Daniele Gualdi Ph.D
Tax Identification GLD DNL 57S19Z110S
Via Arno, 81
Cesena (FC)
Tel 0547 333108
Born in Algrange (France) 19/11/1957
1981 - Graduated with honours in Business Administration at the
Bologna University;
1982 - Diploma course in Business and Professional Studies obtained
at the Bologna University;
1987 - Entitled to pursue the profession of Chartered accountant
awarded at the Bologna University;
University Teaching
Since the Academic Year 2001/2002, Daniele Gualdi held the Business Simulation course at the Bologna University - School of Economics Forlì - Campus, like adjunct professor
Since 2002 - Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of Forlì,
University of Bologna for the following teaching activities
2001/02 - Teaching 'Business Organisation' cdl Business (10
2002/03 – Lecturer of “Business Strategy of impr. coop. and NPOs'”
cdl Economics of cooperatives and non-profit organizations (25
hours). Lecturer of “Organization of companies and public
Admin.” cdl Economics and Business Administration
2003/04 – Lecturer of “Business Organisation” cdl Internet
Economics (20 hours)
2004/05 – Lecturer of “Business Organisation” cdl Internet
Economics (20 hours)
2004/05 – Contributor in Simulated educational assistance, training
programs and internships (30 hours)
2005/06 – Lecturer of "Virtual Enterprise” at Bologna University,
Forlì Faculty of Economics. (100 hours)
2005/06 – Lecturer of "Business Organization" (50
2005/06 – Lecturer of "Use of accounting software and computerized
business" course.
2006/07 – Lecturer of “Business Organisation” cdl Internet
Economics (25 hours)
2006/07 - Lecturer of "Virtual Enterprise” at Bologna University,
Forlì Faculty of Economics. (100 hours)
2006/07 – Lecturer of “Virtual Enterprise” at the Parma University
- Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
2007/08 – Lecturer of “Virtual Enterprise” at the Parma University
- Faculty of Economics (100 hours)
2007/08 – Lecturer of “Business Management” at the Forlì Faculty of
Economics (25 hours, CLEGA)
2007/08 – Lecturer of “Business Management” at the Forlì Faculty of
Economics (20 hours, CLEI)
2007/08 – Lecturer of “Virtual Enterprise” at the Parma University
- Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
2008/09 – Lecturer of "Virtual Enterprise” at Bologna University,
Forlì Faculty of Economics. (65 hours)
2008/09 – Lecturer of “Business Management” at the Forlì Faculty of
Economics (10 hours, CLEI)
2008/09 – Lecturer of “Virtual Enterprise” at the Parma University
- Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
2009/10 – Lecturer of "Virtual Enterprise” at Bologna University,
Forlì Faculty of Economics (100 hours)
2009/10 – Lecturer of “Virtual Enterprise” at the Parma University
- Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
2009/10 – Lecturer of the “Simulated Comet project” with ITC
"Melloni" Parma (25 hours)
2010/11 – Lecturer of "Virtual Enterprise” at Bologna University,
Forlì Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
2010/11 – Lecturer of “Virtual Enterprise” at the Parma University
- Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
2010/11 – Lecturer of the “Simulated Comet project” with ITC
"Melloni" Parma (25 hours)
2011/12 – Lecturer of "Virtual Enterprise” at Bologna University,
Forlì Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
2011/12 – Lecturer of “Virtual Enterprise” at the Parma University
- Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
2011/12 – Distance learning: University of Bologna-Department of
Business Studies. Tempus Project (project number 510993) - Distance
learning, laboratory simulation of enterprise service teacher
a.a. 2011/2012 : Lecturer of VE at Bologna University, Forlì Faculty of Economics (50 hours)
a.a. 2011/2012 Lecturer of VE at Parma University 40 h
a.a. 2012/2013 : Lecturer 50 h of VE I° semester (English language) School of Economics of Forlì University of Bologna
