Foto del docente

Daniele Scarponi

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-02/A Paleontology and Paleoecology

Curriculum vitae

Professional Curriculum

February 2020

PhD Daniele Scarponi

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali (BiGeA),

University of Bologna

Via Zamboni, 67 40126 Bologna, Italy.

Tel: (+39) 051-2094582



- M.S. (summa cum laude) in Geology Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, University of Urbino, Italy

- PhD in Earth Sciences: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Bologna, Italy


- Assistant Professor of Paleoecology and Paleontology (GEO/01), University of Bologna, Italy

- 2014-active Visiting fellow (short term), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL-USA


- 2002-2003 Post-doc Research Fellow, University of Bologna; Italy

- 2003-2005 Post-doc Research Fellow, Virginia Tech; Virginia-USA

- 2005-2006 Assistant Researcher, University of Bologna, Italy

- 2005-2013 Visiting fellow (short term), Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA-USA


- 2017-active Italian National Habilitation to Associate Professorship and Full Professorship (Paleontology and Paleoecology, GEO/01)

- 2020-active Editorial Board of Geoscience (MDPI)

- 2016-active Editorial Board of Geoscience (AIMS)

- 2016-active Editorial Board Journal of Coastal Research

- 2015-active Editorial Board, Bollettino della Società Malacologica Italiana


- 2019-active –Paleobiologia (28h - Module 1). Master in Biodiversity and Evolution - UniBo

- 2018-active Geosystems response to Quaternary Global Changes (2018 32h - Module 1; 2019 16h -Module 2; 2020 56h - Course). International Master in Global Change Ecology and Sustainable Development Goals - UniBo

- 2016-active Laboratorio di Paleoecologia (56h - Course) - Bachelor in Geology - UniBo

- 2012-2016 Paleobiologia Stratigrafica (60h - Course) - Master in Geology - UniBo

- 2009-2016 Paleontologia (16h - Module 2) - Bachelor in Geology - UniBo

- 2007-2008 International Summer School “Quantitative Paleobiology” (12h - Module) - UniBo

- 2006-2008 Laboratorio di Biodiversità Paleontologica (12h - Module). Master in Biodiversity and Evolution - UniBo


PhD/MSc/BSc (advisor and/or committee member)

1.Beijia Tang BSc candidate (advisor); 2. Sarah Bencivenni MSc candidate (advisor) 3. Lisa Carrera PhD candidate (advisor); 4. Alessandro de Meo (2018-2019) Bachelor; 5. Giacomo Trondoli (2018-2019) Bachelor; 6. Martina Mucci (2018-2019) Bachelor; 7. Michele Azzarone (2015-2018) PhD (advisor); 8. Giuseppina Razzino (2015-2016) MSc (advisor); 9. Beatrice Bacchiocchi (2016-2017) Bachelor (advisor); 10. Giovanni Sanna (2015-2016) Bachelor (advisor); 11. J.M. Wittmer (PhD 2014) Virginia Tech University, (VA-USA) (co-advisor); 12. Serena Tarlati (MSc 2012-2013), Bologna University, Italy (advisor); 13. Fabio Foli (BSc 2011-2012), Bologna University, Italy (advisor); 14. Francesco Naldi (BSc 2010-2011), Bologna University, Italy (advisor); 15. Lorenzo Angeletti (PhD) Modena and Reggio Emilia University (PhD comm. member); 16. Jacalyn M. Wittmer (PhD) Virginia Tech, USA (PhD comm. member); 17. Simone Cau (PhD) Parma University, Italy (PhD comm. member); 18. Frederico Scarelli (PhD) Rio Grande Do Sul University, Brazil (PhD comm. member); 19 Facheng Ye (PhD) Milano Statale University, Milano (PhD comm. member).


Professional memberships [4]

- European Geoscience Union, Società Italiana di Malacologia; Società Paleontologica Italiana; Unione Naturalisti Bolognesi, Associazione italiana per lo studio del Quaternario.

Short Course/Symposium Organizer and Chair at Meetings [9]

- 2020 – Paleodays 2020 Annual Meeting, Italian Paleontology Society – Organizing Committee: Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Barbieri G., Carrera L., Cavalazzi B., Fanti F., Monegatti P., Rossi V., Vaiani S.C., Barbieri R. Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali, Università di Bologna 19-21 May, Bologna.

- 2020 – EGU Session SSP4.3 – Convener Dominici S. Co-conveners: H. Birch, F. Fiorini, S. Lindström, B. van de Schootbrugge, S. Danise, M. Kaminski, D. Scarponi: Palaeontology, Palaeoecology and Evolution of Life. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 4-8 May, Vienna.

- 2020 – Conservation Paleobiology Symposium – Organizing Committee: O’Dea A., Scarponi D., Albano P., Airoldi L. Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, Bologna 3-4 February -

- 2019 – EGU Session SSP4.4 – Convener: Scarponi D. Co-conveners: Rossi V., Nawrot R., Zuschin M.: Linking stratigraphic and biological patterns: Fossils as a key to understand terrestrial and marine ecosystem dynamics. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly, 7-12 April Vienna -

- 2017 - Session SSP4.3 – Convener: Scarponi D. Co-conveners: Zuschin M., Tomasovych A., Dominici S.: Advances in Stratigraphic Paleobiology: Integration of Geological and Biological Processes using macrofossils. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly, 23-28 April Vienna - .

- 2014 – NAPC Session No. 37 – Conveners: Wittmer J.M., Scarponi D.: Stratigraphic paleobiology: Integrating sedimentary and fossil records. 10th North American Paleontology Convention, 15-18 February Gainesville, Florida - .

- 2011 Geoitalia Session M3 – Conveners: Mazzini I & Scarponi D.: Stratigraphic Paleobiology of Quaternary sedimentary successions. Geoitalia 2011. September 19-23, 2011 Torino, Italia.

- 2008 International Summer School “Quantitative Paleobiology” – Organizing Committee: Scarponi D., Ceregato A., University of Bologna (Italy) 28 May - 10 June, Bologna.

- 2007 International Summer School “Quantitative Paleobiology” – Organizing Committee: Scarponi D., Ceregato A., University of Bologna (Italy) 28 May – 9 June, Bologna.

Reviewer [20 journals and 3 funding agencies)

Acta Palaentologica Polonica, Poland - Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Italy - Bollettino Malacologico, Italy - Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, France - Geobios France - Geology, USA - Lethaia, USA - Journal of Conchology, Great Britain - Journal of Coastal Research, USA - Marine and Petroleum Geology, Netherlands - Palaios, USA – Palaeontology, Great Britain - Paleobiology, USA - Quaderno di studi e notizie di storia naturale della Romagna, Italy - Remote Sensing, Switzerland - Revista Brasiliera de Paleontologia, Brazil - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, Italy - Sedimentology, Great Britain - The Holocene, USA; Zootaxa, New Zealand.

National Science Foundation, United States of America - Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic - French National Research Agency, France - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy.


- 2019-active BiGeA Department Board (Giunta Dipartimento) – University of Bologna

- 2019-active BiGeA website (Webmaster)

- 2015-active PhD Academic Board (Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences) – University of Bologna

- 2015-active BiGeA Communication Committee (Chair)

- 2012-2015 BiGeA Informatics Committee (Member);

- 2008-2015 BiGeA Degree Board (Member)


National evaluation of the quality of research (VQR) years 2004-2010: scores 2.8/3.0; years 2011-2014 scores 2.0/2.0.

H-index 16, citations 632 (based on SCOPUS);

Research interests

My research activity lies at the interface between paleontology and sedimentary geology, with particular focus on paleoecology, taphonomy, biodiversity and sequence stratigraphy. Data are mainly collected over Neogene sedimentary successions of the Mediterranean Basin.

