Foto del docente

David George Lyons

PhD Student

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: L-LIN/10 English Literature

Short Bio

Originally from near Manchester in the UK, where he completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Leeds with a joint European degree in Classical Literature and English in 2015.

From 2013-14 he studied at the University of Verona, where he passed his elective year abroad as part of the Erasmus programme.

In 2018 he moved to Italy to begin a Master’s degree in Italian Studies at the University of Bologna, from where he graduated in 2021.

In November 2022, he started his studies as a PhD candidate, again at the University of Bologna, after being admitted to the programme of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Diversity and Inclusion (Curriculum EDGES: women’s and gender studies).

His interests include travel literature, particularly of the Grand Tour, feminist literature and critical theory, art history and criticism, Romanticism, Neoclassicism, and orientalism.

Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne
Via Cartoleria 5, Bologna - Go to map

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