a.a. 2012/2013 Lecturer 50 h of VE at University of Parma
a.a. 2012/2013 : Lecturer 50 h of VE II° semester (English Language) School of Economics of Forlì University of Bologna
a.a. 2013/2014 : Lecturer 40 hof VE at School of Economics of Forlì University of Bologna
a.a. 2013/2014 : Lecturer 50 h of VE at University of Parma
a.a. 2014/15 : Lecturer 50 h of VE University of Parma
a.a. 2014/15 : Lecturer like tutor 70 h at School of Economics of Forlì University of Bologna
a.a. 2014/15: Lecturer 40 h of VE University of Parma (second semester)
a.a. 2014/15 : second semester 4 seminars on “Teoria e partica della Simulazione d’impresa nel Resilience Management” presso School of Economics Forlì University of Bologna
a.a. 2015/16: Lecturer 40 h of Ve at Parma University
a.a. 2015/16: Lecturer 40 h Lecturer of VE at Bologna University, Forlì School of Economics
a.a 2016/2017 : Lecturer 40 h Lecturer of VE at Bologna University, Forlì School of Economics
a.a. 2016/17 : Lecturer h 60 at Parma University
a.a. 2017/18 : Lecturer 40 h Lecturer of VE at Bologna University, Forlì School of Economics
a.a. 2017/18 : Lecturer h 60 at Parma University
a.a. 2018/19 : Lecturer 40 h Lecturer of VE at Bologna University, Forlì School of Economics
a.a. 2018/19 :Lecturer 60 h like expert of Ve at Parma University
a.a 2019/20 : Lecturer of VE at Bologna University, Forlì School of Economics (40 hours)
a.a. 2019/20 : Lecturer 60 h like expert of Ve at Parma University
a.a 2020/2021 :Lecturer 40 h Lecturer of VE at Bologna University, Forlì School of Economics
a.a. 2020/2021 : Lecturer 60 h of Ve at Parma University
Scientific pubblications
- Bianchi M., Gualdi D., Tampieri L., (2013) The Laboratory for Enterprise Simulation in Forlì and the performance of Perting Ltd in SKILLS AND TOOLS TO THE CULTURAL HERITAGE AND CULTURAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT 2013
- Settembre 2014 : In “Beyond the horizon of Tempus projects. Theory and practice of project management” –( a cura di Massimo Bianchi, Marika Baseska Stephane Ngo Mai, Laura Tampieri, Joaquim Vergés)Società Editrice Il Ponte Vecchio Cesena, i seguenti paper:
- ¨Gualdi D. (2014) Distance Learning in practice management . Real and perceveid perfomances. Beyond the Horizon of Tempus Project. Theory and Practice of Project Management. Pubblicazione in parte di capitolo volume di Società Editrice Il Ponte Vecchio Cesena, pag. 47-58 ISBN 978-88-6541-407-1
- ¨Bianchi M., Gualdi D., Tampieri L. , Paganelli G.(2014) The laboratory for enterprise simulation in Forlì and the performance of Perting Ltd 2001 -2012 (Pubblicazione in parte di capitolo volume di Il Ponte Vecchio Cesena, pag. 235-241 ISBN 978-88-6541-407-1
- ¨Gualdi D. (2014) Beyond frontal lecturing: the practice firm, an innovative teaching methodology on business administration (Daniele Gualdi) Pubblicazione in parte di capitolo volume di Società Editrice Il Ponte Vecchio Cesena, pag. 301-310 ISBN 978-88-6541-407-1
- Gualdi.D,- Melagranati.F,(2015) Quaderni del Dipartimento DEM 7/2015 Università degli Studi di Ferrara,Metodologie innovative nell’Accounting education. La simulazione d’impresa. Indagine sulle motivazioni e aspettative degli studenti universitari di Forlì e Parma. Febbraio .Quaderni DEM, volume 4 ISSN 2281-9673
- Gualdi. D., Learning by doing through the management of the virtual enterprise: A survey on the assessment of Simulimpresa by the students. In SKILLS AND TOOLS TO THE CULTURAL HERITAGE AND CULTURAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT II Volume 2015 ISBN 978-88-97017-08-0
- Ana Beatriz Hernández-Lara Bianchi. M, Gualdi D., (2015) The contribution of virtual enterprises to competence-based learning: An assessment from the students’ perspective . Journal Technology Innovation Education, ISSN 2197-9855), Springer, 1:4, 2015, pp. 1- 16.