The key themes include Paleoenvironmental reconstructions by means of macro-invertebrates (mainly mollusks) of Neogene sedimentary successions. Taphonomy: Research focuses on the quality of the fossil record with emphasis on long-term biases, time-averaging and temporal resolution. Paleoparasitology: Parasitism is one of the most pervasive phenomena amongst modern eukaryotic life and, by contrast, almost nothing is known about it in deep time. My researches investigate high frequency, climate drive, sea-level oscillations and temporal trends in parasite-host interactions in coastal systems. Stratigraphic Paleobiology: The joint consideration of stratigraphic and paleontological patterns (“Stratigraphic Paleobiology”) yields diverse biological and geological insights. For example, Quaternary mollusk assemblages archive quantifiable high-resolution environmental signatures (e.g., bathymetry) that can augment stratigraphic interpretations. Diversity of Mediterranean Conoidea: Study of the recent fossil record (Plio-Quaternary) aimed at reconstructing diversity pattern of this important group of predators. Additional research interests include development of quantitative methods in paleobiology and geosciences.

Research grants (funded/declined)

- funded 2022-2019 Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale, PRIN. PRIN 2017: The Po-Adriatic Source-to-Sink system (PASS): from modern sedimentary processes to millennial-scale stratigraphic architecture, D. Scarponi (Collaborator).

- funded 2021-2017 National Science Foundation, CAREER: Parasites, sea level rise, and ecosystem dynamics: Investigating the pattern and process of increasing trematode prevalence during transgression. Principal Investigator J. W. Huntley (University of Missouri,Missouri USA); D. Scarponi (Collaborator).

- funded 2020-2005 Ricerca Fondamentale Orientata (RFO) Ministry of Education, University and Research - Paleoenvironments reconstructions of Plio-Quaternary sedimentary successions of Italy. Principal investigator D. Scarponi

- funded 2019-2016 National Science Foundation. Stratigraphic Paleobiology and Historical Ecology of Po Basin. Principal Investigator M. Kowalewski (University of Florida, Florida USA). Funded Principal Investigators: M. Kowalewski and D. Scarponi.

- declined 2017 Alma Idea grant. Principal investigator. Dinamiche parassitarie (Trematodi Digenei) nel record fossile olocenico. Implicazioni per scenari futuri di riscaldamento globale. Principal Investigator: D. Scarponi

- declined 2015 Progetto di Rilevante interesse Nazionale (PRIN). Sedimentary and ecological responses to a warming Earth: the Pliocene Climatic Optimum (PCO) in continental to marine sedimentary successions of Central and Southern Italy . Principal investigator: Marco Benvenuti; D. Scarponi (Local Coordinator)

- declined 2013 Progetto di Rilevante interesse Nazionale (PRIN): (Paleo)ecological, sedimentological and geochoronological integrated prospects from the Po plain: towards holistic bio-sedimentary reconstructions thorough the latest Quaternary. Principal Investigator: D. Scarponi

- funded 2013-2009 National Science Foundation # 0920075. Collaborator. Stratigrapnic Paleobiology of Marine Quaternary Successions of Po Plain, Italy. Principal Investigator M. Kowalewski (Virginia Tech, Virginia USA); D. Scarponi Collaborator.

- funded 2005: Marco-Polo Grant , Bologna University - "La scienza della classificazione nel terzo millennio. Sviluppo di sistemi informatici per l’identificazione tassonomica". Principal investigator D. Scarponi

- funded 2004 Marco-Polo Grant , Bologna University - Mollusk associations and climatic change from the latest Quaternary sedimentary succession of the Po Plain. Principal investigator D. Scarponi

Presentations at meetings - summary [46]

- Austria [9] – European Geosciences Union Meeting

- Canada [2] – North American Paleontological Convention (1); Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (1)

- Italy [22] – Lagunet (1); International Geological Conference (1); Italian Paleontological Congress (5); Pliocenica (1); GeoItalia (6); Italian Geological Society Meeting (2); Pontino Malacological Meeting (1); Alberto Malatesta Meeting (1); Summer School Bologna (2); International Conference on Paleobiology & Paleoecology (1); Conservation Paleobiology Meeting (1)

- Spain [1] – IV Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología

- Poland [1] – International Congress on Ichnology

- USA [11] – Geological Society of America Annual Meeting [7]; Geological Society of America, South-eastern Section Meeting [1]; North American Paleontological Convention [3]

Publications - summary [145]

Monograph/Book Chapter/Short Contribution: 8 (1 M. in preparation);

Peer-review journal publication: 49 (+2 submitted);

Short contribution/Abstract 92.

Journal (indexed in Scopus): Acta Palaeontologica Polonica [1] - Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary [2] - Basin Research [1] - Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana [1] - Boreas [1] - Data in Brief [1] - Geoacta [1] - Geobios [2] - Geology [2] - Giornale di Geologia [3] - Global and Planetary Change [1] - IOP Earth and Environmental Science [1] - Journal of Geology [1] - Marine and Petroleum Geology [2] - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [3] - Palaios [1] - Paleobiology [3] - Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors [1] - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences [2] - Quaternary International [2] - Quaternary Research [2] - Quaternary Science Review [2] - Scientific Reports [2] - Sedimentology [2] - Springer International Publishing [2] - Zootaxa [2] (Not indexed in Scopus): Geoacta [1] - Libro Homenaje Ramirez del Pozo [1] - Annali di Storia delle Università Italiane [1] - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature [1] - Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana [1-short contribution].

Monograph/Book Chapter: L’Informatore Piceno [1 Monograph] - Lavori della Società Malacologica Italiana [1 Monograph] - Pendragon [3-Book chapters] - Regione Emilia Romagna [2-Monographs]; Strati 2013 [2-short contributions]

Abstract: American Geophysical Union Abstract [1] – Conservation Paleobiology Symposium [2] - Geoitalia Epitome [7] - Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs [42] - Geophysical Research Abstract [16] - PaleoBios [4] - Taphos [2] - The Paleontological Society Special Publication [3] – International Paleontological Congress [5]. Other abstracts/field trip books [9]

Presentation at International Meetings: 26 (reported only since 2007)

2020 Oral communication. Conservation Paleobiology Symposium, February 3-4, Bologna, Italy. Resilience of nearshore communities to natural climate change in the northern Adriatic. Scarponi et al. Conservation Paleobiology Abstract Book, 25.

2019 Poster. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, April 7-12, Vienna, Austria. Shell morphology and skeletal properties in edible clam Chamelea gallina during the Holocene: contrasting the fossil and modern records to forecast biotic responses to global change. Scarponi et al., Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-17380

2019 Oral communication. 11th North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) - General Assembly, June 23-27, June, Riverside, California. Using regional stratigraphic context of the Po-Adriatic system (Italy) to infer biotic response of Chamelea gallina to Holocnee environmental change. Scarponi et al. PaleoBios, 36(1).

2018 Oral Communication. International Paleontological Conference (IPC), July 9-13, Paris, France. Documenting ecological response of Po deltaic ecosystems through glacial-interglacial cycles in Northern Italy. Scarponi et al. Abstract book.

2018 Poster. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly, April 8-13, Vienna, Austria. Dynamics of benthic marine communities across the Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary in the Mediterranean region (Valle di Manche, Southern Italy): biotic and stratigraphic implications. Scarponi et al. Geophysical Research Abstract, 20 EGU2018-17583.

2017 Poster. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly, April 23-28, Vienna, Austria. Parasites and Holocene sea-level rise: Recurrent upsurges in trematode infestation linked to repeated flooding events in the Adriatic Sea. Scarponi et al. Geophysical Research Abstract, 19 EGU2017-7233.

