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Davide Prati

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


Massafra, A.; Prati, D.; R. Gulli,, Reverse Engineering for the Structural Analysis of Heritage Constructions, in: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2024, 46, pp. 156 - 169 (atti di: SAHC 2023, Kyoto, 12-15 September 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Massafra, Angelo; Prati, Davide; Gulli, Riccardo, Reverse Engineering Workflows for the Structural Assessment of Historical Buildings, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE», 2024, -, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]

Angelo Massafra; Davide Prati, Capriate e coperture lignee a Bologna tra il XVII e il XVIII secolo: Metodi e strumenti digitali per la conoscenza, Monfalcone, EdicomEdizioni, 2023, pp. 266 (ARCHITETTURA SOSTENIBILE. CULTURE COSTRUTTIVE PER IL RECUPERO SOSTENIBILE). [Research monograph]

D. Prati, A. Massafra, L. Guardigli, R. Gulli, Supporto all’analisi costruttiva per gli edifici storici: applicazioni del reverse engineering al rilievo del patrimonio costruito. Construction analysis support for historical buildings: applications of reverse engineering to Cultural Heritage survey, in: In Transizione: sfide e opportunità per l’ambiente costruito. In Transition: challenges and opportunities for the build heritage, Monfalcone (Gorizia), EdicomEdizioni, 2023, pp. 427 - 442 (atti di: Colloqui.AT.e 2023, Bari, Italy, 14-17 June 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Marta Bonci; Davide Prati; Cecilia Mazzoli, Bio-based Polymers for the Design of Temporary Structures through an Eco-Sustainable Construction Process, in: The Ecological Turn: Design, Architecture and Aesthetics beyond “Anthropocene”, Delft, BK BOOKS, 2022, pp. 290 - 304 [Chapter or essay]

Massafra Angelo, Prati Davide, Predari Giorgia, Computational 3D modeling supporting the preservation of historic timber roofs: the case of San Pietro's Cathedral in Bologna, in: Extended Abstracts of the Xth edition of the ReUSO - Documentation, Restoration and Reuse of Heritage, Porto, 2022, pp. 287 - 288 (atti di: Xth edition of the ReUSO - Documentation, Restoration and Reuse of Heritage, Porto, Portugal, 2-4 November 2022) [Abstract]

Angelo Massafra, Davide Prati, Giorgia Predari, Computational 3D modeling supporting the preservation of historic timber roofs: the case of San Pietro’s Cathedral in Bologna, in: Proceedings of the Xth edition of the ReUSO - Documentation, Restoration and Reuse of Heritage, Porto, 2022, pp. 743 - 754 (atti di: ReUSO - Documentation, Restoration and Reuse of Heritage, Porto, Portugal, 2-4 November 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Angelo Massafra, Davide Prati, Giorgia Predari, Displacement Analysis of Wooden Trusses through Digital Survey and Visual Programming Tools. The Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna, in: Rehabend 2022 - Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology And Heritage Management, Almería, Círculo Rojo, 2022, pp. 134 - 134 (atti di: 9th Rehabend Euro-American Congress, Granada, 13-16 September 2022) [Abstract]

Angelo Massafra, Davide Prati, Giorgia Predari, Displacement Analysis of Wooden Trusses through Digital Survey and Visual Programming Tools. The Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna., in: Rehabend 2022 - Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology And Heritage Management, Almería, Círculo Rojo, 2022, pp. 854 - 863 (atti di: 9th Rehabend Euro-American Congress, Granada, 13-16 September 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Silvia Castellaro, Davide Prati, Stefano Isani, Luca Guardigli,, Experimental assessment of the dynamic behavior of timber trusses: a not so straightforward task, in: SHATIS 22, PROCEEDINGS OF 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF TIMBER STRUCTURES, Praga, ITAM - Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2022, pp. 186 - 192 (atti di: SHATIS 22, PRAGA, 7-9 sETTEMBRE 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Guardigli, Luca; Ghedini, Silvia; prati, Davide, La copertura del Teatro Farnese di Parma. Costruzione, memoria, innovazione The roof of the Farnese Theatre in Parma. Construction, memory, innovation, in: ., Memoria e innovazione - Memory and innovation, Monfalcone, Edicom Edizioni, 2022, pp. 111 - 128 (atti di: Colloqui.AT.e, Genova, 7-10 September 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Giorgia Predari, Davide Prati, Angelo Massafra, Modern Construction in Bologna. The Faculty of Engineering by Giuseppe Vaccaro, 1932–1935, in: Digital Modernism Heritage Lexicon, Cham, Springer Nature, 2022, pp. 233 - 258 (SPRINGER TRACTS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Cristiana Bartolomei; Caterina Morganti; Davide Prati, Strategie digitali per conoscere e valorizzare i modelli di fortificazioni di Luigi Ferdinando Marsili / Digital strategies for learning and valorising the models of fortifications by Luigi Ferdinando Marsili, in: DIALOGHI visioni e visualità / DIALOGUES visions and visuality, Milano, Franco Angeli Open Access, 2022, pp. 107 - 122 (atti di: 43° CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DEI DOCENTI DELLE DISCIPLINE DELLA RAPPRESENTAZIONE CONGRESSO DELLA UNIONE ITALIANA PER IL DISEGNO, Genova, 15-16-17 settembre 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Carlo Costantino, Angelo Massafra, Davide Prati, Simone Garagnani, Giovanni Mochi, The safeguard of built heritage in archeological sites, an interdisciplinary approach based on light-weight UAV photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning survey: the case study of Monte Lucio, in: Villages et quartiers à risque d’abandon. Stratégies pour la connaissance, la valorisation et la restauration., Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2022, pp. 243 - 256 (RICERCHE. ARCHITETTURA, PIANIFICAZIONE, PAESAGGIO, DESIGN) [Chapter or essay]

Prati, Davide; Massafra, Angelo; Guardigli, Luca, Wide-span timber trusses in the area of Bologna: a case study analysis and comparison, «TEMA», 2022, 08, pp. 113 - 120 [Scientific article]Open Access

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