- Gualdi D. (2015), Learning by doing through the management of the virtual enterprise: a survey on the assessment of Simulimpresa by the students.SKILLS AND TOOLS TO THE CULTURAL HERITAGE AND CULTURAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT. II VOLUME Skills and tools Edizioni D’Errico, TeramoPag.327-344 ISBN 978-88-97017-08-0 (2015).
- Gualdi D., Tampieri L. (2017) The management of Practice Firm in entrepreneurship education. EURAM 2017 International Conference Glasgow (Scozia) 21-24 Giugno 2017. ISSN 2466-7498
- Bianchi M., Tampieri L., Gualdi D. (2017) The role of organizational ties managed by practice firms. The case of Perting Ltd. Su RIO, International journal of Organizations Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, nº 18, junio 2017, 11–28 ISSN: 2013-570X; EISSN: 1886-4171. http://www.revista-rio.org [http://www.revista-rio.org/]
- Gualdi D. (2018) Active Learning, Metodologie innovative di insegnamento per l’Accounting Education. L’Impresa Simulata. Monte Università Parma Editore. Parma ISBN 978-88-7847-549-6
- Ana Beatriz Hernández Lara, Daniele Gualdi, Laura Tampieri, (2018), Competence-based learning using practice firms: Its impact on the global assessment of practice firms from the students’ perspective Paper ID : 1486 presentato nella conferenza internazionale EURAM 18 di Reykjavik – Iceland, 20-23 Giugno 2018. ISBN 9782960219500
- Paper: Competence- based learning using practice firms: Its assessment from students’perceptions. Pubblicato da Economia Aziendale Online Special Issue The Multimensional Content of Economia Aziendale . Ana Beatriz Hernandez –Lara, Daniele Gualdi, Aprile 2019 Vol. 10- N.1/2019, Pavia.
- Ana Beatriz Hernández Lara, Daniele Gualdi (2021) Practice Enterprises in Times of the Pandemic: Their Effectiveness through Online and Face-to-Face Instruction. Rii Forum Atene 7-9 aprile 2021
Virtual Enterprise and distance learning
2004 - Russia (Novosibirsk): Tempus Project "Life Long Learning
Siberian Structure Development" - University of Bologna
2004 - Albania (Shkodra), KK Personal Robe. L.R. Project "Education
to european managerial cultures" Forlì-Cesena district.
2004 - Russia (Novosibirsk) Tempus Project University of Bologna.
Tourism sector: "Life Long Learning Siberian Structure
2005 - Bosnia (Sarajevo), Publishing sector L.R. "Social Work and
Life Long Learning for weak categories in Bosnia." Forlì-Cesena
2007 - Kazakhastan (Almaty) Tempus Project "Implementing ECTS at
University Kazakhastan"
2010 - AIPOS
Interventions in Seminars and Conferences
Speaker in the following events:
2000 - Forlì, “Government and Competitiveness”, conference
organized by Svimap, University of Bologna, CNR: The intervention
of business simulation, a training methodology for the growth of
local economic systems.
2002 – Cesena, international virtual enterprises exhibition,
organized by the Central Italian Virtual Enterprises, with the help
of Europen and the Emilia Romagna region. Speech on “The business
simulation, an interdisciplinary methodology”.
2002 - Bologna, Technical Institute Tanari, speech during the
update of “Education to neo- imprenditoria for
2002 – Tirana (Albania), Scientific Conference organized by the
Italian Embassy in Albania: “The sustainable development”, speech
on “Globalization, New Economy and ICT”.