2016 Oral communication. Geological Society of America - Annual Meeting, September 25-28, Denver, Colorado USA. Long-term resilience of mollusc communities to natural climate changes: a case example from Adriatic Sea. Scarponi et al. Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, 48, 7 doi 10.1130/abs/2016AM-28675.

2016 Oral communication. Società Italiana di Paleontologia - Paleodays, Maggio 25-27, Faenza. Scarponi et al. Parasitic dynamics in Holocene deposits of the Po Plain (Northern Italy). Scarponi et al. Riassunti, 34.

2016 Oral communication. Lagunet 21-23 Novembre, Lesina. Scarponi D. et al., 2016 Repeated association of sea-level rise and trematodes documented in the Holocene Po plain succession. Scarponi et al., Abstract volume, 45

2015 Oral communication. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly, April 12-17, Vienna, Austria. Stratigraphic Paleobiology of the Taranto Area. Scarponi et al. Geophysical Research Abstract, 17 EGU2015-9275.

2015 Oral communication. Geological Society of America - Annual Meeting, November 1-4, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Holocene record of trematode-bivalve interaction in regressive back-barrier setting of the Po Plain (Italy). Scarponi et al. Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, 47, 7, 213.

2014 Oral communication. North American Paleontological Convention - February 15-18, Gainesville Florida USA. Stratigraphic paleoecology of the Valle di Manche Section (Crotone Basin, Italy): A candidate GSSP of the Middle Pleistocene. Scarponi et al. The Paleontological Society Special Publications, 13, 167-168 ISSN 1089-3326.

2014 Poster. Geological Society of America - Annual Meeting, 19-22 October - Vancouver, Canada. Quantitative analyses of lates Quaternary stratigraphy from cores using modern meio and macrobenthic invertebrates: a practical approach to facies interpretation. Scarponi et al. Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, 46, 7, 213.

2014 Oral communication. Field-Workshop Lower-Middle Pleistocene transition in Italy. 11-13 October Bari. Scarponi et al., Stratigraphic variation of molluscan assemblages across the Lower to Middle Pleistocene transition in the Valle di Manche section (Calabria, Southern, Italy). Scarponi et al., Abstract book.

2012 Oral communication. Società Geologica Italiana - 86° Annual Meeting, Settembre 18-20, Arcavacata di Rende, Cosenza. Palaeoecologic signatures of fossil assemblages in a candidate GSSP section of the Middle Pleistocene Stage at San Mauro Marchesato (Crotone, Southern Italy). Scarponi et al. Rendiconti online della società geologica italiana, 21, 1096-1097.

2012 Oral communication. Geological Society of America - Annual Meeting, November 4-7, Charlotte, North Carolina USA. Assessing species-environment relalationships and palaeoenvironmental gradients by means of sedimentological and biological (Molluscs-ostracods-foraminifers) signals. Scarponi et al. Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, 44, 7, 627.

2011 Oral communication. Geoitalia, VIII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra - Settembre 19-23, Turin. Scarponi D. & Vai G.B. Paleoecologic signatures of fossil assemblages in a potential Upper Pleistocene GSSP section at Taranto. Scarponi et al. Epitome, 235.

2011 Oral communication. Geoitalia, VIII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra. Settembre 19-23, Turin. Scarponi D. & Vai G.B. Paleoebathymetric signatures of mollusk associations from Fronte Section (Taranto). A candidate GSSP for the base of the Tarentian (Late Pleistocene). Scarponi et al. Epitome, 234.

2010 Oral communication. Geological Society of America - Annual Meeting, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, Denver, Colorado USA. A direct quantitative test of the sequence stratigraphic model. Scarponi et al. Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, 42, 7,543-544.

2009 Oral communication. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly, April 19-17 - Vienna, Austria. Quantitative estimates of temporal mixing across a 4th-order depositional sequence: variation in time-averaging along the Holocene marine succession of the Po Plain, Italy. Scarponi et al. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 EGU2009-13297-1 Comunicazione orale.

2009 Oral communication. GeoItalia, VII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra - Settembre 9-11 Rimini. Age structure of fossil horizons across a 4th-order depositional sequence (Po Plain, Italy). Scarponi D. Epitome, 3, 156-157.

2008 Oral communication. Geological Society of America - Annual Meeting, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, Charlotte, South Carolina USA. Scarponi et al. Quantifying time-averaging in 4th-order depositional sequences: radiocarbon-calibrated amino-acid racemisation dating of Late Quaternary Mollusk Shells from Po Plain, Italy. Scarponi et al. Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, 40, 6,502.

2008 Oral communication. II International Congress on Ichnology - August 29-September 8, Krakow, Poland. D. Scarponi & M. Kowalewski, Sequence stratigraphy and ichnology: Drilling predation patterns recorded ini Holocene depositional succession of the Po Plain, Italy. Scarponi et al. Abstract Book and intra-congress field trip guidebook, 2, pp. 45 - 45.

2007 Poster. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly. 15-20 April - Vienna, Austria. Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. Testing stratigraphic application of quantitative paleobiology: multivariate ordinations of mollusk associations from the Holocene succession of the Po Plain (Italy). Scarponi et al. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8 EGU2007-A-06367.

2007 Oral communication. GeoItalia, VI Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra - Settembre 12-14, Rimini. Testing and refining stratigraphic applications of quantitative paleobiology using quaternary successions of the Po Plain (Italy). Scarponi D. Epitome, 97-98.

2007 Oral communication. Ecologia, Limnologia e Oceanografia - Settembre 18-20, Ancona. Testing and refining stratigraphic applications of quantitative paleobiology using quaternary successions of the Po Plain (Italy). Scarponi D. Abstract Book, 25.

Monograph/Book Chapter (8)


  1. Delfino M. & Scarponi D. 2020 Paleobiogeografia (Book chapter). Manuale di Paleontologia. Idelson Gnocchi Editore, Napoli  


  2. Della Bella G., Naldi F. & Scarponi D. 2015 Molluschi marini del Plio-Pleistocene dell’Emilia-Romagna e della Toscana. Superfamiglia Conoidea. Mangeliidae - Vol. 4 - Conidae II. Lavori della Società Malacologica Italiana, 26, 80 pp.


  3. Scarponi D. & Della Bella G. 2010 Molluschi marini del Plio-Pleistocene dell’Emilia-Romagna e della Toscana: Conoidea. Vol. 3 - Conidae II. Editor: Raffi S., L’informatore Piceno, Ancona 112 pp.


  4. Scarponi D., Colalongo ML, Fiorini F. & Vaiani SC. (2009). La Piana Costiera - I fossili (chapter 7.4), in La Pianura, geologia, suoli e ambienti in Emilia-Romagna, Amorosi A. & Pignore R. (eds.). Pendragon, Bologna, 231pp. ISBN-10: 8883427319.
  5. Scarponi D., Colalongo ML, Fiorini F. & Vaiani SC. (2009) Il Delta - I fossili (chapter 6.4), in La Pianura, geologia, suoli e ambienti in Emilia-Romagna, Amorosi A. & Pignore R. (eds.). Pendragon, Bologna, 231pp. ISBN-10: 8883427319.
  6. Scarponi D., Colalongo ML, Fiorini F. & Vaiani SC. (2009). La pianura alluvionale - I fossili (chapter 5.5), in La Pianura, geologia, suoli e ambienti in Emilia-Romagna, Amorosi A. & Pignore R. (eds.). Pendragon, Bologna, 231pp. ISBN-10: 8883427319.


  7. Della Bella G. & Scarponi D. 2007 Molluschi marini del Plio-Pleistocene dell’Emilia-Romagna e della Toscana. Conoidea. Vol. 2 - Conidae I. Editors: Ceregato A. & Raffi S. - Tipografica Bologna, Bologna 102 pp.


