Foto del docente

Dario Tuorto

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Director of First Cycle Degree in Expert in Social and Cultural Education

Curriculum vitae



2000: Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

1996: Degree in Sociology, University of Naples



Since 2005: Researcher in Sociology and Metodology of Social Research, Department of Education, University of Bologna

2004-2005: Teaching Assistant in Metodology of Social Research, Faculty of Science of Communication, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

2001-04: Research Fellowship, Department of Education, University of Bologna.


Visiting Scholarship and international training

2011: Visiting professor, Universitè de Montreal (Dipartimento di Scienza Politica). Period: September 2011

2011: Visiting professor,Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Departement of Political Science). Period: June 2011

2003-2004: Visiting scholar, Department of Government, University of Essex (UK)

1997: Summer School in Social Science Data analysis and Collection, University of Essex (UK);


Professional and Scientific Activities

Since 2008: Member of ITANES association (Italian National Election Studies);

Since 2008: Member of ESA (European Sociological Association);

2007-2008: Istituto Cattaneo and Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali, coauthor of the research report “Job Discriminations by Sex, Religion, Political Orientation, Disability, gender, Sexual orientation;

Since 2004: in the Editorial Board of  the review “Polis”;

Since 2001: collaboration with “Istituto Cattaneo” in the research field of political participation;  

2003: Faculty of Sociology, University of Naples and “el Sur” NGO, researcher and coauthor of the research report in the European Project “Causes and Dynamics of Social Exclusion of immigrants in Europe. Three case study: Denmark, Italy, Spain”;  

2000-2001: Assistent researcher at Istat, Servizio di Dinamiche Sociali, Indagini Multiscopo;

2000: one of the Italian researcher for the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2000 Executive Report;

1999-2001: Faculty of Sociology, University of Naples, interviewer and coauthor of the research report in the European Project “AME-Urbex: The Spatial Dimensions of Urban Social Exclusion and Integration: A European Comparison”,