Foto del docente

Diego Marazza

Adjunct professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: FIS/07 Applied Physics


Special Issue targetting biochar studied in Agriculture

Dear colleague, we set up a special issue "Long Term Agronomical, Physiological and Environmental Implications of Biochar Use in Agricultural Soils"on Agriculture. I have some special interest here and I hope that you can publish your research in this open access edition:

long term experiment (LTE); biochar; biochar–compost mix; biochar effects; long-term research; soil carbon modelling; stock and flow modelling; biochar aging; biochar persistence; life-cycle and techno-economic assessment; carbon sequestration in integrated assessment models; biochar production; economic impacts of biochar technology; education of students; living labs and citizens engagement.

This Special Issue is open to contributions (research papers and a reduced number of reviews) exploring the effect of biochar and its blend with other biowaste products (compost, digestate, sludge) on soil fertility and crop yield, posing particular attention on the interaction among soil, plant and microorganisms occurring in the rhizosphere. In particular, the SI will focus on medium–long term effects of biochar and its blend on:

  • Biochar effects on plant ecophysiology and phenology;
  • Interaction of biochar with other routes based on the use of biowaste such as composting, anaerobic digestion etc., in order to produce innovative amending media able to increase soil C storage;
  • Soil C modelling including, among others, biochar;
  • Potential harmful elements (PHEs) and related bioavailability in soils, along with PHEs distribution in plant tissues;
  • Biogeochemical soil cycle for nutrients and PHEs as well as physico-chemical and hydrological profiles of biochar amended soils;
  • Effects of biochar on phytohormones and other bio-stimulants in the rhizosphere;
  • Biochar effects on soil macro e microbiota.



Published on: April 14 2021