  8. Scarponi D. & Della Bella G. 2004 Molluschi marini del Plio-Pleistocene dell’Emilia-Romagna e della Toscana. Conoidea. Vol. 1 - Drilliidae e Turridae. Editors: Ceregato A. & Raffi S. - Editografica, Bologna, 96 pp.

Articles and Books Chapters indexed in Scopus (44, * corresponding author; name PhD student)


  1. Gamberi F., Pellegrini C., Dalla Valle G., Scarponi D., Bohacs K., Trincardi F. (2020) Compound and hybrid clinothems of the last lowstand Mid-Adriatic Deep: Processes, depositional environments, controls and implications for stratigraphic analysis of prograding systems. Basin Research (in press). DOI: 10.1111/bre.12417.


  2. Capraro L.*, Tateo F., Ferretti P., Fornaciari E., Macr^ P., Scarponi D., Preto N., Xian F., Kong X., Xie X. (2019) A Mediterranean perspective on 10Be, sedimentation and climate around the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary: les liaisons dangereuses?. Quaternary Science Reviews 226, 106039. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106039.
  3. Amorosi A.*, Barbieri G., Bruno L., Campo B., Drexler T.M., Hong W., Rossi V., Sammartino I., Scarponi D., Vaiani S.C., Bohacs K.M. (2019) Three-fold nature of coastal progradation during the Holocene eustatic highstand, Po Plain, Italy – close correspondence of stratal character with distribution patterns. Sedimentology 66(7), 3029-3052. DOI: 10.1111/sed.12621.
  4. Crippa G., Azzarone M, Bottini C., Crespi S., Felletti F., Marini M., Petrizzo M.R., Scarponi D., Raffi S., Raineri G. (2019) Bio-and lithostratigraphy of lower Pleistocene marine successions in western Emilia (Italy) and their implications for the first occurrence of Arctica islandica in the Mediterranean Sea. Quaternary Research, 92(2), 549-569. DOI: 10.1017/qua.2019.20.
  5. Mancuso A., Stagioni M., Prada F., Scarponi D., Piccinetti C., Goffredo S., (2019) Environmental influence on calcification of the bivalve Chamelea gallina along a latitudinal gradient in the Adriatic Sea. Scientific reports, 9(1), 11198. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-47538-1.
  6. Cau S., Laini A., Monegatti P., Roveri M., Scarponi D., Taviani M., (2019). Palaeocological anatomy of shallow-water Plio-Pleistocene biocalcarenites (northern Apennines, Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 514, 838-851. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.08.011.


  7. Nawrot R.*, Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Dexter T.A., Kusnerik K.M., Wittmer J.M, Amorosi A., Kowalewski M. (2018) Stratigraphic signatures of mass extinctions: Ecological and sedimentary determinants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285, 20181191. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1191.
  8. Macrì P.*, Capraro L., Ferretti P., Scarponi D. (2018) A high-resolution record of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition from the Mediterranean region: The Valle di Manche section (Calabria, Southern Italy) [] . Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 278, 1-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.pepi.2018.02.005
  9. Rossi V. Azzarone M, Capraro L., Faranda C., Ferretti P, Macrì P Scarponi D. * (2018) Dynamics of benthic marine communities across the Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary in the Mediterranean region (Valle di Manche, Southern Italy); Biotic and stratigraphic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 495, 127-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.12.042
  10. Azzarone M.*, Ferretti P. Rossi V., Scarponi D., Huntley J.W., Faranda C. (2018) Early-Middle Pleistocene benthic turnover and oxygen isotope stratigraphy from the Central Mediterranean (Valle di Manche, Crotone Basin, Italy): Data and trends. Data in Brief, 17, 1099-1107. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.02.017
  11. Crippa G.*, Baucon A., Felletti F., Raineri G., Scarponi D., (2018). A multidisciplinary study of eco system evolution through early Pleistocene climate change from the marine Arda River section, Italy. Quaternary Research, 1-30. DOI: 10.1017/qua2018.10
  12. Capraro L., Ferretti P., Macrì P., Scarponi D., Fornaciari E., Xian F., Zhou W., Kong X., Boschi V. 2018. The 10Be record as a proxy of paleomagnetic reversals and excursions: A Mediterranean perspective. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 1, 173-175.


  13. Russo A., Artoni A., Scarponi D.*, P. Serventi (2017) Coral-algal Reef Complex of Vigoleno Piacenza, Northern Italy. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 95(3), 032034. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032034
  14. Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Kowalewski M. Huntley J.W.* (2017) Surges in trematode prevalence linked to centennial-scale flooding events in the Adriatic. Scientific reports, 7(1), 732. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-05979-6
  15. Bruno L., Bohacs K.M., Campo B., Drexler T.M., Rossi V., Sammartino I., Scarponi D., Hong W., Amorosi A.* (2017) Holocene trasgressive palaeogeography in the coastal plain (northern Italy). Sedimentology, 64, 1792-1816. DOI: 10.1111/sed.12374
  16. von Leesen G.*, Beierlein L., Scarponi D., Schoene B.R., Brey T. (2017). A low seasonality scenario in the Mediterranean Sea during the Calabrian (Early Pleistocene) inferred from fossil Arctica islandica shells. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 706-714. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.07.027
  17. Scarponi D*., Azzarone M., Kusnerik K., A. Amorosi, Kevin Bohacs, Drexler T.M., Kowalewski M. (2017). Systematic vertical and lateral changes in quality and time resolution of the macrofossil record: Insights from Holocene transgressive deposits, Po coastal plain, Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 87, 128-136. DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.03.031.
  18. Amorosi A.*, Bruno L., Campo B., Morelli A., Rossi V., Scarponi D., Hong W., Bohacs K.M., Drexler T.M. (2017). Global sea-level control on local parasequence architecture from the Holocene record of the Po Plain, Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 87, 99-111. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.01.020.
  19. Capraro L.*, Ferretti P., Macrì P. Scarponi D., Tateo F., Fornaciari E., Bellini G., Dalan G. (2017) The Valle di Manche section (Clabria, Southern Italy): A high resolution record of the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition (MIS 21-MIS 19) in the Central Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Review, 165: 31-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.04.003.


  20. Scarponi D., Della Bella G., Dell’Angelo B., Huntley J.W. & Sosso M. (2016). Middle Miocene Conoidean Gastropods from Western Ukraine (Paratethys): Integrative Taxonomy, Palaeoclimatological and Palaeobiogeographical Implications. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 61(2), 327-344. DOI: 10.4202/app.00158.2015.


  21. Capraro L., Macrì P., Scarponi D. & Rio D. (2015). The lower to Middle Pleistocene Valle di Manche section (Calabria, Southen Italy): State of the art and current avances. Quaternary International. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2014.08.055 []
  22. Negri A., Amorosi A., Antonioli F., Bertini A., Florindo F., Lurcock P.C., Marabini S., Mastronuzzi G., Regattieri E., Rossi V., Scarponi D., Taviani M.,Zanchetta G. & Vai G.B. (2015). A potential Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Tarentian Stage, Upper Pleistocene, from the Taranto area (Italy): Results and future perspectives. Quaternary International. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2014.08.057.
  23. Huntley J.W. & Scarponi D. (2015). Geographic variation of parasitic and predatory traces on mollusks in the northern Adriatic Sea, Italy: Implications for the stratigraphic paleobiology of biotic interactions Paleobiology, 41, 134-153. DOI: 10.1017/pab.2014.9 []
  24. Kowalewski M., Wittmer J.M., Dexter T.A., Amorosi A. & Scarponi D. 2015. Differential responses of marine communities to natural and anthropogenic changes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282:20142990. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2990.


