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Daniela Loreti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Graduated with a Master's degree in Computer Engineering in 2010 from the University of Bologna. After two years of working in the private sector, she began her PhD in Computer Science. She earned her degree in 2016 after conducting a research period in Ireland at the IBM Research LAB in Dublin.

Academic Career
After several years of postdoctoral research and contract teaching (from 2016 to 2021), in 2022 she became a fixed-term Junior assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) of the University of Bologna.

Research Topics
After her PhD, which focused mainly on the development of self-organizing systems for managing virtual machines on cloud architecture and distributed data processing, Daniela Loreti's scientific activity developed around architectures for big data processing. This included both the infrastructure (management of virtual architectures on single and hybrid clouds) and the platform perspective (MapReduce, batch, and stream processing). Within this framework, Daniela Loreti's interests also encompass artificial intelligence topics. In particular, she has worked on parallelizing machine learning systems for argumentation mining, monitoring systems for process mining, decision support systems in the medical/assistive field, and agent-based modeling in the context of argumentative agents. Recently, she has also been interested in fault tolerance systems in High Performance Computing, particularly Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance as a mechanism to achieve, among other things, energy consumption containment.

Scientific Activity
In 2023, she was Main Organizer of the international workshop SHiPS co-located with Supercomputing 2023 conference, focusing on the energy sustainability of HPC algorithms. She was also Publicity Chair of the international conference GreenCom.

In 2025, she will be Main Organizer of the second edition of SHiPS, which will be held in Barcelona, co-located with the international conference HiPEAC.

The results obtained during Daniela Loreti's research activity have been described in over 30 works published in national and international journals and conference proceedings. She has participated in several national research projects and is currently a referee for numerous international journals in the field.

Teaching Activity
She teaches courses for PhD students on the topic "Programming paradigms for High Performance Computing."
Since 2013, she has continuously engaged in teaching activities, first as a tutor and then as a lecturer for various courses in the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering and the Master's Degree in Automation Engineering at the University of Bologna. She has organized and coordinated seminars on her subjects and supervised over 30 bachelor's and master's theses as supervisor or co-supervisor. Currently, she is a lecturer of Operating Systems T for the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Bologna.

Institutional Activities and Academic Positions
Since 2022, she has been a member of the Teaching Committee of DISI.
In 2022, she was responsible for a research grant on the topic "Explainability techniques for evaluating and predicting the environmental costs of artificial intelligence methods," co-financed by the University of Bologna with funds from the Integrated Budget for University Research.
She was a representative of research fellows on the DISI Department Council from 2016 to 2018. In 2013, she was a tutor for the Bachelor's and Master's Degree courses in Computer Engineering at the University of Bologna.

Awards and Recognitions

  • 2019: The contribution "Solving Mathematical puzzles: the viewpoints of Artificial Intelligence and Psychological Cognitive Science" was selected by the Scientific Committee of the XV AISC conference as a candidate for the "Vittorio Girotto" award for the best AISC 2018 paper and ranked fourth. An extended version of the work was submitted and accepted for publication in the journal “Sistemi Intelligenti,” published by Società editrice il Mulino.
  • 2016: The publication “Process Mining Monitoring for Map Reduce Applications in the Cloud,” presented at CLOSER 2016, was chosen to be included in a select list of Selected Papers, with extended versions published in Cloud Computing and Services Science - 6th International Conference, CLOSER 2016, Rome, Italy, April 23-25, 2016, Revised Selected Papers.
  • 2014: The publication “Policy for Distributed Self-Organizing Infrastructure Management in Cloud Datacenters,” presented at ICAS 2014, received the Best Paper Award.

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