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Demetrio Giordani

Adjunct Associate Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


Keywords: Islam, Quran, Hadith, Sunnah, Shiism, Sufism, Sufi Brotherhood, Sufi literature, Sufi doctrine of Man

Demetrio Giordani's research revolves around three thematic macro-areas (mystics, theology, history of Islam) and around two chronological areas: the formative period of Islamic civilization (Abbasid Caliphate VIII-XIII centuries) and the period that dates from the birth to the maximum expansion of Islam in the Indian Subcontinent (13th-18th centuries).

Regarding the interest in the formative period of Islam, Demetrio Giordani's research focused above all on the most important figures of the so-called "Khorasanian" Sufism, such as Al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi (d. 910), Abu Abd al -Rahman al-Sulami (d. 1021), Bayazid Bistami (d. 874), who are among the major precursors of the masterful work of Muhyiddin ibn 'Arabi (d. 1240)

Regarding the civilization of Islam in the Indian subcontinent, Demetrio Giordani's interest revolves around the naqshbandi school and in particular he focused on the writings (Maktubat) of Shah Ahmad Sirhindi (d.1619) and his descendants: Mirza Mazhar Jan-i Janan (d.1781), Shah Ghulam 'Ali (d.1824).

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