  25. Scarponi D., Huntley J.W., Capraro L. & Raffi S. (2014). Stratigraphic paleoecology of the Valle di Manche section (Crotone Basin, Italy): A candidate GSSP of the Middle Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 402, 30-43. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.02.032.
  26. A. Amorosi, F. Antonioli, A. Bertini, S. Marabini, G. Mastronuzzi; P. Montagna; A. Negri; V. Rossi; D. Scarponi; M. Taviani; L. Angeletti; A. Piva & G.B. Vai (2014). The Middle-Upper Pleistocene Fronte Section (Taranto, Italy): An exceptionally preserved marine record of the Last Interglacial. Global and Planetary Change, 119, 23-38. DOI:101016/j.gloplacha.2014.04.007.
  27. Amorosi A., Rossi V., Scarponi D., Vaiani S.C. & Gosh A. (2014). Biosedimentary record of postglacial coastal dynamics: high-resolution sequence stratigraphy from the northern Tuscan coast (Italy). Boreas, 43, 939-954. DOI: 10.1111/bor.12077.
  28. Wittmer, J.M., Dexter, T.A., D. Scarponi, A. Amorosi & M. Kowalewski. (2014). Quantitative bathymetric models for late Quaternary transgressive-regressive cycles of the Po Plain, Italy. Journal of Geology, 122, 649-670. DOI: 10.1086/677901.
  29. Scarponi D., Bernard L., Ronald J., Morgenroth H. & Della Bella G. (2014) Lectotype designation for Bela nebula Montagu, 1803 (Mangeliidae) and its implications for the genera Bela Gray and Mangelia Risso, 1826. Zootaxa, 3884, 45-54. DOI: 1011646/zootaxa.3884.1.3
  30. Negri A., Amorosi A., Antonioli F., Bertini A., Mastronuzzi G., Marabini S., Montagna P., Rossi V., Scarponi D., Taviani M., Vigliotti L., Vai G.B. 2014. The search for a stratotype section for the Late Pleistocene progress from the Fronte Section (Taranto Area, Italy), p. 973-976 in Strati 2013 First International Congress on Stratigraphy At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy R. Rocha, et al. (eds). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_183.
  31. Capraro L., Vai, J Backman G.B., Channell JET, Massari F., Rio D., D. Scarponi, Sgavetti M., Tateo F. 2014. The Valle di Manche section (Calabria, Southern Italy): A candidate Section fro the GSSP of the Ionian Stage (Middle Pleistocene Subseries), p. 915-918 in Strati 2013 First International Congress on Stratigraphy At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy. R. Rocha, et al. (eds). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_172.


  32. Naldi F., Della Bella G. & Scarponi D. (2013). Bela pseudoappeliusi n. sp. (Neogastropoda: Mangeliidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of Italy. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 53, 1-9. DOI: 10.4435/BSPI.2013.01.
  33. Scarponi D., Kaufman D., Amorosi A. & Kowalewski M. (2013). Sequence stratigraphy and the resolution of the fossil record. Geology, 41, 239-242. DOI:10.1130/G33849.1.


  34. Huntley J.W. & Scarponi D. (2012). Evolutionary and ecological implications of trematode parasitism of modern and fossil northern Adriatic bivalves. Paleobiology, 38, 40-51. DOI:10.1666/10051.1.


  35. Negri A., Antonioli F., Angeletti L., Marabini S., Mastronuzzi G., Montagna P., Piva A., Scarponi D., Taviani M., Vigliotti L., Vai G.B. (2011). A potential GSSP for the Upper Pleistocene. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 24, 44.
  36. Scarponi D., Della Bella G., Ceregato A. (2011). The genus Haedropleura (Neogastropoda, Toxoglossa=Conoidea) in the Plio-Quaternary of the Mediterranean basin. Zootaxa, 2796, 37-55.


  37. Scarponi D. & Angeletti L. (2008). Integration of palaeontological patterns in the sequence stratigraphy paradigm: a case study from Holocene deposits of the Po Plain (Italy). GeoActa, 7, 1-13.


  38. Ceregato A., Scarponi D. & Raffi S. (2007). The Circalittoral/Bathyal paleocommunities in the Middle Pliocene of Northern Italy: the case of Korobkovia oblunga-Jupiteria concava Paleocommunity type. Geobios, 40, 555-572. DOI:10.1016/j.geobios.2006.08.004.
  39. Scarponi, D. & Kowalewski, M. (2007). Sequence stratigraphic anatomy of diversity patterns: Late Quaternary benthic mollusks of the Po Plain, Italy. Palaios, 22, 296-305. DOI:10.2110/palo.2005.p05-020r.


  40. Kowalewski, M., Kiessling, W., Aberhan, M., Fürsich, F.T., Scarponi, D., and. Barbour Wood S.L (2006). Ecological, taphonomic, and taxonomic components of the post-Paleozoic increase in sample-level species diversity of marine benthos. Paleobiology, 32, 533-561. DOI:10.1666/05074.1.


  41. Scarponi D., Kowalewski M. (2004). Stratigraphic paleoecology: Bathymetric signatures and sequence overprint of mollusk associations from the upper Quaternary sequences of the Po Plain, Italy: Geology 32: 989-992. DOI:10.1130/G20808.1.


  42. Amorosi A., Scarponi D., Ricci Lucchi F. (2002) - Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Pliocene Intra-Apenninic Basin, near Bologna (northern Italy). Geobios, Mémoire Spécial, 24, 1-18. DOI:10.1016/S0016-6995(02)00044-X.


  43. Della Bella G., Scarponi D. (2000) - Una nuova specie di Alvania (Rissoidae) nel Pliocene del Mediterraneo. Giornale di Geologia, 62 supp., 63-68.
  44. Scarponi D., Di Stefano A. (2000) - La transizione batiale-circalitorale nella sezione pliocenica di San Gherardo (Bacino Intrappennico Bolognese). Giornale di Geologia, 62 supp., 69-76.

    Articles and Extended Abstracts not indexed ( 5, * corresponding Author)


  45. Scarponi D.*, S. Raffi, L. Capraro, M. Ghinassi 2012. Palaeoecologic signatures of fossil assemblages in a candidate GSSP section of the Middle Pleistocene Stage at San Mauro Marchesato (Crotone, Southern Italy). Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana (ISSN:2035-8008), 21, 1096-1097.


  46. Scarponi D.*, Ceregato A., Della Bella G., Tucker, JK. (2011). Pleurotoma scabriuscula Brugnone, 1862 (currently Mangelia scabriuscula; Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conoidea): proposed conservation. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 68, 1-4.


  47. Ceregato A.*, Scarponi D. & Della Bella G. (2010). The Neogene mollusc type material from the collection of Lodovico Foresti preserved in the “Giovanni Capellini” Museum of Geology of Bologna University, Italy. GeoActa, 9, 53-65.


  48. Ceregato A.*, Scarponi D. (2000) - Il Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini. Annali di Storia delle Università italiane, 4: 175-178. CLUEB, Bologna


  49. Civis J.*, Raffi S., González-Delgado J.A, Perugini M. Scarponi D. (1999) – Bioestratigrafía y paleoecología (foraminíferos y moluscos) del Plioceno inferior de la sección de la Busca (República de San Marino). Libro Homenaje Ramirez del Pozo, 43-48. AGGEP, Malaga.



  1. Scarponi D. Azzarone M., Nawrot R., O’Dea A., Kowalewski M. 2019 Resilience of nearshore communities to natural climate chang in the northern Adriatic. Conservation Paleobiology Abstract Book, 25.
  2. Nawrot R., Scarponi D., Tomasovyc A., Kowalewski M. 2020. Beware of zombivalves! Shell exhumation, diachronous production and stratigraphic disorder in the pos-glacial fossil assemblages on the northern Adriatic shelf. Conservation Paleobiology Abstract Book, 23.


