vai alle Pubblicazioni
Publications prior to 2004
Chinigò, D. (2022), Everyday Practices of State Building in Ethiopia. Oxford University Press, Oxford Studies in African Politics and International Relations series.
Edited Journal Issues
Chinigò, D. (2021), ‘Continuity and Rupture in Ethiopia under the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front’, Afriche e Orienti, n. 2/2020.
Walker, C., D. Chinigò, S. Dubow (2019) ‘Karoo Futures: Astronomy in Place and Space’, Special Issue of the Journal of Southern African Studies, 45 (4).
Chinigò, D. (2015) ‘The New Harvest. Agrarian Policies and Rural Transformation in Southern Africa’, Afriche e Orienti, Issue 3.
Chinigò, D., and A. Pallotti (2015), ‘Rural development policies and poverty reduction in Southern Africa: experiences from Zambia and Malawi’, Afriche e Orienti, Special Issue 2015.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Chinigò, D. (2021), ‘Manufacturing and Labour Mobilisation in EPRDF Ethiopia. A Household Perspective on the Rise and Uncertain Prospects of the Textile Industry in Tigray’, Afriche e Orienti 2/2020.
Wedekind, J., D. Chinigò (2020) ‘Contract and Control: Agrarian Labour Mobilisation and Resistance under Large-Scale Land Investments for Biofuel Crop Production in Ethiopia’, Annales d’Éthiopie 33: 49-78.
Chinigò, D., C. Walker (2020) ‘Science, astronomy and sacrifice zones: Development trade-offs and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope project in South Africa’, Social Dynamics, 46(3).
Walker, C., D. Chinigò, S. Dubow (2019) ‘Introduction. Karoo Futures: Astronomy in Place and Space’, Journal of Southern African Studies, 45(4).
Chinigò, D., (2019) ‘From the ‘Merino revolution’ to the ‘Astronomy revolution’: Land Alienation and Identity in Carnarvon, South Africa’, Journal of Southern African Studies, 45(4).
Chinigò, D., (2019) ‘The Peri-Urban Space at Work. Micro and Small Enterprises, Collective Participation, and the Developmental State in Ethiopia’, Africa (Cambridge University Press), 89(1).
Walker, C., D. Chinigò (2018), ‘Disassembling the SKA: Astronomy and Development in South Africa’, Third World Quarterly, 30(10).
Chinigò, D. (2016) ‘Re-Peasantization and Land Reclamation Movements in Malawi’, African Affairs, 115(458).
Chinigò, D. (2016) ‘Rural Radicalism and the Historical Land Conflict in the Malawian Tea Economy’, Journal of Southern African Studies 42(2).
Chinigò, D. (2016) ‘Land policies and customary rights in Malawi in comparative perspective’, Afriche e Orienti, Afriche e Orienti, Special Issue 2016.
Chinigò, D. (2015) ‘Historicising Agrarian Transformation. Agricultural commercialization and social differentiation in Wolaita, Southern Ethiopia’, Journal of Eastern African Studies 9(2).
Chinigò, D., Fantini, E. (2015) ‘Thermidor in Ethiopia? Agrarian Transformations between Economic Liberalization and the Developmental State’, EchoGéo 31.
Chinigò, D. (2015) ‘Movimenti di contestazione e lotta agraria in Malawi: una prospettiva storica’, Afriche e Orienti, n. 1-2, anno XVII.
Chinigò, D. (2015) ‘Space, history, and agrarian transformation in Malawi’, Afriche e Orienti, Special Issue 2015.
Chinigò, D. (2014) ‘The Politics of Land Registration in Ethiopia. Territorializing State Power in the Rural Milieu’, Review of African Political Economy 42(144).
Chinigò, D. (2013) ‘Decentralization and Agrarian Transformation in Ethiopia: Extending the Power of the Federal State’, Critical African Studies 6(1).
Chinigò, D. (2012) ‘The Land still belongs to Meles’. Land Registration and Tenure Insecurity in Siraro, Southern Ethiopia’, Afriche e Orienti, Special Issue 2.
Chinigò, D. (2012) ‘Decentralizzazione dell’amministrazione della terra in Etiopia: il caso del Siraro’, Afriche e Orienti, n.1-2.
Chinigò D. (2007) ‘Riforma agraria e politiche di sviluppo rurale in Etiopia. Il caso della Wag Hamra Zone’, Afriche e Orienti, n. 3-4.
Book chapters
Chinigò, D. (2016) ‘Market-driven land redistribution and resettlement in Malawi. The returnees of the Community Based Rural Land Development Project’, in B. Engels and K. Dietz (eds.), ‘Contested extractivism, society and the state: Struggles over mining and land’, Palgrave Macmillan, London, p. 219-242.
Chinigò, D. (2016) ‘Terra e democrazia. Il complesso percorso della riforma agraria nel Malawi multipartitico’, in C. Tornimbeni, M. Zamponi, A. Pallotti (eds.) ‘Sviluppo Rurale e Povertà in Africa Australe. Le Sfide del Millennio’, Rubbettino, Catanzaro, pp. 101-121.
Chinigò, D. (2015) ‘Land Registration and Food Security in Ethiopia: The Case of Siraro, Oromiya Region’, in Eloi Ficquet, Ahmed Hassen and Thomas Osmond (eds.), Movements in Ethiopia, Ethiopia in Movement. Addis Ababa: French Center for Ethiopian Studies, Institute of Ethiopian Studies of Addis Ababa University; Los Angeles: Tsehai Publishers.
Other publications
Chinigò, D. (2020) ‘Critical reflections on astronomy and development. The case of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope project in South Africa’, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 14, Issue A30, August 2018. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 March 2020, pp. 594-595.
A.T. Girma, D. Chinigò, C. Navarra and G. Rossetti (eds.) (2016) Women at work. Rights, work and social protection in the informal economy. Bologna: Nexus Emilia Romagna.
Chinigò, D. (2016) ‘The role of micro and small enterprises in strengthening grassroots association in poor communities of Ethiopia with a gender approach’, in A.T. Girma, D. Chinigò, C. Navarra and G. Rossetti (eds.) Women at work. Rights, work and social protection in the informal economy, Bologna: Nexus Emilia Romagna.
Emmenegger, R., D. Chinigò. (2015) ‘Spatialising the State in Africa’, Blog post, New Political Geographies: Exploring Large- Scale Economic Infrastructures, 19 November.
Chinigò, D. (2014) ‘Le elezioni 2014 in Malawi: il “Ritorno al Futuro” della famiglia Mutharika’. Afriche e Orienti, n. 1-2.
Chinigò, D. and A. Kingiri (2013) ‘Mainstreaming Gender in Bioenergy Projects: Lessons from PISCES’, PISCES Policy Brief No. 7.
Chinigò, D. (2013) ‘Energy Security and Livelihood Generation in Bioenergy Projects: the case of Policy Innovation Systems for Clean Energy Security (PISCES)’, Africa Energy Yearbook 2013.
Chinigò, D. (2013) ‘Le incognite dell’Etiopia post-Meles’, Afriche e Orienti, n.1-2, 2013.
Book review: Ianni V. (2008), I processi di decentramento e la questione democratica. Porto Alegre e Kerala: radici e ali, Roma, CeSPI, Afriche e Orienti, vol. 3-4.