Davide Chinigo', Re-peasantization and land reclamation movements in Malawi, «AFRICAN AFFAIRS», 2016, 115, pp. 97 - 118 [Scientific article]
Chinigò, Davide, Rural Radicalism and the Historical Land Conflict in the Malawian Tea Economy, «JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN AFRICAN STUDIES», 2016, 42, pp. 283 - 297 [Scientific article]
Chinigò Davide, Terra e democrazia. Il complesso percorso della riforma agraria nel Malawi multipartitico, in: AA.VV., Sviluppo rurale e povertà in Africa australe. Le sfide del millennio, SOVERIA MANNELLI, Rubbettino, 2016, pp. 101 - 121 [Chapter or essay]
Chinigò, Davide, Historicising agrarian transformation. Agricultural commercialisation and social differentiation in Wolaita, southern Ethiopia, «JOURNAL OF EASTERN AFRICAN STUDIES», 2015, 9, pp. 193 - 211 [Scientific article]
Chinigò Davide, Introduction - The New Harvest. Agrarian Policies and Rural Transformation in Southern Africa, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2015, 3, pp. 3 - 5 [Abstract]
Chinigò Davide, Land Reform and Customary Authorities in Contemporary Malawi, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2015, 3, pp. 63 - 84 [Scientific article]
Chinigò Davide, Movimenti di contestazione e lotta agraria in Malawi: una prospettiva storica, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2015, XVII, pp. 167 - 183 [Scientific article]
Chinigò Davide; Pallotti Arrigo (a cura di): Arrigo Pallotti; Erin Hern; Davide Chinigò; Seamus Murphy; Michael Chasukwa, Rural Development and Poverty Reduction in Southern Africa: Experiences from Zambia and Malawi, SAN MARINO, Aiep Editore, 2015, pp. 95 . [Editorship]
Davide Chinigò; Arrigo Pallotti, Rural Development Policies and Poverty Reduction in Southern Africa: Experiences from Zambia and Malawi. An Introduction, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2015, Special Issue 2015, pp. 5 - 7 [Abstract]
Davide Chinigò, Space, History and Agrarian Transformation in Malawi, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2015, Special Issue 2015, pp. 47 - 63 [Scientific article]
Davide Chinigò (a cura di): Mario Zamponi; Pauline E. Peters; João Carrilho, Uacitissa Mandamule; Davide Chinigò; Gareth D. James; Emmanuel Sulle, The New Harvest. Agrarian Policies and Rural Transformation in Southern Africa, SAN MARINO, Aiep Editore, 2015, pp. 128 . [Editorship]
Chinigò, Davide, The politics of land registration in Ethiopia: territorialising state power in the rural milieu, «REVIEW OF AFRICAN POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2015, 42, pp. 174 - 189 [Scientific article]
Chinigò, Davide; Fantini, Emanuele, Thermidor in Ethiopia? Agrarian Transformations between Economic Liberalization and the Developmental State, «ECHOGÉO», 2015, 31, pp. 2 - 13 [Scientific article]
Chinigò, Davide, Decentralization and agrarian transformation in Ethiopia: extending the power of the federal state, «CRITICAL AFRICAN STUDIES», 2014, 6, pp. 40 - 56 [Scientific article]
Davide Chinigò, Decentralizzazione dell'amministrazione della terra in Etiopia: il caso del Siraro, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2012, 1-2, pp. 33 - 45 [Scientific article]