Review of Applied Psychology; Career Development International; Frontiers – Organisational Psychology; Swiss Journal of Psychology; The International Journal of Human Resource Management; Safety Science; Journal of Managerial Psychology; International Journal of Psychology; Employee Relations; Giornale Italiano di Psicologia; Counseling; Psicologia Sociale.

H index: 12; Total Citations: 558; N=62 (30th July 2019)

National and International Grants (as Principal Investigator)
2017 – Project ERASMUS “ESTEEM – European Safety Training and Evaluation supporting European Mobility”. Topic: Implementation and development of reliable instruments useful for safety training of migrant workers in the construction sector. Coordinator of the Italian Unit: Dina Guglielmi.
2017 – ALMAIDEA Grant for pure research project of University of Bologna “Formative Educational Evaluation for Academic Improvement”. Principal investigator: Dina Guglielmi. Total length: 24 months.
2008-2010 – Project Leonardo da Vinci LLP “G.I.A.N.T.” (Guidance Innovations and New Tools). LLP – LDV/TOI/08/IT/524. Partnership in addition to Italy: Spain (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) and Romania (Instutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei). Scientific supervision: Dina Guglielmi.
2016 – Principal Investigator of the agreement between Educational Department and Government Institute of Superior Education “Archimede” referred to the project “Orientation and (Dis)Orientation during critical situation/moment. Interventions and tools for orienting students from middle and high school level”. Funded by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research).
2012 − Project FARB “Towards a decrease of accidents at work. Multidisciplinary analysis of safe behaviors through mixed method approach". Principal investigator: Dina Guglielmi (Prot. FFBO124855). Total length: 24 months.
Principal investigator of several research projects funded by private and public companies in agreement with the Department of Education Studies of the University of Bologna: these research projects included (among them) an agreement for conducting an action research concerning work-related stress in a large mass retail company (in 2016-2017); an agreement with the Regional Educational Office for the research project “Monitoring of three network project involving three school from Emilia Romagna and survey on related operational factors”.