Junior assistant professor at the University of Bologna since 2017, she deals with stellar astrophysics.
Her research is mainly focused on the Galactic Globular clusters with particular attention to their kinematics and the hosted exotic objects (Millisecond Pulsars and Blue Stragglers).
Bachelor degree in 2007 at the Astronomy department of the University of Bologna.
Master degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology in 2010 at the Astronomy department of the University of Bologna.
PhD in Astronomy in 2014 at the Physics and Astronomy department of the University of Bologna.
Academic career
After a few years of post-Doc (from 2014 to 2017) at the Bologna University, in 2017 she becomes Junior assistant professor at the Physics and Astronomy department (DIFA) of the University of Bologna.
From 2018 she is in charge of teaching of various courses for both bachelor and master degrees at the physics and astronomy department of the Bologna University.
At the moment is responsible of the course “Fundamental of Astrophysics” for the master degree in “Physics” and of a module of “Stellar Astrophysics” for the bachelor degree in Astronomy.
Co-advisor of PhD and master degree thesis.
Scientific activity
She is member of national and international research programs: Cosmic-Lab (ERC), Stars as astroparticle laboratory (INAF-ASI).
PI of two observational programs with the Hubble space Telescope (HST) and CoI of several observational programs with HST and the main ground based Telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), as well as of one program with the Very long Baseline Array (VLBA).
Referee of international peer reviewed journals in the field of Astrophysics.
External referee for the time allocation selection of the “Gran telescopio Canarias”.
Scientific production
More than 30 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals (6 as first author).
2014 – Nomination for the “Lions Club Prize for the scientific research and technology innovation”
Other activities
Member of the local organiser committee of the international conference “Cosmic-Lab: star clusters as cosmic laboratories for Astrophysics, Dynamics and Fundamental Physics-MODEST 16”.