2002 - Forlì, International Symposium on Learning and Technology
Management Development in the Information Age and the Internet,
organized by Svimap, University of Bologna and UNOPS. Speech on
"Distance education and business simulation as support to
neoimpreditoria in countries in transition ".
2004 - Riva del Garda, “Statement of business simulation experience
in academia: The case of Perting Ltd.”. Seminar at the third
exhibition of Italian virtual enterprise.
2004 - Forlì, "The project management in South America, Local
Development. Some results from Buenos Aires-Bologna Master Work
Plans "- Speech at the Conference on Research and Development
Projects in Transition Countries, Faculty of Economics of
2004 – Forlì, speech at the International Seminar "The corridors
and the logistics processes of globalization: The experience of the
Corridor 8”.
2005 – Forlì, speech at the international workshop at the Faculty
of Economics on "The activities of the center of business
simulation of the Faculty of Economics in countries in
2006 - Montesilvano (Pescara), speech on "The virtual enterprise in
Italian universities, comparing experiences" at the seminar “IV
International Exhibition of training firms in Italy”.
2006 – Parma, speech on “The educational model of the Virtual
Enterprise in the Forlì Faculty of Economics" at the seminar on
“Work experiences in academia” organized by the regional Company
for the right to study - Parma (ADSU)
2007 – Cesena, speech at the Virtual Enterprise in Romagna meeting,
on the theme: "The methodology of the business simulation in
2007 – Turin, speech on "The Virtual Enterprise course in the Forlì
Faculty of Economics of Forlì”, at the Conference of the Turin
2007 - New York (USA), participation at the Global Business
Challenge, organized by the Merril Lynch Foundation, with a student
ranked at third place at the International Fair of Virtual
2008 – Cesena, speech the Virtual Enterprise in Romagna meeting, on
the theme: "The potential of the business simulation in the
training of professional profiles evolved."
2008 - New York (USA), participation at the Global Business
Challenge, organized by the Merril Lynch Foundation, with two
student ranked in the second and third place respectively, at the
International Fair of Virtual Enterprise.
2008 – Parma, speech at the University Career Day: "The role of
Virtual Enterprise managing, to fill the gap between university
education and the workplace"
2009 – Cesena, speech on "The methodology of the business
simulation experiences in comparison." at the international fair of
Virtual Enterprises held in Cesena (19-20 March 2009).
2009 - New York (USA), participation at the Global Business
Challenge, organized by the Merril Lynch Foundation, with a student
ranked at first place at the International Fair of Virtual
2012 – Cesena, lecturer at the training course for high
school teachers on “Double environment learning – The Virtual
Enterprise, model of educational workshop” (12 hours).
2012 - Forlì Videoconferencing on Pratice Firm with Tirana
University (Albania) St. Kliment University Prilep
- ¨Maggio- Settembre 2017: Corso di Formazione per docenti delle scuole superiori di Forlì sull’introduzione dell’impresa simulata nei percorsi di alternanza scuola lavoro di cui alla legge n.107 del 2015 Giugno
- ¨13 Novembre 2017, intervento al convegno internazionale in video conferenza “INCLUSIVE BUSINESS LABYRINTH”, organizzato da “Utena University of Applied Sciences” (Lituania) sul tema “The development of students competences in Virtual Enterprise: a comparison between before and after the experience”..
- ¨25 Ottobre 2019: Relatore al Convegno su 25 anni di programma Simulimpresa, Città del Ragazzo di Ferrara
- ¨Ottobre- Novembre 2019 : attività di Formazione per docenti sulla metodologia didattica della Simulazione di impresa, Modulo Active Learning, nell’ambito di Azione di Sistema per la qualificazione, innovazione e valutazione delle azioni di orientamento e di promozione del successo formativo. Provincia di Ferrara. Operazione Rif. P.A. 10701/RER. Progetto 1 Fase 1: incontri seminariali rivolti a figure preposte all’orientamento.