  3. Huntley J.W. De Baets K.,. Scarponi D., Todd J. 2019. Escalating parasitism of bivalve mollusks in the Mesozoic. PaleoBios 36(1), 180.
  4. Nawrot R., Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Kusnerik K., Dexter T., Wittmer J., Amorosi A., Kowalewski M., 2019 Environmental and taphonomic controls of diversity patterns across a depositional sequence: Holocene benthic mollusks of the Po Plain, Italy. PaleoBios 36(1), 262.
  5. Scarponi D., Cheli A., Mancuso A., Falini G., Goffredo S., Nawrot R., Kowalewski M. Using regional stratigraphic context of the Po-Adriatic system (Italy) to infer biotic response of Chamelea gallina to Holocnee environmental change. PaleoBios 36(1) 312.
  6. Carrera L., Pavia M., Romandini M., Peresani M., Scarponi D. 2019 Past avifaunal assemblages as proxies of terrestrial ecosystem evolution in response to Pleistocene climate oscillations. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-7497.
  7. Azzarone M., Crippa G., Bottini C., Crespi S., Felletti F., Marini M., Petrizzo M.R., Scarponi D., Raffi S., Raineri G. 2019 First occurrence of Arctica islandica in the Mediterranean Sea: bio- and lithostratigraphy of the Arda and Stirone River successions (Italy). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-6125.
  8. Nawrot R., Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Clark J.G., Dexter T.A., Wittmer J.M., Amorosi A., Kowalewski M. 2019 Molluscan community responses to the Holocene evolution of the Po Delta, northern Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-17115.
  9. Scarponi D., Cheli A., Nawrot R., Mancuso A., Kowalewski M., Falini G., Dexter T., Cremonini S., Mucci M., Goffredo S., Stagioni M. 2019 Shell morphology and skeletal properties in edible clam Chamelea gallina during the Holocene: contrasting the fossil and modern records to forecast biotic responses to global change. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-17380.
  10. Huntley J.W., Scarponi D., Scirocco T., Ruga M., Richardson P.E., Pate E., Heuer P., Ranjeev Y. 2019. Paratisitism of bivalves in the Lesina Lagoon (Italy) as modern analog for biotic interactions in the fossil record. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-336336
  11. Richardson P.E., Scarponi D., Scirocco T., Huntley J.W., 2019. Paratisitism of bivalves in the Lesina Lagoon (Italy) as modern analog for biotic interactions in the fossil record. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-335308


  12. Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Pellegrini C., Nawrot R., Kusnerik K., Dexeter T., Wittmer J., Gamberi F., Trincardi F., Kowalewski M. 2018. Documenting climate dediated changes in the Po river deltaic microbenthic systems through lates Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. The Fossil Week – Abstract book 5th International Palaeontological Congress, 252.
  13. Tomasovych A., Albano P., Fuksi T., Gallmetzer I., Haselmair A., Kowalewski M., Nawrot R., Nerlovic V., Scarponi D., Zuchin M. 2018. Unprecedentd increase in size of the bivalve Corbula gibba driven by the 20th century anthropogenic impacts in the northern Adriatic Sea. The Fossil Week – Abstract book 5th International Palaeontological Congress, 255.
  14. Rojas A., Azzarone M., Edler D., Calatayud J., Rosvall M., Kowalewski M., Scarponi D., 2018. Mapping network flows through sedimentary deposits based on fossil assemblages: a case study from the Quaternary of the Po Plain (Italy). The Fossil Week – Abstract book 5th International Palaeontological Congress, 639.
  15. Crippa G., Baucon A., Felletti F., Leng M., Raineri G., Scarponi D., Angiolini L., 2018. Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic evolution of the lower Pleistocene Arda River succession (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach. The Fossil Week – Abstract book 5th International Palaeontological Congress, 194.
  16. Azzarone M., Scarponi D., Huntley J., Nawrot R., Amorosi A., Caffara M., Gustinelli A., Kowalewski M. 2018. Trematode dynamics through time and space in Holocene sedimentary successions of the Po Basin, Italy. The Fossil Week – Abstract book 5th International Palaeontological Congress, 237.
  17. Huntley J.W., Scarponi D., De Baets K., 2018. Stowaways on ships that might pass in the night: Phanerozoic trends in parasitism of bivalves and brachiopods. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-318414
  18. Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Pellegrini C., Nawrot R., Kusnerik K., Dexter T., Wittmer J.M., Gamberi F., Trincardi F., Kowalewski M. 2018. Stowaways on ships that might pass in the night: Phanerozoic trends in parasitism of bivalves and brachiopods. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-323916
  19. Tomasovych A., Albano P., Fuksi T., Gallmetzer I., Haselmair A., Kowalewski M., Nawrot R., Nerlovic V., Scarponi D., Zuchin M. 2018. Increas in size of the bicalce Corbula gibba driven by changes in growth rate in response to the 20th century eutrophication in the Adriatic Sea. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.Vol. 50, 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-323916
  20. Nawrot, R., Scarponi, D., Azzarone, M., Amorosi, A., Wittmer, J.M., Dexter, T.A., Kusnerik, K.M., Portell, R.W., & Kowalewski, M., 2018, Inferring extinction dynamics from stratigraphic data: lessons from the holocene fossil record. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50 (3), doi: 10.1130/abs/2018SE-312934.
  21. Scarponi D., Rossi V., Azzarone M., Capraro L., Faranda C., Ferretti P., Macrì P. 2018 Dynamics of benthic marine communities across the Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary in the Mediterranean region (Valle di Manche, Southern Italy): biotic and stratigraphic implications. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-17583.
  22. Amorosi A., Barbieri G., Bohacs K.M., Bruno L., Campo B., Drexler T.M., Rossi V., Sammartino I., Scarponi D. and Vaiani S.C.. Threefold dyamics of delta progradation revealed by the Holocene record of the Po River plain, Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-10548
  23. Bruno L., Amorosi A., Bohacs K., Campo B., Cleveland D., Drexler T., Rossi V., Sammartino I., D. Scarponi. Landscape evolution in the Po Plain between the Last Glacial Mazimum and the present interglacial (25-7.5ky BP). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-13733


  24. Rossi, V., Scarponi, D., Capraro, L., Ferretti, P., Macrì, P. 2017 Marine ostracod turnover tracks orbitally forced palaeoenvironmental changes at the Lower-Middle Pleistocene transition: the case study of the Valle di Manche section (Calabria, southern Italy). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, pp. 16703 - 16703
  25. Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Kowalewski M., Huntley J.W., 2017 Parasites and Holocene sea-level rise: Recurrent upsurges in trematode infestation linked to repeated flooding events in the Adriatic Sea. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, pp. 7233 - 7233.
  26. von Leesen G., Beierlein L., Scarponi D., Shoene B.R., Brey T. 2017 Was the Mediterranean Sea during the Calbrian (Early Pleistocene) a low seasonality environment ? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19 pp. 13679-13679
  27. Azzarone, M., Scarponi, D., Kusnerik, K., Amorosi, A., Bohacs, K.M., Drexler, T.M.; Kowalewski, M. 2017 Systematic vertical and lateral changes in quality and time resolution of the macrofossil record: insights from Holocene transgressive deposits, Po coastal plain, Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, pp. 449 - 449
  28. Kowalewski M., Azzarone M., Kusnerik K., Drexter T., Wittmer J., Scarponi D., 2017. Assessing Biological and Stratigraphic Determinants of Fossil Abundance: A case Example from the Late Quaternary Po Plain, Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, 3357-3357.
  29. Nawrot R., Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Amorosi A., Wittmer J.M., Dexter T.A., Kusnerik K., Portell R.W. & Kowalewski M., 2017. Apparent mass extinctions produced by stratigraphic architecture. in: Zuschin M., Harzhauser M. & Mayrhofer S. (eds.): 8th International Meeting on Taphonomy and Fossilization, 14-17 September 2017, Vienna, Austria, Programme and Abstracts, p.82.
  30. Nawrot R., Scarponi D., Azzarone M., Amorosi A., Wittmer J.M., Dexter T.A., Kusnerik K., Portell R.W. & Kowalewski M., 2017. Stratigraphic artifacts in estinction dynamics: an empirical evaluation using the Holocene fossil record. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, 6, doi:101130/abs2017AM-300292


