Foto del docente

Daniela Platano

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-19/B Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine


M. Balietti; B. Giorgetti; P. Fattoretti; Y. Grossi; G. Di Stefano; T. Casoli; D. Platano; M. Solazzi; F. Orlando; G. Aicardi; C. Bertoni-Freddari, Ketogenic diets cause opposing changes in synaptic morphology in CA1 hippocampus and dentate gyrus of late-adult rats, «REJUVENATION RESEARCH», 2008, 11, pp. 631 - 640 [Scientific article]

D. Platano; P. Fattoretti; M. Balietti; C. Bertoni-Freddari; G. Aicardi, Long-term visual object recognition memory in aged rats, «REJUVENATION RESEARCH», 2008, 11, pp. 333 - 339 [Scientific article]

A. Paffi; M. Pellegrino; R. Seccherelli; F. Apollonio; M. Liberti; D. Platano; G. Aicardi; G. D’inzeo, A real-time exposure system for electrophysiological recording in brain slices, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES», 2007, 55, pp. 2463 - 2471 [Scientific article]

Platano D.; Mesirca P.; Paffi A.; Pellegrino M.; Liberti M.; Apollonio F.; Bersani F.; Aicardi G., Acute exposure to CW 900 MHz radiofrequency does not affect synaptic transmission in the rat perirhinal cortex., in: Book of abstracts of EBEA 2007 - 8th International congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association., BORDEAUX, European BioElectromagnetics Association, 2007, pp. P98 - P98 (atti di: 8th International congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association., Bordeaux, 11-13 April 2007) [Abstract]

D. Platano; P. Mesirca; A. Paffi; M. Pellegrino; M. Liberti; F. Apollonio; F. Bersani; G. Aicardi., Acute exposure to low-level CW and GSM-modulated 900 MHz radiofrequency does not affect Ba(2+) currents through voltage-gated calcium channels in rat cortical neurons., «BIOELECTROMAGNETICS», 2007, 28, pp. 599 - 607 [Scientific article]

Platano D.; Di Stefano G.; Balietti M.; Giorgetti B.; Fattoretti P.; Bretoni-Freddari C.; Aicardi G.; Casoli T., Differential expression of the scaffold protein tuba in the hippocampus of aged rats correlates with good performance in passive avoidance test, in: , «REJUVENATION RESEARCH», 2007, 10, pp. S45 - S45 (atti di: Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) - Third Conference, Cambridge (UK), 6-10 September 2007) [Abstract]

Platano D.; Fattoretti P.; Balietti M.; Bertoni-Freddari C.; Aicardi G., Long-term visual object recognition memory in aged rats, in: , «REJUVENATION RESEARCH», 2007, 10, pp. S-45 - S-45 (atti di: Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) - Third Conference, Cambridge (UK), 6-10 September 2007) [Abstract]

Platano D.; Balietti M.; Fattoretti P.; Giorgetti B.; Casoli T.; Bertoni-Freddari C.; Aicardi G., Synaptic remodelling in hippocampal CA1 area of aged rats following passive avoidance task correlates with good memory performance, in: , «REJUVENATION RESEARCH», 2007, 10, pp. S-44 - S-44 (atti di: Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) - Third Conference, Cambridge (UK), 6-10 September 2007) [Abstract]

Balietti M.; Giorgetti B.; Fattoretti P.; Grossi Y.; Solazzi M.; Platano D.; Aicardi G.; Bertoni-Freddari C., The effect of the ketogenic diet on rat brain aging, in: , «REJUVENATION RESEARCH», 2007, 10, pp. S-19 - S-20 (atti di: Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) - Third Conference, Cambridge (U.K), 6-10 September 2007) [Abstract]

Platano D.; Mesirca P.; Paffi A.; Pellegrino M.; Liberti M.; Apollonio F.; Bersani F.; Aicardi G., Acute exposure to CW or GSM-modulated 900 MHz radiofrequency does not affect Ba2+ currents through voltage-gated calcium channels in rat cortical neurons, in: , «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2006, 188 (suppl. 652), pp. 18 (P4) - 18 (P4) (atti di: 57th National Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Ravenna (Italy), 25-27 September 2006) [Abstract]

Platano D.; Mesirca P.; Paffi A.; Pellegrino M.; Liberti M.; Apollonio F.; Bersani F.; Aicardi G., Acute exposure to 900 MHz CW and GSM-modulated radiofrequencies does not affect Ba2+ currents through voltage-gated calcium channels in rat cortical neurons., in: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on biological effects of electromagnetic fields, CRETE, s.n, 2006, pp. 2 - 2 (atti di: 4th International Workshop on biological effects of electromagnetic fields, Crete (Greece), 16-20 October 2006) [Abstract]

Platano D.; Mesirca P.; Bersani F.; Liberti M.; Paffi A.; Pellegrino M.; Aicardi G., Acute exposure to 900 Mhz CW radiofrequency does not affect Ba2+ currents through voltage-gated calcium channels in rat cortical neurons, in: Proceedings of the BEMS 28th Annual Meeting, CANCUN, BEMS, 2006, pp. PA-73 - PA-73 (atti di: 28th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetic Society, Cancun (Mexico), June 11-15, 2006) [Abstract]

Platano D.; Bertoni-Freddari C.; Fattoretti P.; Giorgetti B.; Grossi Y; Balietti M.; Casoli T.; Di Stefano G.; Aicardi G., Structural synaptic remodelling in the perirhinal cortex of adult and old rats following object-recognition visual training, «REJUVENATION RESEARCH», 2006, 9, pp. 102 - 106 [Scientific article]

Platano D.; Magli M.C; Gianaroli G.; Ferraretti A.P.; Aicardi G., L- and T-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in human granulosa cells: functional characterization and cholinergic modulation, «THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM», 2005, 90, pp. 2192 - 2197 [Scientific article]

Platano D.; Baldazzi S.; Fattoretti P.; Bertoni-Freddari C.; Aicardi G., Long-term object recognition memory in aged rats, in: Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2005, WASHINGTON, DC, Society for Neuroscience, 2005, pp. 67.3 - 67.3 (atti di: 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego (CA, USA), 12-16 November 2005) [Abstract]

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