- ¨11 Marzo 2020 : intervento al Convegno dell’Università di Bologna Integrating education with consumer behaviour relevant to energy efficiency and climate change at the universities of Russia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh 4th Transnational Project Meeting and Training of Lecturers, sul tema The Practice Management in Energy Saving and Cultural Heritage
- ¨25 Novembre, 21 e 23 Dicembre 2020 : partecipazione al Convegno Internazionale HEIPNET- INCLUSION OF INNOVATIVE WORK-BASED-LEARNING AND BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS IN HEI CURRICULA DEVELOPMENT. Intervento su The experience of Practice Enterprise in Italian University.
- Intervento al convegno internazionale Rii Forum Atene 7-9 Aprile 2021 su “Practice Enterprises in times of the pandemic: Their effectiveness through online and blended learning”
1997 - Coordinates as a lecturer, a market research “An environment
to development - survey on the needs, resources required, and the
factors of interest to companies for new investments in the area of
Cesena”. The research, commissioned and published by the
Municipality of Cesena and SAPRO Ltd. spa, was conducted by
students of "Macrelli".
Since 1999 - Associate publisher and author for Paravia-Bruno
Mondadori, editor of Milan. For Paravia-Bruno Mondadori publishes
articles and tutorials of Business Management in the magazine
“Scuoladuemila” and in the editor's website. He also collaborated
on textbooks. Is still author for the publisher Paravia-Bruno
Mondadori (held by Paramond) about textbooks.
2001 - Author of the volume “The Virtual Enterprise”, Paramond,
Milan: 2001. The 259-pages-text is aimed to teachers and students
using business simulation courses and contains suggestions for an
effective use of this innovative teaching methodology.
2001- Contributor of high school textbook volumes “Business Today”
(S. Ruby editor, Bocconi University, Paramond 2001)for business
technical Institutes.
He has published for Paramond the following items:
June 1999: “The human factor as a strategic element in business
December 1999: “The One Stop Shop for Productive Activities
February 2000: “The Business Simulation”
September 2000: “How to build a Virtual Enterprise”
October 2000: “The Virtual Enterprise and educational
October 2000: “The Modular Planning in the Business
April 2001: “The new law on company assets revaluation”
June 2001: “The management of human resources in
April 2002: “Budget Analysis for Indexes”
June 2002: “The organization of ICT and companies”
June 2003: “Human resources management: fiscal adjustment, CUD and
October 2003: “Pension funds and liquidation provision TFR”
June 2004: “Reclassification and budget analysis: a study
October 2004: “Evolution of human resources function: acquisition,
employment contracts, new organizational models”
June 2005: “Accounting tools for the management control, budget
analysis and settlement writings and closure of accounts”
October 2005: “The accounting recognition in spa companies”
October 2005: “The preparation of Annual Report”
June 2006: “The Annual Report as a product of the corporate
information system and the role of information technology”
May 2007: “The information capacity of the financial statements and
the determination of taxable income in corporations, in accordance
with the provisions of the Income”
June 2007: “The financial statement general clause and
international accounting standards by the adoption of IAS in the
preparation of financial statements”
April 2008: “Innovation, enterprises and the role of human
June 2008: “Taxation, ROE, budget”
June 2008: “The full costing and direct costing in business
January 2009: “The financial statements according to IAS /
June 2009: “The business planning process”
October 2009: “The company taxation and the calculation of human
resources costs”
June 2010: “Control, budgeting and marketing management in a medium
sized company”
June 2011: “The financial statements and the business planning
process. A study case of break even analysis”
June 2011: “The building of financial statements through the
transformation of values in accounting book values and the
determination of taxes for the year”
June 2011: “Marketing and the choice of distribution channels”
June 2012 : " IAS/IFRS and Balance Sheet
June 2012 : " Limits of budget analysis and budgetary
Cesena 22/07/2021
Prof. Daniele Gualdi