  31. Scarponi D., Kowalewski M., Azzarone M., Kusnerik K.M., Pellegrini C., Gamberi F., Trincardi F. & Drexler T. 2016. Long-Term resilience of mollusk communities to natural climate changes: A case example from the Adriatic Sea. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286751
  32. Kusnerik K.M., Azzarone M., Scarponi D., Amorosi A., Bohacs K.M., Kowalewski M., & Drexler T. 2016.Taphonomy of condensed intervals along a depositional profile: insights from Holocene deposits of the Po Coastal Plain (Italy). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286630
  33. Kowalewski M., Kusnerik K.M., Scarponi D., Trincardi F., Azzarone M. & Pellegrini C. 2016. Regional response of marine biodiversità to climate-driven level changes: an example from the Adriatic Sea. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286621
  34. Azzarone M., Huntley J.W., Scarponi D., Linehan L.C. and Kowalewski M. 2016. Changes in trematode infestation rates across parasequences: insights from Holocene deposits of the Po Coastal Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286976
  35. Azzarone M., Scarponi D., Cremonini S., Rossi V., Picotti V. 2016. The Holocene mollusk fauna of Tell Tuqan (Northen Syria). Paleodays - Abstract volume, 20.
  36. Scarponi D., Azzarone M. and Huntley J.W. 2016. Holocene record of Trematode-Bivalve interactions in the Po Plain (Italy). Paleodays - Abstract volume, 22.
  37. Scarponi D., Huntley J.W., Azzarone M. and Scirocco T. 2016 Repeated association of sea-level rise and trematodes documented in the Holocene Po plain succession. Lagunet: Abstract volume, 45.


  38. Kowalweski M., Troy D., Wittmer J.M., Scarponi D. & Amorosi A. 2015. Diversity patterns in the sequence stratigraphic context: an example from the late quaternary of Po Plain, Italy.Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, 2, 80. ISSN:0016-7592
  39. Scarponi D., Angeletti L., Taviani M., Huntley J.W., Amorosi A., Negri A. & Vai G.B. 2015. Stratigraphic Paleobiology of the Taranto Area. Geophysical Research Abstract, 17, --.
  40. Scarponi D., Azzarone M. & Huntley J.W. 2015. Holocene record of Trematode-Bivalve interaction in regressive back-barrier settings of the Po Plain (Italy). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47, 7, --. ISSN:0016-7592.
  41. Hale K.E., Huntley J.W., Scarponi D. & Stuart III, R.P. 2015. Tapes philippinarum as ana archive of heavy metal pollution in lagoons of the northern Adriatic coast, Italy: A bivalve schelorchemical approach. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47, 7, --. ISSN:0016-7592
  42. Huntley J.W., Baets K. & Scarponi D. 2015. The trace fossil record of trematode-bivalve parasite-host interactions. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47, 7,. ISSN:0016-7592
  43. Scarponi D.,Wittmer J.M., Dexter T.A., Amorosi A. & Kowalewski M. 2015. Differential responses of marine communities to natural and anthropogenic changes. Proceedings of the “Giornate di Paleontologia”, 96.


  44. ScarponiD., Rossi V., Wittmer J.M., Amorosi A., Kowalewski M.2014. Quantitative analyses of latest Quaternary stratigraphy from cores using modern meio and macrobenthic invertebrates: a practical approach to facies interpretation. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 46, 6: 633. ISSN:0016-7592.
  45. Kowalewski M., Scarponi D., Kaufman D., Alessandro A., Wittmer J., Dexter T. 2014. Stratigraphic Paleobiology and Historical Ecology of the Quaternary deposystem of Po Plain. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 46, 6: 630. ISSN:0016-7592.
  46. Wittmer J.M., Kowaleski M., D. Scarponi, A. Amorosi & Dexter T.A. 2014 Ecological ordination patterns and ecological turnover gradients in mollusk associations from the Quaternary sedimentary successions of the Po Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 46, 6: 630. ISSN:0016-7592.
  47. Scarponi D., Huntley J.W. & Capraro L. 2014. Stratigraphic Paleoecology of the Valle di Manche Section (Crotone Basin, Italy): A Candidate GSSP of the Middle Pleistocene. NAPC Abstract Book. The Paleontological Society Special Publications: 13, 166-167. ISSN 1089-3326.
  48. Huntley J.W. & Scarponi D. 2014. Stratigraphic Paleobiology of Trematode Parasites and Bivalve Hosts. Abstract Book. The Paleontological Society Special Publications: 13,168. ISSN 1089-3326.
  49. Wittmer J.M., Dexter T.A., Scarponi D., Kowalewski A. & Amorosi A. 2014. Quantitative Bathymetric Models and their applications for Late Quaternary Transgressive-Regressive Cycles of the Po Plain, Italy. Abstract Book. The Paleontological Society Special Publications: 13, 166-167. ISSN 1089-3326.


  50. Wittmer J.M., Dexter T.A., Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. 2013 Quantitative bathymetric models and their applications for Late Quaternary transgressive-regressive cycles of the Po Plain, Italy. 685-685. ISSN:0016-7592. []
  51. Huntley J.W., Scarponi D. & Fuersich F. 2013 Viewing temporal trends of biotic interactions in the light of spatial variation: parasite prevalence in modern northern Adriatic bivalves. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 45, 7: 756. ISSN:0016-7592.
  52. Negri A.; Sabbatini A.; Montagna P.; Scarponi D.; Gunderson K.; Ponza A.; Taviani M.; Pazzaglia F. 2013 Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental frame work of the Enza river palisade. Field Guide and Abstracts with Program pp. 42-43.


  53. Wittmer J.M., Dexter T., Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. 2012.Quantitative paleoecological patterns across Late Quaternary Transgressive-Regressive cycles of Po Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs44, 7: 626. ISSN:0016-7592.
  54. Scarponi D., Amorosi A., Vaiani S. & Rossi V. 2012 Assessing species-environment relationships and palaeoenvironmental gradients by means of sedimentological and biological (molluscs-ostracods-foraminifers) signals. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs44, 7: 627. ISSN:0016-7592.
  55. Wittmer J.M., Dexter T., Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. 2012. Quantitative paleoecological patterns across late Quaternary Transgressive-Regressive Cycles of Po Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs44, 7: 626. ISSN:0016-7592.
  56. Wittmer J.M., Schiffbauer J.D., Dexter T., Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. 2012. Micro-scale Taphonomy of mollusc assemblages from the late Quaternary of the Po Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs44, 4: 67. ISSN:0016-7592.
  57. Capozzi R., Dinelli E., Negri A., Montagna P., Oppo D., Picotti V., Scarponi D. & Taviani M. 2012. Shallow-water hydrocarbon seepagees in the Pleistocene Argille Azzurre Formation: the Chimneys field of Enza river, Northern Apennines, Italy. 11th Conference on Gas in Marine Sediment Abstract book 11: 23.
  58. Oppo D., Capozzi R., Dinelli E., Negri A., Montagna P., Picotti V., Scarponi D. & M. Taviani 2012. Field Analogues of Shallow-water Hydrocarbon Seepages in the Pleistocene Argille Azzurre Formation: the Chimneys Field of Enza River, Northern Apennines, Italy. AGU Abstracts OS51B-1865.


  59. Wittmer J.M., Scarponi D., T. Dexter & M. Kowalewski 2011. Ecospace partitioning in mollusk assemblages across Quaternary transgressive-regressive cycles of Po Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 43, 5: 84. ISSN:0016-7592
  60. Huntley J. & Scarponi D. 2011. Trematode parasitism of modern and fossil Northern Adriatic bivalves. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 43, 5: 378. ISSN:0016-7592
  61. Wittmer J.M., Dexter T., Kerr J.P., Scarponi D., & Kowalewski M. 2011. Spatio-temporal variability in Late Quaternary marine benthic associations of the Po Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 43, 2: 20. ISSN:0016-7592
  62. Kerr J.P., Dexter T., Wittmer J.M, Scarponi D., & Kowalewski M. 2011. Measuring shell size without measuring shell size: A time-efficient approach to body size analyses. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 43, 2: 88. ISSN:0016-7592
  63. Scarponi D., Vai G.B. 2011. Paleobathymetric signatures of mollusc associations from Fronte Section (Taranto). A candidate GSSP for the base of the Tarentian (Late Pleistocene). Geoitalia Epitome 4: 234. ISSN 1972-1552
  64. Huntley J. & Scarponi D. 2011. Sequence stratigraphic, evolutionary and ecological implications of trematode parasitism of Holocene Northern Adriatic Bivalves.Geoitalia Epitome 4: 235. ISSN 1972-1552


  65. Scarponi D., Kowalewski M., Kaufman D. & Amorosi A. 2010. A direct quantitative test of the sequence stratigraphic model. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs42, 5: 543- 544. ISSN 1972-1552
  66. Dexter T.A., Wittmer J.M., Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M.2010. Paleoecological, paleoenvironmental, and sequence stratigraphic application of shell concentrations. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs42, 5: 511. ISSN 1972-1552
  67. M. Kowalewski, J.M. Wittmer, T.A. Dexter, D. Scarponi 2010. Unchanging biodiversity of bentich mollusk associations during the last two interglacial ingressions of the Po Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs42, 5: 194. ISSN 1972-1552.
  68. Raffi S., Monegatti P. & Scarponi D. 2010. In fond commemoration of Alberto Malatesta: the bearing of molluscs on paleobiogeography and paleoecology. Abstract Book, 56-58.


  69. Scarponi D., Kaufmann D., and Kowalewski M. 2009. Quantitative Estimates of Temporal Mixing across a 4th-order Depositional Sequence: Variation in Time-averagingi along the Holocene Marine Succession of the Po Plain, Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11: 345-346.
  70. Scarponi D. 2009. Age structure of fossil horizons across a 4th-order depositional sequence (Po Plain, Italy). Geoitalia. Epitome: 3, 156-157. ISSN 1972-1552


  71. Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. 2008. Sequence stratigraphy and Ichnology: Drilling predation patterns recorded in Holocene depositional successions of the Po Plain, Italy. The 2nd International Congress on Ichnology.Abstract book and Intra-Congress Field Trip Guidebook, p.114-115.
  72. Scarponi D., Kaufmann D., Bright J., & Kowalewski M. 2008. Quantifying Time-Averaging in 4th-Order Depositional Sequences: Radiocarbon-Calibrated Amino-Acid Racemization Dating of Late Quaternary Mollusk Shells from Po Plain, Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 40, 6: 520 ISSN 1972-1552.
  73. Torchi C., Ceregato A., della Bella G. & Scarponi D. 2008. Revisione della collezione storica di molluschi terziari di Lodovico Foresti conservata presso il Museo Geologico G. Capellini di Bologna. Giornate di Paleontologia. Abstract Book, p.96


  74. Kowalewski M. & Scarponi D. 2007. Sequence Stratigraphy and Biodiversity: an example from Quaternary successions of the Po Plain Italy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 39, 6: 69-70. ISSN 1972-1552.
  75. Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. 2007. Testing stratigraphic application of quantitative paleobiology: multivariate ordinations of mollusk associations from the Holocene succession of the Po Plain (Italy). Geophysical Research Abstract 9, 344-345.ISSN 1029-7006.
  76. Scarponi D. 2007. Testing and refining stratigraphic applications of quantitative paleobiology using quaternari successions of the Po Plain (Italy). Geoitalia. Epitome: 2, 98-99. ISSN 1972-1552
  77. Scarponi D. 2007. Testing and refining stratigraphic applications of quantitative paleobiology using Quaternary successions of the Po Plain (Italy). Congresso Congiunto AIOL-SitE. Abstract book: 25-26.


  78. Kowalewski M. Scarponi D., Barbour Wood, Aberhan M., Kiessling W. and Fürsich F. 2006. The few, the brave, the marine: taxonomic structure of Neogene benthic associations. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs: 38, 7, 87-88. ISSN 1972-1552.
  79. Scarponi D., Della Bella G., Ceregato A. & Raffi S. 2006 - Taxonomic richness and systematic revision of the genera Clathurella and Nitidiclavus (Conoidea, Gastropoda) in the Plio-Pleistocene of Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany. Giornate di Paleontologia (Trieste), Abstract book: 123-124.
  80. Ceregato A. and Scarponi D. 2006 - On the Tracks of a paleontologist of the 19th century: the study on the Lodovico Foresti collection and the sites of recovering. IV EJIP Abstract book: 86.
  81. Scarponi D., Ceregato A., Garcia A.R., 2006 - Clathurellinids s.s. (Conoidea, Gastropoda) in the Plio-Pleistocene of Italy. IV EJIP Abstract book: 97


  82. Kowalewski, M., Kiessling, W., Aberhan, M., Fürsich, F.T. & Scarponi, D. 2005. Meso-Cenozoic increase in sample level diversity in the marine benthic fossil record: shift in sampling techniques, loss of aragonite, or gain in gastropods? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs: 37, 7 117. ISSN:0016-7592
  83. Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. 2005. Sequence stratigraphic anatomy of diversity patterns: Late Quaternary Benthic Mollusks of Po Plain, Italy. Geoitalia. Epitome 1, 224. ISSN 1972-1552
  84. Scarponi D. 2005. Paleoecologic tools applied to Sequence Stratigraphy. A case study from Quaternary Mollusk associations of the Po Plain (Italy). Geoitalia. Epitome 1, 225.
  85. Ceregato A. & Scarponi D. 2005. Deep Sea Faunas in the Middle Pliocene of Northern Italy: The Korobkovia oblonga-Jupiteria concave paleocommunity. Geoitalia. Epitome 1, 273. ISSN 1972-1552
  86. Scarponi D. & Kowalewski M. 2005. Sequence stratigraphic anatomy of diversity patterns. PaleoBios 25( 2), 103.


  87. Scarponi D., Kowalewski M. 2004. The response of mollusk assemblages to sea-level changes assessed using computerintensive methods: A case study based on the last 150ky core records from Po Plain, North Italy: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs:36, 69-70. ISSN:0016-7592.
  88. Kowalewski M., Scarponi D. 2004. Bathymetric signatures and sequence overprint of mollusk associations from Late Quaternary sequences of the Po Plain (Italy): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs: 36, 313. ISSN:0016-7592.
  89. Scarponi D. 2004. Paleoecologic and taphonomic signature of mollusk assemblages in cores: implication for sequence stratigraphic interpretation. IGC Abstract book, 334.
  90. Scarponi D. 2004. Changes in Late Quaternary coastal paleoenvironments in the Romagna coastal plain (Northern Italy) as reflected in Mollusk associations. Geophysical Research Abstract 6, 45.ISSN 1029-7006.


  91. Scarponi D. & Amorosi A. 2001 - Cyclic sedimentation patterns in the Pliocene Intrapenninic Basin of the Bologna Apennines (northern Italy) detected by ecobiostratigraphic studies. Proceeding of the International conference on Paleobiogeography & Paleoecology - Piacenza & Castell’Arquato (Italy), 120-121. "

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